There is a typo in your link in the section starting with: “Why the huge spike in adverse events including death? Is it just overreporting? Now let’s look at the numbers from ”
There is a typo in your link in the section starting with: “Why the huge spike in adverse events including death? Is it just overreporting? Now let’s look at the numbers from ”
Injury doesn't look "rare" to me;-) Their "safe" slogan is supported only by their false "rare" slogan. But we can trust their slogan-science...we don't need accurate NUMBERS.
There is a typo in your link in the section starting with: “Why the huge spike in adverse events including death? Is it just overreporting? Now let’s look at the numbers from ”
Should be
Injury doesn't look "rare" to me;-) Their "safe" slogan is supported only by their false "rare" slogan. But we can trust their slogan-science...we don't need accurate NUMBERS.