Steve, while I do not use twitter much for obvious reasons I ran a poll there:


It's only 49 votes with 3hrs to go, but maybe it will still help you and it jives perfectly with what you already have.

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The latest Naomi Wolf article on pregnant women and Vax injuries that I sent around hit home. Except the 1st response back is...."do you really think this is true ? Do you believe what she wrote ?"

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And how do they explain the Harvard study which actually tracked the patients after injection, only to learn that over 99% of the ACTUAL injuries and deaths are ever reported by VAERS?

SEE: https://digital.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/electronic-support-public-health-vaccine-adverse-event-reporting-system

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I believe this study,

I had a friend who within a few ours after the third jab was bed ridden for five days, sick for a couple weeks after that. Was at Urgent Care several times and they said it wasn’t the shot. I told her to ask them to put it in VAERS…the nurse had no idea what VAERS was.

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Here is the Harvard study that proved less than 1% of all injuries and deaths shortly after vaccination are ever reported through VAERS. https://digital.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/electronic-support-public-health-vaccine-adverse-event-reporting-system

Note the 1st sentence in the conclusion (on the homepage, before you even dig into the PDF report) includes the words "less than one percent" are ever reported.

This means that the VAERS numbers must be multiplied by AT LEAST 100 in order to come close to anything REAL.

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They won't bother to explain it......they are all too busy "pretending not to know" these things.

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I mean they could but we couldn't understand the science; it is like trying to explain to Steve how an optical mouse works...

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Trouble with that is, we aren't ALL of us that dumb....they just wish we were.

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It was a joke; Steve Kirsch invented that :P...

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Love to help, but I don't have those "social media" accounts... Better things to do than wade around in a sewer dodging Lord knows what sharks, and engaging with others looking for a distraction in much ado about nothing (mostly, anyway) all day.

I recall a time when people understood it was a virtue to mind one's own business. It seems living in a goldfish bowl and voyeuring others doing the same appeals to many these days... So called "reality" TV is anything but it seems to me too.....Mostly just people faking virtue and twisting each others' brains up from where i sit... You be the judge of what value there is in it.

Seems to me virtue signaling in that bowl and appearing to live an "evolved, mature, together" life is more important to many than actually living thus... Maybe because that lets many a projector off the reality hook of ACTUALLY living such a life, so long as they can con everyone (including themselves!) that they are!! A vehicle for shallow virtue signaling BS mainly.. If I see one more "I stand with Ukraine/kidnapped African girls/her/him/whatever the flavour of the virtue signaling week is" headline I will most definitely heave up my lunch......

Sorry... pet peeve of mine - rant over now! To those of you who love your social media and reality TV , I say enjoy, and viva la difference....

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Dear Steve, you are a Honourable Champion of Humanity, and your determined ‘Truth Drive’ is giving us all hope and encouragement in this propaganda war of horrors. ‘They’ might think they can deny, cover up, suppress etc etc the Truth on deaths and injuries, but We know Truth always prevails and we All know about KARMA (she’s a bitch). ❤️🙏🌟

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It's pretty clear the people know the truth, I just wish they'd be more active in fighting the system ie. mass noncompliance with COVID mitigation measures.

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FDA and the CDC and WHO and a large bulk of inept and non-thinking doctors have lost all credibility!

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Yep, they have! They have brought down their own House of Usher of lies, lying and deadly doctors, and have hung themselves with their own rope of the plandemic and false medical narrative of fake science.

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The left will ignore it, just like all the rest. You are not dealing with rational people.

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And, next these insane sociopaths will roll-out the monkey pox vax, right on schedule to keep killing off the awakening-but-addled herd...after that, crow pox, badger pox, more bat flu, mad swine syndrome, etc. etc. and the brainless normies and zombies will line up and take it because of: career salary and benefits, family, travel, normalcy / confirmation bias and they will sleepwalk right into their graves. Remember that "In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" -- George Orwell. Thank you, Steve!

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thank you, Steven, for the truth! please, dont give up!

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Thanks again Steve, keep on plugging away. One person who commented was really close to the true reason for this uncanny apathy we see in so many people, and she said unless a person is actually forced into seeing, they will choose to ignore it. And others absolutely cannot allow themselves to be held responsible for the death and maiming of those they love, at least not in their own minds. It is just incomprehensible!👵😇 of course all will be revealed in the end.

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Thanks for your work. They don't have to explain anything smug confidence they will take our citizenship rights. All bought and paid for by extreme wealthy psycopaths determine to save the planetary resources for themselves

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Since these agencies (FDA,NIH,CDC, etc.) have obviosly become corrupted, can we expect honest regulation of the industries which own them?

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Somewhat OT but important …

Amazon is limiting the sale of Naomi Wolf’s new book, “The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 and the War Against the Human”. It must be awfully damning. You are only “allowed” to order four copies.


I ordered one just to pi$$ them off. It felt good.

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Great work as always Steve. Another poll might be all the women (you know the ones that have a vagina and can get pregnant) that had a miscarriage. I know of a few.

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Be sure to ask about stillborn babies too.

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Or women who've had other issues involving fertility, menstruation, or other gynecological problems. A neighbor of mine, a woman in her late forties or maybe early fifties, had a hysterectomy not long after she got vaxed. I don't know the details, but whatever happened to her must have been pretty devastating, it seems to me. But she's glad she got vaxed, meaning she refuses to see a connection between whatever it was that necessitated the hysterectomy and the poison injections.

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The challenge with such a case is the status PRIOR to the shot. Did she have any CT scans or appointments prior (not long before the shot(s)) giving her the all clear, as in she had no reason to consider such a procedure?

My wife and I have gone through IVF (unfortunately due to my own issue, possibly from vaccines when I was a child…I’ll never truly know) and prior to starting they did a full check up. All was clear, and my wife works in radiology so she looked at the images - nothing out of ordinary. A couple weeks later she was forced to get the J&J for work - exemption denied (BS and I was livid). A couple weeks after she had one more scan; results showed a new fibroid which she had NEVER been diagnosed to have in her past. No doctor pointed it out. Just the other day my wife brought it up and the doctor said “Girl, it’s small, not to worry” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

We can’t prove causation but heavy period, unreal LONG cycle, and a fibroid (tumor)? Yeah…we know why.

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Change doctors quickly!

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Yes, and more so if they experienced a change in their menstrual cycle during their period AFTER one dose. My wife did…her cycle was EXTREMELY LONG (45 or so days) and had heavy bleeding, with some clots.

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