If you're using an account on a platform that you know censors not only your speech, but other people trying to talk to you, it's because you're stupid.
You KNOW you're listening to a platfrom that is really a publisher that is pushing a narrative and won't allow you to think. Whose fault is it you're going to a really stupid place for i…
If you're using an account on a platform that you know censors not only your speech, but other people trying to talk to you, it's because you're stupid.
You KNOW you're listening to a platfrom that is really a publisher that is pushing a narrative and won't allow you to think. Whose fault is it you're going to a really stupid place for information?
Your fault, of course.
I'm tired of people whining "Twitter is unfair!" - just abandon it, stupid. They are run by liars, and they constantly misinform you and have absolute contempt for anybody that thinks but you still beg them to please allow you to talk.
It’s not polite or nice to call people stupid, you did learn manners - right? Many are unaware and therefore ignorant to the information you believe everyone “knows”. This is a discussion not a battle. I realize we’re all pretty frustrated and angry with the situation, let’s not take it out on each other. Before you erupt, that’s me being the Jewish mother. Just to let you know this could’ve gone the other way.
Listen - 20 years ago when Yahoo! (the undisputed KING of the Internet) started accepting money to muck with their search results, and to actively patrol commenting on their news site, and later just censor it, Yahoo! became irrelevant. When is the last time you used Yahoo?
Do you know why this happened? People used to not put with this crap.
But if you do, you're an idiot. If you continue to use a site that obviously promotes propaganda, shadow bans you, and gives you a completely skewed view of the world, you're dumb.
I don't care if that offends you. Stop being stupid. I'm tied of people begging tyrants and assholes to stop being tyrants and assholes. Just abandon them. Stop using Google, stop using Youtube, stop using Twitter, stop using Facebook - OR be an idiot, but stop whining about what you do to yourself.
You make a decision to use these sites. I'm an engineer in Silicon Valley. Google's HQ is 5 miles from me right now. I don't use Google, I use Yandex because although it might filter Russian results, it doesn't filter American ones. They're a Russian search engine. I don't use Youtube, I use Bitchute, Rumble, and Odysee. I've never used Facebook or Twitter, so I don't use anything like that, it's just toxic garbage anyhow and it always has been.
Stop whining about the situation you place yourself in. Let these corporations become irrelevant. I mean, honestly, the only people on the "big tech sites" are just government cocksockers and morons anyhow. If you're listening to somebody that has the blessing of our corrupt criminal government, you're not really doing your civic duty to be informed, are you?
Honestly, I kind of like the censorship. Not only does it show me who I should ignore, it tells me who are the idiots that listen to this obvious propaganda as well
I wasn’t whining!! I was trying to get you to understand others and be a grown up person in your responses. I don’t use Google, FB or Yahoo. I know it’s pointless to try and fight big tech, the government, or idiots. Bye!
There are PLENTY of competitors to every body, and Google is CRAP now. It's one of the worst search engines now, and has been for quite some time.
Twitter has NEVER been profitable either. The whole point of Twitter has ALWAYS been propaganda, it's ALWAYS been establishment. They are PR for politicians and celebrities, that's always been their mission.
If a company lies to you, tell them to go get fucked. Google lies about their terms of service, so does Facebook, so does Twitter. They are moral garbage. Only idiots still use them. If idiots stopped using them, they would go away.
People that aren't controversial aren't worth listening to anyhow. Mr Kirsch has been subject to censorship.
If you're using an account on a platform that you know censors not only your speech, but other people trying to talk to you, it's because you're stupid.
You KNOW you're listening to a platfrom that is really a publisher that is pushing a narrative and won't allow you to think. Whose fault is it you're going to a really stupid place for information?
Your fault, of course.
I'm tired of people whining "Twitter is unfair!" - just abandon it, stupid. They are run by liars, and they constantly misinform you and have absolute contempt for anybody that thinks but you still beg them to please allow you to talk.
Just leave it.
It’s not polite or nice to call people stupid, you did learn manners - right? Many are unaware and therefore ignorant to the information you believe everyone “knows”. This is a discussion not a battle. I realize we’re all pretty frustrated and angry with the situation, let’s not take it out on each other. Before you erupt, that’s me being the Jewish mother. Just to let you know this could’ve gone the other way.
Listen - 20 years ago when Yahoo! (the undisputed KING of the Internet) started accepting money to muck with their search results, and to actively patrol commenting on their news site, and later just censor it, Yahoo! became irrelevant. When is the last time you used Yahoo?
Do you know why this happened? People used to not put with this crap.
But if you do, you're an idiot. If you continue to use a site that obviously promotes propaganda, shadow bans you, and gives you a completely skewed view of the world, you're dumb.
I don't care if that offends you. Stop being stupid. I'm tied of people begging tyrants and assholes to stop being tyrants and assholes. Just abandon them. Stop using Google, stop using Youtube, stop using Twitter, stop using Facebook - OR be an idiot, but stop whining about what you do to yourself.
You make a decision to use these sites. I'm an engineer in Silicon Valley. Google's HQ is 5 miles from me right now. I don't use Google, I use Yandex because although it might filter Russian results, it doesn't filter American ones. They're a Russian search engine. I don't use Youtube, I use Bitchute, Rumble, and Odysee. I've never used Facebook or Twitter, so I don't use anything like that, it's just toxic garbage anyhow and it always has been.
Stop whining about the situation you place yourself in. Let these corporations become irrelevant. I mean, honestly, the only people on the "big tech sites" are just government cocksockers and morons anyhow. If you're listening to somebody that has the blessing of our corrupt criminal government, you're not really doing your civic duty to be informed, are you?
Honestly, I kind of like the censorship. Not only does it show me who I should ignore, it tells me who are the idiots that listen to this obvious propaganda as well
I wasn’t whining!! I was trying to get you to understand others and be a grown up person in your responses. I don’t use Google, FB or Yahoo. I know it’s pointless to try and fight big tech, the government, or idiots. Bye!
It's ENTIRELY possible to fight big tech.
Stop using it. Very easy.
There are PLENTY of competitors to every body, and Google is CRAP now. It's one of the worst search engines now, and has been for quite some time.
Twitter has NEVER been profitable either. The whole point of Twitter has ALWAYS been propaganda, it's ALWAYS been establishment. They are PR for politicians and celebrities, that's always been their mission.
If a company lies to you, tell them to go get fucked. Google lies about their terms of service, so does Facebook, so does Twitter. They are moral garbage. Only idiots still use them. If idiots stopped using them, they would go away.
People that aren't controversial aren't worth listening to anyhow. Mr Kirsch has been subject to censorship.
Correct, I agree.