Thank you Steve for having integrity and being a truth speaker.

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A healthcare system where government bureaucrats and politicians decide what you will receive goes like this: "Give them this and see what happens."

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Gavin is evil. Ran that state into the ground

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In part 2 (Article source: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/californias-misinformation-epidemic ) of his excellent Substack series on the CA misinformation bill, A Midwestern Doctor writes :

“A part of me is also hopeful that if this law is enacted, it will backfire on the medical-industrial complex as each physician who aggressively pushes the vaccines on their patients while insisting it is 100% safe and effect (and then gaslights them whenever an injury occurs) is technically guilty of spreading medical misinformation (even though to some degree the law’s wording protects them). It is important to keep in mind that the medical boards are legally required to act upon each complaint they receive from the public, so if a deluge of complaints were to be filed against vaccine pushing physicians, there would be an immediate shockwave felt throughout the medical community (any board complaint is a major challenge for a physician to deal with).”

This paragraph may be the key to repealing this just-signed unconstitutional bill: flood the Medical Board of California with complaints about vaxx pushing doctors, who truly are spreading misinformation. Contact Info:

Main website: https://www.mbc.ca.gov/

File a complaint: https://www.mbc.ca.gov/Consumers/file-a-complaint/

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Good job Steve I'm proud and supportive of your work , granny you for making some noise you will be heard!!!

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Lots of good speeches but the event was completely ignored by even the local media,

That is the way the world works today.

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Actually this started way back in history, but first now with total censur, as we were told about in Sovjet. But recall for example how FDA in 1920s warned about taking vitamins and minerals as these were guilty in causing the diseases. And then i 1938 tried to patent vitamin A and D, as they by a 9 years research turned out to be extreemely important for health.

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No surprise he signed this yesterday. Welcome to a totalitarian government in CA. Newsom is part of WEF and a puppet to Schwab. Schwab will be very proud of him. https://www.hometownstation.com/santa-clarita-news/politics/governor-newsom-signs-ab-2098-into-law-most-totalitarian-move-yet-435274

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What's the next step? Can this be challenged in court, or does it need someone harmed "with standing" to pursue a case (years, and a fortune spent on lawyers)...?

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Newsom just signed a law allowing minors to" change their sex" without parental consent. THIS WORLD IS INSANE.

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Not only that, he also made it a "sanctuary city" for all children to come to and have their sex changed WITHOUT PARENTAL PERMISSION. You're right, this world is insane.

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Oct 1, 2022
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Yes I often disconnect from reality. Spend time in my yard doing mindless stuff, going to work and focusing on the job, my coworkers, frustrations, come home enjoy dinner and some wine and just basically to pretend all is good. If I think about too much I imagine I’d be curled up in a little ball rocking to and fro

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It appears that Newsom has been hijacked by the cults of hysteria, in particular the cult of coerced mass vaccination salvation hysteria. The cult's methods include, but are not limited to:

Appeal to consensus: argumentum ad populum. "In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum is a fallacious argument which is based on claiming a truth or affirming something is good because the majority thinks so."

Appeal to authority: argumentum ad verecundiam. "Insisting that a claim is true simply because a valid authority or expert on the issue [e. g., a public health bureaucrat] said it was true."

Also relevant for the cult is that:

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984.

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I think Newsom was always evil. About 20 yrs ago, I woke up one day and read the news to find out that Newsom was marrying same sex couples. However I may feel about that topic is beside the point, my point is that he never passed a law, asked the voters or had any legislation go through the Calif. Senate, As a Californian at the time, I was pretty upset that he simply DECREED same sex marriage to be legal. He had no right, this is America, we vote on what will be our laws.

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And yet he was purportedly voted back in at the recall election and the current POTUS was also swept to victory there in 2020. Do you use Dominion voting machines?

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I was still living in Calif during the 2020 election - TONS of cheating/election fraud, I saw it myself. The polling station was a hardware store where we were forced to wear masks to go into it (even though that is illegal to require such things), and there was a drop box that NO ONE was watching. Nor was I ever able to verify that my vote had been counted, which I should have been able to do online. I don't know for sure if Dominion was used but would be very surprised if it wasn't used; however, I've read that all voting machines are rigged, including ES&S. I highly doubt that Newsom won the recall fair and square - HIGHLY doubt it.

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That does not surprise me.

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You make a very good point about Newsom.

His view(s) of what "should" be is perfectly described by his action -- the citizenry be damned -- of "marrying" same sex people.

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Thank you!

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I overlaid the Jabs Administered / 100 over Daily Deaths "from covid" in Australia. Look and draw your own conclusions.


Curves are scaled to conveniently match; so e.g. 200 jabs / 100 people aligns with 200 deaths per day.

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California is turning into a model WEF Technocracy. "You must Trust the Technocrats" (or we'll toss you in the brig). I know the Oligarchy is just licking its chops over having explicit absolute power like this. This is their model - where they want things to end up in their Build Back Better world. And we get a preview.

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I feel all the doctors that want to do the right thing leave California in protest allowing vacancies for all the other “no science scientists” to move to California and practice their whacky medicine. Problem solved. Then it will be the perfect comparison model going forward.

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Haven’t read it all yet. At a glance 1.b is not “accurate”. Yikes!!! Thank you for all that you are doing. Stay the course!!!!

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I'm mixed on this. Most MDs are quacks. Maybe this will help push people to respectable natural health care rather the industrial concoctions that are often made for other purposes and then repurposed as medication for something they were not intended for.

But at the end of the day governments nor their corporate and banking master do not have the authority to tell professionals what they can and can't say to their patients.

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So not only did he SIGN this abomination, he actually gave his "rationale". YIKES. Doesn't seem reassuring in the least. What do you think?


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Oct 1, 2022
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it's just a token or a crumb tossed to the opposition... probably legally meaningless

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Dr. Mark Trozzi - Huaier mushroom helps repair ribosome damage from covid shots

Covid "vaccines" are more destructive to vital ribosomes than chemotherapy.

This causes profound health deterioration and accelerated aging. Thankfully, there’s a mushroom that helps.

Huaier Mushroom Effects on Functional Compensation with Destructive Ribosomal RNA Structure after Anti-SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination

by Manami Tanaka, Tomoo Tanaka, Xiaolong Zhu, Fei Teng, Hong Lin, Zhu Luo, Ying Pan, Sotaro Sadahiro, Toshiyuki Suzuki,Yuji Maeda, Ding Wei and , Zhengxin Lu


Although striking effects of vaccination strategy against COVID-19 world-wide, a long-term influence by sequential viral mRNA injections are unknown. We analysed biological alterations by total RNA sequencing in Pfizer-BioNTech vaccinated normal healthy volunteers and cancer patients, with or without adjuvant Huaier therapy. A significant destruction in ribosomal RNA structures was identified, enhanced by serial shots. Unlike the destruction caused by chemotherapy with platinum (II) complex, progressive destruction in 18S ribosome was identified even at 6 months after vaccination. The influence resulted in massive inhibition of translation and transcription, significantly in intra/inter neural signaling transfer and in lipid metabolism, related to ageing process. Huaier compensated these dysfunctions by miRNA-mediated transcriptional control, by typical activation in PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. Gene Ontology analysis revealed spontaneous virion production in number even after 3 months of the first vaccination. Present study indicated that the adjuvant therapy like Huaier compensates accelerated ageing process by mRNA vaccination.¨ 3:37 min



Fortune Journals - Archives of Clinical and Biomedical Research

Huaier Effects on Functional Compensation with Destructive Ribosomal

RNA Structure after Anti-SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination


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Very interesting, so thanks a lot.

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Thank you Gert.

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Oct 1, 2022
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Thank you Miriam.

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