I have now eleven people in my immediate circle who got "sudden onset" diseases since the shots:
🔥Male friend, 62 yo, avid runner, lean and fit, sudden onset of heart conditions, died of a heart attack 4 months ago, had to take the shots to keep his job.
🔥Brother in law #1, 60 yo, found dead in his apartment, massive heart attack, and fully vaxed of course.
🔥Brother in law #2, 67 yo, turbo cancer, now stage 3, probably doesn’t have much time left, fully vaxed.
🔥Male friend, 65, weird issues with nausea and dizziness. On sick leave for 2 months, and now they tell him that he has "Multiple Systems Atrophy" which is a death sentence, and an awful decline worse than Parkinsons. Fully vaxed.
🔥Male friend, 61, another avid runner, in great shape, sudden onset of Parkinson's 6 months after booster #2, got all the boosters, a true believer
🔥Family member, female, 78 yo, got all the shots, Guillame Barre syndrome and breast cancer within 8 months of one of the boosters (not sure which one). Died last year.
🔥Male friend, 60 yo, gym rat, in great shape, sudden onset of bone cancer, probably has months to live. Proudly got all the shots, a true believer.
🔥Friend of a friend's husband, 53 yo, got booster #3, laid down on the couch after dinner "feeling queasy and tired." Wife didn't wake him up to go to bed. She woke up the next morning, and he was lying on the couch--DEAD.
🔥Male colleague, 58 yo, suddenly came down with “strange symptoms” in 2022. Another true believer, in Canada, got all the boosters he could get. They couldn’t figure out what was going on, and for two years, he got a bit better, then worse, then better, then worse. Then, a month ago, massive heart attack and that was the end of him—DEAD.
🔥Male friend, 63 yo, deep vein thrombosis last year, and now pancreatic cancer. Probably has a year at most left.
🔥Sister of a friend, 55 yo, pancreatic cancer, died last year. DEAD.
My circle of friends, family etc. is likely no more than 100 people, so this is 11% of that. All since the jabs.
Just to throw something else into the mix. Recently discussed among a few in our awake group about the “vaxxed to the max group” that are surviving ok. Many, (not all), have been long term smokers. Is this a nicotine effect?? Never smoked. It didn’t save my long term smoker school friend. Brain Cancer took him 15 months ago. 95 year old MIL continues unaffected, but has awakened and won’t have any more boosters. Awoke when her rest home nurse (40s) spent 6 nights in hospital with major kidney infection to find she had 3 other similar aged nurses in there at same time with similar issues.
Down here some have been promoting Nicotine patches for some time to help ward off COVID.
I had a friend who died in 2019 of a dissected aorta, as his father did. Before that, it was only grandparents and other family members who were at the end of their normal lifespan, but even there, my last grandparent died in the early 2000s.
In short, I've never seen anything like what I've seen in the last 4 years, nothing remotely close to this in my entire life.
I filled out your survey a few years back, which inspired me to keep good records of what was happening to my friends and family.
Thanks for the work you are doing Steve--God bless you.
Edit: I remembered 2 others, but both were advanced age colleagues. One in 2010, the other in 2015. So, I’d say maybe 1 every 5 years would be a reasonable number.
I have a similar tale of woe. I've lost so many to death, chronic disease and turbo-cancers. Before Covid I would say less than one a year. This onset of extremes in health degeneration were simply not part of my life and now most of my closest friends are battling for their health. These results speak for themselves. I now know few people who are healthy. Interestingly discussing one's ill health is now acceptable, while discussing concerns about treatments and/or causes is still quite taboo.
So sorry Janice--it is a monstrous crime. And I expect more of this in the future--seems like it's every 3-4 months and I get another depressing text from a friend or family member informing me of their new diagnosis.
My husband's brother who was in his mid 70s at the time took about 5 boosters. With each one came more and more dementia which was in the family. He is dead.
My dearest childhood girlfriend died with a turbo cancer after her daughter insisted that she be vaxxed in order to see her grandchildren. She is gone, too.
TODAY it is a well-known and easily demonstrable fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not read, evaluate or debate any of the particulars of the Legislation they vote on.
They cannot read or debate the issues because, on average, NINE THOUSAND new bills are introduced each year at a rate of fifty-five per day and each Bill can approach 2000 pages of content or more.
Since no one can evaluate ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND pages of Law Speak per day, the elected representative is forced to vote “as per the suggestion of staff”.
Our Constitutions call for ‘representative government of the people, by the people and for the people’. They do not call for ‘government by staff recommendation’.
In order to remedy the UNCONSTITUTIONAL WORKING OF THE GOVERNMENT, it is time to use the available technology of computers for the distribution of the text, and artificial intelligence (AI) for the aggregation of the decisions of up to FIFTY THOUSAND interested, responsible and qualified Citizens per Congressional district, herein referred to as AMPLIFIED VOTERS (AV) to give The People and all of Humanity the opportunity to solve their Governmental problems.
A Constitutional Amendment to Accommodate at Least 10 Thousand Citizen Representatives per Congressional District Who Will Actually Read and Evaluate the Existing and Proposed Laws for the Purpose of Ratification or Annulment of Each and Every Line of Law and the Accompanying Enabling Legislation for the Purpose of Perfecting The Law for and in Behalf of The Citizens of the Country.
My question is, are vaccinated people more likely to still take these covid tests? How do we know its covid? I think sometimes they have simple colds but are obsessed with getting tested. Unless they are seeking medical attention how does anyone truly know? And yes, I have so many vax to the max friends who have people in their groups drop dead and /or develop turbo illness and for some mental block ... cannot connect the dots. It is bewildering to sit at a table with these people.
Steve, please give credit to those fighting long before many of us even knew what a vaccine-injured person was. Gary Null has been at the Vanguard of Natural, Holistic Medicine and Exposing Medical Fraud, Abuse, Tyranny and Greed for decades!
He has produced many documentaries on the Vaccine Myth and is an unsung HERO!
Deadly Deception - Exposing The Dangers of Vaccines By Gary Null:
Unfortunately, there are still a LOT of people who have received numerous shots and boosters with no issues whatsoever. Do they have bullet proof immune systems? Did they get a placebo? Did their batch not remain refrigerated until they received their shots?
Did the powers that be intend for large swaths of the population to be vaccinated without any side effects whatsoever to create confidence in the shot? It wouldn't surprise me if there's an algorithm that not only allows for maximum profit, but the most lethally efficient way to kill off the most people.
The Covid scam was created as an excuse to jab people with a toxic substance that would kill them and reduce the population. (Why else would the Covid Police be chasing after the natives in Africa with their needles)????
The mRNA so-called "safe and effective" jab destroys the immune system, causing HIV, which leads to AIDS, which is always fatal and takes YEARS to kill. Now THAT is dang sneaky!
There is no virus. Growing a cell culture in a Petri dish, adding some chemicals, stirring it up and then proclaiming you have isolated a virus DOESN'T COUNT. Where is this "virus" in nature, floating around, just waiting to infect you? NOWHERE.
Viruses are created in and only exist INSIDE the body, as a defense something that's not right INSIDE the body, like an acidic pH of the blood, caused from eating man's garbage food or from the EMFs of 3G, 4G and especially 5G radiation.
Big pHarma will NEVER tell you this- there's too much money to be made selling kill shots. Every pandemic in history was preceded by a new form of wireless transmission. Wuhan installed 30,000 5G transmitters and look what happened!! California went full-blown 5G and became a Covid hotspot.
During the Spanish Flu researchers tried everything they could think of to identify the "virus". They took swabs from sick people and placed them into the eyes, ears, noses and mouths of healthy people and were UNABLE TO MAKE EVEN ONE PERSON SICK.
Your surveys bear out what I observe. The jabbed friends and relatives tend to get COVID and other respiratory infections repeatedly, more so than the unjabbed.
One confounder of survey results is that the jabbed people are more likely to run out and get a test, because they're fearful.
But it's pretty plain that the benefits of this jab don't outweigh risks overall, and I did not verify jab orders nor did I administer them. From Spring of 2021, I began advising others not to take them, based on VAERs data. (I had other reasons to personally refuse the first jab offering to health care professionals, and later got a religious exemption).
Something that people should bear in mind is that the freshest, gain-of-function, SARS CoV-2 buggs increased the likelihood of 'death syndrome' for the most vulnerable patients before the jabs were available. We never saw the hoped-for decline in overall mortality after the jabs became available.
The test is a scam. The inventor of PCR, Kerry Mullis said it's NOT to be used for testing. Any cT (cycle threshold) over about 27 yields false positives. Testing labs routinely use a cT of around 30 and testing labs will go as high as 45, depending on what result they want to see.
Yes, the original tests, (taken off the market), were PCR based and the cycle thresholds were much too high. (I was probably using up the last of this type with the weekly testing that went along with my religious exemption in 2021.)
Various other analytical methods are used for testing now, with home tests using antibodies to detect antigens with an intermediate chemical process producing a visual color change. Much different than PCR technology.
Screening of asymptomatic people for traces of material that is not well correlated with current infection was always a bad idea, producing bogus data, and policies.
Tnx for that info. I needed to know that! Not to mention that SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated, purified or determined to exist floating around in nature just waiting to infect you by any lab, anywhere. Growing a cell culture in a Petri dish, adding some chemicals, stirring it up and then proclaiming you have virus isolation doesn't count!
I saw this in the data with the Omicron variant. The vaccinated were being infected at a higher rate ( statistically significant) than the unvaxxed I used the data to get a religious exemption at work based on my “strongly held belief” ( secular definition of religion) in science.
Nick Jefferson, Your coment about "strongly held belief (secular definition of religion) in science" made me chuckle. I like it! Good on you!
My understanding is that US law says that if a person holds a "sincerely held religious belief" they are entitled to a religious exemption. Having to justify and elaborate upon one's religious belief, and/or having to present a letter from a minister or protest ot rabbi or pastor to back it up, that shouldn't be necessary. And who's to decide what is my sincerely held religious belief? Not some government bureaucrat or mucky muck in HR.
We've seen so many egregious violations of our rights in this covidian catasrophe, it boggles my mind every day.
How do these various studies answer the question that people who take the shots are going to be more confident to be out and about and exposed to the virus and therefore more likely to get infected?
That is a question that I can tell you that at least I, and I would guess many others here in this comments section, do not have. Why? Because it has consistently been my lived experience that the unjabbed whom I know personally do not give a toot about staying inside to be careful because they're unjabbed— on the contrary, they are the ones who have always, both before and after the roll out of the EUA clot shots, been more likely to go out and mingle and do stuff, and never wear a mask.
I find it interesting, to put it diplomatically, that some vaxxed people seem to think that the unvaxxed are timid in this regard. I can well imagine that there some instances out there to contradict me (there are, after all, all kinds of people in this world), however, my experience over the past years of this health fiasco has abundantly been the exact opposite. The more vaxxed the person, the more fraidy-cat they are. And the unjabbed find the covidian fraidy-cats exasperatingly ridiculous.
Notice how MSM is blaming everything but the jab for rises in disease? Sadly I distrust all of our traditional news sources so much now, it's too easy to assume they're covering tracks.
So much for staying informed to fulfill our civic duty.
"This good hygiene habit could lower your risk of a stroke — but only a third of Americans do it" - New York Post.
(Extra convenient that only a third do it.)
"5 years since COVID declared public health emergency in US, still killing thousands"
(If only you knew)
"Alcohol’s Cancer Warning Risks Escalating Another US ‘Epidemic’"
- Bloomberg
(With drinking trending downwards? Weird.)
"How a month of abstinence can lead to 'meat disgust'"
(Another side effect of"long COVID")
"Oklahoma, Arkansas schools close due to rise in illness among students"
(quit vaccinating kids, buy them a soccer ball)
"US flu activity climbs, with more deaths in kids"
- University of Minnesota
(You'd think, as a reporter or scientist, this would bring you pause)
I suppose at the end of the day, as long as the mRNA train is profitable in all its guises, and those who are profiting are protected from liability, no matter how many people die, the technology will be declared "safe and effective." Moral compunction doesn't stand a chance if there are no legal or financial consequences for killing people. They'll shout for the shots until the money runs out, the public be dammed.
The main and insurmountable problem with this claim is that it's impossible to know. Once jabbed, you can't go back in time, get un-jabbed then re-infected and see how it comes out. It's a stupid claim, especially since the overwhelming majority of cases are very mild.
I have now eleven people in my immediate circle who got "sudden onset" diseases since the shots:
🔥Male friend, 62 yo, avid runner, lean and fit, sudden onset of heart conditions, died of a heart attack 4 months ago, had to take the shots to keep his job.
🔥Brother in law #1, 60 yo, found dead in his apartment, massive heart attack, and fully vaxed of course.
🔥Brother in law #2, 67 yo, turbo cancer, now stage 3, probably doesn’t have much time left, fully vaxed.
🔥Male friend, 65, weird issues with nausea and dizziness. On sick leave for 2 months, and now they tell him that he has "Multiple Systems Atrophy" which is a death sentence, and an awful decline worse than Parkinsons. Fully vaxed.
🔥Male friend, 61, another avid runner, in great shape, sudden onset of Parkinson's 6 months after booster #2, got all the boosters, a true believer
🔥Family member, female, 78 yo, got all the shots, Guillame Barre syndrome and breast cancer within 8 months of one of the boosters (not sure which one). Died last year.
🔥Male friend, 60 yo, gym rat, in great shape, sudden onset of bone cancer, probably has months to live. Proudly got all the shots, a true believer.
🔥Friend of a friend's husband, 53 yo, got booster #3, laid down on the couch after dinner "feeling queasy and tired." Wife didn't wake him up to go to bed. She woke up the next morning, and he was lying on the couch--DEAD.
🔥Male colleague, 58 yo, suddenly came down with “strange symptoms” in 2022. Another true believer, in Canada, got all the boosters he could get. They couldn’t figure out what was going on, and for two years, he got a bit better, then worse, then better, then worse. Then, a month ago, massive heart attack and that was the end of him—DEAD.
🔥Male friend, 63 yo, deep vein thrombosis last year, and now pancreatic cancer. Probably has a year at most left.
🔥Sister of a friend, 55 yo, pancreatic cancer, died last year. DEAD.
My circle of friends, family etc. is likely no more than 100 people, so this is 11% of that. All since the jabs.
What a terrible tragedy. I hope those around them witnessing this will wake up to the poison.
what stories would have written BEFORE the jabs rolled out in your same circle of friends? 1 a year? 1 every 5 years?
Just to throw something else into the mix. Recently discussed among a few in our awake group about the “vaxxed to the max group” that are surviving ok. Many, (not all), have been long term smokers. Is this a nicotine effect?? Never smoked. It didn’t save my long term smoker school friend. Brain Cancer took him 15 months ago. 95 year old MIL continues unaffected, but has awakened and won’t have any more boosters. Awoke when her rest home nurse (40s) spent 6 nights in hospital with major kidney infection to find she had 3 other similar aged nurses in there at same time with similar issues.
Down here some have been promoting Nicotine patches for some time to help ward off COVID.
I had a friend who died in 2019 of a dissected aorta, as his father did. Before that, it was only grandparents and other family members who were at the end of their normal lifespan, but even there, my last grandparent died in the early 2000s.
In short, I've never seen anything like what I've seen in the last 4 years, nothing remotely close to this in my entire life.
I filled out your survey a few years back, which inspired me to keep good records of what was happening to my friends and family.
Thanks for the work you are doing Steve--God bless you.
Edit: I remembered 2 others, but both were advanced age colleagues. One in 2010, the other in 2015. So, I’d say maybe 1 every 5 years would be a reasonable number.
I have a similar tale of woe. I've lost so many to death, chronic disease and turbo-cancers. Before Covid I would say less than one a year. This onset of extremes in health degeneration were simply not part of my life and now most of my closest friends are battling for their health. These results speak for themselves. I now know few people who are healthy. Interestingly discussing one's ill health is now acceptable, while discussing concerns about treatments and/or causes is still quite taboo.
So sorry Janice--it is a monstrous crime. And I expect more of this in the future--seems like it's every 3-4 months and I get another depressing text from a friend or family member informing me of their new diagnosis.
Also, I recommended to ICAN they do a story/show on the people in Alberta, Canada fighting to shine a light on things. Maybe it would be an interesting story here too; https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/covid-19-alberta-vaccine-task-force-1.7442816
I just saw this - might be important to expose it. The Vaccine Gods are going fpr broke; https://disease.education/covid?utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_source=bing&utm_campaign=second_dose&utm_term=se&utm_content=search&msclkid=0719cb6ac6d6150180faacc374c0f837
My husband's brother who was in his mid 70s at the time took about 5 boosters. With each one came more and more dementia which was in the family. He is dead.
My dearest childhood girlfriend died with a turbo cancer after her daughter insisted that she be vaxxed in order to see her grandchildren. She is gone, too.
TODAY it is a well-known and easily demonstrable fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not read, evaluate or debate any of the particulars of the Legislation they vote on.
They cannot read or debate the issues because, on average, NINE THOUSAND new bills are introduced each year at a rate of fifty-five per day and each Bill can approach 2000 pages of content or more.
Since no one can evaluate ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND pages of Law Speak per day, the elected representative is forced to vote “as per the suggestion of staff”.
Our Constitutions call for ‘representative government of the people, by the people and for the people’. They do not call for ‘government by staff recommendation’.
In order to remedy the UNCONSTITUTIONAL WORKING OF THE GOVERNMENT, it is time to use the available technology of computers for the distribution of the text, and artificial intelligence (AI) for the aggregation of the decisions of up to FIFTY THOUSAND interested, responsible and qualified Citizens per Congressional district, herein referred to as AMPLIFIED VOTERS (AV) to give The People and all of Humanity the opportunity to solve their Governmental problems.
A Constitutional Amendment to Accommodate at Least 10 Thousand Citizen Representatives per Congressional District Who Will Actually Read and Evaluate the Existing and Proposed Laws for the Purpose of Ratification or Annulment of Each and Every Line of Law and the Accompanying Enabling Legislation for the Purpose of Perfecting The Law for and in Behalf of The Citizens of the Country.
My question is, are vaccinated people more likely to still take these covid tests? How do we know its covid? I think sometimes they have simple colds but are obsessed with getting tested. Unless they are seeking medical attention how does anyone truly know? And yes, I have so many vax to the max friends who have people in their groups drop dead and /or develop turbo illness and for some mental block ... cannot connect the dots. It is bewildering to sit at a table with these people.
Blast from the Past: Gary Null Testifying Against Vaccination Racket Fraud In New York State in 2009:
Steve, please give credit to those fighting long before many of us even knew what a vaccine-injured person was. Gary Null has been at the Vanguard of Natural, Holistic Medicine and Exposing Medical Fraud, Abuse, Tyranny and Greed for decades!
He has produced many documentaries on the Vaccine Myth and is an unsung HERO!
Deadly Deception - Exposing The Dangers of Vaccines By Gary Null:
(Watch a young RFK Jr. in the above documentary)
Unfortunately, there are still a LOT of people who have received numerous shots and boosters with no issues whatsoever. Do they have bullet proof immune systems? Did they get a placebo? Did their batch not remain refrigerated until they received their shots?
Did the powers that be intend for large swaths of the population to be vaccinated without any side effects whatsoever to create confidence in the shot? It wouldn't surprise me if there's an algorithm that not only allows for maximum profit, but the most lethally efficient way to kill off the most people.
Please cancel my subscription. My husband passed away and I need to cut all extra costs. Thank you!
The Covid scam was created as an excuse to jab people with a toxic substance that would kill them and reduce the population. (Why else would the Covid Police be chasing after the natives in Africa with their needles)????
The mRNA so-called "safe and effective" jab destroys the immune system, causing HIV, which leads to AIDS, which is always fatal and takes YEARS to kill. Now THAT is dang sneaky!
There is no virus. Growing a cell culture in a Petri dish, adding some chemicals, stirring it up and then proclaiming you have isolated a virus DOESN'T COUNT. Where is this "virus" in nature, floating around, just waiting to infect you? NOWHERE.
Viruses are created in and only exist INSIDE the body, as a defense something that's not right INSIDE the body, like an acidic pH of the blood, caused from eating man's garbage food or from the EMFs of 3G, 4G and especially 5G radiation.
Big pHarma will NEVER tell you this- there's too much money to be made selling kill shots. Every pandemic in history was preceded by a new form of wireless transmission. Wuhan installed 30,000 5G transmitters and look what happened!! California went full-blown 5G and became a Covid hotspot.
During the Spanish Flu researchers tried everything they could think of to identify the "virus". They took swabs from sick people and placed them into the eyes, ears, noses and mouths of healthy people and were UNABLE TO MAKE EVEN ONE PERSON SICK.
Your surveys bear out what I observe. The jabbed friends and relatives tend to get COVID and other respiratory infections repeatedly, more so than the unjabbed.
One confounder of survey results is that the jabbed people are more likely to run out and get a test, because they're fearful.
But it's pretty plain that the benefits of this jab don't outweigh risks overall, and I did not verify jab orders nor did I administer them. From Spring of 2021, I began advising others not to take them, based on VAERs data. (I had other reasons to personally refuse the first jab offering to health care professionals, and later got a religious exemption).
Something that people should bear in mind is that the freshest, gain-of-function, SARS CoV-2 buggs increased the likelihood of 'death syndrome' for the most vulnerable patients before the jabs were available. We never saw the hoped-for decline in overall mortality after the jabs became available.
I beleive they're 💩.
The test is a scam. The inventor of PCR, Kerry Mullis said it's NOT to be used for testing. Any cT (cycle threshold) over about 27 yields false positives. Testing labs routinely use a cT of around 30 and testing labs will go as high as 45, depending on what result they want to see.
Yes, the original tests, (taken off the market), were PCR based and the cycle thresholds were much too high. (I was probably using up the last of this type with the weekly testing that went along with my religious exemption in 2021.)
Various other analytical methods are used for testing now, with home tests using antibodies to detect antigens with an intermediate chemical process producing a visual color change. Much different than PCR technology.
Screening of asymptomatic people for traces of material that is not well correlated with current infection was always a bad idea, producing bogus data, and policies.
Tnx for that info. I needed to know that! Not to mention that SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated, purified or determined to exist floating around in nature just waiting to infect you by any lab, anywhere. Growing a cell culture in a Petri dish, adding some chemicals, stirring it up and then proclaiming you have virus isolation doesn't count!
I forget to mention, Mullis was murdered.
I saw this in the data with the Omicron variant. The vaccinated were being infected at a higher rate ( statistically significant) than the unvaxxed I used the data to get a religious exemption at work based on my “strongly held belief” ( secular definition of religion) in science.
Nick Jefferson, Your coment about "strongly held belief (secular definition of religion) in science" made me chuckle. I like it! Good on you!
My understanding is that US law says that if a person holds a "sincerely held religious belief" they are entitled to a religious exemption. Having to justify and elaborate upon one's religious belief, and/or having to present a letter from a minister or protest ot rabbi or pastor to back it up, that shouldn't be necessary. And who's to decide what is my sincerely held religious belief? Not some government bureaucrat or mucky muck in HR.
We've seen so many egregious violations of our rights in this covidian catasrophe, it boggles my mind every day.
How do these various studies answer the question that people who take the shots are going to be more confident to be out and about and exposed to the virus and therefore more likely to get infected?
That is a question that I can tell you that at least I, and I would guess many others here in this comments section, do not have. Why? Because it has consistently been my lived experience that the unjabbed whom I know personally do not give a toot about staying inside to be careful because they're unjabbed— on the contrary, they are the ones who have always, both before and after the roll out of the EUA clot shots, been more likely to go out and mingle and do stuff, and never wear a mask.
I find it interesting, to put it diplomatically, that some vaxxed people seem to think that the unvaxxed are timid in this regard. I can well imagine that there some instances out there to contradict me (there are, after all, all kinds of people in this world), however, my experience over the past years of this health fiasco has abundantly been the exact opposite. The more vaxxed the person, the more fraidy-cat they are. And the unjabbed find the covidian fraidy-cats exasperatingly ridiculous.
Notice how MSM is blaming everything but the jab for rises in disease? Sadly I distrust all of our traditional news sources so much now, it's too easy to assume they're covering tracks.
So much for staying informed to fulfill our civic duty.
"This good hygiene habit could lower your risk of a stroke — but only a third of Americans do it" - New York Post.
(Extra convenient that only a third do it.)
"5 years since COVID declared public health emergency in US, still killing thousands"
(If only you knew)
"Alcohol’s Cancer Warning Risks Escalating Another US ‘Epidemic’"
- Bloomberg
(With drinking trending downwards? Weird.)
"How a month of abstinence can lead to 'meat disgust'"
(Another side effect of"long COVID")
"Oklahoma, Arkansas schools close due to rise in illness among students"
(quit vaccinating kids, buy them a soccer ball)
"US flu activity climbs, with more deaths in kids"
- University of Minnesota
(You'd think, as a reporter or scientist, this would bring you pause)
I suppose at the end of the day, as long as the mRNA train is profitable in all its guises, and those who are profiting are protected from liability, no matter how many people die, the technology will be declared "safe and effective." Moral compunction doesn't stand a chance if there are no legal or financial consequences for killing people. They'll shout for the shots until the money runs out, the public be dammed.
The main and insurmountable problem with this claim is that it's impossible to know. Once jabbed, you can't go back in time, get un-jabbed then re-infected and see how it comes out. It's a stupid claim, especially since the overwhelming majority of cases are very mild.