garbage in --> garbage out

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Even the machines mimic the liars. It’s pathetic.

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Conversing with Machines, we are living in a dystopian matrix.

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Thank you for all of your work, Mr. Kirsch.

This survey is an excellent idea; however, at the risk of coming across as a nit-picky Monday morning quarterback, adding the Ai back and forth "tennis match" dialogue component to this survey request may be confusing to some.

In short: Do you want your audience to take your survey, or do you want them to be made aware of Ai bias with regard to generating cover art?

I checked with a friend whose opinion I respect—and she had no issue with the two topics in the one post. So it might just be me.

As a former instructor of technical communication for engineers, your two main ideas would be—in my humble opinion—better served as two separate posts.

Obviously, there is no pressure to "comply"!

Many thanks again for your unyielding work.



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Hey Steve… What happened to the AI project that actually told the truth? I thought it was in beta???

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Spoken like a true robot

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My Dear Steve, 💙 Just popping in to say I hope your eye is getting a lot better for you. I saw you with Liz Gunn and Andrew Bridgen a few weeks ago when Liz ask how your eye was healing. Take care Steve.

With love ❤️ and blessings 🙏 to you and your family..

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How did your fast go, Steve?

Sorry for this comment out of place

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Ask AI how many years medical research is typically behind reality and current public health trends.

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Can’t have the public discussing public health now can we … so

let us STOP calling it AI and create a new name for it—

automated propaganda -AP

or assigned deceit -AD

or automated groupthink -AG

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You left out nurse practitioners!!! You left out Physician's assistants

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Pretty sure it is implied.

And most all NPs are also RNs.

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Wow!!! They rigged AI too??? It’s spewing the same psycho babble that the establishment Dems do.

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It was trained

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Ask chatGPT if valid safety studies have been done with vaccines. And if so, have chatGPT provide links to the studies.

Also, ask chatGPT what people and organizations have been the biggest spreader of misinformation regarding vaccines.

We would all love to see the answers.

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You will not get an honest answer from AI on anything political. They are all being written by libs and progressives. Grok (Twitter) might be the best place to get an "almost" honest answer.

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EUA is none of this "The safety of vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, is assessed through rigorous scientific research, extensive clinical trials, and ongoing monitoring by public health authorities like the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the U.S., the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), and global organizations like the WHO (World Health Organization)." It's all lies from your MSM and ChatGPT. Emergency Use Authorization is Not an Approval Nor a License https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-fda-authorizes-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-emergency-use

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Wah wah wah... 😒. Par for the course.

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