DuckDuckGo Embraces Censorship, Destroys Brand:

DuckDuckGo, a search engine that formerly ensured users their privacy and produced relatively unbiased search results, on March 9 announced it was changing its policies to clampdown on “disinformation” campaigns stemming from Russia.


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Is he still watching this forum.

I was not notified yet back. On my request Ang exceptence of his statement

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I'd watch anybody's podcast on the subject but Aubrey Marcus. He's a perv.

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It's 100% likely, based on the very description of that screenshot, is that Google has flagged it as anti-vaxx misinformation. Which it is. Google is ostensibly telling you and other conspiratorial dorks to take a hike. They didn't "manipulate" those search results anymore than they "censored" some bigot by kicking them off their services.

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Keep drinking that Koolaid, minion.

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It would seem to me that the index date that Google is using may be a part of the censorship algorithm. The search algorithm would rank more recent news as more relevant, so, by artificially marking your blog post as having been made 5 days ago, it would be pushed down the rankings.

This, combined with a coordinated legacy media campaign to flood the results with the "appropriate" message about Mass Formation is how Google, in concert with legacy media effectively forum slide interesting information out of the view of all but the most determined researchers.

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I use ECOSIA.ORG search engine ( it PLANTS TREES the more you use it !!) and the search results are pretty much the the same as Steve shows in Duck-duck-go. I just did a search with Ecosia and the first hit is:



Google is showing garbage and the above article is not even listed in the first 15 or so results! WOW!

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Id like to contest the info for the million.

I believe i can do successfully

If possible quarter to half now n other half on completion. Be nice to have some help this way

I am serious as well

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So what you’re saying is that there are still people who use google for search. That’s weird.

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LOL!!!! I know - sad isn't it? I keep telling everybody. I think part of the problem is the verb "to Google" something. I am creating a NEW VERB: "to Ecosia".

I Ecosia everything. Not quite a s catchy, but in time, who knows

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See Le Bon's Psychology of the Crowd. We are on the cusp of the herd stampeding, and it will be hard to get them settled down. They herd as a collective, just as the mass formation folks want it to be. Why they do it, I'll never know, but I suspect it is a momentary rush and possible fame. Those with the real power, however, will see that they are the first to be done away with.

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Great article. I follow academy of ideas. They are great. It’s no surprise they are terrified of the truth getting out.

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They intend to divide us into the Google camp or the fringe camp. Once we are divided, the blames will turn into accusation. Then the war begins.

This is planned

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What we are seeing is delusional feedback loops because sceptics and scepticism has been repressed on the internet, and it is usually sceptics who ask the awkward questions that kill dead the silly delusional and dishonest ideas. So,without the sceptics, the dishonest propaganda and delusional ideas spread like a virus. They are then echoed back to those who created them ... and this is the key ... they start believing their own delusion and lies and that justifies them (in their own mind) pushing the boundary even further and spreading more lies and delusion. Each time their views are echoed back, they appear to be other people agreeing, which encourages the extremism to grow and grow in an escalating feedback look ... much akin to when someone has the mic next to the speaker and there is a massive howl. On the internet, that howl is the delusional baying mob pushing the latest delusional lie.

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Anyone still using google for an actual search (i.e., not primarily in order to expose google's malfeasance) is part of the problem in my opinion.

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Follow up from yesterday's post about Google and alternative 'search engines'.

This is a manual action, a direct hit-job by Google against Dr. Malone and his warnings about the injections.

Meanwhile, the same search on DuckDuckGo lists Dr. Malone’s detailed Substack article about the phenomenon at the top. Well done!

Read the rest:


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avoid google at all costs: https://swprs.org/how-to-escape-google/

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Get off anything Google. They are not your friend. DuckDuckGo is a nice search engine to replace Google.

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What we need is a good 10 mile wide asteroid coming straight at us, so it's imminent collision is only just detected, to take everyone focus off of vaccines.

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