I’m the unpopular person who first warned about likely impacts on either fertility and/or carrying safely to term.
I got enormous amounts of stick about it.
I was quite cross by then, as I’d concluded that THIS WAS DONE DELIBERATELY.
This part of the equation, the impact on pregnancy and women of child bearing years. If it was just this alone it would be a massive crime against humanity. But it's much worse of course, so many other ways that the injections are killing people.
However regarding fertility. We have yet to see the long term impacts of this. Do you foresee the possibility of the Children of Man scenario, where the injections destroy fertility in men, women, or both?
I’m not sure, tbh. There’s no knowing what’s in their dark hearts.
I say this: if the goal of the “pandemic” was to herd everyone into the Vaxpass database, so they could be controlled digitally (eg when a valid VaxPass becomes a requirement to enter food shops), it would be a major disadvantage that the “vaccines” kill at the rate they do.
Thus….herding onto VaxPass cannot be the sole objective. They’d have been better off using saline.
That they used lethal technology tells us they have no compunction about mass murder. Same attribute made suppressing effective early treatments another mass murder.
I thought about it for a long time before deducing that they’ve used gene-based agents because they’re needed for another purpose.
That purpose likely is to injure or kill. Once everyone is on VaxPass & getting involuntary injections every few months, the perps can close the trap at their leisure.
Anyone who can give at order that kills 10^5 people will have no difficulty signing off on an order that kills 10^9 people or more.
Simply combine mass media fearmongering about a new variant or even new virus & at the same time, make the injections more likely to kill & voila, mass depopulation with plausible deniability.
In this line of psychopathic logic, it doesn’t matter if infertility results. There won’t be many people around.
Now, we can disagree about whether there is a full-on depopulation attempt or “just” a lot of dead people as they move us out of the long era of Free Humans.
Here’s the thing. I can’t see any advantage for the perps merely to have VaxPassWorld operating. It cannot be money, as the perps control the money supply in the first place.
If we’re forced into dense urban living & surveilled 24/7, they’re still going to have to feed us, give us adequate comforts so that we don’t riot constantly, attend to our medical issues to a degree.
The only upside for them is we can’t use up “their”non renewables at high speed.
But long before we get here, even I can see it would be better for them simply to kill us under the guise of saving us from a virus.
The most obvious trigger for an event that’s clearly been in planning for years, conceptually since the Club of Rome:
They genuinely believe that the world is over populated & if this isn’t addressed we will destroy the natural world in a Great Extinction. Not only global warming but habitat destruction.
This problem can’t to solved democratically. I’ve had two people write to me independently, telling me this is what they’re up to and - hold onto your hats - actually accepting that this needed to happen & expressing sympathy for the perps.
Personally I’m sceptical about the entire notion. We could have installed civil nuclear power generation like France. Transitioning away from fossil fuels where possible I think would have been feasible.
Another blow against the “it’s all about money” motivator is that all business sectors losing money now would also have had to sign off on it. Why would they?
So I can’t think of anything which holds the narrative & the observations anything like as well as does mass depopulation.
There, I’ve managed not to mention any names. I don’t care who’s organised it or signed off on it. It helps not one iota.
We just need to withdraw cooperation in sufficient numbers & this nightmare ends.
That or break the spell holding together the mass psychosis.
Even if we broke the mass psychosis would it make any difference to the double or triple jabbed? And the Fourth injection will soon start going into arms.
The injections seem to be a slow motion killing machine. Which is how you would do it if you wanted to inject a large amount of people over a year or so. But if it is a slow motion killer, it will begin to manifest eventually. And then there's going to be a die off.
Agreed that determining long term impacts on a injection that has been around less than a year is problematic. Dr. Bhakdi has said to make out your will before you get the fourth shot, as it will be the death shot.
And I hope he's wrong, because over 11% of the US population had had a booster, and Fauchi is pushing for semi annual booster injections, and come Spring people will be lining up for jab number 4.
It seems from.what I'm seeing, and yes admittedly this is anecdotal, however in seeing the reports of short term incidents that people have different levels of an ability to deal with the injections. For some people number 1 is dangerous and even deadly, for some they didn't get a reaction until after number 2 or 3. And I suspect for others it will be 4 or 5, if this is true, then a person who has dodged a bad reaction after the first 5 goes out and gets numbers 6-10 as the previously injected become ill or even die, that's Darwin Award winning cognitive dissonance.
The very fact that Steve Kirsch & co have pointed out in numerous unequivocal terms how dangerous these agents are, yet the authorities continue regardless, tells us this is deliberate.
It’s global.
It’s unique in human history.
We’ve never had an existential crisis like & we don’t know what to do, in truth.
A stark picture of dead babies in a refrigerator?
Recall the effect of that image of a tiny drowned boy on the sand in the era of mass migration?
Agree. The fact that nothing is being done by any of authorities is proof that our major institutions have been compromised. 5 leaders did buck the system... and are now dead. NWO means business
If it wasn't deliberately done, that they didn't stop the injections the moment they realized that the spike proteins moved out of the injection site into the blood stream, that's criminal as well.
Have you been continuing doing D Dimer testing? Last I saw.you said it was 62% of the people who had the microclots. Is that still the case?
Dr. Bhukari said that the damage from shots is cumulative, and that after your fourth shot to make sure you have a up to date will. Do you agree with that at any level?
I remember your warning about this very same issue a long time ago. Have watched a lot of the videos you have done and have always believed you were on the right track. Thank you so much for all the efforts you have made to get the word out.
Dr. Yeadon you are a true hero for being so outspoken and perceptive from the beginning. I and many others hope you do not stop your important work in getting the message out about the grave dangers we are facing with this experiment.
I sent a link to one of your videos to members of my extended family as part of my effort to at least steer the younger females away from the vaccine. Of course they took it anyway, but I for one am very grateful for your warnings. At least I was able to try. I think you will be vindicated.
Apparently, it is the case in Scotland also. The Ontario and Vancouver data is being confirmed in many ways: anecdotal but my sister in law is part of a fairly large 'birthing community' (home birth oriented - midwives, doulas, etc) here in a suburb of Vancouver, Canada and she says that they are seeing the same large increase in stillbirths but only in vaccinated mothers, the unvaccinated mothers are delivering heathy full term babies. This is not just a rumor, she is a photographer who usually takes baby pics for the group but lately has been getting many requests to do 'sleeping baby' (stillborn) photos - enough requests that she can't keep up with them. So sad that they lied to these women - these shots were never 'safe and effective' but people trusted the MSM rather than watching the FDA hearings themselves and doing their own research.
I am about to join the ranks of unpopular person also - although not at the level of fame you have managed but on a local community level. For my part I have written a long piece compiling some great content (complete with links) that am trying to get out to as many parents as I know about some of the true stats out there regarding the dangers of vaccinating kids. The Canadian government is coming after our 5 to 11 year old kids starting in just days. Unfortunately, I do not have the platform to get to very many, but wish me luck!
I wonder if the parents who lost babies are realizing that the shots caused it. If so, maybe they might be angry enough to be willing to have pictures of their dead babies sent out around the world to show people what this poison does?
I’m the unpopular person who first warned about likely impacts on either fertility and/or carrying safely to term.
I got enormous amounts of stick about it.
I was quite cross by then, as I’d concluded that THIS WAS DONE DELIBERATELY.
You were the first person to open my eyes to what was happening. Right after the shots were being implemented. Thank you SO much for your work!
Would taking Ivermectin or Hydroxy prior to getting jab negate effects of vaccine?
This part of the equation, the impact on pregnancy and women of child bearing years. If it was just this alone it would be a massive crime against humanity. But it's much worse of course, so many other ways that the injections are killing people.
However regarding fertility. We have yet to see the long term impacts of this. Do you foresee the possibility of the Children of Man scenario, where the injections destroy fertility in men, women, or both?
I’m not sure, tbh. There’s no knowing what’s in their dark hearts.
I say this: if the goal of the “pandemic” was to herd everyone into the Vaxpass database, so they could be controlled digitally (eg when a valid VaxPass becomes a requirement to enter food shops), it would be a major disadvantage that the “vaccines” kill at the rate they do.
Thus….herding onto VaxPass cannot be the sole objective. They’d have been better off using saline.
That they used lethal technology tells us they have no compunction about mass murder. Same attribute made suppressing effective early treatments another mass murder.
I thought about it for a long time before deducing that they’ve used gene-based agents because they’re needed for another purpose.
That purpose likely is to injure or kill. Once everyone is on VaxPass & getting involuntary injections every few months, the perps can close the trap at their leisure.
Anyone who can give at order that kills 10^5 people will have no difficulty signing off on an order that kills 10^9 people or more.
Simply combine mass media fearmongering about a new variant or even new virus & at the same time, make the injections more likely to kill & voila, mass depopulation with plausible deniability.
In this line of psychopathic logic, it doesn’t matter if infertility results. There won’t be many people around.
Now, we can disagree about whether there is a full-on depopulation attempt or “just” a lot of dead people as they move us out of the long era of Free Humans.
Here’s the thing. I can’t see any advantage for the perps merely to have VaxPassWorld operating. It cannot be money, as the perps control the money supply in the first place.
If we’re forced into dense urban living & surveilled 24/7, they’re still going to have to feed us, give us adequate comforts so that we don’t riot constantly, attend to our medical issues to a degree.
The only upside for them is we can’t use up “their”non renewables at high speed.
But long before we get here, even I can see it would be better for them simply to kill us under the guise of saving us from a virus.
The most obvious trigger for an event that’s clearly been in planning for years, conceptually since the Club of Rome:
They genuinely believe that the world is over populated & if this isn’t addressed we will destroy the natural world in a Great Extinction. Not only global warming but habitat destruction.
This problem can’t to solved democratically. I’ve had two people write to me independently, telling me this is what they’re up to and - hold onto your hats - actually accepting that this needed to happen & expressing sympathy for the perps.
Personally I’m sceptical about the entire notion. We could have installed civil nuclear power generation like France. Transitioning away from fossil fuels where possible I think would have been feasible.
Another blow against the “it’s all about money” motivator is that all business sectors losing money now would also have had to sign off on it. Why would they?
So I can’t think of anything which holds the narrative & the observations anything like as well as does mass depopulation.
There, I’ve managed not to mention any names. I don’t care who’s organised it or signed off on it. It helps not one iota.
We just need to withdraw cooperation in sufficient numbers & this nightmare ends.
That or break the spell holding together the mass psychosis.
Even if we broke the mass psychosis would it make any difference to the double or triple jabbed? And the Fourth injection will soon start going into arms.
The injections seem to be a slow motion killing machine. Which is how you would do it if you wanted to inject a large amount of people over a year or so. But if it is a slow motion killer, it will begin to manifest eventually. And then there's going to be a die off.
There may well be.
But that’s an assumption.
My base case is it’s boosters that will increase in % lethality as we progress through the 6-10 or however many they plan.
I’ve no direct evidence for that.
Agreed that determining long term impacts on a injection that has been around less than a year is problematic. Dr. Bhakdi has said to make out your will before you get the fourth shot, as it will be the death shot.
And I hope he's wrong, because over 11% of the US population had had a booster, and Fauchi is pushing for semi annual booster injections, and come Spring people will be lining up for jab number 4.
It seems from.what I'm seeing, and yes admittedly this is anecdotal, however in seeing the reports of short term incidents that people have different levels of an ability to deal with the injections. For some people number 1 is dangerous and even deadly, for some they didn't get a reaction until after number 2 or 3. And I suspect for others it will be 4 or 5, if this is true, then a person who has dodged a bad reaction after the first 5 goes out and gets numbers 6-10 as the previously injected become ill or even die, that's Darwin Award winning cognitive dissonance.
Thank you for all of your efforts! If you start a substack i would also subscribe.
Thank you everyone fir your kind feedback.
Like us all, I just want it to stop.
The very fact that Steve Kirsch & co have pointed out in numerous unequivocal terms how dangerous these agents are, yet the authorities continue regardless, tells us this is deliberate.
It’s global.
It’s unique in human history.
We’ve never had an existential crisis like & we don’t know what to do, in truth.
A stark picture of dead babies in a refrigerator?
Recall the effect of that image of a tiny drowned boy on the sand in the era of mass migration?
Yet pictures of dead children in the streets of Wisconsin, not so much
I am Catholic. Bitterly opposed to Francis and his fake church mocking Catholic Church.
Years ago pro lifers knew that most nations stood under judgment for hundreds of millions of aborted babies. Guess what...
Sadly, in a West almost totally accepting of abortion at any point and for any reason, such images may not change minds.
Agree. The fact that nothing is being done by any of authorities is proof that our major institutions have been compromised. 5 leaders did buck the system... and are now dead. NWO means business
For the edification of the readers can you please list the 5 names
One was the President of Tanzania I believe
I think one was the president of Haiti
Another suspicious death last year of the inventor of pcr test ..
But I wasn't there
Oh you can add Gavin Knewsomething to vaxx Injured but he won't admit it
Thank you
Assume this is deliberate
That is , de-liberating
It was done for Kontrol
If so I am afraid Sir a photo or any visual will not have much effect
We will have to start speaking to folks in person prefer outdoors in the sun seems to go best
If it wasn't deliberately done, that they didn't stop the injections the moment they realized that the spike proteins moved out of the injection site into the blood stream, that's criminal as well.
Have you been continuing doing D Dimer testing? Last I saw.you said it was 62% of the people who had the microclots. Is that still the case?
Dr. Bhukari said that the damage from shots is cumulative, and that after your fourth shot to make sure you have a up to date will. Do you agree with that at any level?
It was a Canadian medic who ran the prospective D-dimet tests (I’m a PhD 😊).
I’m sure nothing has changed.
I agree Sucharit Bhakdi is probably right about cumulative effects.
Getting data proving fraud & reckless endangerment isn’t an issue. We’ve more than enough to execute them after due process.
The huge issue is lack of large scale access to the public.
Canadian doctor warns the worst is ‘yet to come’ from blood clotting damage linked to COVID-19 shots
Dr. Charles Hoffe says 62 percent of the individuals who received injection have shown evidence of clotting.
There has got to be a way to turn this around. We need to think creatively as collaborators. There are more of us than them.
Wow. That video was excellent.
I remember your warning about this very same issue a long time ago. Have watched a lot of the videos you have done and have always believed you were on the right track. Thank you so much for all the efforts you have made to get the word out.
Back in December 2020 Dr. Yeadon and Dr. Wodarg released a petition to the European Medicines Agency warning against the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Search "Syncytin-1" to see the specific passages on the possible fertility risks: https://web.archive.org/web/20211118102718/https://2020news.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Wodarg_Yeadon_EMA_Petition_Pfizer_Trial_FINAL_01DEC2020_EN_unsigned_with_Exhibits.pdf
Dr. Yeadon you are a true hero for being so outspoken and perceptive from the beginning. I and many others hope you do not stop your important work in getting the message out about the grave dangers we are facing with this experiment.
I sent a link to one of your videos to members of my extended family as part of my effort to at least steer the younger females away from the vaccine. Of course they took it anyway, but I for one am very grateful for your warnings. At least I was able to try. I think you will be vindicated.
Even though it didn't take, you tried. God bless you for that.
I wrote my own piece today
In my own substack in my name
Maybe you should start a substack Sir
Let me be your first subscriber...
Yes, I concur - please start a substack - great way to get info out
Apparently, it is the case in Scotland also. The Ontario and Vancouver data is being confirmed in many ways: anecdotal but my sister in law is part of a fairly large 'birthing community' (home birth oriented - midwives, doulas, etc) here in a suburb of Vancouver, Canada and she says that they are seeing the same large increase in stillbirths but only in vaccinated mothers, the unvaccinated mothers are delivering heathy full term babies. This is not just a rumor, she is a photographer who usually takes baby pics for the group but lately has been getting many requests to do 'sleeping baby' (stillborn) photos - enough requests that she can't keep up with them. So sad that they lied to these women - these shots were never 'safe and effective' but people trusted the MSM rather than watching the FDA hearings themselves and doing their own research.
I am about to join the ranks of unpopular person also - although not at the level of fame you have managed but on a local community level. For my part I have written a long piece compiling some great content (complete with links) that am trying to get out to as many parents as I know about some of the true stats out there regarding the dangers of vaccinating kids. The Canadian government is coming after our 5 to 11 year old kids starting in just days. Unfortunately, I do not have the platform to get to very many, but wish me luck!
I wonder if the parents who lost babies are realizing that the shots caused it. If so, maybe they might be angry enough to be willing to have pictures of their dead babies sent out around the world to show people what this poison does?
This was the third or fourth video (the original alert was December 2020, with Wolfgang Wodarg).