Yep, Shitshow R Us. LOL.

At least there's pushback against the commie "Dr" (social worker w/degree) who wants to impose masking again. LAC+USC actual doctors are calling her bluff.

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I just received THREE email from the a**holes at Twitter saying that my account has been locked for violating "the Twitter Rules" on spreading misinformation related to COVID19. The post was about the new advertising coming out lately regarding preventing SIDS. My comment on the post was that they know that SIDS deaths are about to skyrocket along with the rollout of the c 19 jabs for small children.

It says to "proceed to Twitter now to fix the issue with your account". Oddly, when I clicked Go to Twitter, I was still able post on my account. I hate these a**hats.

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"These people" have put me on some sort of probation period. This is not right! I'm back on, but yes now I can say anything of truth or share? #AmericaFirst

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Sorry to see Kevin M on the list I will miss him and I dare say none of the insipid fact checkers could begin to match his expertise.

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The Federal "Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996" (HIPAA)

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A friend just told me the LA Times is using the expression 'Shots for Tots' in today's edition.

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If you're using an account on a platform that you know censors not only your speech, but other people trying to talk to you, it's because you're stupid.

You KNOW you're listening to a platfrom that is really a publisher that is pushing a narrative and won't allow you to think. Whose fault is it you're going to a really stupid place for information?

Your fault, of course.

I'm tired of people whining "Twitter is unfair!" - just abandon it, stupid. They are run by liars, and they constantly misinform you and have absolute contempt for anybody that thinks but you still beg them to please allow you to talk.

Just leave it.

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It’s not polite or nice to call people stupid, you did learn manners - right? Many are unaware and therefore ignorant to the information you believe everyone “knows”. This is a discussion not a battle. I realize we’re all pretty frustrated and angry with the situation, let’s not take it out on each other. Before you erupt, that’s me being the Jewish mother. Just to let you know this could’ve gone the other way.

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Listen - 20 years ago when Yahoo! (the undisputed KING of the Internet) started accepting money to muck with their search results, and to actively patrol commenting on their news site, and later just censor it, Yahoo! became irrelevant. When is the last time you used Yahoo?

Do you know why this happened? People used to not put with this crap.

But if you do, you're an idiot. If you continue to use a site that obviously promotes propaganda, shadow bans you, and gives you a completely skewed view of the world, you're dumb.

I don't care if that offends you. Stop being stupid. I'm tied of people begging tyrants and assholes to stop being tyrants and assholes. Just abandon them. Stop using Google, stop using Youtube, stop using Twitter, stop using Facebook - OR be an idiot, but stop whining about what you do to yourself.

You make a decision to use these sites. I'm an engineer in Silicon Valley. Google's HQ is 5 miles from me right now. I don't use Google, I use Yandex because although it might filter Russian results, it doesn't filter American ones. They're a Russian search engine. I don't use Youtube, I use Bitchute, Rumble, and Odysee. I've never used Facebook or Twitter, so I don't use anything like that, it's just toxic garbage anyhow and it always has been.

Stop whining about the situation you place yourself in. Let these corporations become irrelevant. I mean, honestly, the only people on the "big tech sites" are just government cocksockers and morons anyhow. If you're listening to somebody that has the blessing of our corrupt criminal government, you're not really doing your civic duty to be informed, are you?

Honestly, I kind of like the censorship. Not only does it show me who I should ignore, it tells me who are the idiots that listen to this obvious propaganda as well

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I wasn’t whining!! I was trying to get you to understand others and be a grown up person in your responses. I don’t use Google, FB or Yahoo. I know it’s pointless to try and fight big tech, the government, or idiots. Bye!

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It's ENTIRELY possible to fight big tech.

Stop using it. Very easy.

There are PLENTY of competitors to every body, and Google is CRAP now. It's one of the worst search engines now, and has been for quite some time.

Twitter has NEVER been profitable either. The whole point of Twitter has ALWAYS been propaganda, it's ALWAYS been establishment. They are PR for politicians and celebrities, that's always been their mission.

If a company lies to you, tell them to go get fucked. Google lies about their terms of service, so does Facebook, so does Twitter. They are moral garbage. Only idiots still use them. If idiots stopped using them, they would go away.

People that aren't controversial aren't worth listening to anyhow. Mr Kirsch has been subject to censorship.

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Correct, I agree.

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I just stopped vaccinating them completely. They titer for antibodies and they’re much healthier for it.

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Subsidies for U.S cyber command training to stop censorship and build anti mzlware program with u.s. Bill 9f rights applied can help abd same for you tube. Also can try mail Guard and anti phishing security software if message appears on log in. Countering censorship would be popular use of military and sane with all Nations with regard to you tube so creating a U.N. Cybercrime division would enable defeat of censorship and phishing. The grants and contracts might be an issue as government is corrupt but applied through U.N Development Fund and international grant could work .or just a grant for security software. I still think social services should subsidize as matter of course security training modules abd software for cybber security on national basis. Most easy to apply world wide through U.N. but on national basis enough. Coild apply article 27 through U.N cybernetic division to stop censorship

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UN is corrupt - next . . .

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What if a teacher gives the kid monkey pox.

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More people win good money in the lottery.

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I've been meaning to say it, but THANK YOU, Steve Kirsch for being a courageous hero.

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Make no mistake - all of this is the WEF Agenda. AND...sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Don't believe that? Proof - that CRT/Transformative Social and Emotional Learning or SEL or Diversity, Equity, Inclusion or DEI is OK: https://eric.ed.gov/?q=transformative+SEL&id=EJ1224571

And sexualizing your kids: https://eric.ed.gov/?q=intersectionality&id=EJ1160829

From a non-google search engine, enter Transformative Social and Emotional Learning, the "eric" (Governmental Educational site) pops up.

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Since I have gotten my Twitter account reinstated (kicked off the same day as Trump), I have posted anything and everything I could. The platform has lost so many people that my reach is not what it once was. The many have scattered themselves to so many other sites it’s impossible to keep up. Until Twitter decides to permanently suspend me I will continue to put the truth out. As a Baby Boomer, it’s my way of not going down without getting the truth out the best way possible. Or, simply put another way - I refuse to go down without a fight.

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Ditto. Hey, even Fox News kicked me off because I said there was collusion between Media, the Dems and Big Tech - before it all exploded. I posted everywhere, trying to prevent the regime from being "elected." Sadly, the California Way - the "fix" was in.

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Ex-Cali (Southern) here. I am trying to get back to San Diego to enjoy the beach & food before I expire. It’s just not feasible 😭😭😭.

Fox is just as corrupt as the others - you may want to research the relationship between Hunter & Tucker, you may be surprised (if that’s possible these days).

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Oh, I knew about Tucker and Hunter months ago and never really watched Fox. I listen to Dan Bongino on the radio, read Substack writers, some web sites. Cord cutters officially, but I stopped watching tv in the 1990s.

Debating now whether to leave (mammoth job, lose family, am arthritic and packing is a massive turn off) or stay and fight. Tough call, but I think you did the right thing. Quality of life much better elsewhere.

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Hm . . . Very limited people know about Hunter & Tucker so I am surprised. When it came out that FJB had written that letter to the university- no one caught the fact that it was a Bloodline family (in China).

It was a really big mistake for me to give up my paid off home in San Diego & move to the Ozarks (actually the biggest in life & I have made more than most). Just thinking about packing & schlepping back & everything involved, gives me heartburn. I gave up the last husband 10 years ago, kicked my daughter & her abusive crew to the curb 4 years ago & it’s at least nice & quiet. No one to answer to - yet I am on my own.

There’s no quality of life without a little help and a few extra bucks. I was thinking how nice a townhouse near the beach sounded until I realized it wasn’t doable.

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Is the culture difference what makes it feel like such a big mistake? Or is it climate, lack of wealth/restaurants/

amenities? Or something else? I'm interested as we are considering moving from one part of the country to another as well.

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There’s wealth hidden in the “hills” - It’s the people, the ticks & chiggers, the lack of protection from fraud and extortion from businesses, the corruption and weather. Lack of grocery stores, lack of choices, good restaurants, and no Jewish food. Still an incomplete list.

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Rumble is a good source of whistle blowers. That's where I found out, and also the jab, the WEF, the transhumanism, etc. I knew about the jab only a couple of months after it came out - people were blowing the whistle on it. Not surprised about the letter, either, I knew that too. (There are still a few online sites that post news...real news.) Xi is a Princeling. (The bloodline you mention.) Anyone thinking commies are not capitalists would be wrong. LOL. Chinese and Russian Oligarchy is strong. Now it's starting here.

What I fear is somewhat a rational fear, that our original Prop 13 protections will be "voted" away. They cheat on candidates, what's to stop them from cheating on Propositions? Look at the HJTA web site - there's a property tax calculator there. Be sure you're not getting in over your head before you come back. I care - be smart about this. You might be better off now where you are.

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What’s HJTA?

When I was looking to relocate I had a fantasy small town in mind, much like in the movie, ‘It’s a Wonderful Life”. I also wanted to live extremely close to water. The location hunting started with property tax rates - being under Prop 13, I wasn’t paying a heck of a lot (I owned my house 20 years). Texas was extremely high in my opinion, it got nixed- next was New England and I gotta tell you, they were unbelievable (9 x what I was paying), keeping the riff raff out I suppose. My last two choices that were doable was NC & AR. Considering I had 15 or so generations from NC & my father lived there, I flew out & found a home near Lake Lure & Chimney Rock - close to him. My wicked stepmother squashed that real quick & #2 became enticing. I found a 3,000 sq ft custom built log home on 11 acres with an RV garage (no RV), a oversized double garage, and a large workshop - under $200,000. City girl moves to country, loses everything from theft, and discovers “she” definitely didn’t do enough homework. Downsized & now own a little house by the lake - the largest in the USA made by Civil Engineers. Property taxes here include personal property taxes (cars, boats, outbuildings etc), remain stable by homesteading and are low. The roads are horrible (no engineering skills), and for heaven’s sake don’t forget anything at the grocery store - not just down the road. Good olé boy Sherrifs & when I reported a robbery of all my jewelry 😡 & my beautiful Harley, they arrested me 😡😡. No explanation either. Water bill may be the only redeeming factor- runs $13.00/month.

I priced condos in SD this past year & couldn’t believe my eyes. Reverse look at what I could afford led me to 1960’s single wide trailers in the boondocks 😂😂. Hell no!!! Last place I looked was in Virginia Beach (by the beach) for 55+, townhome with balcony overlooking a lake & close shopping - perfect 👍. Not. Cost was almost $2,800/month not including utilities. Plus, don’t know anyone there (like here) & looks can be deceiving. I’m so screwed.

My thought was, if the world’s going the way it’s going, at least I can enjoy the ocean, great food & not have to figure out how to take care of a home (needs repairs & oh yeah, three contractors/handymen have been paid & just left without doing/finishing the jobs. It’s apparently not a crime!!!!

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Here's the key sentences:

"In August of 2016 I shared a vaccine death story about an eight week old infant dying after receiving seven vaccines. I shared the story on Facebook and it got shared far and wide ..."

See. In 2016, you COULD post what you wanted on FB and it could still be "shared far and wide." That was our "old normal." You cannot do that in our New Normal.

Things went full Orwellian around March 2020.

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Twitter and Facebook censorship is hit and miss. A lot of information is still being spread.

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Known that from the beginning - we really tried to tell everyone (about what was in the China made masks too). They don’t get you one way, they have a-z in backup plans.

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