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It’s impossible to pierce the bozone layer - the thick layer of stupid that surrounds a stupid person. This fake pandemic has been particularly trying for me. Thus far I have been evicted twice. The second time from my parent’s home, due to my unvaxxed status. I was studying to be a teacher but can no longer do this as Vs are mandatory for that profession as they are for 75% of all professions here in Western Australia. So now I am homeless and unemployable. It has turned my life upside down and I only imagine things will get even more difficult from here. If they tie the jab to unemployment benefits I will be forced to beg for food. I fully expect this to occur sometime soon. But I will die on this hill. I will not live a lie. As far as convincing anyone of the truth, I have been spectacularly unsuccessful.

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That is sad. Maybe you could work online--such as teach on the site vipkid--it's tutoring kids in China.

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Thanks Someone. Ill look into it.

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Look on it as a blessing, the teaching profession is a disgrace anyway, it would have destroyed your soul to be part of it, you sound like an intelligent human being, they wouldn't have accepted that in state schools anyway!

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You’re completely correct there Mr Twister. Schooling is a depressing profession. The way we crush little sparks of joy and creativity in the gears of conformity and obedience. I am glad for not being part of that at least.

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The governments pushing this evil, must be destroyed.

I hope that you can find a few like minded souls to help you throughout this.

I can't see any other outcome than civil war, because of the pressure that people like Andrews and Gunner are creating, along with Trudeau and a few others.

As Gareth Icke said recently, if their plans continue to destroy our freedoms, "There will be an army of people with nothing left to lose".

Good luck.

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I feel like that could happen. If you push people who have nothing to lose to the edge they will fight tooth and nail for that very reason - because they have nothing to lose. I imagine those running the show would like nothing better than to see a bunch of us fighting the cops. What we need to do is adopt the tactics of the colour revolutionaries. But I don’t know where my people are. Everyone I know, bar 1, is against me.

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Aren't there any anti lockdown rallies in your region?

There should be a huge number of like minded people around, if you can get to them.

From reports there seem to be hundreds of thousands of purebloods across the country, but I also hear that travel is severely restricted by the Gestapo in charge.

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I don't do social media so I miss all the rally dates. Im dubious as to their effectiveness but i should go just to find my people. There must be one in Perth soon?

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Gezz, wonderful parents. Stay strong dude. Ive lost relatives too. They want a divide, that's their goal.

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Keep faith Dollyboy. Liberation is nearby!

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