Steve or anyone, did you see Walensky say Vaers collects ALL deaths after shot AND that if you get in a motor vehicle and are vaccinated that it is recorded in VAERS as a vax death????!! Such a lie and only said to imply VAERS IS "robust and effective but can have unrelated injuries related to vax LOL!! Please call them out on this!! L…
Steve or anyone, did you see Walensky say Vaers collects ALL deaths after shot AND that if you get in a motor vehicle and are vaccinated that it is recorded in VAERS as a vax death????!! Such a lie and only said to imply VAERS IS "robust and effective but can have unrelated injuries related to vax LOL!! Please call them out on this!! LIES!!! No doctor is going out of their way to report obvious vaccine injury let alone a motor vehicle accident death in VAERS!
Steve or anyone, did you see Walensky say Vaers collects ALL deaths after shot AND that if you get in a motor vehicle and are vaccinated that it is recorded in VAERS as a vax death????!! Such a lie and only said to imply VAERS IS "robust and effective but can have unrelated injuries related to vax LOL!! Please call them out on this!! LIES!!! No doctor is going out of their way to report obvious vaccine injury let alone a motor vehicle accident death in VAERS!
Watch around 1:43 mark.