O yes

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Maybe doctors are just brighter than you mokes.

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How can we trust our medical providers any longer! They sold out to Big Pharma and the elite governments of the world. Does health insurance pay for homeopathic health care?

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My guess… The pro-Vax doctors are so convinced that the CDC is there to protect the public, that any safety signals that are occurring HAVE to be forged … by anti-vaxxers, of course.

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May Jesus Christ rebuke them all. Amen.

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Refreshing to see an enlightened soul in the healthcare system. The naturopathic side of health was swiftly demonized and criticized when Rockefeller and others started taking control of the health care system. No money in natural unpatentable treatments. No need to tell you health is no longer the goal of our system. Symptom treatment is where the money lives.

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Hunter Brown, an offensive lineman for Air Force, has died at 21.

The school announced that Brown suffered an unspecified “medical emergency”


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Take a look at this article demonstrating possible / likely proof of fraud:


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Have you checked the safety data for Novavax? So far VAERS has recorded no deaths and very few adverse event signals, even taking into consideration that far fewer people have gotten it.

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I know a doctor who took the Johnson and Johnson shot, regretted it. Now he privately tells his patients not to take boosters, realizing he may lose his license .

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I try to avoid going to a hospital or Dr.'s office .I avoid every thing the Frankenstein Dr's insist on we do ,like masks or injections .I have to see a Doctor to get a subscription for hypertension . Caring for my health is my job .According to the roes of files on the shelf ,he must have at least

a 1000 patients .No one can care for the health of a 1000 people ,no Dr. can .Dr's wearing masks and taking shots can't even care for their own health .let alone for many hundreds

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I know he’s not a doctor but John Cambpell on YouTube?

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"The FDA-approved mRNA products are subject to the laws of the Food and Drug Consumer Protection Act and are not protected by the immunity clauses in PFIZER’s contract with the US military." - Karen Kingston, Kingston Report, Jan. 10, 2023 karenkingston@substack.com

Any AG's out there pissed-off enough to take these bastards to court?

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I have VA medical as well. COMPLETE AND TOTAL JOKE. They hate Veterans there

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Steve, were you aware of this?


"Groundbreaking New Book Sends Shockwaves Through Pfizer’s Criminal Enterprise"

So what exactly is within those documents? What is there to uncover that Pfizer and the FDA didn’t want available for public view?

Thanks to the thousands of highly-credentialed and brave War Room/DailyClout volunteers, much of the heavy lifting has already been done. Let’s take a closer look at three of the – now – fifty Pfizer reports that Pfizer and the FDA don’t want you to see:

* Report 11: Pfizer Vaccine – FDA Fails to Mention Risk of Heart Damage in Teens (April 7, 2022)

* Report 37: Pfizer, FDA, CDC Hid Proven Harms to Male Sperm Quality, Testes Function, from mRNA Vaccine Ingredients (August 16, 2022)

* Report 50: 20% of Post-Jab Strokes Fatal in the 90 Days Following Pfizer COVID mRNA Vaccine Rollout (December 26, 2022)

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Gee Steve, as far as the medicalcommunity is concerned, silence is golden. They have no idea how far down the rabbit hole the medical community has gone and might never be trusted by the smart people again due to their lies and stonewalling of any relevant info that throws shade on the vaccine.

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They're scared. No one works for the public anymore. Everyone's "customer" is the government, and the government works for big corporations like pharma.

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PPP = Public Private Partnership

Whitney Webb calls it the National Security State; gov't intelligence mafia, if you like.

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