We have about 50 interesting people… doctors, athletes, pharmacists, victims, parents of victims, statisticians, etc.
Each person has a story.
We make a series of 2 minute videos.
Each video starts off with the person introducing him/herself and then saying their unique viewpoint.
All videos end with telling the viewer that it’s important that you get all the facts before you decide because you can’t reverse this decision. Direct people to the vacsafety.org website to hear both sides. And we have two 15 minute videos, one from the pro side, the other from the con side.
We think our 15 minute video will be better than the CDC’s video.
34 year clinical psychologist here...cognitive dissonance is the issue (kudos, Steve, as you uave overcome yours!). The jabbed are unconsciously deeply vested in only paying attention to evidence and narratives which CONFIRM their decision, since they can not UNJab. It is too psychologically uncomfortable and painful to consider the alternative for many. This, along with a lack of coverage by MSM, FDA/CDC, Congress (notable exceptions Johnson and Paul), and most complicit PHYSICIANS (the latter have a huge impact), allows them to label the unjabbed as "crazy", which is encouraged by those named above in power. Even if people distrust the media and the government, they trust their doctors...
ALSO, once jabbed, people do not focus on the issue at all--same reason as above--and many have no idea what it is like to be unjabbed--it is off their radar. What gets their attention is MSM newsworthy events that they are not seeking out themselves, but hear about, like significant and important groups that refuse the jab ( the pilots, healthcare workers, etc), or personal anecdotal stories, like me telling my jabbed Ivy League schooled brother that I can not have a medical procedure done because my Ivy League trained doctor does not want to "expose" unjabbed, COVID recovered, Ivermectin taking ME to his staff (who are "like family" to him). The planners of all of this have covered their bases diabolically well--I am amazed at how well they have thwarted every avenue of the truth getting out. Consider this...most jabbed people do NOT experience any immediate adverse effects of the jab--by design of the planners. IF they have delayed adverse effects or health issues, physicians do not even consider it as resulting from the jab, and dismiss such questions if they are even asked. Also, each individual has their own unique health weaknesses, so it is easy to obscure any pattern, other than that each person's ability to fight off disease is now impaired.. and since funding for such research to follow up the effects of the jab is controlled by the planners, who will do the research? I hope this long post will help create a viable solution to help reveal the truth.
Ultimately, I have faith that the truth will out, and I have faith in Jesus--God wins! People need to stand up and refuse as groups, and also tell their personal stories to whoever will listen. The increase in the all-cause death rate in the world is getting some attention, but is only correlative with the jab. Also the increase in hospitalized jabbed for causes other than COVID...
Have you seen this, Steve?
Steve, the problem is how are people going to see this? There is now a plethora of vax AE videos out there, but unless people go looking for them they don't get seen. This is the problem we have to overcome - if it's not on mainstream media, it doesn't exist. You're better off getting together with some rich buddies and buying out CNN! :-)