Never in a million years did I think Kris Kobach would do anything of this magnitude when he was first elected secretary of state. Of course, that was before I was awake and aware of what is REALLY going on around us and before I would see colleagues in my chosen profession do and say things during the plandemic that just went against everything I'd ever been taught. As a Kansan born and bred, I have been keeping an eye on this. I tried to tell my parents not to get it but they were way too brainwashed by fear and MSM. God forbid they listen to their masters degreed nurse practitioner daughter....no, she's just a crazy conspiracy theorist! And then my dad has an intraocular hemorrhage 3 weeks post booster #1 and my mom's cognitive function has just gone down and down since she got the initial two doses. Yep but I am the crazy one. I hope this is the beginning of the end for Pfizer (never hurts to dream, right?).

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Actually there is Clem. They are just not yet in plain sight like the satanist globalists are now. Remember, the deep state globalist cabal hid in the shadows for decades, even centuries, and only came out publicly when they thought they had the victory and it was too late for us to defeat them (although there is still much behind their curtain, a good deal of which will be exposed in the not too distant future.) There are patriots with power behind the scenes in every Nation sharing in the greatest military sting operation the World has ever seen, and they will only show themselves once their operation has achieved its ends...

We will see some public trials, but many will occur behind closed doors in military tribunal format. Some already have... Bush Snr, McCain to name just a couple. Did you notice the "new" look of Hillary, Nancy and Oprah? There's a really good reason for that, as there is for the 7 different "Joe Biden" players trotted out...

The patriots can't show us everything, but rest assured, there will be Nuremberg style trials for all to see when the operation reaches it's public exposure and prosecution phase.... That is necessary so that the enemy can never gain a foothold in the foreseeable future again through psyop public brain washing...

Remember the immortal words of Reagan - “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” The operation to protect our freedom and fully defeat its enemy has also been in play for many decades, and it is even better coordinated than the cabal's pincer operation. It involves a real fight for the hearts and minds of the peoples of the World, for on that battlefield is where the war will be won and lost, as our enemy completely understands. Indeed, it has focused its attacks there. Every little difference we can make by our words and examples to waking others up to the danger all around them and to the need to join the fight in whatever small way they can is of utmost importance in the overall operation... In the end, God wins. Stay tuned and keep ears, eyes and heart open...

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It wasn't just the drug companies. It was the government agencies that aided and abetted them. The FDA, NIH and CDC all colluded in the lies.

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I’ve heard the comment that the Western world is watching the U.S….if we fail this fight against the global regime the rest of the western world will fall like dominoes, terrifying concept but sounds like the truth

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Love your insights.

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Steve, have you commented on the questionable French study that appeared in JAMA on 8/26 that claimed myocarditis caused by the vaccine fared better after hospitalization than those contracting myocarditis from natural disease? https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2822933

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Barry Young has traded his once peaceful life to protect others from the convid jabs. A rare hero, in these dark times. May he be set free from this tyranny 💚

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Wow... Thank you Julie and Jeffmo. The scale of the coordination is mind boggling.... Crimes against humanity and treason of the highest order. The people of the World need modern Nuremberg trials...

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Who would run those trials?? Every government was behind forced injections, lock-downs, loss of freedoms, tracking. There's no one left to run a Nuremberg.

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And Ive seen some evidence that even the first ones might not be what they seem. What is anymore?

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Fortunately, the Federal Courts have discouraged forum shopping.

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Barry Young is so courageous. Steve, keep shining the light.

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I know a beloved teacher that died from brain cancer while in her early 50s and I bet money that it was caused by the poison vax!

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Go Kobach!

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God, I hope this deceptive marketing angle will work. I thought the only way to breach PREP was to prove willful misconduct.

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New Zealand is a WEF conquered country. They want to do the same here.

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maybe some one remembers the Utah case that was dismissed? I believe it was a Dr. as the Plaintiff against the Biden HHS et al. Dr. David Martin talked about it saying the DOJ visited the Judge and 24 hour later the case was dismissed. How is this different?

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