What are you talking about? As of early November slightly more have died this year with another 45 days to go. These are Johns Hopkins Univ stats. Where are yours? Please tell me more about the lives saved.
OK, you're counting only Covid deaths. The last ten months of 2020 and the first ten months of 2021 have roughly the same number of deaths. If you compare different intervals you see different results.
This may be the article that you were referring to. Is that right?
Number of lives saved? Can you back that up? How many? In 2021, the year of the vaccine, more have died than in 2020. Square that please.
More have died? Not in the United States. Not of Covid, or anything else.
What are you talking about? As of early November slightly more have died this year with another 45 days to go. These are Johns Hopkins Univ stats. Where are yours? Please tell me more about the lives saved.
Link, please.
OK, you're counting only Covid deaths. The last ten months of 2020 and the first ten months of 2021 have roughly the same number of deaths. If you compare different intervals you see different results.
This may be the article that you were referring to. Is that right?
Try a simple search. It's common knowledge at this point. Good Lord, even Jen Psaki knows.
Link, please. My sourse is ourworldindata.org. You need to select US, and excess mortality.
Seriously? Search "US Covid deaths 2020 2021" No end to the links there.