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Is this possibly Andrew Wakefields study you're referring to?

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People bringing up Wakefield's study who haven’t even read it are a major roadblock in our quest for truth in the autism-vaccine discussion.

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This wasn't the original Wakefield study (which I've read more than once). Wakefield did do several follow-up studies but they were very technical, involving lots of meticulous lab study of gut tissue...and by the way, the conclusion of this additional research was that the "sick" gut tissue of at least some autistic children was infected with measles virus. I would love to get my hands on copies of these later studies. I think only one was published. It was probably the news of what Wakefield's additional research was showing that provoked whoever-it-was to hire Brian Deer to attack Wakefield.

Wakefield has never mentioned the study I talked about in my comment, as far as I know. I doubt that he knew about it.

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when i was drafted at 19 i had no gut problems...received a barrage of vaxes at 1 time during basic training ...2 months later i had gut problems....blqamed it on cooking for 500 at a time,feeding 2 companies...soon pain got so bad i went on sick call...they found inflamed guts and bleeding ulcer....i finally learned after i was out of service that the vaxes were responsible...a church member recommended i buy a juicer and juice carrots....that knowledge solved a lot of pain i had for many yrs after my service....get a juicer and juice fresh vegies and fruit...start with carrots....and stay close to a job jonny.....but the living enzymes in the juice really helped to heal anytime the insides caused me pain....no more maloxx!!!!

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