remember, in most states there r 2 walls you can raise if u refuse to allow any vaccinations...1) its against your religious beliefs and 2)against your philosophy beliefs.......the 3rd one u can try... it violates your protection under the U S constitutin and its ammendments that protect your private property, pocessions, and papers....your body is yours and so are your children...
Wow. Thanks for this and all the comments. Sounds like there is more of us that technically were never diagnosed, but us strong loving parents never gave up. We pushed through and I know my kids wouldn’t be successful today as young adults 24 &22 without prayer and my persistence to provide and get my child up to speed with the rest of their peers. I certainly didn’t know crap 25 years ago. I didn’t know any better than to blindly trust the Drs.
Who isn’t damaged at this point?
I am beyond thankful that they are functioning and navigating adulthood.. i finally feel like I can catch my breath. It has had its ups and downs to say the least. Biggest challenge now is trying to teach them to live healthier choices to continue to thrive to avoid pharmaceuticals! It’s their choice now not mine.
Steve what is the logic behind not having an 'other' option in your pool for when the last vaccination was? I thought it was a good idea when I noticed you were leaving options in polls for people who just wanted to see the answer that way they weren't messing up the results. For some reason here it seems like you did the opposite. It seems like a lot of people wouldn't have a very good idea about the timing of something that happened a long time ago. It also seems like maybe they might miss remember with an unintentional bias. I don't think your survey is going to have much of an impact on Paul offit who considers himself above reproach. I would think it would be easier just to email him a copy of Aaron series sub stick article on him, the casual cruelty of Paul offit. It's a good read LOL
Would like to contribute, but sometimes recognition of autism is not as "cut and dry" as is described here.
While shortly after vaccination we noted an issue with motor skills ( which seemed to vanish in short order ), it was not until a few years later, when the school system suggested testing, that a definitive diagnosis was received.
the shots all do harm to ur kids....god blessed u with an immune 1 time breast feeding was safe, and provided babies with immunity, now everything is poisoned....we are all loaded with the forever chemicals, especially plastics....
Hey Steve, the missing link between MMR vaccination and autism is poor gut microbiome. Around 2004, while looking around on the internet, I came across a study of MMR and autism...Haven't been able to find the study since (seems to have been "black-holed).
The study involved 50 toddlers who were about to get MMR vaccine (1st shot, not a booster; no other shots given at same appointment). All 50 kids were assessed and their development and behavior were judged to be normal. Half of the kids had a history of some sort of digestive problem -- things like colic, persistent diarrhea or constipation, baby formula changed because of allergy, food allergies or intolerances, etc. Half the kids had nothing in their history that suggested digestive problems.
The kids were checked again one month after MMR vaccination. None of the no-digestive-system-problem kids had developed symptoms of autism. But 23 of the 25 kids with a history of digestive problems had become autistic within a month after MMR vaccination. That's 92%.
So how about you design another survey, Steve? I suggest asking parents whose children are less than 4 years old, so parents are more likely to have clear memories of any digestive problems their children had as babies. Also, you want babies who were considered "full term" not premature. The first question would be something like "From birth to time of first MMR vaccination, did your child experience *any* of the following:
Mother given IV antibiotics during labor because she tested positive for Strep B
Baby given IV antibiotics in NICU in case baby inhaled meconium during birth
Child had colic
Child had persistent diarrhea
Child had persistent constipation
Persistent excessive gas (burping, passing gas)
Child "urped" after almost every feeding for first 3-4 months
Child had yeasty-smelling stools
Child was prone to diaper rash
Formula had to be changed because baby was allergic
Child's weight gain was less than expected
Child persistently rejected solid foods after 7 months
Child had more than 2 food allergies or intolerances
Doctor treated child for candida overgrowth in gut
Doctor recommended giving child probiotics because of digestive symptoms
Child was a "picky eater" and rejected many foods after age 12 months
You could make this first question a simple yes or no question, or you could ask parents to check the box for each of the items listed above.
The second question would be "Did your child develop significant autistic symptoms within four weeks after the MMR vaccination? Or did you take your child to a doctor because you were concerned about changes in your child's behavior that started within four weeks after the vaccination?" Some symptoms would be:
Stopped making eye contact or made much less eye contact
Stopped speaking or spoke much less
Self-stimulated by rocking or twirling
Stopped playing with toys, or played with toys in strange ways (e.g. arranging toys in rows)
Stopped playing with siblings
Rejected cuddles, hugs, and other loving touch
Stopped smiling in response to a parent or sibling's smile
You could make this second question a simple yes or no question, or you could ask parents to check the box for each of the behavior items listed.
You might want to ask whether any other vaccines were given at the same time as the MMR. (If you haven't seen Theresa Deisher's research on vaccines and autism, look it up. She thinks all the vaccines manufactured on human fetal cell lines put a child at risk of autism. Also, quite a few parents think it was DTaP vaccine that triggered their children's autism.)
when i was drafted at 19 i had no gut problems...received a barrage of vaxes at 1 time during basic training ...2 months later i had gut problems....blqamed it on cooking for 500 at a time,feeding 2 companies...soon pain got so bad i went on sick call...they found inflamed guts and bleeding ulcer....i finally learned after i was out of service that the vaxes were responsible...a church member recommended i buy a juicer and juice carrots....that knowledge solved a lot of pain i had for many yrs after my service....get a juicer and juice fresh vegies and fruit...start with carrots....and stay close to a job jonny.....but the living enzymes in the juice really helped to heal anytime the insides caused me more maloxx!!!!
I'D ALSO LIKE TO SEE STANLEY PLOTKIN -- THE GODFATHER OF VACCINES -- ANSWER AS WELL. HE IS LINKED TO OFFIT AND IS VOCIFEROUS IN DENIGRATING PEOPLE WHO ARE ANTI-VAX AND/OR CLAIM VACCINES DO HARM OR WHO QUESTION HIS AUTHORITY. SEE HIS EXPERT TESTIMONY -- 1000 mLs of Truth: The Deposition of Stanley Plotkin -- ATTORNEY SIRI WAS BRILLIANT IN EXPOSING THE LIES OF THE VAX COMMUNITY ---HERE'S THE INFO ON THE TRANSCRIPT. THERE IS ALSO A VIDEO RE SAME. OFFIT IS MENTIONED IN THE BOOK. FROM AMAZON DESCRIPTION -- "In 2017, Plotkin agreed to be an expert witness for a court case in Michigan. This is the unaltered transcript from the legal deposition of that case and is an unprecedented look into the mind of perhaps the most knowledgeable authority in the field in an honest and thorough interview by one of the foremost legal minds in the world, Aaron Siri." I THINK SIRI'S LAW FIRM FIGHTS AGAINST THE VXX AGENDA. VERY BEST WISHES TO STEVE IN HIS RESEARCH. GO GET EM!!!
I'm so sorry! I'm the parent of a DTaP-injured baby who has grown up to be a disabled young adult. I was lucky -- a friend absolutely insisted I call a good "vaccine education" organization and they told me if my child received another DTaP vaccine, she was high risk for severe brain injury or death. That conversation saved her life. But her VAERS report (which I filed myself because the doctors weren't going to file) was coded by VAERS personnel with 18 different SMQ's including noninfectious encephalitis and meningitis, encephalopathy, anaphylaxis, and pancreatitis.
Thanks for posting your comment. We have to open people's eyes, don't we...I still cry when I see comments like yours...
If vaccines don’t cause autism….why wasn’t there any before 1950’s?? And why is autism increasing?? As vaccines increase?? Sad “scientists and doctors” sacrifice a child’s life. They know.
after reagan signed into law (1986?) that the vax makers could not be sued, all kinds of vaxes appeared....and mandated by the school beast system (OVER 70 SINCE THE BIRTH OF BABIES)......check out the flesh and blood creatures who are behind this evil of murder....stop the blaming of generalities (drs., globalists, hospitals gov't etc) seek out the flesh and blood lines of real people and there u will find the truth as to who are the ones behind this evil...wake up people...stop being DUMB SHEEP....protect your children that god blessed u protect and nourish them
Within hours after my new born son’s first vaccination that included pertussis diphtheria and tetanus, he was screaming inconsolably. I returned to the doctors office who then saw me right away and notated his medical file: no further vaccinations! However, my son did develop autistic symptoms including communication (fast speech), interactions, repetitive behaviors (eye blinking), replacing written words with synonyms when reading orally, etc.
I was completely unaware of the vaccine/autism link until deep diving during COVID. Additional I actively served on the board of the largest autism service provider in my state in Australia for 5 years, and am inactively still registered as a director.
remember, in most states there r 2 walls you can raise if u refuse to allow any vaccinations...1) its against your religious beliefs and 2)against your philosophy beliefs.......the 3rd one u can try... it violates your protection under the U S constitutin and its ammendments that protect your private property, pocessions, and papers....your body is yours and so are your children...
mrvax. mostknowthoughthe medsswareit is not
Wow. Thanks for this and all the comments. Sounds like there is more of us that technically were never diagnosed, but us strong loving parents never gave up. We pushed through and I know my kids wouldn’t be successful today as young adults 24 &22 without prayer and my persistence to provide and get my child up to speed with the rest of their peers. I certainly didn’t know crap 25 years ago. I didn’t know any better than to blindly trust the Drs.
Who isn’t damaged at this point?
I am beyond thankful that they are functioning and navigating adulthood.. i finally feel like I can catch my breath. It has had its ups and downs to say the least. Biggest challenge now is trying to teach them to live healthier choices to continue to thrive to avoid pharmaceuticals! It’s their choice now not mine.
My daughter works at Bierman Autism center in Indiana. There are 4 centers in Indiana alone, and there's a WAITLIST. This is NOT normal.
Steve what is the logic behind not having an 'other' option in your pool for when the last vaccination was? I thought it was a good idea when I noticed you were leaving options in polls for people who just wanted to see the answer that way they weren't messing up the results. For some reason here it seems like you did the opposite. It seems like a lot of people wouldn't have a very good idea about the timing of something that happened a long time ago. It also seems like maybe they might miss remember with an unintentional bias. I don't think your survey is going to have much of an impact on Paul offit who considers himself above reproach. I would think it would be easier just to email him a copy of Aaron series sub stick article on him, the casual cruelty of Paul offit. It's a good read LOL
Would like to contribute, but sometimes recognition of autism is not as "cut and dry" as is described here.
While shortly after vaccination we noted an issue with motor skills ( which seemed to vanish in short order ), it was not until a few years later, when the school system suggested testing, that a definitive diagnosis was received.
Autistic but low on the spectrum
can RFKjr appoint him to a lesser position that doesn't require a senate vote?
Don't kids in the US get a shot every 1-3 months now? So how would you be able to tell it apart?
the shots all do harm to ur kids....god blessed u with an immune 1 time breast feeding was safe, and provided babies with immunity, now everything is poisoned....we are all loaded with the forever chemicals, especially plastics....
Hey Steve, the missing link between MMR vaccination and autism is poor gut microbiome. Around 2004, while looking around on the internet, I came across a study of MMR and autism...Haven't been able to find the study since (seems to have been "black-holed).
The study involved 50 toddlers who were about to get MMR vaccine (1st shot, not a booster; no other shots given at same appointment). All 50 kids were assessed and their development and behavior were judged to be normal. Half of the kids had a history of some sort of digestive problem -- things like colic, persistent diarrhea or constipation, baby formula changed because of allergy, food allergies or intolerances, etc. Half the kids had nothing in their history that suggested digestive problems.
The kids were checked again one month after MMR vaccination. None of the no-digestive-system-problem kids had developed symptoms of autism. But 23 of the 25 kids with a history of digestive problems had become autistic within a month after MMR vaccination. That's 92%.
So how about you design another survey, Steve? I suggest asking parents whose children are less than 4 years old, so parents are more likely to have clear memories of any digestive problems their children had as babies. Also, you want babies who were considered "full term" not premature. The first question would be something like "From birth to time of first MMR vaccination, did your child experience *any* of the following:
Mother given IV antibiotics during labor because she tested positive for Strep B
Baby given IV antibiotics in NICU in case baby inhaled meconium during birth
Child had colic
Child had persistent diarrhea
Child had persistent constipation
Persistent excessive gas (burping, passing gas)
Child "urped" after almost every feeding for first 3-4 months
Child had yeasty-smelling stools
Child was prone to diaper rash
Formula had to be changed because baby was allergic
Child's weight gain was less than expected
Child persistently rejected solid foods after 7 months
Child had more than 2 food allergies or intolerances
Doctor treated child for candida overgrowth in gut
Doctor recommended giving child probiotics because of digestive symptoms
Child was a "picky eater" and rejected many foods after age 12 months
You could make this first question a simple yes or no question, or you could ask parents to check the box for each of the items listed above.
The second question would be "Did your child develop significant autistic symptoms within four weeks after the MMR vaccination? Or did you take your child to a doctor because you were concerned about changes in your child's behavior that started within four weeks after the vaccination?" Some symptoms would be:
Stopped making eye contact or made much less eye contact
Stopped speaking or spoke much less
Self-stimulated by rocking or twirling
Stopped playing with toys, or played with toys in strange ways (e.g. arranging toys in rows)
Stopped playing with siblings
Rejected cuddles, hugs, and other loving touch
Stopped smiling in response to a parent or sibling's smile
You could make this second question a simple yes or no question, or you could ask parents to check the box for each of the behavior items listed.
You might want to ask whether any other vaccines were given at the same time as the MMR. (If you haven't seen Theresa Deisher's research on vaccines and autism, look it up. She thinks all the vaccines manufactured on human fetal cell lines put a child at risk of autism. Also, quite a few parents think it was DTaP vaccine that triggered their children's autism.)
Is this possibly Andrew Wakefields study you're referring to?
when i was drafted at 19 i had no gut problems...received a barrage of vaxes at 1 time during basic training ...2 months later i had gut problems....blqamed it on cooking for 500 at a time,feeding 2 companies...soon pain got so bad i went on sick call...they found inflamed guts and bleeding ulcer....i finally learned after i was out of service that the vaxes were responsible...a church member recommended i buy a juicer and juice carrots....that knowledge solved a lot of pain i had for many yrs after my service....get a juicer and juice fresh vegies and fruit...start with carrots....and stay close to a job jonny.....but the living enzymes in the juice really helped to heal anytime the insides caused me more maloxx!!!!
I'D ALSO LIKE TO SEE STANLEY PLOTKIN -- THE GODFATHER OF VACCINES -- ANSWER AS WELL. HE IS LINKED TO OFFIT AND IS VOCIFEROUS IN DENIGRATING PEOPLE WHO ARE ANTI-VAX AND/OR CLAIM VACCINES DO HARM OR WHO QUESTION HIS AUTHORITY. SEE HIS EXPERT TESTIMONY -- 1000 mLs of Truth: The Deposition of Stanley Plotkin -- ATTORNEY SIRI WAS BRILLIANT IN EXPOSING THE LIES OF THE VAX COMMUNITY ---HERE'S THE INFO ON THE TRANSCRIPT. THERE IS ALSO A VIDEO RE SAME. OFFIT IS MENTIONED IN THE BOOK. FROM AMAZON DESCRIPTION -- "In 2017, Plotkin agreed to be an expert witness for a court case in Michigan. This is the unaltered transcript from the legal deposition of that case and is an unprecedented look into the mind of perhaps the most knowledgeable authority in the field in an honest and thorough interview by one of the foremost legal minds in the world, Aaron Siri." I THINK SIRI'S LAW FIRM FIGHTS AGAINST THE VXX AGENDA. VERY BEST WISHES TO STEVE IN HIS RESEARCH. GO GET EM!!!
The DPT vaccine killed my only daughter!
I'm so sorry. I can't imagine your pain.
That's the vaccine where researchers were arguing, that the cost seem to not outweigh the benefits.
I'm so sorry! I'm the parent of a DTaP-injured baby who has grown up to be a disabled young adult. I was lucky -- a friend absolutely insisted I call a good "vaccine education" organization and they told me if my child received another DTaP vaccine, she was high risk for severe brain injury or death. That conversation saved her life. But her VAERS report (which I filed myself because the doctors weren't going to file) was coded by VAERS personnel with 18 different SMQ's including noninfectious encephalitis and meningitis, encephalopathy, anaphylaxis, and pancreatitis.
Thanks for posting your comment. We have to open people's eyes, don't we...I still cry when I see comments like yours...
What a heartbreak! My prayers are with you . . . .
If vaccines don’t cause autism….why wasn’t there any before 1950’s?? And why is autism increasing?? As vaccines increase?? Sad “scientists and doctors” sacrifice a child’s life. They know.
after reagan signed into law (1986?) that the vax makers could not be sued, all kinds of vaxes appeared....and mandated by the school beast system (OVER 70 SINCE THE BIRTH OF BABIES)......check out the flesh and blood creatures who are behind this evil of murder....stop the blaming of generalities (drs., globalists, hospitals gov't etc) seek out the flesh and blood lines of real people and there u will find the truth as to who are the ones behind this evil...wake up people...stop being DUMB SHEEP....protect your children that god blessed u protect and nourish them
I remember, for what it's worth, that we were told to get rid of our aluminum cookware. It was unsafe and this was in the 80's. So I did.
Within hours after my new born son’s first vaccination that included pertussis diphtheria and tetanus, he was screaming inconsolably. I returned to the doctors office who then saw me right away and notated his medical file: no further vaccinations! However, my son did develop autistic symptoms including communication (fast speech), interactions, repetitive behaviors (eye blinking), replacing written words with synonyms when reading orally, etc.
I was completely unaware of the vaccine/autism link until deep diving during COVID. Additional I actively served on the board of the largest autism service provider in my state in Australia for 5 years, and am inactively still registered as a director.
I thought anti-vaxxers were coocs and hippies
What do you think now?