;my 62 yo husband was a big very strong man who got two Pfizer shots in July and August 2021. Looking back, watching him was like watching air leak out of a tire. No energy, then no strength, then chills, night sweats, and gradual loss of appetite to the point of eating three eggs a day. We knew something was wrong with his blood. A microscopist analyzed his live blood in February of 2023. We saw with our own eyes that he had severely deformed and mashed up red blood cells, few white cells, and creatures in his cells who became evident when a cell was smashed. He was finally admitted to hospital in early March. He ended up with a team of doctors--infectious diseases, hematology, cardio (by now he needed three valves replaced), etc.--ear nose and throat and nutrition specialists. They kept asking me how he got so sick. No interest in considering the shots. Gave him litres of antibiotics, cat scans and MRIs. Four blue-code events. Three months to the day he was admitted he came home. I’ve since heard of two other random people I’ve never met who had similar experiences, one in the same hospital. My point is that the long-term damage will likely continue for a very long time. Thank you for your persistence Steve.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

As if I needed more reason to believe the ACM is at epic proportions, I got a strange phone call yesterday from my life insurance company, AAA. The guy asked me if I was interested in the cash value of my universal policy. I've literally never had life ins company call me and try to hold that carrot in front of me. It's quite clear they are having to pay out massive claims and my guess is they're trying to get people to cash policies in before they actually have to pay them to beneficiaries.

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Since you have 8,377 direct friends, what is your estimate of number of sudden deaths in your friend circle? If it is 1 in 1,000, you should be able to observe at least 10 deaths?

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My 96 year old mother is in a walking boot. No breaks or sprains on her right foot.

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My neighbor who worked for Delphi now is blaming his cancer on them. He got the vaccines and all the boosters. SMH

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Thank You Steve Kirsch!! You are amazing! I love your continued persistence and dedication to exposing the truth!

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Families that inject mRNA together, develop Turbo Cancer together? - 12 unbelievable stories of two or three family members developing aggressive cancer at the same time! https://makismd.substack.com/p/families-that-inject-mrna-together?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web

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Steve, Thanks for the puzzler, I think we all know what you are asking, but your question has a flaw.

"Where is your anecdote showing that the UNvaccinated are dying unexpectedly at the same rate as the vaccinated? Sure, those anecdotes should be TRIVIAL to find!"

Keep up the good work.

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steve (scusa se ti chiamo per nome ma ti ritengo un grande AMICO), mia mamma è morta con "cancro turbo". mio cugino è "morto improvvisamente". il papà della mia amica ha avuto "pericardite". ad un amico hanno duvuto mettere 5 by-pass, il cuore non funzonava più come prima. il mio panettiere anche lui morto con "cancro turbo". la moglie del panettiere ha seri "problemi neurologici". una mia vicina di casa è "morta improvvismente"....... ma la lista è ancora più lunga. ♥

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Hilarious when you think about the attempt to discredit the story because of the "questionable" number of contacts that Jay has. Hilarious because if, for the sake of argument, he has far fewer contacts than 7500, the the vaccine death rate is even higher than one in a thousand. The constant, or apparent constant, of the 15 people he personally knows that did die, is indisputable and as Steve mentioned, there could be more, and probably are, who died, so the dearh rate keeps climbing. So, even if Jay's 7500 claimed contacts is actually smaller, the vaccine caused death rate goes higher not lower and merely bolsters the many cases against vaccine safety one of them being the FDA and CDC are lying.

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The 1/1000 deaths per shot is supported by this-

per human mortality database, excess deaths vs 2019 in the US since the start of covid vaccines:

2021 - 604.6K

2022 - 421.6

2023 - 77.2


1103 .4

per OWID, there have been 677 million shots given, or 1.6 deaths per thousand doses.

However, there is one other potential explanation for the over one million excess deaths, which would be the effect of lockdowns, job losss, etc. It seems likely that both are major factors, of course each one is the direct consequence of our ‘public health’ response.

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Small typo under Jay's photo. I believe it shud say "...showing that the UNvaccinated..."

("Think I’m wrong? Where is your anecdote showing that the vaccinated are dying unexpectedly at the same rate as the vaccinated?").

Another great article! I love how much fantastic info you are getting out to the public! Keep digging!!👏

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Objectivity is important. For those who took the shots, refuse to believe the shots harmed them in spite of the now objectively present harm, they will continue to get the shots till they drop dead.

Always Check Belief with Objective Facts. Objectivity wins every time.

Nevermind when was the last time the fed gov gave anyone Anything for free... The only time they give something for Free is when it benefits themselves more than the Targeted National Publics rather than continuing to take from the American public under existing guises at the same rates such has happened for the past 50 years.

It implies the colluders wanted a Change in the Rate of Change for living people and introduced this under the guise that the common cold renamed covid will kill ya. Only for those who believed the claims and acted on the mandates to Obey a criminal colluding Unaccountable Authority to then see their own health destroyed for having been willfully obedient to such.

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This is compelling as it makes all the data from DNA contamination to excess mortality very real and personal and thus even more credible.

As the shots were rolled out in Florida for 60 year olds in 2021 my sister was alarmed when three people she described as in her friendship circle all died within 2 weeks of the shot. She was alert enough to decide that she was not going to take it as a result. She normally would have gone along with the fear narrative. So the direct experience may have saved her life or spared her from disability. I will have to see if she has been keeping count since then. But I think if people start to look more carefully into the subject, more stories will emerge.

Jay was an excellent interview. I wonder how he goes about his day managing his feelings about the loss and the shock and outrage that nothing is being acknowledged or done about it.

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@Steve Kirsh: Karen Kingston needs your help in calling off the hunt


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Exhaustive analysis. Now make a punchy abridged analysis that can be used to flood our Congress with.

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