Wow. Why are they lying about how many people actually took the shots? I thought it seemed off. I know lots of people who didnt go near those things.

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Hee, Hee. I just noticed this email. Another problem! Me! I live in California, have since 1951, am age 73 and can testify that I repeatedly refused all the vaccines. Of course, I was labeled uncooperative.

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My elderly mother was in a nursing home in January 2021 when the vaccine nurses came for her with the COVID shot. She firmly declined it, saying "It's my right to say no," as she proudly told me by phone. I was so relieved. My daily phone calls with her at the nursing home always began with one important question: "No vaccine, right?" before we shared anything else. Since late 2020, I had shared with her many of the horrors of the newly released vaccine, but I was unsure if she would remember. I will always be so proud of her for standing up for herself, no matter how weak her physical frame was. She was able to come home a few weeks later and spend another two years with us.

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Keep in mind, CA has MANY snowbirds (me/my husband being 2 of them) who got their initial vax (not me) in a state that isn’t out primary state. I know personally of many Canadians who got vaxed in CA, so perhaps that’s why the numbers are skewed. Just a thought…

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I would have to suspect fraud as the simplest cause, but perhaps also people demanded multiple redundant vaccines.

Is there info on flu vaccine vs COVID for elderly in California?

Non fraud explanations I could come up with:

Medical tourism? I vaguely remember reading stories of foreign nationals coming to the US to jump the queue for vaccination in their own country or to get mRNA vaccine unavailable in their home country. New Hampshire, Maine, the Dakotas might have had Canadians coming as tourists or for the vaccine or other medical treatment that required vaccination.

"A relative in Paraguay told radio there the family was visiting Miami for COVID-19 vaccinations."


That US statistics are shoddy should not be discounted. How are undocumented migrants accounted for?

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Also local fraud is a good start. Younger people that wanted to jump the line, used a fake age on the card.

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January 25, 2025

_______ ________ , Governor of _____

Office of the Governor

123 East Locust Street, 3rd Floor

Capitol City, State _____

Esteemed Governor __________,

Greetings and Salutations !

I and my grandchildren are losing an uphill battle against some of the policies and technology in use by the elementary schools in this State.

These are factually egregious matters, and I ask you to personally intervene:

1. Somehow, effectively prohibit the elementary school "teachers" from rewarding the students with *Skittles* and other similar chemical candies for "good behavior". These industrial concoctions can and do have deleterious effects on the metabolism of very young children.

2. Have water heaters installed at the wash basins in the class rooms for use by the children. At present the basins supply only cold water, and during the winter this produces an aversion to hand washing. And subsequently the children are unable to remove the "anti-bacterial" lotions and soap provided by the school district. The accumulation of "these anti-biotics" on the hands of babies leads to a breakdown in the function of the dermas which leads to other more complicated problems.

3. Prohibit the teachers from expressing their personal opinions in the class room regarding matters political. They should also be prohibited from talking about their personal challenges with sexual and gender identity. In place of that they could substitute: reading, writing and arithmetic.

Sincerely and respectfully,

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Does this mean their figure of reported side effects per arm is 50% lower?

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This was noticed in 2021, but the censorship was heavy. However, a country wide analysis needs to be done to know for sure. Here are some things that occurred that could drive up the numbers:

People traveled far to get the shots including crossing state lines.

Some states rolled out by age so people would lie about their age to get them.

At one point, (annoinced by Walensky) there were about 1 million people who got a 3rd shot before the FDA approved the first boosters so people could have lied about getting any shots to get a 3rd.


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I am over 65, unjabbed, and live in Florida.

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5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions.

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So now we can fully trust any data attached to the fake pandemic and fake vaccinations? Data provided by government agencies and big pharma. Not on your life.

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Until the Brazilian census of 2022 (delayed by two years) the same phenomenon was observable with vax rates exceeding 100 percent for older populations. But the actual population count showed that prediction models had underestimated the number of elderly, dropping the vax rate to the 90 percent range, which is pretty reasonable. All this can be verified independently at https://opendatasus.saude.gov.br/dataset/covid-19-vacinacao and https://metadados.ibge.gov.br/consulta/estatisticos/operacoes-estatisticas/CD.

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I believe at least for Florida AND North Carolina the population of 2021 increased significantly from whence the shot statistics were taken in Jan 2022. And if the population statistic of 2021 was taken also taken in January, that gives an entire 12 months of time for hundreds of thousands of people to move into these states. Remember when COVID started people were moving like crazy to 'safe states' and/or from cities to more rural areas. Just playing devils advocate.

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This is what happens when people don’t show up and do their job.

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This is rich

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There had to be some Federal payoff for hitting a % of total vaccinated.

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