noton the tv

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My guess is that someone who wanted to destroy Alex Jones leaked info to him as if from a trusted source that led him to blunder about Sandy Hook. I don't think he would have done it unless he had somehow been primed to do so.

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He didn't actually deny Sandy Hook taking place; he denied the media and government's narrative about it and accused them of not disclosing full details.

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Money in the world is important, only life, health and all we can do to save lives. That is the world we need in our lives. This is why I do all I can to save each persons life. Cancer or a jab, as long as they need my expertise, I am there to help them. collmed.org Dana, Prof Dr. Flavin

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Just saving lives.

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I don't follow Alex Jones too closely, except to say- Steve, did you ask yourself for this interview: "How did I get here??"

This is in no way a criticism, but more a commentary on how things have changed!

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Steve you need to exercise your left eyelid so it doesn get lazy. I had that problem!!

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If everyone just respectfully declines to bow/go along to get along, it will likely end, or the thugs in charge may just use another way to kill us. The thugs are being unmasked for the grifters & cowardly liars they have become. Peacefully standing your ground just terrifies evil doers. They can only kill us once.

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Thank you, Steve Kirsch for all your work.

Your article about the military doctor seeing so many jab injuries & disabilities is a great article. Wanted to share it, but "Page not found" so tried sharing several screenshot excerpts of it from the email onto Substack Notes, but can't see it on my page?

Did you pull the article? I've been banned from FB, TWitville, & quit Gettr about a month ago. The censorship is a pain.

Is Substack censoring you?

Looks like you're working right through your water only fast. Praying for you, Steve. What a gem you are!

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Steve had not intended to publish it and hit publish by mistake instead of save.

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Thank you.

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I came here to add this same question. I'm glad I at least have the full doc in the email!

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me too, says page not found....

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Wow, Steve was born for such a time as this. I’ve watched him transition from, the Covid shots are harming people at record numbers, to total red pill status. I have nothing but respect for someone that has reasoned things out based on clear observation, not on hype that is still being dished out in the hopes that people will continue to ignore what they actually can see and hear.

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If we can assume that alll military bases are vaccinating the troops, then we must assume that in short order we will not have a military force to protect us. I just read Jon Rappoport's thoughts on the possibility that Russia willl respond to Ukranian attacks with nuclear war. Facing that will be bad enough, but to face it without an active army seems horrifying.

Clearly our government is effed.

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Not all is doomed. Not all shots were lethal. My 3 siblings, their spouses, their children are all vaccinated 3 or more times. None of them has had any issues or weird things happen. Yet.

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Yes I am also worried about the nuclear possibility.

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"IM Doc", a regular guest at NakedCapitalism just posted the following -

August 28, 2024 at 6:39 pm

This is anecdotal – but it is fitting the pattern that is becoming ever more clear.

I had three patients who attended the RNC a month ago – 1 as a delegate – the other a spouse, the other in another role. One of these people was vaccinated once with the J&J vaxx – the other two have gotten no vaxx at all. I just called them all 3 today – no COVID – no illness no anything since their arrival home. All 3 have had COVID one time only – 1 during Delta, two during the first Omicron wave.

I have 4 patients who were at the DNC. 2 delegates, one spouse, and one in another role. 3 of the 4 have been diagnosed with COVID this week. Previous infections of COVID among the 4 – 2 times, 3 times, 5 times, 2 times. All 4 have been vaxxed and boosted a minimum of 5 times. One has been vaxxed 8 times. 1 of these patients is quite ill, but not quite hospital level, the other 2 are not as bad but still not good.

I may have had other people at either convention that I just do not know about. This is an important issue when no one seems to be doing any kind of investigating – and local MDs and health officials have to rely on their own wits and observations.

Having nothing to do with the DNC – Since Monday – I have admitted 5 people to the hospital – all multiply vaxxed and multiply infected over the past 4 years.

I have mentioned this before recently – and will say so again – the “archetype” patient in this wave is just like Biden, Fauci and now Hillary Clinton – over 60, multiply vaxxed and boosted – and with multiple previous infections. And indeed with predilections for other severe infections. The pattern is becoming hard to ignore. I do not know what else to say.

I sincerely wish we as a health apparatus would take a very hard look at what is going on around us, maybe call a time out, and really do some serious investigating into the boosters. Especially since we have approved yet another round without a shred of evidence for efficacy. It is a bit concerning.


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A bit concerning is an understatement. Circumspect, I suppose. Reading your commentary, conclusions can be drawn. The health apparatus really doesn't seem much concerned with health.

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I don't believe that most of the elected promoters of the Covid jab took the real jabs themselves. Just like Ford faked his Swine Flu jab with saline on the TV for those that fell for THAT hoax.

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I'm glad to see that Alex Jones is getting his dues. For decades he was described as just a pointy hat conspiracy theorist but as he used to say , he is not a conspiracy theorist, he just investigate conspiracy theories. He is probably the best informed person in the country when it comes to government shenanigans. How he managed to get the Sandyhook school shooting so wrong I don't know but overall his batting average is very high.

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Did he objectively get it wrong or was he just punished by a corrupt legal system?

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Aug 29Edited

From what I recently read was the Sandyhook families encouraged and assisted by the FBI to sue him into oblivion. This was another Deep State play in my opinion. If he was right or wrong I don't know but his first amendment rights were certainly not honored.

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They found another way to destroy Alex. They can't have people like him around. Of course some say he is controlled narrative. That attack didn't work either. The next will be felonia butthurt calling the suicide hot line.

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Was going to say the same thing.

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Aug 29Edited

IMO neither party is representative of truth. Harris is an idiot plain and simple, while Trump is controlled opposition. The only one, maybe, worth his salt is Kennedy. It was never about "party" for him. That is why he tried to speak with both sides. From what I see Kennedy only cares about the people, children, and our nation to be healthy on all levels.

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I agree with you and I believe we need to fully support Kennedy as he navigates the complex political situation we're in. If Kennedy has the strong backing of the people, which he has earned in my opinion, it will help others in the political arena to align with him, including Trump. One evidence of that is Zuckerberg's recent coming out with his regret over caving in to gov't pressure to censor. Another indication of the power of the people, back in the plandemic was that the dropped much of their pressure to take the Covid vaccines within a couple of weeks after 2/3 of the people refused to take the first booster. I'd like to see everyone completely stop paying attention to the blackrock-owned corporate media. If we stay backing Kennedy, his power increases, and his genuine popularity is also a very attractive power.

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If the powers that be have no problem shooting Trump, they'll have no problem getting rid of RFK either. The popular vote doesn't matter and no matter how attractive it may seem, it won't result in any fundamental change. Placing one's trust in the political process makes no sense at all. Fundamental change has to happen organically from each and every individual who is genuinely ready for it. You're not ready to change if you're still waiting for a politician to fix this mess. You might as well pour brand new engine oil into a seized engine and wait for it to miraculously start up some day.

The Blackrock owned corporate media is funding both parties. Think about that for a few years.

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Yes, Blackrock is finding all of the media and both the DNC and the RNC. Why would you assume that I don't understand that? And, yes, I agree that fundamental change happens at the individual level. Where we disagree is on whether inspirational leaders, such as Jesus, Bhudda, Mohammed, Washington, Lincoln, Ghandi, Mandela, JFK, and many others are also worthy of support in moving whole collectives of people in a more promising direction. Do you not know that all of those leaders were also willing to risk their lives to help humanity? Do you not know that they accomplished great things? I don't agree with you that supporting a wise leader is the equivalent of pouring new engine oil on a siezed engine and waiting for it to start up someday. Perhaps you might ponder how those leaders accomplished their goals, and whether the people who supported them had anything to do with their success.

In my opinion, RFK Jr is the wisest political leader we have had in this country since I started voting back in the 70s. I'm going to support him in whatever he tries to accomplish. In my opinion, we are incredibly fortunate that he found Cheryl, that they are both willing to take the risks that they are taking, and that he has been able to step up and lead those of us who are able to recognize his wisdom.

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I like RFK, but he's made a few horrendous blunders and volunteering to become the next bullseye in some sniper's scope doesn't impress me in the slightest. What does that really accomplish? If he really is a threat to the status quo, he won't last a week. RFK is doing plenty right now with his Children's Health organization.

I'm not denying that there have been people who moved people in a better direction. What I'm pointing out is that we live in a culture that is incapable of that kind of change. This is especially the case within a political arena that has been taken over by the owners of corporate interests. They literally own everything, or soon will own everything including you and I. The banks have already fabricated permission to seize any and all assets if there's an economic meltdown even if it is due to fraud. Both Trump and RFK are attempting to work with a corrupt system. I don't see how it's possible to come up with an argument claiming that displays wisdom.

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You may be right but I don't share your views about the lack of wisdom in RFK Jr's choices.

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In a world full of idiots and morons, people like RFK appear wise. I'm not saying he's stupid. He's quite sharp and his heart is in the right place, but he's made some blunders which I've never heard him acknowledge or offer anything in the way of regret or restitution for his views and impact on the environment up in Canada.

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Detox on website "detox for experimental Medical Recipients" on collmed.org

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I could not comment on the army doctor letter. Is there an error?

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Turns out Steve had not intended to publish it and he hit publish instead of save.

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