First off, everyone with a voice needs to stop calling them "vaccines", they are bioweapons. Go to Karen Kingstons substack and read the patents, it says they're bioweapons and they maim and kill, they do not help anyone. What Pfizer is doing is illegal and an act of war, they're knowingly killing people, so its NOT a "vaccine" Please St…
First off, everyone with a voice needs to stop calling them "vaccines", they are bioweapons. Go to Karen Kingstons substack and read the patents, it says they're bioweapons and they maim and kill, they do not help anyone. What Pfizer is doing is illegal and an act of war, they're knowingly killing people, so its NOT a "vaccine" Please Steve, stop acting like these shots are sometimes good and sometimes bad, they're all bad.
It's good that many still think for themselves and do not follow the lead of "knowledgeable" people, and do not put these “vaccines”, thinking about themselves and their future.
Dear Steve, please don't be naive: there's a simple reason all health authorities are in collusion with genocide: they are all masons or co-opted by masons (bribe or extortion).
Wake up! I prescribe you a few more redpills PLLLLEAAAASE =)
By failing to acknowledge THE plan and its huge Achilles’ heal (or clay feet), instead of fighting for a sure victory, they become collaborators of the enemy. Tolerating global genocide means being accomplice to murder.
Resistance Level 1: truthers
Those who attack the lies in the narratives are just truthers, not fighters: they just inform. Information alone can’t change the rigged system. Here’s the truthers hall of fame:
NewsMax, Epoch Times, Natural News, FrankSpeech, Rotter News, The Gateway Pundit, The Last American Vagabond, The Vigilant Citizen, WantToKnow, Vaccine Impact, Technocracy News, Red Voice Media, Prepare for Change, Pandemic News, Open Secrets, Judicial Watch, Health Impact News, Health Choice.
With few victories, that isn’t enough to change the system. They explain everything in terms of massive corruption for the sake of profits, but deny the possibility of a global conspiracy.
Others recognized there is a cabal and provide valuable data but sometimes mixed with false information, especially when pointing to “reptilian aliens”, thus defeating the purpose of truthing (scientifically proven: no aliens in the universe), ruining the reputation of freedom fighters.
The freedom movement does half the wake-up job: leaving everyone half asleep, lethargic. It’s like warning the sheep something’s wrong, while still walking towards the slaughterhouse, but not telling them that the road leads to the meat-packer, and worse, no one seems to be telling them, that apart from prayer, there’s an escape route: asset backed anon currency and direct townhall democracy without forced representation.
We fail to lead effective freedom action, i.e. the fundamental changes needed to stop the rigged system of slavery and death. We are heading straight to the next PLANdemics (1000 P3 labs and 67 P4 labs are working full time... thousands of scientists creating new gain-of-function Frankensteins).
I found nothing “scathing” in this letter at all. It is weak. Just like most physicians and other health care providers in the country. The Feds are not our friends. Read A Midwestern Doctor’s post on the anthrax “vax.” It will make you cry.
How does groveling to your oppressors get you anywhere? The letter is a joke, almost an insult. If you write one where you disagree - you lay it ALL IN; you don't do it half ass and sugar coat the effin genocide.
The letter may not be as harsh as you may like it to be, however the problem lies more in the fact that he's the only surgeon general writing any kind of letter like that. I assume there are 50 of these guys?
First off, everyone with a voice needs to stop calling them "vaccines", they are bioweapons. Go to Karen Kingstons substack and read the patents, it says they're bioweapons and they maim and kill, they do not help anyone. What Pfizer is doing is illegal and an act of war, they're knowingly killing people, so its NOT a "vaccine" Please Steve, stop acting like these shots are sometimes good and sometimes bad, they're all bad.
It's good that many still think for themselves and do not follow the lead of "knowledgeable" people, and do not put these “vaccines”, thinking about themselves and their future.
Dear Steve, please don't be naive: there's a simple reason all health authorities are in collusion with genocide: they are all masons or co-opted by masons (bribe or extortion).
Wake up! I prescribe you a few more redpills PLLLLEAAAASE =)
Not vaccine, not gene therapy, just a BIO-BOMB:
By failing to acknowledge THE plan and its huge Achilles’ heal (or clay feet), instead of fighting for a sure victory, they become collaborators of the enemy. Tolerating global genocide means being accomplice to murder.
Resistance Level 1: truthers
Those who attack the lies in the narratives are just truthers, not fighters: they just inform. Information alone can’t change the rigged system. Here’s the truthers hall of fame:
General truthers:
#ClimateFreedom truthers:
Digi-tatorship truthers:
Engineer Diego Barrientos: Youtube @CEVICAS (Spanish, censored episodes in Telegram)
Mark Playne:
Geoengineering truthers:
Dane Wigington:
#MedicalFreedom truthers:
Steve Kirsch (Vaccine Safety Research Foundation):
Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer VP
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich1 (Corona Investigative Committee2)
Dr. Paul Elias Alexander:
Dr. Angelina Farella
Dr. Robert Malone
Joe Rogan3
Igor Chudov
Jeffrey Tucker:
Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee:
Sasha Latypova, an ex-pharmaceutical industry executive
Josh Stirling,
Ed Dowd
Theresa Long
Great Barrington Declaration (Drs. Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta and Martin Kulldorff). Sign here: and like here:
One America News
NewsMax, Epoch Times, Natural News, FrankSpeech, Rotter News, The Gateway Pundit, The Last American Vagabond, The Vigilant Citizen, WantToKnow, Vaccine Impact, Technocracy News, Red Voice Media, Prepare for Change, Pandemic News, Open Secrets, Judicial Watch, Health Impact News, Health Choice.
Level 2, suing for the common good:
RFK (Children’s Health Defense)4
Del Bigtree (Informed Consent Action Network,
Dr. Martin Kulldorff & Dr. Aaron Kheriaty (Great Barrington Declaration)6
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Surgeon General Ladapo
New Civil Liberties Alliance7
James O'Keefe (Project Veritas)8
FLCCC (Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik9)
Dr. Tess Lawrie:
With few victories, that isn’t enough to change the system. They explain everything in terms of massive corruption for the sake of profits, but deny the possibility of a global conspiracy.
Level 3, anti-IDmoney:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Corey Lynn
Stew Peters
Others recognized there is a cabal and provide valuable data but sometimes mixed with false information, especially when pointing to “reptilian aliens”, thus defeating the purpose of truthing (scientifically proven: no aliens in the universe), ruining the reputation of freedom fighters.
Alex Jones (InfoWars)10
David Icke11
Alexandra Bruce:
Bill Cooper (RIP)12
Level 4, anti-freemasonry and satanism
Ronald Bernard (ex illuminati): 1 of 5 (don't miss the 5th)
Prof Michel Chossudovsky: 13
John-Henry Westen:
James Corbett: corbettreport.com14
David Sörensen Global directory:
Dean Henderson (deleted in 2015, yet here15)
Level 5, anti-system political and monetary rebuilt from ground up
The freedom movement does half the wake-up job: leaving everyone half asleep, lethargic. It’s like warning the sheep something’s wrong, while still walking towards the slaughterhouse, but not telling them that the road leads to the meat-packer, and worse, no one seems to be telling them, that apart from prayer, there’s an escape route: asset backed anon currency and direct townhall democracy without forced representation.
We fail to lead effective freedom action, i.e. the fundamental changes needed to stop the rigged system of slavery and death. We are heading straight to the next PLANdemics (1000 P3 labs and 67 P4 labs are working full time... thousands of scientists creating new gain-of-function Frankensteins).
Not “Covid” but a bioweapon
Yep. this letter was way too weak in that it didn't state a lot of what you brought up.
I found nothing “scathing” in this letter at all. It is weak. Just like most physicians and other health care providers in the country. The Feds are not our friends. Read A Midwestern Doctor’s post on the anthrax “vax.” It will make you cry.
and where's the proof of the "virus" Lapado... ?
I was going to say. It certainly isn’t scathing. He asks and reveals very nicely.
Remember, he’s a doctor and he has to tread lightly
Plenty of other docs not holding back.
How does groveling to your oppressors get you anywhere? The letter is a joke, almost an insult. If you write one where you disagree - you lay it ALL IN; you don't do it half ass and sugar coat the effin genocide.
The letter may not be as harsh as you may like it to be, however the problem lies more in the fact that he's the only surgeon general writing any kind of letter like that. I assume there are 50 of these guys?