“Lacking scientific rationale, vaccine mandates are religious dogma, and I request a religious exemption from COVID vaccination.” I wish I would have put this on my religious exemption!

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No good deed will go unpunished.

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Kulldorff should be the head of the FDA. The politicians in cahoots with the Deep state and Big Pharma must be scrubbed from public service and the institutions returned to their original purpose, to protect the people from government and privateers rather than serving us up for them to gorge on... Academia is fundamentally corrupt and at this point I doubt they can be saved. Let's hope sufficient people sue the likes of Harvard out of existence so a new academia can emerge. It is insufficient for academics to voice support for the Kulldorffs of the world privately, they are duty bound to speak up. Even now after the fact they remain duty bound to do so. The fact that they are still to craven or cowardly to do so proves the corruption in the academia is rooted too deep. They are just as responsible for the devastation of Covid policy and also of the ongoing scandal of Climate Alarmism and Woke ideology as the useful idiots pushing these corrupt, unscientific, ideologies and elites who are behind it. It is no surprise that Harvard is an epicenter for elites propaganda and nudge theory mind control is it? But the people are on to it now, less than 15% uptake in the Covid boosters and a massive drop in Flu shot uptake (another fake vax IMO) and a drop in wider childhood vaccination, some of which is troubling. More and more real scientists are speaking out against climate alarmism and the fraud being perpetrated by the UN, IPCC and the media. More and more speaking out against Covid policy, more and more speaking out against the divisive Woke ideology and identity politics (anti science ideology of a medieval kind). It will surely not be long before the veil shreds and the elites cabal collapses. But if Uncle Joe is fraudulently kept in the Oval office to secure an Obama 4th term then watch out... Dystopia beckons

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I gave up on “college”. Studied and researched on My own. The only bummer was Coulter would not let Me into flow cytometry because I did not have a college degree. #2 out of 26 hematology. Joe Coulter’s son barely beat out of #1. 🤣🔥🏴‍☠️, Ed

Edit - Carlos was a Great Friend. I was Happy for Him. More to the story. He came back from a bad place. 😂

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"MENDACIUM" would be the correct Latin to put on Harvard's logo, and it fits: MEN-DAC-IUM

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It’s simple … “Debates are not permitted” - If debates were permitted, then all funding, endowments, donations, gifts, foreign funding … would cease.

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Just business as usual, medicine has been a sh-t show for millennia. Paraphrasing Wikipedia's article on Galen of Pergamon, considered to be one of the most accomplished of all medical researchers of antiquity: "Galen went to Rome in 162 and made his mark as a practicing physician... Roman physicians criticized Galen for his use of the prognosis... This practice conflicted with the then-current standard of care, which relied upon divination and mysticism.... When Galen's animosity with the Roman medical practitioners became serious, he feared he might be exiled or poisoned, so he left the city. " The more things change the more they stay the same.

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Malpractice, underhanded research duplicity, execrable recklessness. Put it all together and what does it spell?

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Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said "I will never leave you nor forsake you" Steve and Martin are rich men who did not fall in love with money God gave them this gift and the use it as a tool

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Harvard is beholden to their financiers in Pharma and government. "Yeah, but they are supposed to uphold a higher standard," you say? Sure, and the moon is made of green cheese and I have a bridge to sell you. One more time: the medical boards, medical associations, health authorities, medical journals, universities, and hospitals are all bought and paid for, OK? You will be correct more often if you do the opposite of what they say. And, no, the answer is not to reform them. Humans have an unavoidable tendency to corruption so any organizations can never be trustworthy. You are on your own as it should be.

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It was hard to understand why highly educated people were going along with the standard propaganda inflicting the minds of our leaders. There is a book I would highly recommend in order to decipher what is going on...Blood Money by Peter Schweizer. People need to be aware of the information in this mind-opening book. The trouble started years ago with a devious plan of China's CCP to conquer America through breaking down our country without firing a bullet. It is imperative people learn what the CCP has done and is doing... to use drugs to destroy America.. Our leaders turned a blind eye to this for over 60 plus years., because TRADE with China would put trillions into many deep pockets. Every system has been contaminated.. This dirty Money has aided in destroying the integrity of America...our Educational System has been contaminated. too.

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I appreciate what Martin Kulldorff has already done. If everyone did as much as he did we wouldn't be in this situation. However I think he was part of I will say the truth but lets not get into the messy gritty details to hold those accountable to the fire. Let by gones be by gones.

Then this happens.

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Sorry Steve, but what did you expect from an Institution which supports anti- Semitism. All our Institutions are corrupt. We must vote Biden out of office.

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Are you saying our votes count? That the election won't be stolen?

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Since they won’t be able to declare another emergency their chances at cheating are reduced. We must all vote in person and it has to be a massive turnout. Early in person voting is ok but under no circumstances can we go for mail in ballots. Also it helps that during these past four years Judicial Watch has taken blue states to court and many of them have had to clean voter rolls.

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https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants BillGates Grant Link

If you count Harvard on the Bill Gate Foundation's list of grant destinations, there are many. I counted up to 100 and stopped.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

This Glant destination often comes out.

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Yes, it took the Vatican only 359 years to forgive Galileo for being right. I think Harvard and our academic institutions in general, if they mandated the Covid shots for kids, have wasted the last bit of credibility. As I wrote elsewhere, Plato would roll over in his grave, referring to these institutions as "academia," when all they do is indoctrinate, and ChatGPT could do a better job than most of the automaton teachers. Let them go join the parade in Tienanmen Square and pay obeisance to Xi. Free inquiry is passé, critical thinking is passé. We need to start over.

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Why did you think that Harvard believes in Free Speech? It hasn't for the last 25 years. Why would it now? That's just foolish thinking. You enriched yourself with a salary provided by an entity which is notoriously anti-civilization, anti-Free Speech, and anti-American. And now you are what? Angry that they fired you for disagreeing with those practices which you defacto supported while working there? I'm sorry, mate, I have no sympathy for you. Harvard is an evil entity. It represents Liberalism which is a pure evil ideology. You still refuse to acknowledge this simple fact. Good luck with that.

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Mar 13Edited

I have no sympathy for Kulldorf either. He's just another narcissistic wanker with delusions of grandeur and a massive persecution complex. As you suggest, he's only shitty 'cos he lost his prestigious gig at Harvard. Now he's courting anti-vaxxers instead, because like all true narcissists, he craves adulation, wherever he can get it.

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