If we are correct regarding vaccinating our children, the next time you hear about Virginia it will not involve geography. Virginia will be leading a an angry cohort of American moms. And, that should be the focus. Just $.02.

Thanks for your courage. A pharmacist of 30 some odd years and never expected to spend a weekend compiling a joint religious/ medical exemption request. They have no idea what is coming. I’ve spent 5 hours a night reading, listening, and reviewing everything I could find. I stood in the boardroom explaining we are running our business based upon a PCR test yielding 96% false positives.

Willful Ignorance has no bottom.

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I think commercials about the injured are a great idea, but would be better if posed as a call to action rather than an effort to persuade. E.g., commercials showing vaccine victims should urge the viewer to demand that Big Pharma be held accountable by asking their Congressmen to repeal the PREP act. In such a commercial, Big Pharma profits can be listed alongside the VAERS death graph. This way, the viewer can focus their negative emotions on pharma rather than their own mistaken preconceptions.

An alternate ad could be ostensibly targeted at vaccine injured, with (an honest) offer to provide medical and/or legal aid. Such an ad could list the possible adverse symptoms to watch for (chest tightness, headaches, fatigue). This way, anyone who suffered a reaction that was dismissed by their doctor as “not related” would see that others have experienced the same thing, and begin to wonder. Such ads might also come in the form of mail campaigns and/or flyers.

Since the truth goes against the recommendations of trusted physicians and leaders, it will take a subtle approach to change minds (at least until ADE becomes too obvious to ignore). The best we can do with an entrenched position is to plant a seed of doubt, and hope it leads them ultimately to the truth.

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I find that telling the zombies about side effects only leads to the reply "all drugs have side effects, even death" (they don't seem to care if people get mandated, as they themselves are wealthy and can't imagine being forced to risk their lives to keep a job) followed by "how do they know it has anything to do with the vaccine." There was one who believed me that thousands have died, but claimed "that's normal." (!!! When I said it's not normal she said she didn't want to hear about it anymore).

They simply do not care, even if they or a loved one experiences an AE directly. There was that woman (a Democrat, as I used to be up til all this) who admitted her nephew, Jacob Clynick, probably did die from the vaccine, and said she'd still vax her son and stay up all night to keep checking his heart. What a great mother {sarcasm}.

To them, anything Ron Johnson, any Republican or conservative outlet says is automatically wrong (and the Republicans have themselves to blame for this, imho, it's now a "stopped clock" kind of thing).

If it's not on MSDem the cult won't hear it.

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realnotrare.com has testimonies of vax injured individuals 5 minute videos from the Ron Johnson hearing. I tried to put them on FB. They get shadow blocked. My friends report they can see them on my page, but when the scroll back through their feed it doesn't come through.

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Link to the entire hearing, still up on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lepqvdXoA2E

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Not anymore. 😣

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Wow! Shocking.

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I just ran across a research article I found quite disturbing. I saw the name, “George Church” and a shiver ran up my spine.

The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectomics



He’s a Harvard geneticist working on a brain project and I’m trying to convince people these shots are genetic modifications for the brain.

I worked in atomic-level, micro, high tech for a while, and studied genetics as a child prodigy.

So these COVID shots won’t stop you from getting COVID—won’t stop you from spreading COVID—won’t keep you from ending up in the hospital—what will they do?

Everything I’ve studied for decades tell me they will do this:

How well can your Brain be Remotely-Controlled by light flashes from your digital devices? Optogeneticists want to know…


Please, please get the word out!

I’m not so sure it’s the shots that are dangerous as much as the people using them for things they for which shouldn’t be using them.

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If spike in the blood is a major concern then why haven't there been studies on the levels of spike protein after infections of various severity? This doesn't seem like a complicated study that would take long? And there is the study of spike after vaccination to compare against?

Ditto on the troponin levels you said could quickly validate concerns? Doesn't seem that hard to take post vaccination?

Can't the FLCCC do basic sanity checks like this quickly? Or has it already been done?

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Sounds like the conventional view is that spike in the blood simply isn't a major concern and the amount the vaccines place in the blood is negligible. The tone of this debunk piece annoys me but the argument that the amounts in play are so small sounds like a decent counter argument as far as I can tell. https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-deadly-coronavirus-spike-protein/#:~:text=This%20study%20by%20Uri%20Manor%E2%80%99s%20laboratory%20is%20interesting,miscarriages%20in%20the%20unvaccinated%20who%20encounter%20the%20vaccinated.

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Those will help but distribution is the problem because of the tech censorship. At one time, these videos would have gotten tremendous exposure on YouTube...that won't happen now.

Also, there needs to be content targeted to different groups. Short videos are fine for the people with short attention spans. However, you want longer videos for the people who need more details.

We have made 13 units of The Vaccine Course and are currently running the inaugural course through IPAK EDU online.

Here is the first unit. It's the introduction and comes in at 1 hour 17 minutes. The subsequent units are all about an hour:


Here is the syllabus for the course:

1. Introduction

Here we make the case that over-vaccination is the source of many of the chronic diseases we are experiencing today.

2. The Sickest Generation

We examine how sick American children are—including 1 in 6 with some sort of developmental disability. What is causing neurological and immune dysfunction in these children?

3. Vaccine Injury and Compensation

The United States has implemented a no-fault compensation program that promised quick and generous compensation in return for citizens taking the risk of vaccination. Instead, we learn, the program is failing badly. We also look at injury compensation systems in use in other countries.

4. Vaccines in Developed Countries

Vaccines are mistakenly given more credit than they deserve for the reduction of infectious disease mortality in developed countries. We look at the factors that reduced the impact of infectious disease before widespread vaccination and examine smallpox and polio in depth.

5. How and Why Information Is Hidden

Vaccination holds a special place at every level of our society and thus is protected from scrutiny. We examine the forces that make it difficult to learn about risks associated with vaccination.

6. Mercury

This potent neurotoxicant causes brain and mitochondrial damage; we also learn which vaccines still use it.

7. Aluminum

We examine another potent neurotoxicant included in many vaccines because its toxic effects activate the immune system. Recent research is showing that injecting this metal impacts early brain development and promotes allergic and autoimmune responses as well as neurological damage.

8. Allergy

Injecting foreign proteins into the body, as vaccination does, will produce an allergic reaction in humans. We also examine how aluminum stimulates an allergic response.

9. Autoimmunity

The Institute of Medicine first established that vaccines can cause an autoimmune disease in 1992. We explain how vaccines can cause the immune system to turn against its host, which contributes to up to 50 million Americans suffering from an autoimmune disorder.

10. “That Paper”—The Wakefield Controversy

We look at the original work of Dr. Wakefield and examine in detail the many misconceptions that surround the infamous 1998 paper—including whether he committed research fraud. What has science discovered since his groundbreaking paper?

11. Autism

We look at all the evidence regarding vaccines and autism. We explore in detail how repeated early immune activation events can cause the neurological disorder called autism.

12. Autism Recovery

We explain how it is possible to reverse the effects of autism and look at how the effects of vaccine-induced autism were reversed in several people.

13. Conclusion

We look at the options you as an individual and our society have concerning vaccination. Given what we know now about the side effects of vaccines, what should we do next?

André Angelantoni

Founder and Project Lead

The Vaccine Course

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Looks excellent.

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There is this marketer, Todd Brown. He created the E5 method. I think that would work with this message, but probably costly to hire someone experienced in it.

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Steve all the research in the world falls over if you fail to invest in expert communication advice. You are running a brilliant marathon with all your research, interviews snd writing but are tripping up a few yards from the finish line because your important messages aren’t resonating with the vaxxed. Bombarding people with more and more facts won’t work I’m afraid. Bottom line is people are scared - of the virus and the unvaxxed. The communications challenge starts there. So you need to firstly acknowledge that the emotional side of people’s brains is literally swamping their propensity for rational thought or critical thinking. Any communications therefore must therefore start by establishing some common ground (eg. “You’re scared, we’ll so am I - but for different reasons…. ) and working out / away from that shared experience. BTW I‘ve worked in this sector for decades so am speaking from experience here :)

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I would agree. On top of that we have to address peoples deeply held beliefs like: The reason science works is because scientists correct each other. or, The CDC, FDA etc are all good people and scientists doing their best for us. Or- CDC or FDA or Fauci would not ever lie to the public.

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Agree, we need psychologists, communication specialists to craft our messages. A lot of people, younger people who got vax who believe in it and are now able to work, able to go anywhere and they just moved on, they are not interested in vax debate anymore, they don’t see it as a freedom issue (even the smartest and educated of them). What about Times Square ads - quote from the dr who approved kids vax something like we won’t know how safe they are until we give them to kids!!!

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15 minutes is too long. 2 minutes is too long. Copy what Pharma is doing - 10-15 seconds with links to more info: Focused powerful graphics. Short text explanations. All on a central global site (on a server outside USA) with a catchy name.

Huge admirer of your efforts, Steve. I have some ideas and a couple domains that might work. You can email me at jorjorwell@protonmail.com if interested in discussing.

Every good wish for you and all the other Lights shining in this darkness..

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Totally agree on that approach. Hope to see it come to fruition. Love to link others I care about to something like that which will draw them in when nothing else can.

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Thx. Started to organize something like this with some eminent scientists back in June 2020. Alas, turned out many were still skeptical of what was coming and it fizzled just before launch. Still as viable today as back then and I still have the domains, etc. Thought Steve might be interested. But we are running out of time. This is the best overview I've found. Makes the enormity of the threat perfectly clear. https://in-this-together.com/global-commons-part-2/

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A very well-written exposition. Look forward to reading his book and part 1. Thanks for the heads-up on the site.

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Also, it is important to make sure that each person discusses a different aspect so that it's not repetitive.

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Yes. And two suggestions: Tik.Tok. Sound Bites. The logical information and data speaks for itself. It just needs to be presented in a way that the millennials understand and embrace it. Once that happens, it’s over. Right now, they are just repeating the mantras. When they learn and see the truth, it will flip. They aren’t on FB. They are on TikTok and Snapchat.

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TikTok would do it for sure because 20somethings+ are on it but I think they are censoring there as well as I recall Maddie De Garay was kicked off the TikTok even when she wasn’t posting about her health...

Maybe we need more reporters, maybe marketing specialists, publicists, physiologists ? Somebody who knows how to introduce/slide in little pieces of info in MSM that will get attention of more people (maybe without big picture that would be dismissed out of the bat

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LOL - that should be “sound bytes” - as in 30-60 seconds.

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A video like that would be great. But, how to get people to watch it?

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Good question. There is the real elephant in the room. Everyone I try to enlighten in one way or another makes it clear that they do not really want to know.

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I could see me getting some of the family to watch it. Beyond that, I’m not sure.

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Many people do not take the time to watch video's unless they have somehow gone viral in social media. I would suggest taking this effort local. Use advertisements and obits in small local papers. Many people still scan through and read their local paper. They are so small now that they can be read in minutes. An obitutary in Oregon recently got huge headlines in other media when the death was blamed on the jab.

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You won't get anything anti- vax in most newspapers. I can't even get a letter published that challenges the Covid narrative.

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The Oregonian editor addressed the fact that obits are essentially paid advertising and they can't stop people from adding in comments on why people died.

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Financial bias is behind all this the only way it will stop by education that vaccines are now a tool to profit. A vaccine classification needs to be earned.

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