
Would I have been better off dealing with Sean by letting him finish every time he interrupts me and acting as calm and polite as possible? Would love to get opinions on best way to handle similar situations…

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I'm trying to upload things here and my messages seem to get deleted before they upload. I'll try again. See DARPA report 'Project DEFUSE,' a leaked report which shows that Daszak knew and even applied for funding to add 'the Furin cleavage site' to the Sars virus, which is what makes this virus uniquely transmissible. So, when asked if anybody has come out of the conspiracy to reveal all...no...but names and identities aside...leaking of reports is happening. Might be worth mentioning that.

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Lies take too much energy to create and propagate.

The Truth

ALWAYS outs.

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Project Veritas got hold of some very interesting JAG documents that recommended that the rejection of the Ecohealth project:


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Yes. And make an ironic comment to it before proceeding with your points. Humor wins points, wins audiences, even wins tough interviews I might add... It's difficult, I know, but if you prepare for it a bit, considering likely accusations, and hot button topics, you'd want to pause and crack a joke at that precise moment to defuse the tension early on, or, if joking doesn't appeal, then simply pause, take a breather, and reiterate what your interviewer said in summary, before you start adding your own points. (You might want to familiarize yourself with your own Evil Social Media Avatar..! The one they think you are...which is, of course, a falsehood, a stereotype, partially created by social media and further exaggerated by the (fearful) imagination) Remember the saying: "There's nothing worse than pedophilia, except being accused of pedophilia." What people say about you matter and matters a lot if it's untrue. (I actually met a fake journalist who wrote fake articles online whose job included attacking celebrities with fake news about them! She was married to an English Lord's son, no kidding..! It's called 'para-journalism' whereby journalists and those with journalistic training go and work for corporation as spin doctors, governments around the world started doing this just after the War on Terror got started. I studied journalism with the woman who coined the term! And I was her top student!). It would also be good to realize that some radio hosts (particularly in NZ and Australia, less so in the US and Canada) are into this 'naming and shaming' kind of interview (a shocking and disturbing trend, previously seen only on late night shows and among right wing radio show hosts...), which means the intention isn't to get at the facts but to gaslight you, to shame you, in front of the media, using the power of the media to do so. In short, it's not journalism, certainly not proper journalism which adheres to journalistic neutrality in the face of the facts, staying objective / not taking sides, getting the interviewee to open up so we can get a clear views on how he sees things. But as soon as you realize you may be on one of those accusatory shows, you've got to go into 'damage control': Damage to your reputation, damage to your message, heck this is damage to good journalism too, which all adds up to the truth not getting out there..! So, I would recommend for this second part that you 'gently' remind the interviewer of his obligations to the journalistic code. (Google: 'journalistic code') If in addition, you need someone to manage this kind of stuff, hire me..! I'm an award-winning philosopher and I got the top prize as Best Student in my journalism course at university. My lecturer used my paper to mark all the others against. I read all the time on the subject of rhetoric, winning people to your side, etc, all the time. Re: Sean 'interrupting' you. Actually, he was and he wasn't. He was talking 'over' you. He was cutting into your sentences and editing them the way he wanted to see them and in a way so as to get his audience to agree with this editing. In short, I see he was trying to picture you as a crazy antivaxxer and a bossy rich person trying to tell others what to do, while making a buck out of spreading misinformation, capitalizing on a real tragedy of global proportions. Thus depicted, you were, at the very start (before you got on air), already stereotyped as somebody almost as evil as Covid itself..! This (fake) interview was thus really an opportunity to give-to-the-Devil-what-the-Devil-deserves kind of thing. I was surprised you managed to stay as calm as you did and that you even managed to get a point or two across but the overall impression was of him mauling you into silence, talking over you (in spite of his lack of expertise in statistics), and basically gaslighting you the rest of the time. The other thing I can recommend is that you stipulate (somewhere near the start when he asks about your background) hat you don't want this interview to be about you or your history. You said that somewhere in the middle but it was too late by then... Say something like 'I don't want this interview to be about me or my family, I'm hear to relay what things we need to look at if we want to avoid vaccine injuries and death.' You set the agenda for the interview or at least its broad parameters. This allows you to check him when he exceeds the arrangement. He looks bad, not you.

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Excellent analysis, Kenny.

Young Karan did much the same-same as Sean.

Kid was more clumsy and more polite.

Same effect, tho.

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Kenny, much respect but I can read this a lot better with paragraphs. 👍

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Generally yes. Early on, it was very obvious he didn’t want to give you a clear run although you did manage to get the neurologist story out in full.

It was disappointing that you didn’t call him out on his insults. That’s the only technique these people have. Something along the lines of “All I’m hearing from you Sean are insults that are designed to reduce my status within the minds of your audience. Oh you’re just an anti-vaxxer, you’re not a trained scientist. Now I’m not going to insult you, so can you stop doing that please and we instead have a calm and unemotional discussion between two adults?”

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Dear Steve

I would just tell Sean that anagram of his name is 'et anus evil plonker' and is this why he treats you like he does.

Or is its because he is 'se real punk violent' another anagram.

Or may be he's a 'keen snot Ulla viper'.

In any event it is funny, and like the bogarts in Harry Potter even imagining these think will hopefully make you laugh and him explode. I hope you get the picture.

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Beautiful. :)

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I just shared these with an mRNA’d friend, and even he laughed out loud! Maybe that’s what we need now … more humor!!

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I am glad in struck a chord particularly with someone who has taken the jab. Humour is definitely good and helps cast out fear. If you should need more there is plenty where that came from. This might help New Zealanders.


And these might be of more general interest. I am not PC.



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It's time we all did what is necessary to save our country, as Trump recently said! https://i.imgur.com/4inCgNJ.png

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I am a UK citizen.

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I was joking, not a Trump fan.

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Ok. So the supposed tweet is a joke? They can be dangerous in current circumstances.

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I've watched Trump for 45 yrs, seen lots of interviews with him going decades back. He is the real deal and has demonstrated that time and again. If you don't believe me, see his interview evening of 9/11/01 where he exposes deep state hugely by explaining how the towers REALLY fell. There is more, tons more that he said to expose the deep state. I've seen him do it. Read his books, you have NO idea who Trump is.

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"Sean's brain is riddled with spike..."

Spike or spite?

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Steve, your encounter with Sean reminded me of an encounter I had with a (legal) marijuana grower's guard dog. I had the grower's permission to walk my three dogs on leash on his road, but on this day he brought the guard dog with him from a different property he owned, and left the dog loose outside, unsupervised, while he worked inside a building. The dog had been trained to drive people off, but its relentless, non-stop charges, combined with its obvious interest in grabbing and killing my smallest dog, prevented me from "cooperating" -- I couldn't take a single step in retreat. All I could do was yell at the dog as loud as his vicious barks, and as unrelentingly, and hold my dogs back from counter-attacking.

Eventually the guard dog tired and starting pausing a couple of seconds between charges, and I used those seconds to take small steps away; and after a few more charges, the dog just stood and glared and let me go. The grower when I phoned him later, apologized profusely and tried to reassure me that this was a one-in-a-million unfortunate mishap, but I never walked my dogs on that road again.

I admire your good intentions in calling Sean, and your ability to stay rational under attack, but my best advice to you is to not engage with mad-dog "interviewers" like him, who guard their beliefs with unrelenting top-volume charges.

Once you decided to keep talking even while Sean was interrupting you -- well, I couldn't understand either of you well, so I turned the whole thing off. If this man has fans, I think the majority must be as dedicated to defending their beliefs as Sean is, and as willing to be rude and vicious in the process. I'd say it's not a worthwhile use of your time and energy to attempt to reach them, though I suppose some of them may have admired your persistence in speaking whether Sean "allowed" you to or not. And it's possible you caught a few listeners' interest (perhaps they or relatives/friends had adverse effects from spikeshots) and they'll look you up on the internet to see what you have to say.

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You make some very good points!

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Mmm......how about a beefburger with a vaccine vial injected into it? I gather it's the latest way to poison people.

Mind you they have been doing it for years.


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You got me chuckling at the thought, thanks!

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You would have been flat out getting a word in edge ways if you had tried that course, Steve. Sadly, there is no place for politeness when you are dealing with a thug!

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I go for ridicule with truth. Can't refute that.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

Sean was so nasty and mean that I honestly don't know how you remained calm. When he made fun of vaccine injured people by calling them "anti-vaxxer nutters" I had a very hard time listening to much more.

He acted loud and obnoxious so it would be very difficult to have a legitimate, intellectual conversation with someone like him.

By remaining calm, it really showed his ignorance.

I read the comments on Rumble, and most people commented how rude and hateful he acted.

I think you handled it brilliantly and calmly. He made himself look like a loud vaccine fanatic and then started saying nasty remarks about you and vaccine injured people.

A debate would be impossible with someone like him. He interrupts and then starts slamming people's character. A classical narcissist.

You handled it well and did not come across as a crazy snake oil salesman. He sounded like one though!!

The only way people like him may ever admit they are wrong is if they or one of their family members fall over right after the needle goes in the arm. If they're lucky enough to live through it

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

The goal of this talk was not reached; please remember that he was talking to his “fans”…

I mean - yeah - that cockroach has “fans”… imagine that!

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Yes, but fans are only to waft away the smell of his farts. Or did I misunderstand you?

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Well.. I think a few of his "fans" unsubscribed after the utter disrespect he showed Steve.

He needs to close his mouth and open his mind..

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Mmm.....I think Sean's problem is his mouth and bottom have been reversed. A well known problem.

As to Sean's brain's, well, he did play rugby football so maybe its a head injury.

Or as he liked playing rugby with his odd shaped balls, perhaps his brain and the balls have been reversed.

Difficult choice I feel.

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"Never Wrestle with a Pig. You Both Get Dirty and the Pig Likes It"

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Never been in church for 20 years. Jesus said "do not cast your pearls before swine"

Debating an idiot like Sean is casting your pearls before swine.

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My thoughts exactly

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... but he is not even debating... he makes stupid statements, and when Steve tries to clarify, he changes the topic... This is his level... In the end, he can claim that Steve couldn't answer any question... and - indeed - how could he?

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That was not a debate.

It was an axe fight.

Proper rules of engagement are necessary.

Opponents such as that Sean guy are mad dogs and need to be kept on short leash.

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Your first 2 sentences - you summed it up PERFECTLY!

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Thank you.

Sorry to be so wordy. ;)

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Steve needs to read the Art of war by Sun Tzu. Steve may have good intentions, but he has wasted a lot of time and energy on useless endeavors

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... and - in the process - did a disservice to himself...

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Not necessarily, IMO, he probably learned alot. The fact that he asked the question: how could I have handled this differently? speaks volumes as to his strength of character and his willingness to learn.

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I don't dislike Steve, but your comment makes total sense.

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Sorry Steve - total waste of your time... That guy is unbearable...

"Idiocracy" comes to mind.

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I couldn't listen to the whole thing because he refused to let you get in a word edgewise. At the start you were letting him speak, but it really didn't get you anywhere. You tried letting him speak, it didn't work. I wouldn't blame you for changing tactics later in the call.

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If you did allow him to finish, you would have shown moral superiority. Couple that with your superior presentation and the next thing he'd have that jackal Jacaranda banning you from the country.

No matter how 'right' you may be, it's like that old saying; you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

So in real terms, thank you for your persistence.

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As high-level CNN executives have been caught on video via project veritas. Covid fatigue has got to the point that we need a new way to scare and terrify and enslave the pubic. So, they will still use covid as needed but the new way to control and scare us is "climate change"

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

"Climate change" is just a side show. They're already planning, and running simulations, for a new pandemic to be released in 2025. This new one will target children. Ivor Cummins has an excellent video on youtube about this. Here's the link.


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I understand in the UK possibly Kent (I could be wrong on the exact location) that they are trialing Climate Change lockdowns..limiting travel etc.

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I don't remember the location, either, but yes, more or less in line with the "15 minute city" model, they are trialing Climate Change lockdowns. I actually like the concept of "polycentric" cities in which a person's usual work site and frequent needs/amenities (groceries, general store, park, playground, etc.) are within a 15 minute walk of his/her residence. But I reject the coercive "lockdown" approach to achieving or enforcing this.

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we pretty much have most things at our doorstep now..well most of us in the western world.Spread out I say..dont feel being caged in or on a leash is appealing!

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Spot on. The real issues are poor design and planning, not coercing people into a poorly designed system. I am from the UK and I know that in reality the UK has been under attack by the Marxists/communists for decade to ruin it,

Plus of course the Nazis in various guises including the medical ones, which is why the NHS is now so bad, having been going down hill for years.

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Have you read Jane Jacobs's book "The Death and Life of Great American Cities"? It was written decades ago but it's full of wisdom about how cities "work" or fail. I think the entire book can be read on the web (for free) now.

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I think they are too numbed down to try and educate..we are doomed

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Watch his interviews with Chantelle Baker. She is the only one of the "opposition" that can handle him. But you have to be prepared to be patronized and belittled by him. She doesn't seem to care. I think, she sees the bigger picture - she has to get through him, no matter what, to get through to his audience. She is very smart and very controlled and keeps her ego in check. That's the only way with a colossal ego person like him imo. I couldn't do it but she can. Pretending to be a cute harmless female also worked in her favor with a conservative patronizing dick like him. He constantly feels threatend by any perceived form of authority (and your vast superior knowledge is a form of authority). Chantelle witl eventually turn him, I think, because at his core he is a truth seeker. You did the best you could with this guy and how things were. The important thing is that you got airtime with his audience and many of them will see through this and will be curious about the data now. Mission achieved.

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The dialogue is completely different between Sean and Chantelle. Sean rarely if ever purposely talked over her. The setup was different. Sean invited Chantelle as an invited guest onto his show. It wasn't adversarial. Sean didn't have his mind made up of dislike for the guest as he did with Steve. From the very beginning he allowed her to form and deliver each sentence. When he asked her a challenging question, he let her talk for a complete set of sentences to fully address his question. He even led her with options for answers to his questions. He allowed her to make assertions.

Only at around https://youtu.be/GD9KQhFmc4g?t=1482

he started to sound a lot like he did with Steve. Chantelle expertly shot down his attempts at labelling her a nutcase. She neutralized him by saying his question of conspiracy theorists was a logical fallacy since both pro-vax and anti-vax would have a component of such individuals in their group.

Sean: do you believe .. just answer these questions and we'll see if you're a nutter or not. Do

you believe 911 was an inside job or a terrorist attack?

Chantelle: i'm not i'm not going to be.. i'm not going to be labelled in any way.

Sean: I'm not trying to label you. I'm trying to ask you a question.

Chantelle: Yes you.. well you are but I think that's a ridiculous line of questioning, but what I'm saying is that you've got to look at the proportionality of people. So you're saying that you're trying to say that the huge proportion of anybody that was against mandates are hardcore conspiracy ..

Sean: no i'm not. i'm saying there are some of them, some of them are

Chantelle: well... but obviously but you're going to have 'it' you're going to have that throughout a population so even if they're against mandates they'll say ... even if they're pro mandates have a portion of those that are pro-conspiracy theorists i mean that's a logical fallacy .... (long pause)

Sean: all right okay

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“I’m not trying to label you” errrrr! It’s all he did with Steve. A constant stream of insults.

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One of my patent sign offs is:

For all those jabbed, I urge you to hurry and get your next jab or booster. One day the world will be a better place.

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Never been to Vegas -but If he takes another booster, I will bet it would kill him within 3 months. Vegas needs to set up an online betting site for these things.

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This may sound crazy or conspiratorial, but I think we may need to consider that the multiply covid jabbed are not mentally sane. Tell me you have not seen this in some of your jabbed friends or family members.

The solid studies-mainly from Europe have linked mrna shots to cognitive loss and dementia. The biological mechanism behind this is well established. Even if they survive the shots- long term it appears the jabbed are going to be so impaired mentally that they will be unable to function. So maybe will be living in a world of zombies.

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Why should you think it crazy or conspiratorial? Anybody who takes multiple jabs is insane if they make some one fall sick soon after.

If they don't do anything because they are just saline that is another matter.

You will find some insane women here.


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Relax, Baldo, we're not all of us "crazy for vaccines." Let's agree to see the FOLLY in tarring large groups of diverse people (women, gays) with the same dirty stick simply because one finds them to fit one very large category. For example: women are 51% of all humanity.. That means if they were a Corporation, why, they'd own everything-- and everyone-- on Earth, hah ha hah hah haaaah!

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I am perfectly relaxed thank you, and I do know there are sensible females in the world. I assume you are female, and I know that you are sensible from your other comments around substack.

I have a wife, and she is often sensible, but she would insist on wearing a mask against the 'flu/Covid 19 when I knew it was all stupid and buying into the fear porn. And I was struggling with my health, labelled by the cretinous NHS as extremely vulnerable. I was a vulnerable as a pork chop in a vegan's fridge is to being eaten by them!

The truth is the female of the species is more keen on health & safety and perhaps understandably so. After all sugar and spice and all things nice are what little girls are made of, whereas boys are made of slugs and snails and puppy dog tails. Allegedly.

But I keep seeing the women who have ranted and raved over wearing masks, getting jabbed. But then then I have met some stupid men, including a doctor when I was undergoing immuno-therapy for what has turned out to be a misdiagnosis of cancer.

There are general traits in groups and that cannot be denied, but there are exceptions and they may be a small minority or large minority.

And I have noted that as the Net says, it is women, doctors and actors who tend to be Democrat voter's.

actors Dem

actors med

cod maters

docs mater

Are all anagrams of 'Democrats', so perhaps this is the reason why.

Yours, Baldo the Bold. Or vice versa.

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022

Lots of eedjots out there firmly believe in The Covid Religion and The Salvation of The Holy Mask. From what I see every single day it's just as much men as women so it's very safe to observe as true that "Stupid," "Panicked" and "Hysterical, for starters, come in every color, flavor and gender. Most adults have that one down by age 22 or so but the juvenile delinquent addicted-to-conflict mostly males on this planet reward their wanna-be's for staying stuck in Peter Pan Syndrome-- there's another allegorical tale that nearly no one, along with Frankenstein's Monster, Brave New World and Dr. Strangelove, noticed as such. "We just think it's all about the weird hairdos and funny costumes!!" Good luck, kiddies-- the clock's run well past 1984. And I wouldn't waste my time, or anyone else's, fighting the idiotic Red and Blue windmills. That's the trap our Lords and Masters of "The Multiverse" want you to get stuck in, soooo, that said:

"Relax, relax, relax, my man,

All is well in Red-Pilled Land.." (or so we'd like to think-- wink ;-)

I have much appreciated the boldness and truth-telling faction of the British, and their never-wavering sense of humor. My hat's off to the scrappiness and grit of the indomitable people of that small island nation.

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Agree.... Scenes of Zombie Apocalypse are flashing through my head...

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Oh, c'mon-- ya'd have to be totally nuts to acquiesce in the first place. Sheesh.

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Troll Hunter you always make me laugh.

btw I just noticed you & I both subscribe to Robert Reich. Can I ask what motivates you to follow him? I used to love him, but jeez, am having such a difficult time stomaching his party line any more. Every day I think about unsubscribing lol. Toby studied under Reich, for his undergrad or Masters.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

Hi ya, Paul:

I'm gladdened to hear from you tonight, happy to know I've put a smile on someone's face! Remember, Reich is an old-school guy who also can't entertain the notion that "Someone(s)" with Influence is doing their damnedest to sabotage and hamstring our fighting forces, forcing very fit young people to take the damned death shot, taking them out of commission and keeping recruits from signing on. His castigating substack post a few months back, taking the unvaxxed to task for their choices was the reason why I didn't subscribe to his substack but his observation that corporate greed is The Main driving force behind inflation is obviously spot on. And from the looks of it I'd say that Someone with Influence is actively attempting to sabotage the economy.

Reich is actually a neighbor of sorts. From time to time I'd see him and his pretty wife walk into our neighborhood cafe, he barely clearing the small swinging doors, she towering over him. The place would then go dead silent. We didn't want to scare them off acting like a bunch of star-struck fans... P.S : Might you be the Paul I know from Dr. Mercola of late, and Dane's group??

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we're pretty much agreed on reich. that's funny, the cafe goes silent when he walks in. i thought he exercised a lot of integrity for resigning as clinton's labor secretary, and again for endorsing bernie over his lifelong friend hillary. but recently, he's just been pushing the party line, and as you said, his horrid push of the vax. one reason i haven't unsubscribed is because he is actually a good barometer of what the next talking points are going to be, i assume he's plugged into all the channels. he will float ideas in his substack and then a few days later i'll see the talking points all over CNN, MSNBC.

yeah we've interacted on mercola but i'm not on dane (dane who?). there's a lot of pauls, i need to change my handle to something more unique, any ideas?

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Paul V. from years back over at Geoengineeringwatch? An identical name did appear at mercola's site.

Reich totally understands the economy and he's a rare one for not lying to Americans. He is steadfast in his proclamations that the inflation we're seeing is caused by corporate greed, pure and simple, not hard to figure thst out but lying NPR is playing the Globalist game and pointing to the Almighty U.S. Sec'y of the Treasury and the Fed as being some kind of heroic all-knowing force for economic good even as they raise interest rates for no particularly good reason that I can think of. As Reich says, this is simply profit/price inflation and the corporations need to be checked with a windfall tax.

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Doesn't sound crazy or conspiratorial to me - especially considering that the jab eradicates the prefrontal cortex i.e. it gives the jabbed a LOBOTOMY. Also, even when explained by someone to them that the jab is horrendous to your health, they still get jabbed. I don't know about anyone else but if something MIGHT cause harm to my health, I don't take it. Period. So yeah, I think they have pretty much fit the requirements to be labeled "crazy". btw, I was a mental health therapist for many years and had to make diagnoses of my clients. So, yeah, I'm qualified to make that judgment.

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I am not sure that vaccines are required for lobotomy. I did this post on the matter re NHS. See what you think if you will.


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Well, I have anecdotal evidence that symptoms of dementia do increase/intensify immediately after the shot. Two of my clueless sisters conspired to inject my 92 year old mom a fourth time while I was ill and unaware of what they were doing. My mother has been unable to maintain any attention to task/topic ever since. Her behavior deteriorated during the first two weeks after the shot and has slightly improved but not close to where she was, and she told me today that she's "half dead". Maybe my sisters are too.

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Agreed. Also there's the PCR "test" which is NOT a test, as per the inventor of PCR process, which is simply to give more info on DNA sequence, it isn't a test for anything yet they are using it that way. There is a toxic substance used on the tip of the PCR swab and it causes brain damage. I saw this myself with my husband when he returned from 10 days in hospital. 2 yrs later his brain still isn't right.

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Not crazy at all. Why wouldn't it affect the psychy if it affects the body in so many ways? I know a woman who was forces against her will to take two to keep her job. God bless her as she did for her family as main provider. She got more mentally rigid after that. Microdosing LSD brought her back. Unfortunately that option is only available to a few brave ones and the legal risks are high.

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It is known that Bill Wilson, one of the 2 founders of Alcoholics Anonymous had LSD treatment after yrs of sobriety. It's in the "Big Book" Alcoholics Anonymous. L S D has been shown to be therapeutic for many people also ayahuasca if used correctly. btw, I'm in recovery and worked in the field of addiction as a therapist who worked dual diagnosis, i.e. mental health issues plus alcohol/drug addiction.

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I like your posts and Ibogamine also so helpful. Especially for alcoholism. But it works so well that big pharma won't go with it. My sister drank 2 pints of vodka for years and almost died of pancreatitis and liver failure. After Ibogaine she will drink one glass of wine every couple months.

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I've known about ibogaine being very helpful for heroin addiction but didn't know it about alcohol. Makes sense since it helps with chemical addiction in general it seems. Thanks for this info, very interesting. Glad your sister got some help! I knew someone who used it for heroin addiction and it was working great but then it became difficult if not impossible to obtain due to govt.

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I have seen heroin users and long-term alcoholics become sober after using psychedelics. Yet there is no way in the US this will ever be legal. No profit in it.

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Within months of the jab, my brother went from a credentialed CPA and successful investor to full blown dementia. Might be lewy body dementia or prion disease, no matter what you call it, it's the PEGs and spike proteins in the brain.

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So sorry to hear this. I hate what the jab is doing to people. It is known that the jab causes prion disease - and much more rapidly than normal. Prion disease usually takes 30 to 40 yrs for symptoms to show. With the jab it shows up almost immediately or at least within months it seems from what I've read.

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Sorry to hear that. I'm not a doctor but have a masters in cellular biology. There are several theories about why these shots cause dementia. I think the main cause is the shots are coagulopathic. They cross the blood brain barrier and kill brain cells.

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You might be interested in this - I've read in several places that spike protein is responsible. You be the judge.


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My sister has gone down hill cognitively with each shot she took. She had two Pziser and the booster. She has now started falling down, no reason just all of a sudden falls down. Had to quit work after the second shot. She 69 now but was working and doing well prior to the shots.

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No ill will but anyone that has taken 5 covid shots needs to be in a mental institution

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The interesting thing about covid it it has turned millions of agnostics and atheists to God.

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No she won’t even discuss it. None of my jabbed family will. I’ve just given up on them. Only my 1 daughter who was diagnosed with LUPUS after her second jab is willing to consider it was the jab. She is following the FLCCC protocol. Still in a lot of pain after over a year. Still on steroids and immune suppressants even though I’ve asked to talk to her Dr about using immune modulators instead as that’s what the FLCCC recommend. She is being treated b the same Dr that gave her the jab 😡

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Vitamins C and D, the first and last letters of CoviD. C for Cure, D for Defense.


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Amen sister! Totally agree with you. I think too many doctors read it as HIPPOCRITIC oath. They are anything but pro health. It's been eye-opening finding this out about the medical profession, sadly. 2 yrs ago, my VIROLOGIST husband was very sick. THinking it might well be covid (found out later it wasn't) I called our dr and asked him to prescribe H C Q. Dr. knew my husband had worked for Public Health Dept in PA, also worked with Nobel prize winning scientist. I told him he knows h c q will cure it, as he worked with coronavirus before. He refused to prescribe it. I'm guessing he was afraid of having his license pulled. But what good is a license if you are prohibited from saving people's lives. He was perfectly willing to let my husband die. Fortunately, our local hospital had great doctors who knew the score on covid and they saved his life.

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I think it is more than the money - many enables geet no financial benefi but still do it. It's like a dark energy pulling them. It's mostly unconscious. It's a passive lethargy. It was observed at the beginning of the 3rd Reich. It's mass psychosis. It is very concerning. Good people turn into Zombies.

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That's why we need an independent moderator on debates, to prevent rude interruptions and people talking over each other.

It's his show, if he gets away with this the audience will make up their minds.

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Another possibility is that the multiply jabbed have lost the ability to make rational decisions. I have seen this in family members and friends that had profound personality changes- especially after the booster shot

There are solid European studies about mrna shots causing accelerated premature cognitive loss and dementia.

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It is known that the jab causes destruction of prefrontal cortex - IOW, a lobotomy is given to the person. That is pretty much definition of zombie - losing the ability to make choices and extinction of our free will. Great observation about Sean, kudos to you Fast Eddy, you've been paying attention!! Respect, sir.

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Thanks, your comment compelled me to make another one at top

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022Pinned

Spending time debating these people on Twitter caused me to notice one major thing about the pro-vax side: they lack curiosity. It's actually stupefying how little curiosity they have.

They generally treat responding to "anti-vaxxer" claims like some sort of video game quest, where they check off boxes/tasks as "completed"

Remember: they think "anti-vaxxers" are part of some massive financial conspiracy -- we're all getting paid for this apparently (LOL!)

They tend to quickly glance over a claim/source, nearly always focusing on the author. If one does not exist, they will complain about it, demand a source, some "expert" verification of the facts. If the source exists and it is an "anti-vaxxer" they will be denounced immediately as a "conspiracy theorist" that is peddling lies for profit (or just some vague general evil motive) and therefore all of his/her claims can be rejected as "disinformation" or whatever. There will be a mainstream source - CDC, Wikipedia, "Fact checker" websites, etc they can cite as proof for this.

If they don't go for this ad hominem attack, they will just look up the claim and find some mainstream source that says "no, the vax doesn't do that; safe and effective!" and it all ends there. Your sources will never be as authoritative as theirs. If the "debunking" source that they cite is no longer up-to-date (say, you post a new study that hasn't yet been "fact checked") they will just change the subject.

These people don't care about the truth; really, they aren't even all that capable of understanding the concept of truth. They pretend as if truth is defined by democracy (mob rule) - if the majority of "experts" say the shots are safe & effective, then it must be so! Remember: any contrary information can just be part of some anti-vaxxer conspiracy.

They also just decide to blame everything on the virus itself. They also always pretend as if the "vaccines" are some sort of alternative to the virus. No, the shots are a choice, the virus is not. Apart from being a complete shut-in or always wearing a hazmat suit, you can't just avoid germs forever. The shots don't prevent anyone from getting exposed to the virus! And the spike proteins are the major cause of damage, so taking a shot is just causing an unnecessary extra dose of them.

I never fell for the "vaccines" and never got them. But I have been distrustful of the mass media for over 10 years. What really did it was whenever they had some expert on talking about the virus, they would always remind people to take the shots... but never remind them to keep their diet in check, their sleep schedules, their vitamin D, C, zinc, etc. It was almost like they were trying to make it seem like the immune system couldn't be improved in any way except through the jabs. Obviously that's false even if we accept that these shots are "safe and effective" -- having a stronger immune system is always a good thing!

These people will not change their minds unless one of two things happens:

1. They can be convinced into believing that their position is no longer "consensus" (this might be possible, but only in the long term)

2. Family / close friend[s] / they themselves suffer a very serious adverse reaction the the shots

I really just don't see any other options. You could write a 10,000 page book full of flawless arguments, studies, and experiments proving beyond all doubt that the jabs are unsafe. If Wikipedia, the mainstream media, the official "Fact checkers" and so on deem that book to be "mis/dis-information" or "conspiracy theories" then they will reject it all outright.

This is just a natural human trait. It's not even necessarily a bad trait, it is very adaptive for social animals. It just becomes a serious problem in a society when we lack responsible leadership.

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Your fist paragraph - I could not agree more! I"ve noticed that, too and am stunned by the utter lack of curiosity.

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Not that there isn't a niche for alternative, possibly quack medicines ("Little Pharma") but how much money is there really in it compared to shilling for BIG Pharma?

I love how they think 50 years of injecting luciferase mRNA into rats, not even pseudourylated or with the same lipid shell for most of those decades, is equivalent to a full-blown peer-reviewed study on mRNA vaccines for any kind of coronavirus (which there is none) or mRNA vaccines for any kind of virus (none on humans before 2015). The only type of vaccine for which we had at least some data for other coronaviruses was Novavax which made vaccines for SARS and MERS and tested them on mice years before the pandemic. That's not enough but it would have been fine in an emergency capacity. I object to the preying on us with experimental technology where it isn't warranted. It's not that desperate when we could have just used Novavax.

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There's a niche for "alternative medications" because the medical industry / big pharma has such a terrible track record. A lot of people do not trust them at all.

Most people just aren't willing/able to do enough research to find the good stuff, which the medical industry is often aware of, they just don't do much research on it because it's not profitable.

My position is that injectable vaccines were NEVER the answer to this virus. For an number of reasons:

- There was already a virus spreading (if you want to call it a pandemic; I think most of the deaths were from the lockdown policies, directly or indirectly). Vaccines ideally PREVENT pandemics from forming in the first place. Once they've already started, it's kind of too late, at least with a virus that already spread to basically every country in the world

- The virus mutates very rapidly. It's designed to do that. It was made in a lab

- Injecting in the arm isn't going to give you the right antibodies in the mucous-lined upper respiratory organs. It doesn't produce those at all. You don't get COVID-19 by the virus injecting itself into your arm. You get it by being exposed in your upper respiratory system

- There WERE treatments already that worked fine - cheap and readily available drugs. Nasal rinse. Vitamins, zinc, etc. They were not only suppressed but anyone recommending them was attacked, this was so people would think a vaccine was the only solution

And then we have the issue with the mRNA vax only targeting the spike protein rather than the entire virus. Absurd!

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I mean there's still a niche for them to rip people off with snake oil just as there is for Big Pharma but it's just not as lucrative and maybe even smaller now that the internet allows people to communicate to each other which alternative medicines work and which are rip-offs.

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022

Yes, this is exactly right. My in laws literally stop talking or replying even when confronted with data straight from the pharma clinical trials. Fact checkers and CDC lies are all they have as a rebuttal. It is self preservation and cognitive dissonance at it's finest. I have empathy because we are all capable of falling into that trap. But my husband can't understand how they willfully choose to ignore the truth.

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"My in laws literally stop talking or replying..." My brother stormed away when he saw I might actually know something. We were talking about lockdowns. I pointed out Sweden had better results with its less extreme approach. He got all snooty and said people where I live (Puerto Rico) don't know what goes on in Sweden because the news doesn't talk about it. (He lives in Switzerland.) So without pausing to have to think, I said, "Anders Tegnell admitted they made mistakes regarding nursing homes."

Oh, oh. I knew who Anders Tegnell was? And what he said?

He pushed himself away from the table and left. Conversation over.

Some people can't be reached.

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My husband was a virologist/immunologist for many years, worked in Public Health Dept in PA and worked with a Nobel prize winning scientist. Yet his IDENTICAL TWIN brother refused to even hear what he had to say. "This conversation is over!" and he did it numerous times. His brother got jabbed 3 times. Now our nieces and nephew are not talking to us due to being poisoned by my brother-in-law. Amazing that they are identical twins, they couldn't be more different! It's frustrating especially when it's family. Family: can't live with them, can't shoot them, as the saying goes.

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Tha't's even more annoying, given your husband's credentials. I'm sorry that's happened in your family. It's sad. (My brother is also my twin, just not identical, of course.)

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Thank you for your kind words, it does help. It seems there are many folks who have lost their family so I know we aren't alone. My brother got vaxed 3 times and he's my last family member alive. We were never close, though. It just amazes me that so many people can be so adamant about NOT hearing the truth.

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My brother is exactly the same! We're here in the UK, living in different cities. Right from the start of this global coup d'etat I've provided many of my family members and friends with trustworthy data that refutes the 'official narrative'. But my family members (and all bar two of my already 'awake' friends; I've been 'awake' for 40+ years. I'm 64) choose to continue to 'believe' what they hear from their beloved MSM.

I'm the only one in my family who's absolutely refused to submit to the injections. And every time I've provided them with data which goes against the 'official narrative', and which is irrefutable, my brother reacts very similarly to yours, albeit via email or text. He has also subjected me to several ad hominem attacks. They just can't accept that they're being lied to by the people on their TVs.

My siblings' respective spouses are all equally gullible and brainwashed. As you so rightly say, some people just can't be reached, no matter how hard we try.

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That's what I really have trouble understanding - that their response is always one of anger and closing their ears to us. I can understand agreeing to disagree - but anger? Why? It tells you something huge is going on there, i.e. cognitive dissonance, willful ignorance etc. But why not refuse the jab just in case our info is true?

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mass formation psychosis - they've chose long ago to be a part of a group from which they can't deviated or their foundational identity is unmoored from the group.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

Good point! But why are they so angry? Is it because they don't like being challenged and it brings up uncomfortable subterranean thoughts that maybe, just maybe they are wrong? I don't know the answer, just wondering.

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They have a rationale, you have a rationale. You need better arguments and perhaps a better psychological approach. I am not sure exactly what those arguments are at this time. Refine, refine, refine.

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Maybe...but when the amygdala is chronically active, their rational thinking abilities are greatly diminished. So, I beg to differ that they have a 'rationale'. Some people will simply never see the light bulb go on. Keep looking for the intellectually curious ones -- they will be the ones to help tip this madness back into the realm of sanity.

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You seem to be very adept at learning new skill sets Steve. I have no doubt that if you make it to your new goal, you will become a top notch debater. Not just to win the debate, but to win over the minds of the listeners. (On some level, It is essentially negotiation skills.)

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When talking to pro-vaxxers, I suggest to stick to and repeat over and over this one argument:

Present data that show that the vaccine injection lowers all causes death and improves all causes health, or every thinking being have to conclude that the vaccines are a scam that benefit some big organizations!

Big organizations should always be considered guilty until proven otherwise, unlike individuals.

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That is good advice. Radio and TV shows have limited time. Politicians stick to two or three talking points when they run for office just to get their message out and not confuse the audience. You can point the audience to your web page for valuable information (data, healing vaccine injury, substack page etc. ).

Also like a political campaign, Steve Kirsh allowed the talk show host to put labels him like 'difficult to talk to'. George W. Bush mentioned this labeling problem in his autobiography

'Decision Points' as a tactic he had to face running for office.

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Also, insist the control group consist of people receiving a saline solution, not a different vaccine or adjuvant. In most clinical trials cited by the FDA to approve a vaccine, the control arm has been a different vaccine or an adjuvant that has never been shown to be safe as compared to saline. Even lead is "safe" if you compare it to arsenic.

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RemovedDec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022
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What do you mean "even Ivermectin"? Ivermectin IS safe.

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RemovedDec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022
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It's safe if it has no bad side effects and saves your life. What people choose to do regarding viruses is up to them and is a separate issue. Ivermectin kills parasites and cancer and parasites have nothing to do with viruses. This is a false argument.

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Stop the divisiveness in the Medical Freedom Movement. Does a virus explain every otherwise unexplained syndrome? Of course not. Nor does terrain. Viruses exist. So does terrain. Both play a role. The universe is not Manichean.

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I have run across these people. I think they are paid to prevent the so called 'disinformation'. When I stump them with facts it seems like they send me to debate their boss. I recall reading the Biden administration sending millions in government grant money to pay people to be online counter opposition.

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Most are not paid, they are often just ordinary people that fell for the scam. The medical professionals that continue to peddle it are in a predicament.

"OK, so I was bamboozled into injecting innocent people with a dangerous shot, but this random guy with no medical training on a laptop at his house figured it out when I couldn't? Yeah right!"

Nobody wants to believe they made this mistake. Some people can accept it but a lot of people can't, especially when they're 2 steps away from endless assurances (just google "vaccine safe and effective" etc)

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

Alot of them ARE being paid for the deaths - ALOT of $, too. We have proof of that, it's actually pretty common. Many people become doctors in the first place simply to make alot of $. Medical profession is not what it used to be when I was young. ALOT of other doctors are afraid of having their licenses pulled. I say if you are forced to murder people or allow them to die and can't be bothered to check out the voluminous amount of info that the jab is harmful - then why would you want to stay in that profession? Call me crazy.

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By all means seek out the victims; bring light into darkness. However, when you are successful at getting your message out that is when the paid opposition will come in and try to shut you down or distract you into nonsensical debate.

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I have a close friend who took the shot and tried to convince me to. He is one of the most skeptical logical and data driven people I know. Does well on the stock market. But every word you say here applies to him. There will be no changing his mind until one of those two criteria you name, are fulfilled.

It is far easier to fool 95 percent of the population, than to convince them they have been fooled (and to get them to admit it is even more unlikely).

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People aren't really data driven. They form opinions based on intuition and then seek data to confirm them. Your friend demonstrates that.

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Alot of people don't even check their intuition, they just go with whatever most folks i.e. "mainstream" are doing. The fear of being rejected by the crowd is huge and intense in humans.

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I use Steve as the primary source and they totally hate it.

them: "everything he says is rubbish",

me: "ok well you should go after the bounty he puts on his own facts then... In the meantime here's what he says about masks, his data and methods are here... take a look."

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I also noticed that they will accuse "anti-vaxxers" of being liars without evidence. Remember, a lie requires 2 things:

1. The statement must be false

2. The statement must have been known to be false by the person making it, but they said it anyway in order to deceive

As for #1, nobody's perfect. We have all made mistakes. I don't get it wrong on purpose, and I don't think Steve or any of the other major figures ever do either. But what is rich is that these people will declare what is really just a very minor mistake (not a lie) with targeted, deliberate deception. And even more laughable is that they're on the side of the CDC, Lord Fauci, Birx, Pfizer and Moderna. Further, these people are put in positions of authority - with teams of experts on their side - so that making mere mistakes is so dangerous that it should not even be tolerated.

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RFKjr number one for me, Steve excellent.

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RemovedDec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022
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Dear heavens, you didn't let the video get to the "but" part. He has sued and won against pharma companies regarding children's vaccines. He emphatically states that the mRNA shot is NOT a vaccine. Are you a troll? I think maybe you are.

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We may literally be dealing with brain damaged people to various extents, including the inability for warmth and understanding due to prefrontal microclot damage


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Wow! So well elucidated. So many friends and family duped… And I am seen as a conspiracy theorist. It’s all very surreal. It’s as though this last three years, any illusions I had were just ripped apart, and I am allied with truth speakers who I read about on the Internet, and a few awake contacts who are local and who I can hug occasionally.

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Precisely! Your observations reveal much about some deep human obstacles which are much more difficult to break than we can imagine.

Many people are misinformed through no fault of their own. They are lied to and accept it to be truth. But when you call them on it and the refuse to look, this is ignorance - they choose to see that they might be misinformed. And then when they attack your character or insist that you are the one who’s causing the problem, this is arrogance. This is the state of humanity in this time. Our beliefs appear greater than the truth.

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I've had the same exact experience with the Branch Covidians on Twitter. For the reasons you stated I just don't debate them anymore. Instead, I find it more effective to post short comments that the vaxes are killing and injuring people and sometimes add a link to a news story or relevant source. Excellent post by the way.

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Good idea. Arguing with the Twitterati will destroy your soul. Just reading it can be horrifying. And remember that if you have an account your data is being harvested for who knows what purposes.

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They lack curiosity because they've been biologically LOBOTOMIZED by spike micro-clotting as you'll see. No different from the old ice pick lobotomies of Dr. Moniz. It renders them "harmless as house pets" and the higher functions of love and empathy are the first to go.

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My house pet is not harmless. Last night he hogged the bed while I slept curled up in the corner.

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Must see interview on this topic with Dr. Peter BREGIN who has vast experience on this topic


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Exactly!!!! These evil minsters know very well how the toxic nanoparticles , the graphene and additional stuff is affecting the neurological system and the brain. Empathy and love are the first traits they need to erase from everyone before they push the button to massive killings from irradiation!!

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Pre frontal lobes are essential for personal interaction, so I have read. Actually, they didn't use an ice pick, but a punch to fracture the thin bone separating the eye socket from the brain cavity. Injection of ethyl alcohol did the dirty work. One of the developers won the Nobel prize for this monumental work. Could have gotten a bigger prize if the used dynamite according to Nobel Institute, but hospital protocols did not allow such. We are so lucky to not have been born before this period. But many more have died bc of covid vaxxes. And these people didn't have overt mental issues. Stupidity did them in. I'm gonna change your DNA. OK.

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An American doctor named Walter Freeman sure did. and he would do it on stage infront of huge audiences. The death of a patient on stage in 1967 caused the investigation that ended his career. Dr. Peter Breggin (yep) then campained to finish off the practice entirely in the west. "Walter Freeman brought the procedure to the US. He later came up with a version that required no drilling. Dr. Freeman’s “transorbital lobotomy,” or “ice pick lobotomy,” involved inserting an ice pick into the brain via the eye socket and sweeping it across the frontal cortex. Dr. Freeman could perform several ice pick lobotomies in a day." https://awkward.com/15-lobotomy-patients-before-and-after-their-procedure/9

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I"m part Swedish. We come pre-lobotomized

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I thought your concept of "lagom" would prevent that. It seems to have worked better than the Danes "hyyge" :)

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Have you seen the governments they've had?

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GOOD GRIEF. The "PRACTICE" of 'medicine' has deep roots into very unsavory; even downright demonic practices. No WONDER the 'end' (Or near) of medicine is proving to be quite evil; because it's beginning was.

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It's actually quite shocking at times to see otherwise rational; intelligent people become unable to think rationally when it comes to certain topics; including 'vaccines' in general and specifically the cov19 shots. You can literally talk for HOURS on end; citing accredited article after article; real-life story after real-life story; and they will STILL resist.

I don't remember if I shared this site on here before or not...Mr. Kirsch; if I'm not supposed to share links; I understand if you delete it...but this site I'm going to (Try to) share is supposedly run by a 'doctor'. If you scroll through the archives and look at all of his articles; and take a look at the comment sections on some of them; you will see that what "LolCox" wrote defines him perfectly:


What ALWAYS bothers me about people like this is NOT that they think these things THEMSELVES; but they PUSH this garbage unto fearful; easily-led people who clearly believe every word.

My guess is that now; at this point in time; people who have gotten the shot(s) are unable to admit; NOT to OTHERS; but to THEMSELVES, that taking the shots was a REALLY, REALLY; bad idea; possibly the WORST decision of their entire lives.

It's hard to admit when we are wrong sometimes when the wrong we did isn't catastrophic. It must be MANY times over that when our wrong decision IS possibly catastrophic.

This entire scenario; the ENTIRE thing...the lockdown; the mask-wearing; the 'vaccines'; the mandates for mask-wearing and vaccines; the social isolation; businesses permanently shut down; people not being able to be with their loved ones while they died....ALL of it IS catastrophic and will CONTINUE in the time ahead to be so. That's a really bitter pill to swallow.

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Thank you for the link; as soon as I am able to; I will read all of it; but I did glance at it for now. VERY interesting. Thanks again for sharing that.

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022

As explained here, re. "covid vaccine personality" (disorder! ):


Though I believe many, if not most, of the sheeple who docilely lined up for the shots (rich or poor, supposedly "educated" or not) were ALREADY lobotomized. Too much TV / smartphone, and junk culture — leading to addled minds filled with bullshit, unable to sort patent lies from truth, and ultimately, fiction from reality.

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Has Reiner Fuellmich given back the money he stole yet from the Corona committee?

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Thank you for the link. Yes; TV is ONE of the (Many) 'worst things' that was ever created.

I remember hearing something some years ago about how the human brain's "Alpha Waves" are effected by watching TV....I don't think I wrote that correctly; but it's something like that. The bottom line is that watching TV puts the brain into a passive mode; almost like being drugged; so what we watch and hear gets taken INTO our minds/hearts/spirits, because our own natural 'filter' or 'guard' is let down. Sort of; I think, like hypnotism.

There's a reason why; when "TV" first came out; that a lot of Brits; for example; called it names like "The fools lantern", and "The goggle box", among others.

The saying "Garbage IN; garbage OUT" is spot-on. WHATEVER we take in; at SOME point; will come OUT of us. We become CORRUPTED.

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minor point: you mean "affected", not "effected". Apart from that, I agree with you!

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Good catch! Thank you for the correction; I HATE when I do that!

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022

Yes, the alpha waves thing is true. People partially space out when watching TV and the brain's activity drops precipitously, as the mind switches to reactive aka. 'exogenous' attention (becoming more amenable to suggestion, or 'suasion' as Mark Crispin Miller puts it), as opposed to self-directed aka. 'endogenous' attention, like when one is reading a book, writing, or doing any task requiring skill and conscious focus. Endogenous attention — from within — is a pillar of so-called executive functions, which are centered on the frontal cortex. Note: There is a great book coming on Dec. 27 about this, called "Screen Damage", by neuroscientist Michel Desmurget ( https://a.co/d/68o8I1s ).

SAT scores dropped something like 10%-15% in the 1950s, following the mass introduction of television. For a standardized test, this is massive. The actual stats are in the book. ...It isn't called the 'boob tube', or the 'idiot box' for nothing.

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My foster parent wouldn't let me do anything in my free time other than watch television. I still got 34 on the ACT (that's 99.9th percentile or equivalent to an IQ of 140 something)

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I'm sure there are exceptions; you clearly are one. I think it depends a LOT on WHAT is watched, and the personality traits of each person to begin with. Someone with certain proclivities are likely to be easily pushed deeper towards them if they see those things affirmed on TV (Or elsewhere.) I'm happy to know that you seem to be none the worse for wear for having watched a lot of television!

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Thank you. I believe that if our eyes were truly opened ALL THE WAY; we would see the VAST and far-reaching ways in which society as a whole has been duped; deceived; manipulated, 'intoxicated'; but without alcohol or drugs (Though they can certainly be factored in as well), influenced, indoctrinated, (I could go on but won't); and the worst pain would come from the realization that we GAVE OURSELVES to ALL of these things.

That book sounds fascinating; I may have to look for that.

So MANY things have vied for our attention; our affections; our time; our money, our...EVERYTHING. If we only would TRULY 'unplug' from this world as much as is possible; there would be a little bit of hope for us; but we are so ADDICTED to our various 'drugs' that I don't know if we will.

Yes; there's a good reason the tell-a-vision has been called all of those names; but again; we shrug it off with a laugh and park ourselves (Including myself at times) in front of it; instead of ACTUALLY LIVING. How sad.

I am certain SAT scores dropped dramatically. When I think of how 'smart' my parents were; and my Grandparents and people of those generation were; and see what young people act like now; it makes me want to cry. How VERY far we have fallen; in almost every way conceivable. Tragic.

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022

"When I think of how 'smart' my parents were; and my Grandparents and people of those generation were..."

Yes! I remember a French historian stumbling on a stash of turn of the 20th-century middle school essays and tests, I think it was, and the difference in level and proficiency, compared to today, was shocking. ...Despite not being as technologically endowed, previous generations wrote and thought better. Even their handwriting was way better; nowadays, kids don't even know how to hold a pen properly, 3/4 of the time! And the uneducated ones had a thing called 'common sense', which, regrettably, isn't so common anymore. Contemporary culture has been deliberately dumbed down, by exploiting and catering to our weaknesses and vices ( for profit, and control ). And now, it seems the string pullers — "elites" — would like to drive most of us to extinction.

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They guy is paid big time to lie about the bogus safety of the covid shot but you are also correct. Most people I know that have had multiple covid shots have lost about 30 IQ points.

The mechanism behind this is pretty obvious. The spike protein is causing microvascular

Ischemia to the frontal lobe and executive and decision-making areas.

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And I thought it was the gin. What a relief.

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Precisely -this is of course what I meant to say... :)

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Yes their lack of curiosity creates ignorance; when the shots first rolled out here early in 2021, I told two different people I know that the shots are: mRNA based, experimental, and only emergency authorized. Both repeated the rachel maddow blather, “ No, it’s a vaccine”, with a chuckle. One has clots now, the other, previously perfectly healthy, is constantly sick. An iota of curiosity would have had them check what I said, which would have taken 5 minutes.

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The 'we're gonna change your dna' made me decide to decline. That's what mRNA does.

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Same. I know. It sucks to be right. Now I'm like Oscar Schindler wishing I'd gone full nutter to save them.. "this ring... could have been sold... it could have saved two more...

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Agreeing with the group is a safe bet in a normal situation. Humans evolved in small tribes of a few hundred to a thousand at most. The neolithic revolution changed that, but that began only around 12,000 years ago, spreading from the fertile crescent. That was the advent of agriculture, so large populations could be sustained. The first real cities and civilizations. Before the neolithic was the paleolithic - also known as "stone age" or "hunter gatherers."

This was how we evolved for hundreds of thousands of years as humans.

So, if you had a serious complaint, you could take it up with the leader. Today, we don't have that. Kirsch has been trying desperately to get the CDC people to just look at the data. They're all avoiding him so they can claim plausible deniability. And Kirsch is very well connected multi-millionaire.

Not to mention, if the tribal leader was doing something outright ridiculous a tribal revolt could take place. I'm aware that some groups, like the Aztecs, engaged in some nasty business (ritual sacrifice) but this was often against smaller, less advanced local tribes. These smaller tribes later allied with the Spaniards to defeat the Aztec empire.

What I'm saying is there is nothing inherently wrong with this need to conform that most people have, even if it flies in the face of logic. In fact, it is a necessary social trait. I can't imagine it would have ended well for an Aztec civilian to suggest "maybe ritual sacrifice doesn't actually change the weather?" (I'm not picking on the Aztecs, all of our ancestral tribes did things just as crazy, it's just a well-documented example that illustrates the point).

This need to conform leads to social cohesion and stability, it exists because in our history it made our societies stronger.

Today everything has changed so rapidly that we haven't been able to adapt to it. In 1950, only 9% of Americans had TVs in their houses. By the 1960s it was already the majority. Now we have the internet, but the major websites that ordinary people get their news from are heavily censored. Kirsch is still banned from Twitter, but I suspect that will change soon, after Musk's comments.

So the entire leadership apparatus has been hijacked. Mass democracy in the modern age is merely rule by the news media. The media is the ultimate authority on deciding who is a credible expert and who is not. And these powerful media companies are massive, multi-billion dollar monopolies and they have an agenda to push.

So the reason this very adaptive trait, which originally was a strength for our species, but now has become a weakness, is because we lack responsible leadership.

Who led us through this "pandemic" - Lord Fauci? He should have been replaced before 2021. Bill Gates, the guy that carries around a jar of poop?

If we had responsible leadership [in the media] people would be treated as pariahs and anyone that endorsed them would be harassed and attacked the same way "anti-vaxxers" are being targeted today.

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Insightful post (although sacrifice not affecting the weather seems a bit of a stretch :)

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I wish I could summon my thoughts as clearly as you!

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I'm hopelessly late to this party, but for what it's worth Plunket has form for disgusting disrespect of guests. So much so the broadcasting standards authority are quite familiar with him:


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I just started watching Jordan Peterson's interview with Matt Ridley on Youtube (early December 2022): "Viral: The Origin of Covid 19: #310. Steve, to the question, show us who has 'come out', among the conspirators...you could cite the paper leaked from DARPA (see from 26.50 mins. onwards of an almost two hour long interview) which admittedly doesn't tell us who leaked it but shows us that Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance not only knew all about the "Furin cleavage site," the very thing which makes this Sars virus different to others, but that he applied for funding to engineer it into Sars viruses... The DARPA Report was called 'Project DEFUSE.' It should come up on Google but if it doesn't, let me know and I could post it here.

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Hi Steve, I'm a human rights philosopher from New Zealand subscribed to your substack. I sat through the whole painful '(non-)interview'..!! I'd like to apologize to you sincerely on behalf of all New Zealanders who, emphatically, do not think as Sean does! He's a reactionary product, unfortunately, of the older generation that went through an authoritarian education system, a system that was abandoned 15 years ago with the outlawing of corporal punishment. "Respect for authority," however, is something that still lingers culturally. Embarrassing as it is whenever we encounter it, we cringe when we hear that obnoxious and obstreperous voice. But we know that it is the sound of ignorance and desperation in the face of a globally propagated and globally heightened fear campaign. In short, you were talking to someone who has never had any training in the basics of a proper rational debate. Ad hominem..? Indeed..! And ignorance thereof.

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Liking Ron DeSantos in Florida..think id like to live there!A man talking old school language!

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Um, herd immunity is a very real thing. The evidence is that after awhile, an epidemic doesn't infect so many people because herd immunity is working, i.e. when an entire group is immune due to so many individuals in a group are immune so that diseases can't enter and spread; it is when not enough individuals can catch it to maintain the epidemic. It does NOT come from vaccines.

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Hi Baldmichael - I didn't say vax is required for lobotomy. I said the vax destroys prefrontal cortex, like a lobotomy, which it basically is. But there are other ways to do a lobotomy, such as with a knife which is how they did it originally. I was a therapist for many yrs, had to learn about such things.

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It was so obvious in how he continuously attacked you that he is embarrassed he isn't as intelligent as you. Bless you for your tolerance and bearing it out Steve. It showed your strength of character, compared to his lack of it.

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The comments by his/their? followers say it all. They were universally appalled by his/their behavior. It was a big win for Steve.

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From the book of Proverbs:

A truthful witness saves lives,

But one who declares lies is [i]deceitful.

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Mr. Plunket made reference to only listening to authority.

Here we listen to a speech in the British House of Commons


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We would love you to keep pressing our media, so-called scientists and Govt in NZ to have this discussion with you. What a shame Sean is all teeth, no trousers.

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Steve, I still wish I could debate and prove you wrong about the covid jabs. Would love to win that million dollars. No one is taking you up on your offer because they'll lose the debate, since lies is all they have on their side. I suspect too that these people knew all along that covid and the jabs were additional vehicles being used to justify ushering in the great reset, which will actually equal the great tribulation at the end of the day.

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Steve - you should have called him out for his personal attacks and gone on the offensive. You can't be a doormat to bullies like that!

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Can someone explain in simple terms why are you so sure these clots are pre-mortem?

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