Here's an email I just received from Harvey Cohen, Professor of Pediatrics at Stanford University. It shows you how professionals handle cognitive dissonance.
Yes. This is exactly how doctors reconcile information and stories that don't fit what they've been taught. And this is not a new behavior. It has been going on for years and years and year.
Young, active male who has controlled his blood pressure and cholesterol per AHA guidelines, and followed AHA diet - more or less - for all of his adult life - gets severe multi-vessel blockages at a relatively early age --> it cannot possibly be that the AHA guidelines are providing bad advice. Blame it on "bad family history." Never mind the person knew his family history, took actions based on AHA recommendations to modify known risk factors, and ended up sick at an earlier age than his father and grandfather. Hmmm.
Diabetic patients who follow ADA dietary guidelines and continue needing higher doses of meds and eventually insulin. Blame them for not *really* following the guidelines. "They aren't compliant with recommendations," because if they were, of course their diabetes wouldn't be getting worse. Because it is inconceivable that perhaps the guidelines are mistaken. Doctors can't possibly allow themselves to conceive that the guidelines are at fault. Instead, "nobody follows our advice" is their response.
A parent relates a story of some weird-sounding behavior that developed after routine immunization in their child or their friend's child. "Oh, vaccines are safe. It's not related," is what they are most likely to hear.
These are what physicians are taught. It's how they are "brought up." Always believe your training and your teachers. And of course the opposite side of that coin is to never believe the patient. Because otherwise, what do you do when the patient and your training are saying different things?
Physicians need much more humility. Medical students need to be taught this humility, to be reminded that while their learning is important, it is to be held with an open hand and with a willingness to reconsider.
Is Lucile Packard Children's Hospital packed with unvaccinated patients? I doubt it.
I have a nurse friend who said there were more regular hospital admissions (her observation, there are also more admissions where people have psychiatric problems). I find that a big problem is disconnection from the reality, when everything is just a link or opinion. At least, those nurses speak from their own experience. Does this doctor speak from his own experience or just states something he saw on TV, but doesn't even see a difference? "You don't believe individual reports", "alternative worlds" - real world doesn't matter.
Always nice to see incurious Stanford professors and MD's with a cultish devotion to the information they're fed by government bureaucracies and a complete disregard for any independent verification.
I'd have liked to see Steve simply refute his programmed claims of "the hospitals are filling with non-vaccinated COVID patients." Ask him to back that up by provide the source data that supported that claim. I'm sure he'd just say that's what the CDC is telling him and that's all he needs to know. But if that's true, why doesn't the CDC make that source data available for independent evaluation?
I think you will have an easier time getting through to the vaccine true believers through the portal of efficacy than danger. They might engage if you call them useless. They are programmed to shut you out if you claim the standard antivaxxer thing that they kill people or cause autism or what have you.
Just found your site today Steve and I'm now going back in your archives and reading earlier posts. Thank you for your work. It is simply stunning how many intelligent people I know as close family and friends who simply shrug off any information that challenges the prevailing MSM narratives. In a rather small cadre of people I know who are vaccinated I know 4 people in my age group (I'm 69 years old) who now have experienced myocarditis or pericarditis post-vaccination. All of these events were diagnosed 2-4 months post-vaccination, so I'd bet my Social Security check not one of them was ever reported to VAERS given the age of my cohort.
It really is surprising until I think of the DMV being a perfect snapshot of the run of the mill people. Then I'm not that surprised. I think you and I are surprised because we assume because we are intellectual the people we associate with are as well. Only in times like these, we come to see we have misjudged them and question how could we have been so wrong? It would be a great sociological study?
Thanks for the suggestions Frank. The thing that makes it so difficult to even discuss this with people I'm close to is that literally none of these friends and family believe their sudden heart issues could possibly be caused by the "safe and effective" vaccines. I mean no less an authority than Wolf Blitzer or Judy Woodruff told them they were safe. This level of brain-washing is pretty scary.
Do you think you would assent if he finally asked you to forgive his errors, after having seen the light?
I've a similar situation with a "friend". I would never "forgive" him, but would say something like this:
You need not ask forgiveness from me, I never hold a grudge against the misinformed. However, if you have the least notion of doing the right thing, I would require you to ask forgiveness from all the people, family, patients, co-workers,... whom you failed to inform about a life-threatening situation despite having a source of information that was far closer to truth than any you believed in. Through willful disregard of fact, you have endangered them, and I hope not participated in killing any of them.
"Learn to distinguish the difference between errors of knowledge and breaches of morality. An error of knowledge is not a moral flaw, provided you are willing to correct it; only a mystic would judge human beings by the standard of an impossible, automatic omniscience. But a breach of morality is the conscious choice of an action you know to be evil, or a willful evasion of knowledge, a suspension of sight and of thought. That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality. Give the benefit of the doubt to those who seek to know; but treat as potential killers those specimens of insolent depravity who make demands upon you, announcing that they have and seek no reasons, proclaiming, as a license, that they just feel it - or those who reject an irrefutable argument by saying: 'It’s only logic,' which means: 'It’s only reality.' The only realm opposed to reality is the realm and premise of death."
Actually the deception is in front of everybody in plain sight. They use their own dictionary and abbreviations and talk to each other worldwide through media.
COVID-19 should be Co-virus disease-19.
SARS-CoV-2 S?, Antibody Resistant, S?, Co-Virus-2. S could be Spike protein a.k.a S-protein. Could be a bacteria like Streptococcus.
In dictionary Antibody equals Antibiotics.
By the way id like to mention that what they call spike protein is a S-protein located in the cell wall making up a part of binding receptor to cell, its target protein for vaccines. Its then interesting to know that same type of S-protein is critical to our coagulation system(cloths). Cheers
yes SARS-CoV-2 virus has epidemiologically nothing in common with any other respiratory virus. Frequent reinfections suggest that our immune system does not produce antibodies. Cluster outbreaks in nursing homes, small areas in cities, etc. LOL in an airborne low-virulence infectious agent, such as influenza virus. And not least how the virus works in the event of a worsening of illness, serious illness ... It screams bacterial infection and has nothing to do with a virus' disease course.
I am slowly making my way through, The Real Anthony Fauci.In chapter3 page 135, heading The PIs: The Pharma/Fauci Mercenary Army.
More than likely your “friend”, Dr. Cohen is a Fauci “principal investigator”. Basically a Fauci’s paid expert to shill for Big Pharma/NIAID. It is very corrupt. Dr. Cohen must have money riding on the mad push for these injections.
This book really helps answer the why and how of what is happening right now.
The title is so understated that it seems like something out of Monty Python: "The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing". Bottom lines (1) the Vaccines don't immunize us against the disease (apart from a brief protective effect in elderly) (2) The vaccinated population now account for the greatest proportion of those infected and dying - countries with highest vaccination rates have the most COVID. (3) The vaccinated population are principal carriers of the virus and (4) Being "fully vaxed' may be a risk factor for becoming very ill or dying from COVID! This is apart from the increasingly evident burden of adverse events due to the vaccines. If any of this still seems counterintuitive to those who believe some vaccines are beneficial, remember this is not a vaccine but experimental genetic manipulation. When you open the biologic Pandora's Box, you need to be prepared (as Fauci says) for the worst
I have spent a lot of time speaking to smart people and their unquestioned trust of aspects of the system is unwavering. In some ways, I don't blame them. They are in the information bubble. I actually miss being able to trust and be less cynical of information from particular authorities. It seems every time the information bubble is pricked it heals quickly. On the positive side, there are more pricks happening. We need to keep pushing.
Exosomes are little packets, envelopes of spike protein. Some make it into your cells, even into the nucleus. They absolutely shed. This technology has been used to control populations of rodents. Only a few have to be injected and those transmit to others.
Swedish article in läkartidningen 2013 on techniq used by vaccines, think lipid mRNA vaccines function in 2-steps. Vaccine(lipid) ->1.human muscle cell ->exosome -> cell(bacteria)/gene ->mutagenesis in flora bacteria
Dr. Bhakdi has also recently posted about the risks of increasing disease pressures in previously dormant diseases in the vaccinated including TB. Should we be worried about this?
Tuberculosis is associated with a bacterium. But yes, disease does not work the way we've been led to believe. The way we imagine disease leads to total sterilization in a way that's harmful. It's like removing all swimming pools because people drown, as well as removing all stairs because people fall. Next we remove all bathroom tiles and replace them with padding, etc.
Its about antibiotics and our bacterial flora getting damaged by antibiotics, and Covid-19 happens when our bacterial flora in our bodys gets pan-resistant. Its about the post-antibiotic era, and these doctors tries to explain that in other words without mention antibiotics. Antibiotics is the missing piece that implicates whole Covid crisis, pharmaceutical companies...
Yes. This is exactly how doctors reconcile information and stories that don't fit what they've been taught. And this is not a new behavior. It has been going on for years and years and year.
Young, active male who has controlled his blood pressure and cholesterol per AHA guidelines, and followed AHA diet - more or less - for all of his adult life - gets severe multi-vessel blockages at a relatively early age --> it cannot possibly be that the AHA guidelines are providing bad advice. Blame it on "bad family history." Never mind the person knew his family history, took actions based on AHA recommendations to modify known risk factors, and ended up sick at an earlier age than his father and grandfather. Hmmm.
Diabetic patients who follow ADA dietary guidelines and continue needing higher doses of meds and eventually insulin. Blame them for not *really* following the guidelines. "They aren't compliant with recommendations," because if they were, of course their diabetes wouldn't be getting worse. Because it is inconceivable that perhaps the guidelines are mistaken. Doctors can't possibly allow themselves to conceive that the guidelines are at fault. Instead, "nobody follows our advice" is their response.
A parent relates a story of some weird-sounding behavior that developed after routine immunization in their child or their friend's child. "Oh, vaccines are safe. It's not related," is what they are most likely to hear.
These are what physicians are taught. It's how they are "brought up." Always believe your training and your teachers. And of course the opposite side of that coin is to never believe the patient. Because otherwise, what do you do when the patient and your training are saying different things?
Physicians need much more humility. Medical students need to be taught this humility, to be reminded that while their learning is important, it is to be held with an open hand and with a willingness to reconsider.
Is Lucile Packard Children's Hospital packed with unvaccinated patients? I doubt it.
I have a nurse friend who said there were more regular hospital admissions (her observation, there are also more admissions where people have psychiatric problems). I find that a big problem is disconnection from the reality, when everything is just a link or opinion. At least, those nurses speak from their own experience. Does this doctor speak from his own experience or just states something he saw on TV, but doesn't even see a difference? "You don't believe individual reports", "alternative worlds" - real world doesn't matter.
The medical authorities have ascertained that all the dialysis machines in the country are in constant use...
This GP reports on what's happening in Australia: any GP who "interferes" with the vaccine rollout risks being "deregistered" as a GP:
Always nice to see incurious Stanford professors and MD's with a cultish devotion to the information they're fed by government bureaucracies and a complete disregard for any independent verification.
I'd have liked to see Steve simply refute his programmed claims of "the hospitals are filling with non-vaccinated COVID patients." Ask him to back that up by provide the source data that supported that claim. I'm sure he'd just say that's what the CDC is telling him and that's all he needs to know. But if that's true, why doesn't the CDC make that source data available for independent evaluation?
I think you will have an easier time getting through to the vaccine true believers through the portal of efficacy than danger. They might engage if you call them useless. They are programmed to shut you out if you claim the standard antivaxxer thing that they kill people or cause autism or what have you.
Just found your site today Steve and I'm now going back in your archives and reading earlier posts. Thank you for your work. It is simply stunning how many intelligent people I know as close family and friends who simply shrug off any information that challenges the prevailing MSM narratives. In a rather small cadre of people I know who are vaccinated I know 4 people in my age group (I'm 69 years old) who now have experienced myocarditis or pericarditis post-vaccination. All of these events were diagnosed 2-4 months post-vaccination, so I'd bet my Social Security check not one of them was ever reported to VAERS given the age of my cohort.
It really is surprising until I think of the DMV being a perfect snapshot of the run of the mill people. Then I'm not that surprised. I think you and I are surprised because we assume because we are intellectual the people we associate with are as well. Only in times like these, we come to see we have misjudged them and question how could we have been so wrong? It would be a great sociological study?
Thanks for the suggestions Frank. The thing that makes it so difficult to even discuss this with people I'm close to is that literally none of these friends and family believe their sudden heart issues could possibly be caused by the "safe and effective" vaccines. I mean no less an authority than Wolf Blitzer or Judy Woodruff told them they were safe. This level of brain-washing is pretty scary.
Do you think you would assent if he finally asked you to forgive his errors, after having seen the light?
I've a similar situation with a "friend". I would never "forgive" him, but would say something like this:
You need not ask forgiveness from me, I never hold a grudge against the misinformed. However, if you have the least notion of doing the right thing, I would require you to ask forgiveness from all the people, family, patients, co-workers,... whom you failed to inform about a life-threatening situation despite having a source of information that was far closer to truth than any you believed in. Through willful disregard of fact, you have endangered them, and I hope not participated in killing any of them.
"Learn to distinguish the difference between errors of knowledge and breaches of morality. An error of knowledge is not a moral flaw, provided you are willing to correct it; only a mystic would judge human beings by the standard of an impossible, automatic omniscience. But a breach of morality is the conscious choice of an action you know to be evil, or a willful evasion of knowledge, a suspension of sight and of thought. That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality. Give the benefit of the doubt to those who seek to know; but treat as potential killers those specimens of insolent depravity who make demands upon you, announcing that they have and seek no reasons, proclaiming, as a license, that they just feel it - or those who reject an irrefutable argument by saying: 'It’s only logic,' which means: 'It’s only reality.' The only realm opposed to reality is the realm and premise of death."
- Ayn Rand
Lashon hara.
Moldbug's discussion is all you get. No soup for you!
Actually the deception is in front of everybody in plain sight. They use their own dictionary and abbreviations and talk to each other worldwide through media.
COVID-19 should be Co-virus disease-19.
SARS-CoV-2 S?, Antibody Resistant, S?, Co-Virus-2. S could be Spike protein a.k.a S-protein. Could be a bacteria like Streptococcus.
In dictionary Antibody equals Antibiotics.
By the way id like to mention that what they call spike protein is a S-protein located in the cell wall making up a part of binding receptor to cell, its target protein for vaccines. Its then interesting to know that same type of S-protein is critical to our coagulation system(cloths). Cheers
Sorry for my poor english not native
yes SARS-CoV-2 virus has epidemiologically nothing in common with any other respiratory virus. Frequent reinfections suggest that our immune system does not produce antibodies. Cluster outbreaks in nursing homes, small areas in cities, etc. LOL in an airborne low-virulence infectious agent, such as influenza virus. And not least how the virus works in the event of a worsening of illness, serious illness ... It screams bacterial infection and has nothing to do with a virus' disease course.
As you said narrative and mental suggestion.
Hi Steve,
I am slowly making my way through, The Real Anthony Fauci.In chapter3 page 135, heading The PIs: The Pharma/Fauci Mercenary Army.
More than likely your “friend”, Dr. Cohen is a Fauci “principal investigator”. Basically a Fauci’s paid expert to shill for Big Pharma/NIAID. It is very corrupt. Dr. Cohen must have money riding on the mad push for these injections.
This book really helps answer the why and how of what is happening right now.
Well here's something I missed at first with big implications and from the Lancet to boot:
The title is so understated that it seems like something out of Monty Python: "The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing". Bottom lines (1) the Vaccines don't immunize us against the disease (apart from a brief protective effect in elderly) (2) The vaccinated population now account for the greatest proportion of those infected and dying - countries with highest vaccination rates have the most COVID. (3) The vaccinated population are principal carriers of the virus and (4) Being "fully vaxed' may be a risk factor for becoming very ill or dying from COVID! This is apart from the increasingly evident burden of adverse events due to the vaccines. If any of this still seems counterintuitive to those who believe some vaccines are beneficial, remember this is not a vaccine but experimental genetic manipulation. When you open the biologic Pandora's Box, you need to be prepared (as Fauci says) for the worst
I have spent a lot of time speaking to smart people and their unquestioned trust of aspects of the system is unwavering. In some ways, I don't blame them. They are in the information bubble. I actually miss being able to trust and be less cynical of information from particular authorities. It seems every time the information bubble is pricked it heals quickly. On the positive side, there are more pricks happening. We need to keep pushing.
Never 'fearget'
The use of fear to control behaviour in the Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, scientist group admits
Exosomes are little packets, envelopes of spike protein. Some make it into your cells, even into the nucleus. They absolutely shed. This technology has been used to control populations of rodents. Only a few have to be injected and those transmit to others.
Swedish article in läkartidningen 2013 on techniq used by vaccines, think lipid mRNA vaccines function in 2-steps. Vaccine(lipid) ->1.human muscle cell ->exosome -> cell(bacteria)/gene ->mutagenesis in flora bacteria
I try to avoid those recently vax’d or boosted for this reason.
So explain the EM absorption. Thanks
Got it thanks
Here is the recording of the conference with the participation of Dr. Bhakdi and Dr. Arne Burkhardt in English language;
Dr. Bhakdi has also recently posted about the risks of increasing disease pressures in previously dormant diseases in the vaccinated including TB. Should we be worried about this?
Although this report is in German, the video is in English.
Tuberculosis is associated with a bacterium. But yes, disease does not work the way we've been led to believe. The way we imagine disease leads to total sterilization in a way that's harmful. It's like removing all swimming pools because people drown, as well as removing all stairs because people fall. Next we remove all bathroom tiles and replace them with padding, etc.
It is possible. Has anyone shown this in a systematic way, or is this simply something that medical science still needs to discover in the future?
If the latter, what is your source that causes you to believe this to be true?
Its about antibiotics and our bacterial flora getting damaged by antibiotics, and Covid-19 happens when our bacterial flora in our bodys gets pan-resistant. Its about the post-antibiotic era, and these doctors tries to explain that in other words without mention antibiotics. Antibiotics is the missing piece that implicates whole Covid crisis, pharmaceutical companies...