The man is devoid of moral values, let alone ethical behaviours.

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Steve, I am ready to debate. As the late, great Apollo Creed once said, "anyplace, anytime, man!"

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Truly the Gates of Hades

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Neurenberg II , we’re waiting for the trials “ crimes against humanity “

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Late to this post - I have had numerous conversations with physicians about treatment protocols. It was based on what was Best for the Individual under our Care.…Some conversations were “slightly “ heated Again, (Zero letters behind My name; ; but, Common Sense, Study & Research); however, reasonable discourse. I Never, Ever Lost.

Steve, Your work is impeccable. Thank You, Ed

Edit - Uhhh…”These “people sre barking mad” (in their brain and subsequent hypothesis)…meet my extended family…Do you even know what mRNA is or perhaps a liponanoparticle is? Blank stare. I “need” a beer. Good Gawsh.

Edit again - Life is tough;but tougher if you are stupid.😁

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It’s all about money 💰

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I noticed that in 2023, Healthcheck attempted to debunk Steve's claim about the Amish health outcomes on Pennsylvania. They used papers based on data out of the Amish and Men onite communities in Ohio. Has Steve responded to this?

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There’s no way he wants the truth to get out about vaccines. It’s a big part of his depopulation plans. He even admitted it in a 2010 Ted talk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeHLNthYTSI

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I think you'd have to talk to Epstein to figure out whose depopulation plans they truly are. But he's dead.

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Good on you for trying, but of course evil liars will do everything they can to hide the truth.

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Gates spends millions of dollars on health issues in other Countries but won't spend on research of why autoimmune diseases are on the rise in the US. Could it be we are the most vaccinated Country?Why does he not want to know this and why doesn't he want the citizens of his Country healthy. Could it be dollar signs?

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Eventually, his children and grandchildren will also be inoculated and become extinct. Or will he leave a will saying never to get vaccinated?

Although we have come this far, we have learned the truth and must survive at all costs. Let's try to wake up our family, relatives, and friends who are not yet aware of this as much as possible.

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Predicate upon your response, the only reply in addition has to be …. Whatever you know and believe your capable of doing that will elicit the changes you want achieved, beats doing nothing, gnashing your teeth, anything is better than zip, whatever it is will, when added the collective efforts irrespective how big or small, minuscule or great when added will at the very least help to make the nation you want, you envisage, you might win, you might not, but better to have tried and failed than not done anything … akin to walking 1,000 miles, it starts the first step, cliche I know, but truth and realistic given what’s ahead… if nothing else you’ll derive satisfaction your doing something to contribute… that in and of itself will aide the thought of angst diminishing…. might even eliminate such entirely… best

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What the heck is wrong with you? No stones, cajones, spine or fortitude…. There is nothing wrong with recognising or acknowledging reality, but as an outsider looking in, someone who has travelled up to the U.S including with family innumerable times, has travelled right across, literally to every state, visited your major metropolitan areas several times each, I have noted the descent and decline into the abyss of tyranny, aided and abetted a defeatist attitude…

Sadly it seems, as evidenced these comments, many Americans are not seemingly, caring enough to do anything about it, save a very small remnant, the few that comprise the brave souls needed to push back, to fight for that they truly believe in, the nation and people they love and then you read these type of comments and sadly such is so prevalent of late when reading comment online, on Soc Media, everyone defeatist, no spine, or ought I say they’ve lost their spine, their will and belief, they are so heavily propagandised the fight has gone from them, been knocked out of them.

Good grief, if you won’t fight for your nation, for what you believe who the heck do you expect to? Why should others do your dirty work? I guess your one of those types just willing, one of these people who’ll take, a taker who enjoys getting, receiving, been given but then doing nothing, nothing, zip, nada, zero in return, not giving back, not prepared to, even if it means standing up and therein is the real reason as to why the U.S has declined.

America has become, sadly, a nation of takers, people focussed on making their way up the ladder and to hell with everyone else, if I can make it buggar you Jack, this attitude exemplified by your political class, both the elected and appointed, who are willing to sell you out, taking the tin, the Moolah, the loot offered to sell you, your family, your loved ones, friends and colleagues out…

It’s the Machines, we can’t stop it and nothing you can do, man with that mindset, your doomed, for heavens sake, you’ve a voice, able to communicate, your not a quadriplegic, nor deaf and dumb, albeit those so afflicted I’ve known have more fight in them than that expressed by you both.

It truly is difficult to accept such meek surrender, the, aw shucks, oh well, nothing I can do so I’ll suck it up, you might as well just say…. wait a minute while I drop my daks, you can bend me over the table and really rheem me up the ass, take it all, my self respect and dignity as well, fight, fight, fight, speak up, stand up, put yourself forward to stand, if not stand for office how abouts volunteering for those who will stand and put themselves on the ballot, put yourself forward even if it’s just to watch drop boxes, to do what you can to prevent voter fraud, or to knock on doors, man a phone, just help to campaign for those standing that you support if you will not do so yourself.

The bottom line, with an attitude such as that expressed, I wouldn’t want you minding nor watching my back, what’s the point, I’d be gone burger, would look around and you’d be gone, off, running anywhere to hide and be safe… to afraid to raise your head above the parapet, point your weapon and use it… no use…to me, I’m not apologising for being blunt, but truly this defeatist attitude is contemptible and not even worth the time it’s taken to have this rant… your not even deserving of that… Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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Who are you talking to?

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What do you think we should be doing that we're not?

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