23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs ago

27 myocarditis cases per million is an interesting number, especially given how many times myocarditis is either life ending or life altering. It's interesting because it's 2.7 cases per 100k. John Ionnidis of Stanford published numbers showing a 99.997% survival rate for young people infected with SARSCOV2. That IFR comes to... drumroll, please... 3 deaths per 100K infections. If the vaccine were 100% effective we would be trading a small number of deaths for the almost-identical number of cases of myocarditis.

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Wow? not even troll votes for the virus caused myocard. This crew really is awake and up on things.

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Now if Dr Drew will accept this I’ll feel like progress is being made. I was just watching an episode of his where he AGAIN says “it was just bc there was an emergency in the beginning, so I can’t fault anyone for rushing these vaccines, and my elderly patients benefitted from them”. Dude…if he’s still saying that after all this information that’s come out, even BEFORE the full vaccine rollout, I don’t know what to say. Anyway, this paper just reminded me of him bc of how many times I’ve heard him say “but we don’t really know if it was covid, or the vaccine, or a combination of both”. Yes, yes we do, actually, and we’ve been able to stain for the vaccine for a LONG time. We DO know.

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Considering that this is a ‘pre-print’ article, your deep dive into the data and ‘explanation’ of said data may cause the authors to modify the article or decide to withdraw the

article altogether because the results clearly don’t comply with the official narrative of ‘safe and effective’ vaccines. I’m looking forward to seeing what these HARVARD and OXFORD authors eventually end up doing.

Keep up your GREAT work.


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Young men only? Lies just more lies. I have had age 24 - 84, with a few in 60s in between, male and female in 60s. If anyone has a heart attack without a coronary blockage found = highly suspect is an understatement! And how many medical institutions are doing cardiac MRIs to even take a look? Few, very, very few. The deceit and lies and bribery goes on. Censorship persists. There is no free speech or real science admitted.

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I have attained 77 years of age and have never before seen athletic pinnacles of human health dropping dead or injured on fields and courts of play. Further, I have watched COVID fully vaccinated friends repeatedly contract COVID and suffer vaccine related heath compromises. It remains an astonishing reality that our healthcare system would support the injection of these toxins. It is pathetically corrupt that our healthcare system would allow our children to be injected with these toxins. Money talks and morality walks.

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Yes, there are risks to everything in life but people were forced to take these shots. No one forces people to drink alcohol…in fact, it is discouraged. Did the mRNA Covid shots provide protection to young healthy men? Did it prevent the spread?

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If airline crashes were 1% there would be multiple/day.

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The former JAMA editor and his friends are not serious people. The public needs to know who they are so we know not to take them seriously.

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The amount of Spike protein antigen produced by a single vaccination varies depending on the scholar, but it is estimated to be between several hundred and approximately 10,000 times the normal amount.

I believe that never before in the history of human evolution have we been exposed to such a large amount of Spike.

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I've had people argue with me that covid causes more myocarditis than the shots. All I know is anecdotal examples. I attended a freedom rally iin downtown Vancouver, B.C. around late fall 2021 and a few nurses who had worked at a large greater Vancouver Emergency Room unit said they were shocked how in early fall for 2021 how many ambulances came in with young teen boys suffering from chest pain after doing sports activities during school hours. They had never seen this before. Sometimes four ambulance per one shift.

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In the summer of 2021, my wife and I took note of all the ambulances we heard running through the neighborhood. Despite COVID-19's presence in 2020, we had no similar numbers. Not saying it was the vaxx, but we all know.

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ChatGPT is parroting garbage from the CDC. It’s not as bad and woke as Google Gemini or Microsoft Copilot or Meta, but it’s wrong.

When I want to test a new LLM (AI Large Language Model), I ask some of these questions to see if the scientific truth has been politically meddled with:

- Does Ivermectin help?

- Is natural immunity better?

- Is vax myocarditis worse?

Free ChatGPT 3.5 gave the orthodox pharma wrong answers. ChatGPT4 was correct, at least when first released. Other models you can download and run privately vary a lot.

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Mark Crispin Miller’s weekly report on people “Dying Suddenly “, is showing that stillborn births appear to be increasing. Are OB’s still recommending the shot for pregnant women?

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This is a crime! They knew it caused peri/myocarditis and they pushed and pushed it anyway. Almost gleefully. Sickos. 50% of people diagnosed with myocarditis will be dead within 5 years of dx. I’d say that’s criminal.

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By their reasoning, ..If less than 1% is not significant, why did they lie and call it a pandemic in the first place, why is anyone up to age 75 still asked to jabbinate, why then, ..ever, were kids asked to jab when their death rate is statistically ZERO!

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A young male, age 25, who was a former student that I worked with, had heart palpitations after his last booster. His mom urged him to see a cardiologist. He was on his way for a job interview in Reno, when he collapsed on the escalator at the Las Vegas airport and died one week before his appointment with the cardiologist. So sad. He was all for the Covid ‘vaccine’. The parents had to wait 8 months for the pathology report: myo or pericarditis, I forgot.

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