How Google manipulated "Mass formation psychosis" search results after the Malone interview
Wow. Mass formation in action. Google caught red-handed manipulating the narrative.
I recorded this on video just now for everyone to see how we are being manipulated.
Google has hand manipulated the “mass formation psychosis” search results so that a YouTube video from a gamer who knows nothing at all about the topic is ranked #3 in the search results. The comments on that video are virtually all negative (I couldn’t find a single positive review) and the top two hits are better. All in all, the top 3 hits aren’t anything that anyone would consider to the top 3 references on the topic.
Highly relevant pages like the following are nowhere to be found in Google’s search results. We are being manipulated. You can see this for yourself.
Time to switch?
Perhaps it is time to switch to DuckDuckGo or Bing which provide more honest results?
One of my readers pointed this out in Bing’s search results: they had already indexed my article just a few hours after I published it.
Note that Google has already indexed my substack page as well, yet they claim they indexed it 5 days ago (which is 5 days before I wrote it) while Bing is accurate (Jan 2 if you are in EST).
DuckDuckGo Embraces Censorship, Destroys Brand:
DuckDuckGo, a search engine that formerly ensured users their privacy and produced relatively unbiased search results, on March 9 announced it was changing its policies to clampdown on “disinformation” campaigns stemming from Russia.
Is he still watching this forum.
I was not notified yet back. On my request Ang exceptence of his statement