California is turning into a model WEF Technocracy. "You must Trust the Technocrats" (or we'll toss you in the brig). I know the Oligarchy is just licking its chops over having explicit absolute power like this. This is their model - where they want things to end up in their Build Back Better world. And we get a preview.
California is turning into a model WEF Technocracy. "You must Trust the Technocrats" (or we'll toss you in the brig). I know the Oligarchy is just licking its chops over having explicit absolute power like this. This is their model - where they want things to end up in their Build Back Better world. And we get a preview.
California is turning into a model WEF Technocracy. "You must Trust the Technocrats" (or we'll toss you in the brig). I know the Oligarchy is just licking its chops over having explicit absolute power like this. This is their model - where they want things to end up in their Build Back Better world. And we get a preview.