Steve saw this thought you might like it..


COVID-19 Vaccine Limited Immunity Durability Was Knowable from the Start: No Long-Lived Plasma Cells

Completely knowable from the first small trial.




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Thanks for that. It joins a few more dots. Might explain the Cleveland Clinic's observations.

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Look out for immunology video by James Lyon’s Weiler and Dr Steven Pelech.

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Thanks for the info! Very interesting! I have a couple of Qs after reading it:

I thought Moderna generally had the worst outcomes based on what's been studied so far - yet the maths from your interaction with ChatGPT is showing that Pfizer is worse.

I also noticed a jump in 1-yr mortality rates in the 50-59 age groups for both Moderna AND Pfizer. Do you know why this might be?

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This is a little surprising, given that Mixed has 3 times the active ingredient as Purple. But the known lack of QC does throw a monkey wrench in there.

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Well, when you're manufacturing poison, quality control isn't all that important.

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I am so happy that your eye is getting better! Lightness and Love

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It's not a "confounder" if a larger number of older people are dying at a higher rate than BEFORE the jabs.

People don't understand what a confounder actually is, wrongly conflating it with a "variable."

So thanks for clearing it up;-)

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Getting a jab and getting antibodies to that jab doesnt mean it is effective, it just means the body is trying to fight the toxins introduced. The Jab was NEVER effective

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Safety depends very much on exact batch. Some batches are known to make people sick, but are less prone to kill, other just kill without letting people even complain. Other batches seem safe so far. That's what makes people say: I have so and so jabs and I am ok.

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There are some whackos out there who think these "v vackxxes" were designed to harm/kill. Glad I'm not one of them.

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Critical thinking came out as the victor in the fiasco.

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Right on! (1991-3 13M here)

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These AI's are ok for summarizing info on the web and saving a user a lot of time doing searches, but only for non-political, non-commercial subject areas. But even for innocuous stuff like dealing with linux and other computer problems that come up, sometimes you get clueless AI replies that show it can't figure out what makes sense from things written at different times, by different people, on evolving situations.

On political and commercial stuff (like vaxs, and sex change)- AI is just another propaganda medium.

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Steve, since FAUCI paid a 623k grant to Wuhan to the Batlady when FAUCI asked her if she could make coronavirus jump from bat to human, the grant was a motive to make every effort on achievement. Low and behold, she made the virus jump into the human population thru GOF research.

Gates and FAUCI have known each other for decades. With gates admission he favors DEPOPULATION by -2/3 or -5billion people. Him and FAUCI have to be working together in GOF research. FAUCIS research team have created a N1 virus with a 80% mortality vs coronavirus that has a 15% mortality. I subscribe to a lot of highly credible sources that support my content.

About last September, I saw a clip where Albert Bourla ANOUNCED at the WEF "by next year 2024, WE will reduce the population by 50%" at a WEF conference. Maybe you can find it on the dark web.

Pathologists have proven thru Autopsy the COVID vaccines are COD. Science says the vaccines have aluminum and mercury that make blood clots that cause heart attacks and stroke.

Currently PFIZER is being sued by the state of Texas for massive disability claims and death for $1.5 TRILLION. I THINK MINNESOTA has followed suit.

I am highly analytical and realize PFIZER has already lost based on 3 words. They have always claimed their vaccine is "safe and effective". Not so. They wanted 75 years to release their vaccine study to the public. The judge said no and gave them 8 months.

You can go to PFIZERS website and enter BNT162b which is the study id for your review. 1,271 side effects. It's a Frankine shot. The primary shot protects you for 14 days. Thereafter a booster lasts 7days. Coronavirus mutates every 7 to 10 days. SO a vaccine becomes ineffective every 7 to 10 days offering no protection .

One more thing of importance, in 2020 Dr. Malone ANOUNCED "the MYRNA vaccine was never meant to be used in humans".

This could be responsible for mortality.

Let me know if your findings.

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I found this report fascinating. Because we're talking about data here, I wonder if you could share this report, method, & strategy with Elon Musk for his comments.

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So who do we have to convince to get serious criminal proceedings started? We can't expect health officials to turn themselves in...

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If I were a cabal sociopath bent on reducing word population, one of my top priorities would be to buy off the judiciary. But that's just me.

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Many of us were never in doubt! The injectable 'cure' appeared so fast it was extraordinarily suspicious.

When we learned the makers of the 'CURE' routinely denied all LIABILITY, our suspicions were even more justified.

Then, when we were told by ALL THE AUTHORITIES, that several other proven anti-viral medicines were suddenly deemed "UNSUITABLE" for COVID" - we began to suspect the honestly of Big Pharma, particularly Pfizer, Moderna, etc,. Ivermectin had been recognised by the, once honest, World Health Organisation and recommended as "one of 50 medicines EVERY NATION SHOULD HAVE available. Suddenly, IVM had to be hidden from the public because, if it really helped us recover from Coronavirus, Pfizer, Moderna, etc, could not 'financially encourage' (bribe) the FDA into giving them an "Emergency Licence" for the magically quick appearance of their "SAFE and EFFECTIVE" injections - aka Poisonous and deadly "VACCINES".

Most of the planet now suspects Big Pharma of Skulduggery and data manipulation and has realised that multiple injections of experimental solutions is, at best, liable to diminish natural immunity (At worst cause Injury or Death). The best outcome for those convinced to take multiple jabs (the latter suddenly referred to as 'BOOSTERS') is a shortened Life Expectancy. Time will prove or disprove this suggestion.

Since the Covid era, we have learned many things;

There is a collective of wealthy individuals who benefited from Covid and the pretend 'CURE'. These include the World Economic Forum who like to see themselves as 'The New World Order'. These imbeciles believe the world is overpopulated and that 'low life humanity' is responsible for Global Warming and therefore DISPOSABLE!

We'rev ready to fight as dirty as they have. Be warned and very afraid!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer!

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Which planet are you referring to where the majority "now suspect Big Pharma of Skulduggery, etc.?" No doubt there are many people who had their eyes opened, but Big Pharma looks pretty unscathed to me.

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Now that you have ChatGPT’s unbiased response, it would be interesting to run the same query with the true drug names… expose their corrupt bias!

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