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Yeah, and maybe others have said this already...but this factor of 6.5 applied TO THE PARENTS. Think of what happens when a PHYSICIAN who is NOT A PARENT OF THE CHILD is "told" (requested) to file a report. It ain't gonna happen, sorry -- the cold, hard reality is that they often don't think the V is a causal factor; they are financially and socially disincentivized to file VAERS reports; they are very busy with other patients; and unless they are a person of real moral fiber (rare, these days), they ain't gonna do it. Period.

For this reason and others, I'm standing by my URF of 100+ as a median of the URF distribution across AEs. My thesis here is that there has been an effective exacerbation of underreporting relative to the pre-2020 VAERS Harvard study. Thanks again, Steve, for your great reporting.

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I agree Hartigan. These 'vaccines' create wide spread systemic damage so it is often difficult to directly connect an adverse reaction to the jab unless it occurs in the near term. Not only do parents and physicians underreport, but most of the vaxxed themselves haven't heard of VAERS. Many are emotionally invested in their decision to get the jab so they won't later admit they made a grave error. They don't want to believe the jab harmed them and caused their health issues. A close friend of my husband, his wife is an attorney for a big pharma company and is very pro-vaccine. She probably got the booster by now because she couldn't wait to get the jab last year. My husband found out from his friend that his wife was in the hospital for five days with internal bleeding "in several areas that shouldn't be bleeding." They don't know the cause. I suspect it's due to the jab because she was healthy otherwise. She would never believe it nor report it to VAERS. A woman in my town told me her entire family had a bad reaction to the jab and her 17 yr old son had a "horrible reaction." She said "it's been hell." He had uveitis and "it was terrible and lasted 6+ months." She still hasn't reported her family's adverse reactions to VAERS but I have encouraged her to do so. While this is anecdotal, just think about how many cases, especially the heart attacks, that are not being connected to the jabs or the victims know their injuries were jab related but haven't reported it. When I skim through the obituaries, I see people under 70 and the words passed "suddenly" or "unexpectedly."

Here's the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care study that tracked 715,000 patients from 2007-2010 and found "Fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health."


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Stand by my logical deduction that median URF > 100 for these shots...but of course, cannot prove this. Time will tell, and I may well be wrong. We'll see.

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Thanks, R. Trinity - agree with many of the points you've made here, and tragic to hear of the story of your H's friend's wife. And yet, not surprising -- people are wilfully blind, and I honestly can't blame them because this campaign of indoctrination is so deep and far-reaching. You may be interested to read the piece I wrote recently, entitled PROPAGANDA (on my Substack). I don't blame people for being confused or blinded by what's going on, but I DO hold them responsible for not seeking the truth...especially when children are now dying and being seriously injured. There is no justification for that whatsoever.

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Also, though this is anecdotal (for now), it concurs with on-the-ground testimonies of Deborah Conrad, a high-level PA, and the Neurologist friend of Steve's (whose URF was 1,000 as I recall).

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