I will help in San Diego County. Wilma Wooten, Dr. Eric McDonald need to be held accountable as well as our BOS

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This applies to everywhere on the globe.

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Santa Clara county?

I can tell you about one city in SC county, San Jose

In '16 there was a Trump rally which turned into a brutal attack waged against those who attended

by thugs.

The San Jose PD formed a phalanx forcing them into a waiting mob which began to beat them

The 'mayor' Liccardo and 'chief of police' Garcia fully supported it

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I remember that - also James O'Keefe infiltrated an organization working for Hillary Clinton's campaign - they were hiring thugs to cause violence at Trump rallies while mainstream press kept reporting "violence at Trump rallies."

The same day of the report there was a debate and Candidate Trump referenced the James O'Keefe evidence, thinking he was putting the whole matter to rest.

But Hillary Clinton forgot or didn't care, at the end of the debate she proudly proclaimed violence at Trump rallies. Trump couldn't believe it and said "You...caused...it!" That's when he muttered "Nasty woman" as the debate ended. That's the reason he said it but most people forgot about or never noticed the actual reason for that viral comment.

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she proudly proclaimed violence at Trump rallies

THAT is what they did during and following FOUR days of full blown rioting here in Portland in '16 when she lost

Then 4 years later they once again proudly did same when THEY attempted to burn down

the federal building

In both instances the governor sat on her six. . ..indifferent to the anarchy

In both instances Hillary was gleeful at how they had demonstrated 'Dim-ok-racey'

Currently they are once again degrading the city and themselves in rioting at PSU,

sadly my old alma mater. Our lovely library trashed and part of the park blocks same

as they had done during OCCUPY

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Maybe it’s time to flee the vampires in Santa Clara and emigrate to a free state instead?

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As mentioned, I had 5!binders lost in a move. Documented 26 suspected adverse events. None dead yet; however, Mild to Severe. I try not to use Foul language; but, This injection has Me pissed off. Ed

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We need YOUR FIGHT for the entire GLOBE - the Robert-Koch-Institute in Berlin/Germany (RKI) published one of the most solid & refined CHILDREN'S HEALTH STUDIES in 2003, called the original "KIGGS-Studie" with almost 18.000 German Kids that had been regularly visited & interviewed during two years inside their family homes.


The shocking result was revealed by a German lady, who was a gifted computer professional & who had a child that had been knocked out by a vaccine . . .

And the result was astonishing, but simple & clear:

NON vaccinated children are HEALTHIER!

So the criminal German RKI buried this study - and replaced it with hastily improvised criminal FAKE studies made from phone-calls - that were doctored to please the pharmaceutical criminals!

So the vaccination scam is pretty OLD & GLOBALLY ORGANIZED!

Here is a good foundation - to catch up to the history of vaccination-fraud - that Eleanor McBean has written in 1957:



My personal guess is - that this VACCINATION-HOAX is even the KEY-CRIME - inside the "Rockefeller-Medical-Crime-Cartel" established in 1910! (see: Flexner report)


The human being is MORE than the human BODY!

The spiritual part in the living being has been censored ever since 1910 - inside the "modern" medicine - which got us into today's Hollywood-craze of being a society of DRUGGED BODY'S . . . !


This censorship of the spiritual nature of man happened already to the teachings of JESUS & to all other spiritual leaders & teachers - that have taught us for eternity - that the human being is a complex creation of BODY, MIND & SOUL.


The purely MATERIAL obsession on the BODY is coming to an end - while the FAKE prophets of the BODY, like Peter Daszak, Bill Gates & Anthony Fauci have come to the conclusion - that DEPOPULATION & EUTHANASIA must bring down the BODY'S to 500 Million only, as to live in "eternal harmony" to their "PSYCHOTIC-BODY-CULT.

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- wait just one darn minute here, I thought reading and commenting ( perhaps even, subscribing/supporting) on substack- was doing something...!


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sent it to friends in Palo Alto, does that count?

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AstraZenica is removing its covid jibjab from availability worldwide after admitting side effects in a UK class action lawsuit.

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Good luck! Wish I lived in SC county so I could help!

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Canada here .. Cheering you on.

Go get ‘em Steve.

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Go for it Brother!

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Santa Clara County resident here. I’m only interested if the action results in this public health order being rescinded:


“The County’s Health Order Requiring Use of Face Masks in Patient Care Areas of Health Care Delivery Facilities During Designated Winter Respiratory Virus Period requires use of face masks in patient care areas of healthcare facilities from November 1 through March 31.”

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You were born for such a time as this🙏

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hi folks be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org..block the uns last minute pandemic treaty push..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from ANY country in the world including yours.. do consider signing it and resharing it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same...the idea is to get it continualy signed and reshared widely WORLDWIDE...it currently has well over 113000 signatures..ps when resharing it dont bother with gestapo book who will undoubtedly suppress it

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Congratulations Steve K… you are a true fighter, not for you sitting around on your ass doing zippidee doodah..[Apologies no Pun intended, didn’t mean to infer your that Pole Dancing Warmonger and brown noser Duda :)] .. the World is in dire need of fighters, people who will take and meet this battle head on, something given your research, the many essays, casts, undertaken that you’ve engaged in, completed, published, now, seemingly taking it up another level.

Sadly, so many are we know, bereft of the know how or where with all necessary to contribute to that which many so instinctively know is required, yet fail to grasp or understand the pressing need to so engage… it is and sadly falls upon the few, people like yourself, driven, knowledgeable and with a deep rooted understanding of what it is that is needed to be achieved, facilitated to move the dial, to build and sustain momentum that results in the torrent that comes after what seems only drips at first, before coalescing to become the stream, then the torrent that ultimately elicits the changes sought.

Unfortunate as it is, not everyone can be a General, nor a leader, but those amongst us that we have most certainly need to be supported, protected and cherished… I wish you all the very best in this endeavour and new direction you are to travel, doubtless, it will be a long challenging fight, but at least we know the final victory will be all the more sweeter for having overcome such an opponent…

May you be blessed with all of the support deserved, that people in each of those areas to be targeted, knocked off one x one, will do as required, will need your calling them to action, to support your need for their support… county x county, state x state, ultimately the nation, then perhaps overseas jurisdictions… the final goal .. the planet… correcting and putting paid this evil that has befallen, forced, nay, fraudulently represented unto us… such an approach exemplifying the aforementioned drip to torrent analogy, eminently achievable.. go hard, be steadfast, stand tall, you are doing righteous work, your mark upon humanity, indelible… I certainly will be following this, the very latest of your endeavours and initiative keenly from my nation of birth and residence deep in the South Pacific … Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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