My son has autism he is now 6. I noticed it since he was 2. Luckily the Covid Plandemic exposed everything fraud about all the vaccines so when his next childhood vaccines due he was 3 then I stopped it.
He is hyperactive, has short attention span and always jumpy when he is walking. Very fuzzy eater too.
My son has autism he is now 6. I noticed it since he was 2. Luckily the Covid Plandemic exposed everything fraud about all the vaccines so when his next childhood vaccines due he was 3 then I stopped it.
He is hyperactive, has short attention span and always jumpy when he is walking. Very fuzzy eater too.
By 1 week old he started vomiting everytime you put something into his mouth. It made me wonder whether his vomiting was from the Vit K and Hepatitis B vaccine. Doctors put it as reflux. He always cry and I was not able to put him down to sleep until 2 years old.
At that time, I could never lie down because he could never lie down in bed and will not sleep if I put him down . So I have to sleep sitting in bed holding him.until he was 4 months old. After 4 months he will only sleep for few hours then will be crying. I sought professional help to help him settled down to sleep.
the sleep expert has to come to our home to help us but nothing work. The doctor tried to medicate him for reflux also didn’t work because he spit out or vomited it. It was heartbreaking . He suffered so much and was always sick. Every week we are at the Doctor. I have multiple paediatrician visits.
But magically, by 3 yrs old onwards where I stopped him from taking further childhood vaccines he stopped being sick. His vomiting improve 95%. He started sleeping the whole night through.
His appetite improved! Although he is still jumpy and hyperactive compared to other kids. But he is doing well in the class.
There are so many parents at school telling me their kids has autism I would say 4/10 . My work mate has 4 kids and 2 of her kids was diagnosed with severe autism. Many of the parents not even accepting it or recognising it. My husband did not want to accept it. I said to him he can’t deny that our son is so much different to our eldest son.
My eldest son though has suffered severe rashes during his childhood and also vomiting but not as bad as our youngest. He was also very sickly. But unfortunately, I was dumb and ignorant i religiously followed the doctor advised for up to date vaccination. He is 21 yrs old now, But thankfully, did not have sign of autism.
But we need to stop all childhood vaccines ! The harm and injuries are just too much to ignore. We need to educate medical professionals and parents. 99% of the doctors are turning blind to the reality! Doctors need to be held accountable because they are the one that parents trust. I trusted the doctor at first. But thankfully, I started listening to others and doing my own research.
The Vit K and Hep b shots on day one obscure a lot of cases of autism caused by vaccines, I think, because it appears that thd children were “born that way.”
My son has autism he is now 6. I noticed it since he was 2. Luckily the Covid Plandemic exposed everything fraud about all the vaccines so when his next childhood vaccines due he was 3 then I stopped it.
He is hyperactive, has short attention span and always jumpy when he is walking. Very fuzzy eater too.
By 1 week old he started vomiting everytime you put something into his mouth. It made me wonder whether his vomiting was from the Vit K and Hepatitis B vaccine. Doctors put it as reflux. He always cry and I was not able to put him down to sleep until 2 years old.
At that time, I could never lie down because he could never lie down in bed and will not sleep if I put him down . So I have to sleep sitting in bed holding him.until he was 4 months old. After 4 months he will only sleep for few hours then will be crying. I sought professional help to help him settled down to sleep.
the sleep expert has to come to our home to help us but nothing work. The doctor tried to medicate him for reflux also didn’t work because he spit out or vomited it. It was heartbreaking . He suffered so much and was always sick. Every week we are at the Doctor. I have multiple paediatrician visits.
But magically, by 3 yrs old onwards where I stopped him from taking further childhood vaccines he stopped being sick. His vomiting improve 95%. He started sleeping the whole night through.
His appetite improved! Although he is still jumpy and hyperactive compared to other kids. But he is doing well in the class.
There are so many parents at school telling me their kids has autism I would say 4/10 . My work mate has 4 kids and 2 of her kids was diagnosed with severe autism. Many of the parents not even accepting it or recognising it. My husband did not want to accept it. I said to him he can’t deny that our son is so much different to our eldest son.
My eldest son though has suffered severe rashes during his childhood and also vomiting but not as bad as our youngest. He was also very sickly. But unfortunately, I was dumb and ignorant i religiously followed the doctor advised for up to date vaccination. He is 21 yrs old now, But thankfully, did not have sign of autism.
But we need to stop all childhood vaccines ! The harm and injuries are just too much to ignore. We need to educate medical professionals and parents. 99% of the doctors are turning blind to the reality! Doctors need to be held accountable because they are the one that parents trust. I trusted the doctor at first. But thankfully, I started listening to others and doing my own research.
The Vit K and Hep b shots on day one obscure a lot of cases of autism caused by vaccines, I think, because it appears that thd children were “born that way.”