
If you have a success story where all-cause mortality DROPPED after the COVID vax rolled out at a facility, respond to this comment. All other responses will be deleted to keep these replies clean.

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The following is a direct quote from the German Federal Office of National Statistics: "The above-average number of deaths in January 2021 was largely due to an increase in deaths in the 80+ age group. In January, 29% or 14,464 more people aged 80 and over died than the average for the previous four years in this month. The number of deaths among the under-80s differed significantly less from the four-year average in January (+4% or +1,461 deaths)." https://www.destatis.de/DE/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2021/02/PD21_056_12621.html Germany focused on giving two Pfizer jabs to residential care home residents when rolling out their Covid vaccine campaign from 27 December 2020. Most care home residents would have been jabbed not only once but, provided they did not die before the 2nd inoculation, would have received two injections during the period of 27th December 2020 to 31st January 2021. A 29 percent increase is a huge thing in this age group. In my view, this enormous synchronicity can clearly not be explained away by seasonal (winter) infections. It is really highly unusual compared to December 2020 when overall mortality in Germany was also high. Such a clear safety signal. The German government should have stopped the Covid vaccination campaign there and then.

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Hi Steve, I really like what you have been doing to expose the COVID scam over the years - you are like a dog with a bone (in a good way) - so keep up the good work!

However, I do think that your latest post (see https://kirschsubstack.com/p/two-new-ways-to-prevent-vision-loss), where you keep the details of the titular 2 new ways to prevent vision loss behind a pay wall is not, well, very charitable (sorry for the tautological sentence).

Anyway, each to their own (please note that I am not claiming that you do not have the right to do things this way; only that, with something so helpful to so many people, keeping it behind a pay wall is in line with the very criticism that you yourself had of Big Pharma: "Since there is no money to be made by big pharma, you’ll never see a TV ad for either of these vision-saving techniques." - Steve Kirsch).

I really do hope that you will change that post to public viewing for the good it could do for so many.

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2021 Recorded the Greatest Loss of Elderly Adults in the History of America

Per US Census Data, during the height of COVID the elderly population grew to 6.7 million in 2020, but was devastated by the loss of more than 1 million lives in 2021, after the mRNA vaccine rollout.

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Its our AI future as causal for all the dying. And Africa proves the Killing Fields game. I wish Kirsch would respond to the Africa Smoking Gun evidence instead of going down so many rat holes of statistical nonsense (to most of us), tho not of no value. How about it Steve?


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Statistics are Steve's wheelhouse and as you said they are useful.

That's a good article. Ive been following Africa from the beginning of COVID. They are a thorn in the side of lying government health bureaucrats. They escaped a tremendous amount of damage from the vaccines because they are poor.

I suspect COVID was unleashed on the world via the geogengineering spray operations. I suspect they are synthetically produced venom peptides wrapped in nanoparticles that respond to frequencies. Cellular networks, Wifi's and other wireless devices can unlock the pathogen by emitting specific frequencies.


American Journal of Bioinformatics Research 2021

DOI: 10.5923/j. bioinformatics 20211101.01

Effect of Conoavirus Worldwide through misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract

Shahbriar Hussein Chowdhury

Abstract and Figures

Corona is a non-communicable sensor disease spreading worldwide through misusing of processed radio frequency.

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An Op-ed titled "Adverse effects following COVID-19 vaccinations as reported in the Pubmed/Medline literature: Update and Expansion." has been published in Trial Site News (https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/adverse-effects-following-covid-19-vaccinations-as-reported-in-the-pubmedmedline-literature-update-and-expansion.-5d876b25). It contains a database (of over 12,000 Pubmed papers) that documents adverse health events following Covid-19 vaccinations. This newly-developed database is over three times the size of the present Gold Standard REACT19 database (https://react19.org/science). The Op-ed includes analyses of the main thematic categories in the database (including specific symptoms/diseases in each thematic category), and presents in detail the unique query that was developed to retrieve the database. For those readers interested in further analyses of the database, the text component of the database can be downloaded.

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LifeSite News - "Rep. Chris Smith warns WHO pandemic treaty is the greatest threat to freedom in human history" - https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/rep-chris-smith-warns-who-pandemic-treaty-is-the-greatest-threat-to-freedom-in-human-history/?utm_source=featured-news&utm_campaign=usa

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Reposting as replies to the pinned comment are to be as described in the pinned comment.

Clark Coleman just now

Just one idea: The goal for the vaccine was to avoid an increase in mortality. There is no reason for a geriatric practice to experience a decrease in mortality from pre-COVID to post-vaccine years. Nor should they see a tripling of mortality post-vaccine. So, the tripling is problematic, but we should not expect even anecdotes of significant decreases.

Putting it another way, whatever caused 8-10 deaths per year before COVID in a large pool of geriatric patients should continue to do so post-vaccine.

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Astragale, I wasn't thinking about the ones who were involved financially and /or were into population control. The vaccine manufacturers knew how toxic vaccines were years ago.. Their true test results were swept under the rug. I was thinking about all the naive trusting people who think their doctors are infallible. One of my brothers was in this category. His doctor was 'brilliant' and told him'vaccines were safe.' He took 5 boosters...and i haven't heard from him for quite awhile. He told me to stop sending him any more info. I had sent him a great deal of information on why he shouldn't take the CV-19 vax. There are many others who think exactly the same way. In my opinion, these are people who have received too many vaccines over the years. The matter in vaccines lowers I.Q. Vaccines enter the bloodstream , which is constantly moving throughout the body and do enter the brain and cause damage. The matter in vaccines is poisonous. It damages all the organs through the bloodstream; which nourishes the organs. It is appallng, doctors stated that injecting people in the shoulder would not harm the rest of the body, when the bloodstream is continually circulating. In the 1600s, an English physician William Harvey discovered the circulation of blood in the body.

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We had kind of a laugh about this too. Like if the injection didn’t move from the site of the injection throughout the body, how would the body ever remove it? People would be walking around with big lumps in their arms or wherever they received any kind of injection from all the past injections from their entire life. It’s so nonsensical. But the tv told them.

The lack of logic being applied through the entire “pandemic” has really been depressing. My parents were getting Covid injections until I finally was able to talk them out of it but then my mom tells me she plans to get a flu shot?! Have people learned nothing? As a society, we are just going to walk right into the next trap unless people can snap out of the mind control.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

What is "logical" about purposely killing off a big chunk of humanity so you can keep your yachts, islands and Gulfstream V's? Wait a tic. That IS logical, if you are absent any kind of morality or humanity. My take:


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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

I couldn't find any research specifically on whether the Pfizer vaccines can cause lung carcinoids. Or spinal tumors. Does anyone know of any research or evidence about this? I ask in regard to a family member.

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I don't have any specific evidence, but I do know that after the shots rolled out, people were getting all kinds of cancer and many were "turbo cancers", meaning that after diagnosis, cancers grew extremely fast. Also, those who already had cancer before the shot, after getting the shot, their cancer accelerated.

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Well the spinal tumor was not cancer, but if not caught it could have caused paralysis at any time. It was within the spinal column but not in the spinal cord. That was less than half a year ago, and she's only recovered from spinal surgery a few months ago, but in imaging for that they saw a number of things but only one of them turned out to be anything and got bigger, which was a carcinoid in her lung. She is scheduled for a lobectomy in less than 10 days. Around 2000 she had spinal surgery for a another type of rare non-cancerous tumor that was actually partially in her spinal cord--that tumor was described as, in technical language, squishy. They couldn't remove the part that was in the spinal column, but after surgery her symptoms went away and when imaged incidentally 10 or 15 years later there was nothing left of it. So it's hard to say these recent things were actually caused by the vaccines, which she did have. It's more likely that the shingles she developed shortly after her vaccines was brought on by them, but she dismissed it as being her age and the stress of moving and a lot of air travel.

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I believe that a few years before the Covid shots came out, the Flu shots were causing cancers.

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Why do you believe that and if so, why just a few years before Covid shots came out?

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I really don't have any concrete evidence, just more aware of so many people getting cancer after continually getting a Flu shot every year. I'm sure there were and are, probably other factors as well, because of all of the man-made poison chemicals in our air, food & water.

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I wonder what the chances are that all the man-made chemicals in the environment may actually extend lifespan.

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That lovely new white router they put out for your homes, businesses, take a meter to it. My meter reads 1,500,000 killer radiation levels every time I measure one. All of it part of the cull is what seems clear. Get a meter. That level is criminal and especially hurting children. Put on, in, near nursing homes, schools, businesses is an outrage. It's the one word they don't want you using: r....a...d...i....a....t....i....o.....n.

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Everybody, including children now, have a smartphone welding to their hand.

I took out my basic EMF meter and showed someone how his phone lit up the meter like a Christmas tree.

A new cordless is what did me in....slept with it a meter away for a month and woke up one day in a fetal position not being able to move. When I think of kids in rooms with cordless and babies in rooms with radiatiing baby monitors....

Also, it was pure torment staying at someone's house a a street where the lamps had been replaced by the new radiating LEDs. No longer any birdsong in the mornings there....was so loud previously it would wake one up.

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A white router? Check the Smart Meters, the gas meters, and let us all know …who have no EMF meter.

Children need parents to raise, guide and protect them. Lots of cancer happening.

Meanwhile, Sage …posted a picture of Malone, Steve Kirsch and Weinberg? Years ago in a ‘concerned for the world’ discussion about Climate change, overpopulation, etc.

What did I miss, Steve, as to how you’re now part of the Statistics both Quantitative and Qualitative re how well the Death shots have done?

Could the strategy be to let everyone think investigations, numbers and discussions will deflect the planning and deeds of a few wealthy guys who felt heroism would be to participate in planning and executing the murder, experimentation and sterilization of humans?

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

Sage responded to a question I had with such grotesque vitriol that his cover was blown. I can't even repeat what he said. I reported it to substack and they did nothing. Who is Sage? It had the stench of sabotage too powerful to deny. I feel sorry for him.

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You miss a LOT by reading gossip-mongers and NOT reading Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone and Brett Weinberg.

You won't convince readers here that Steve Kirsch is a Secret Agent for Deep State because we ARE reading his work.

We see Malone and Kirsch testifying before government bodies against the vaccine. Malone wrote a book to not trust the government. What books have the gossip-mongers written? What huge rallies have they spoken at? What far-reaching interviews have they done? They can only denigrate and whisper about real medical freedom fighters.

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Calm down, little brother. Steve was asked a question.

Comment re Covid shots and Smart Meter radiation pulsing: Is it planned to ramp up both, so we don’t know where the Cancer is coming from? In one County, there are approximately 100,000 Smart Meters to less than 2000 old Mechanical meters. The amount of high power radiation hitting through the walls of our homes from multi-directional pulsing is astronomical. Like Canada shutting off bank access to those objecting to mandatory death shots, and US Physicians deplatformed, delicensed or ‘suicided’, shutting off power, spying, monetizing and weaponizing heat or comfort is the reason for Smart Meter control, while we’re irradiated for the 90% depop goal.

Reminds me of the conversion of illegal migration with the documented invasion from China, etc.

Overwhelm your enemies. Take over the Eugenics movement to accomplish your country’s goals.

Do the wealthy ignorant do-gooders think they are exempt from Authoritarian oppression and slaughter, or that their betrayal and gold protect them? Delusional.

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You haven't changed my mind on anything I said.

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We must read a lot of divergent opinions and propaganda to see and understand. No one stands on a self-righteous all-knowing pedestal, to shame those with different beliefs or questions, unless there’s fear, doubts and growth to do. Oh. That is all of us.

A question is much better than a wild accusation.

Loyalty and trust is honorable. Blind trust and loyalty, dangerous.

Many of us were deluged with these ideas of climate and population from universities, news, movies like An Inconvenient Truth…etc. Some ate it up. Some were not sure and had mundane things to occupy us, like families and careers. I’m sure many have regrets if they followed the ideologies, especially contributing to the murder, loss of freedom mandates, experimentation, crippling and sterilization of humans worldwide.

Those with no regrets, as in ethical lobotomies, must be dealt with. There would be no heroes without villains. We all make mistakes… some of us commit horrible crimes. We can be willing to forgive, even ourselves, but only God and Justice know the scales.

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That's all I see from the gossip side is wild accusations that don't comport with logic. All this is in my first reply, just keep re-reading that for my answers to you.

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Reposting as replies to pinned comment are for all-cause mortality DROPPED after the COVID vax ONLY.

by Eustice Morgan 4 hrs ago

I work at a SNF in Southern Maryland- Chesapeake Bay area south of Annapolis. For 12 years I would see between 10-12 deaths annually of residents in our 132 bed facility.

In 2020 we had 3 "covid" deaths- a hospice patient, a 97 y/o with chronic viral pneumonia, COPD and on 3m/L O2 continuous, and the 3rd had pancreatic cancer and died a month before projected date. All 3 had positive tests and thus were counted as "covid deaths."

In 2021 after mandatory vaccinations for all residents ( and mostly under full solitary confinement, aka "isolation") we had 23 deaths- almost 100% above our norm. In 2022 it jumped to 35 more... luckily for business the hospital kept re-filling those beds by sending covid positively tested people to the bldg, they would get boosters or some pfizer death drugs for "tx" and the cycle continued. Let's not forgot that they got paid EXTRA to do this-- take infected into nursing homes, administer jabs, use pfizer "early treatment" drugs and yes, even got money when the elderly were systematically euthanized.

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pretty-red, old guy 52 mins ago ·edited 50 mins ago

YEP, sounds like what happened to my mother-in-law. When put in nursing home at 96, within months, came down with "alzheimers". REALLY: executed by the local, small rural nursing home employees, who like it or not, had no clue what was going on-- most of them. The administrators HAD to know though, right?

If the daughter/ guardian knew what REALLY happened(bio-weapon murder) to her Mother, she would be distraught, as would my own wife. I don't think I can tell either of them.

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The mortality continues. I've got a friend who works in a dialysis clinic. Many of the patients are completely brainwashed and on their 5th, 6th, 7th dose. Right now they are dropping like flies: multiple fatal heart attacks per week, and plus a bit of sepsis following pneumonia. She says she is becoming increasingly familiar with the defibrillator, which up until now, she rarely had to use. And that the clinic's management has started complaining about losing too many patients.

Interestingly, unlike with other vaccines, the patients would get the COVID vax and then immediately get put on dialysis. I suspect that this was protective to a certain extent.

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probably way higher than that

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

My 84 yr old father ( at the time) had a massive blood clot two weeks after the shot , in the same arm where the jab was administered. His arm swole up like a balloon and he needed industrial strength blood thinners to get over that one. Dr. Luc Montagnier said end 2020 already that one year from now young healthy people will be dropping dead in their tracks from blood clots . He was smeared and cancelled. Described as a no nothing, science denier. Who was he....he received the Nobel Prize for Medicine a couple of years before that for identifying the HIV virus. A no nothing indeed. My one step sister, a real estate agent of luxury properties went from vibrant to Alzheimers practically overnight at 59-60 yrs old.

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My father was in memory care during Covid. I'm grateful the Lord gave me discernment about the toxic shots. I made it clear my father was NOT to get the jab. He never got Covid either.

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