They won't respond and don't have to if the public doesn't hold them accountable. The majority of Americans are tired of this and want it to go away and with 4 billion inoculations around the world, the damage is done. Hopefully, efforts such as yours, the Florida Surgeon General and excess deaths as report reported by Dr. Campbell will wake up people. Remember, Trump started warp speed and Biden took it to another level. If you are looking for the help of politicians, don't hold your breath. Red or Blue, they all have an agenda and it's called power not serving the public.
you are a True American Hero for addressing this scathing unjust and unwarranted health recommendation by the CDC, FDA, and others that is causing mass injury including death around the globe. We are undoubtedly under attack like never before and welcome your intervention that will save lives.
Thank you for your dedication and deep commitment to saving lives.
May you and DeSantis continue your efforts in bringing true science that protects us.
I agree with your statement about resisting and not complying with the evil tyrants. To that end, I wrote an article in August, 2020, I thought you might find of interest:
Thanks very much, Laura, for your special dedication, interest, and effort in this increasingly overwhelming, monstrously coordinated onslaught against the free and just human being and the society he or she enjoys.
I strongly envision the inevitable collapse of our simplified enemy's momentum under its own weight and malformation, and that all the suffering, misery, and loss it has brought and still brings to bear, sooner rather than later, winds down to a complete halt.
History and the law, if any substantial and meaningful function of both persists throughout this living nightmare, can legitimately do nothing other than look unkindly, but remedially and constructively, on this chapter of human oppression and devastation.
Those of us who pray or otherwise endeavor also hope to see, in response, the still-free human will survive via the many gratefully accepted blessings needed to reach that strongly believed end.
Lapado is clearly more critical of the covid vax regime than any other surgeon general. My question is: Why hasn't he used his influence to obtain a release of Florida's data on deaths and vax status which could immediately settle some of the arguments about whether the vax is causing excess deaths?
I am probably wasting my time, but I need talk about the meaningless term COVID CASE. In 2021 a covid "case" was anyone that tested positive with a bogus covid pcr test. I have spoken to many clinical scientists and 90% of people that had positive covid tests never got sick or developed symptoms. But the case numbers fueled psychological panic and the media loved it. A real case is somebody examined by a medical practitioner that has symptoms or abnormal vital signs not someone with zero symptoms that has a positive covid pcr. Where are the doctors out here that can talk about this??
You couldn't be more epidemiologically correct, dear Beth. You know it, I know it, the lying and criminally negligent (if only) chief and upper staff of HHS, PHS, NIH, NIAID, CDC, FDA, and DoD (yes, the generals, admirals, and civ suits are actually running the whole show), respectively, along with the crucially important FSMB and all state medical, nursing, and pharmacy boards, which all know it.
Heck, Beth, all medically related licensees and (like myself) even spectating but concerned and active retirees know it.
It's Holocaust II, dear sister ethicist. And the willfully blind and ignorant abound.
Here’s hoping that FL leadership takes the next urgently needed step, and that is to condemn all vaccinations, as not one has been tested or approved properly or ethically, and as such, not one should currently be in use. An immediate moratorium on each and every vaccine is needed, as vaccines are now wreaking havoc from womb to grave. Vaccines are not safe, effective, or needed. Their use is based on lie after lie. For those wanting to learn more, please see the links below. The first is a rally speech I gave in CA in 2015, opposing SB277. The theme is “lies, lies, and more lies”. I delivered my speech before a “carve out” for homeschoolers was added to the bill. Originally, the bill applied to every student and daycare enrollee, from birth to age 18. The bill became law in CA. The next 2 links are to 2 comprehensive, complementary, vaccine-related presentations I have given, in 2016 and 2018. The links include both video and transcript.
I was a typical uninformed person with kids who essentially trusted pediatricians and vaccines. I knew there were people against vaccines but honestly never paid much attention. I was aware there was some controversy over whether vaccines cause autism, without much interest or digging I was content to overhear it proclaimed on TV that there was no connection and I like so many others assumed we were being told the truth.
If there is any tiny silver lining to the covid injection catastrophe, it is that many like me have gotten an intense education on the vaccine and pharmaceutical industry. Their gross overreach has awakened huge numbers. We are standing and fighting. This goes for the hero doctors as well who may have always accepted vaccines, but quickly realized their patients were being harmed by the covid shots. The ugly, evil, deceitful side of the pharmaceutical industry has been ripped open and laid bare before the public as we witness the carnage the covid shots have wrought, and the pathetically transparent onslaught of propaganda in which participants in the pharma con attempt to continue, with a straight face, the "safe and effective" lie. Humanity has caught on and they won't tolerate mass murder at the tip of a needle. I will never again allow a "vaccine"to be injected into me or my loved ones. Justice can't come swiftly enough.
I left my career behind in the nick of time; and when the spring of 2020 rolled around, never looked back. Knowing what I know about the way it's all supposed to work, I wouldn't have come near a syringe filled with this DoD-made and distributed toxic-to-lethal countermeasure with a ten-foot-long pole. Innocent, unsuspecting and trusting people are being injured, maimed, and murdered indiscriminately and, the data suggest, otherwise as well.
This is what organized human, possibly externally compelled, unmitigated evil looks like in real life. I'm afraid to say, the present nightmare, unless it abates soon and substantially, has all the features and statistics of taking on the ignominious but accurate label of Holocaust II.
We need to fight, and fight harder; to resist and never comply, in order to remain human and free. It's our turn now to be an even better generation than the one that won the day against the Third Reich and the Eastern Empire of the Sun, 80 years earlier. We become extinct as a species if we fail. It's do, or die off.
This surgeon general has been authorized to present evidence at a Grand Jury. He should subpeona everyones financial transactions and all correspondence and communications between all the players going all the way up and down the line from the Rockefellers and Rothschilds to Bill Gates and down to Hospital administrators, CVS, nurses and doctors.
The recent actions to oust Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe after the masterful "bust" of the Phizer exec and the near-instantaneous scrubbing of the event from the internet, or the (in my opinion more significant) fixing of a "glitch" in the DMED database a year ago, are major data points indicating that very powerful entities control a lot of things, and that public safety and accountability are not high on their list of priorities.
This was a bizarre story and when the James interview with the Pfizer executive came out, I did not know what to think about it. I was not sure if was a trap for James or Walker. Some of the things Walker said made no sense from a biological standpoint. But maybe he was just lying to try get laid. In any case Veritas claims to have additional video on this Pfizer guy they have not released yet. You are correct the scrubbing of the event from the internet was unprecedented and proves that the powers that be control all information. Google and other search engines just put the story down the Orwellian memory hole.
Whilst most idiots slept through the whole thing...if you took a poll out in public on the street, how many ppl you ask ever heard of "Jordon" [sic] Walker?"
They’re not blind to the problem, they’re doing just what their sugar daddy big pharma is telling them what to do... which shows us how weak and feral they truly are...
Wouldn't pass a freshman college class with that train wreck of a letter
Sentence fragments run ons and starting sentences with prep phrases...
Better people should come fwd to lead because the Ignorant cntrl oppo like bernie sanders and this buffoon is knot someone I want representing a situation lacking any emergency where human experiments are being forced upon the ignorant norm-
Horrible letter :: almost intentionally grammatic horror
You won't be sorely missed, however you identify your gender.
And, oh, watch your spelling. You lost your "D," needing to earn a D- (that's a non-passing grade. You should try hard to change your approach; it could influence your outlook, even your well-being and longevity.)
Oh, we see LOADS of "commenters" who undoubtedly ARE enemies-- like the ARMY of D.o.D. TROLLS recruited to infect substacks, like this one, as well as other TRUTH-telling substacks authored by freedom warriors. In spite of the newer, subtler bullshit spreading doubt and lies, still easy to spot.
A Mozart, you're not. Forget it, mad one. Go back to bed and sleep it all off.
(We know he dangled a dependent clause at the start of one of his paragraphs but see no other structure errors at all. That can and should be forgiven among all the unique and excellent content he manages to write.
If you have a disagreement with his position or even his analysis and subject matter, or anything else that's substantive, debate that. Otherwise, you've made your silly and meritless case clearly and you should let it go. We're busy learning important things.)
On Tuesday Feb 14, 2023 a semi truck carrying a full load of liquid nitric acid had a roll over crash on I-10 in Tucson, Arizona. The driver was killed, appaerntly. The tanker ruptured and the load of nitric acid escaped causing an public hazard, I-10 was closed both directions for over 24 hours. Friday, February 17 a local Tucson radio station news broadcast stated the driver may have had a "medical emergency" which led to the crash. Wonder if same for train derail?
Train derailed due to axle failure. Video shows sparks and possible fire twenty miles from scene. There are plenty of other questions about that, but vax attack on engineer seems not to be one. But as a TT driver, I’m
Funny that you tell Steve to ‘wake up’ and then list him and his foundation as a medical freedom truther.
A few things: Mercola is more than an ‘anti ID’ guy. He is more about health and wellness and medical freedom.
As far as I can tell, you did not mention, Russell Brand, John Campbell, or Katherine Austin Fitts. Those are just the ones that immediately come to mind.
They won't respond and don't have to if the public doesn't hold them accountable. The majority of Americans are tired of this and want it to go away and with 4 billion inoculations around the world, the damage is done. Hopefully, efforts such as yours, the Florida Surgeon General and excess deaths as report reported by Dr. Campbell will wake up people. Remember, Trump started warp speed and Biden took it to another level. If you are looking for the help of politicians, don't hold your breath. Red or Blue, they all have an agenda and it's called power not serving the public.
I think the AG of Florida won’t do anything .Ron Johnson and Rand Paul have done nothing.
The #Butterflyoftheweek broadcast Monday should be shared to EVERY member of Congress... because they're still getting it wrong.
Surgeon General Ladapo,
you are a True American Hero for addressing this scathing unjust and unwarranted health recommendation by the CDC, FDA, and others that is causing mass injury including death around the globe. We are undoubtedly under attack like never before and welcome your intervention that will save lives.
Thank you for your dedication and deep commitment to saving lives.
May you and DeSantis continue your efforts in bringing true science that protects us.
God Bless
I agree with your statement about resisting and not complying with the evil tyrants. To that end, I wrote an article in August, 2020, I thought you might find of interest:
“The Catastrophic Costs of Complying”
Laura Hayes
Thanks very much, Laura, for your special dedication, interest, and effort in this increasingly overwhelming, monstrously coordinated onslaught against the free and just human being and the society he or she enjoys.
I strongly envision the inevitable collapse of our simplified enemy's momentum under its own weight and malformation, and that all the suffering, misery, and loss it has brought and still brings to bear, sooner rather than later, winds down to a complete halt.
History and the law, if any substantial and meaningful function of both persists throughout this living nightmare, can legitimately do nothing other than look unkindly, but remedially and constructively, on this chapter of human oppression and devastation.
Those of us who pray or otherwise endeavor also hope to see, in response, the still-free human will survive via the many gratefully accepted blessings needed to reach that strongly believed end.
Lapado is clearly more critical of the covid vax regime than any other surgeon general. My question is: Why hasn't he used his influence to obtain a release of Florida's data on deaths and vax status which could immediately settle some of the arguments about whether the vax is causing excess deaths?
I agree that there is more both Lapado and DeSantis can do to combt he evil permeating the halls of power.
I am probably wasting my time, but I need talk about the meaningless term COVID CASE. In 2021 a covid "case" was anyone that tested positive with a bogus covid pcr test. I have spoken to many clinical scientists and 90% of people that had positive covid tests never got sick or developed symptoms. But the case numbers fueled psychological panic and the media loved it. A real case is somebody examined by a medical practitioner that has symptoms or abnormal vital signs not someone with zero symptoms that has a positive covid pcr. Where are the doctors out here that can talk about this??
You couldn't be more epidemiologically correct, dear Beth. You know it, I know it, the lying and criminally negligent (if only) chief and upper staff of HHS, PHS, NIH, NIAID, CDC, FDA, and DoD (yes, the generals, admirals, and civ suits are actually running the whole show), respectively, along with the crucially important FSMB and all state medical, nursing, and pharmacy boards, which all know it.
Heck, Beth, all medically related licensees and (like myself) even spectating but concerned and active retirees know it.
It's Holocaust II, dear sister ethicist. And the willfully blind and ignorant abound.
Help pray for our salvation.
2/10/2023: 12-Year-Old Football Player Dies Suddenly After Collapsing on the Field During Practice
Here’s hoping that FL leadership takes the next urgently needed step, and that is to condemn all vaccinations, as not one has been tested or approved properly or ethically, and as such, not one should currently be in use. An immediate moratorium on each and every vaccine is needed, as vaccines are now wreaking havoc from womb to grave. Vaccines are not safe, effective, or needed. Their use is based on lie after lie. For those wanting to learn more, please see the links below. The first is a rally speech I gave in CA in 2015, opposing SB277. The theme is “lies, lies, and more lies”. I delivered my speech before a “carve out” for homeschoolers was added to the bill. Originally, the bill applied to every student and daycare enrollee, from birth to age 18. The bill became law in CA. The next 2 links are to 2 comprehensive, complementary, vaccine-related presentations I have given, in 2016 and 2018. The links include both video and transcript.
“Lies, Lies, and More Lies”
“Why Is This Legal?”
“Vaccines: What Is There to Be ‘Pro’ About?”
Laura Hayes
I was a typical uninformed person with kids who essentially trusted pediatricians and vaccines. I knew there were people against vaccines but honestly never paid much attention. I was aware there was some controversy over whether vaccines cause autism, without much interest or digging I was content to overhear it proclaimed on TV that there was no connection and I like so many others assumed we were being told the truth.
If there is any tiny silver lining to the covid injection catastrophe, it is that many like me have gotten an intense education on the vaccine and pharmaceutical industry. Their gross overreach has awakened huge numbers. We are standing and fighting. This goes for the hero doctors as well who may have always accepted vaccines, but quickly realized their patients were being harmed by the covid shots. The ugly, evil, deceitful side of the pharmaceutical industry has been ripped open and laid bare before the public as we witness the carnage the covid shots have wrought, and the pathetically transparent onslaught of propaganda in which participants in the pharma con attempt to continue, with a straight face, the "safe and effective" lie. Humanity has caught on and they won't tolerate mass murder at the tip of a needle. I will never again allow a "vaccine"to be injected into me or my loved ones. Justice can't come swiftly enough.
A wholesome stance, Cy.
I left my career behind in the nick of time; and when the spring of 2020 rolled around, never looked back. Knowing what I know about the way it's all supposed to work, I wouldn't have come near a syringe filled with this DoD-made and distributed toxic-to-lethal countermeasure with a ten-foot-long pole. Innocent, unsuspecting and trusting people are being injured, maimed, and murdered indiscriminately and, the data suggest, otherwise as well.
This is what organized human, possibly externally compelled, unmitigated evil looks like in real life. I'm afraid to say, the present nightmare, unless it abates soon and substantially, has all the features and statistics of taking on the ignominious but accurate label of Holocaust II.
We need to fight, and fight harder; to resist and never comply, in order to remain human and free. It's our turn now to be an even better generation than the one that won the day against the Third Reich and the Eastern Empire of the Sun, 80 years earlier. We become extinct as a species if we fail. It's do, or die off.
Cy Lanced,
I especially love your last 2 sentences!
Thanks for commenting :)
Agree completely.
This surgeon general has been authorized to present evidence at a Grand Jury. He should subpeona everyones financial transactions and all correspondence and communications between all the players going all the way up and down the line from the Rockefellers and Rothschilds to Bill Gates and down to Hospital administrators, CVS, nurses and doctors.
The recent actions to oust Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe after the masterful "bust" of the Phizer exec and the near-instantaneous scrubbing of the event from the internet, or the (in my opinion more significant) fixing of a "glitch" in the DMED database a year ago, are major data points indicating that very powerful entities control a lot of things, and that public safety and accountability are not high on their list of priorities.
This was a bizarre story and when the James interview with the Pfizer executive came out, I did not know what to think about it. I was not sure if was a trap for James or Walker. Some of the things Walker said made no sense from a biological standpoint. But maybe he was just lying to try get laid. In any case Veritas claims to have additional video on this Pfizer guy they have not released yet. You are correct the scrubbing of the event from the internet was unprecedented and proves that the powers that be control all information. Google and other search engines just put the story down the Orwellian memory hole.
Whilst most idiots slept through the whole thing...if you took a poll out in public on the street, how many ppl you ask ever heard of "Jordon" [sic] Walker?"
They’re not blind to the problem, they’re doing just what their sugar daddy big pharma is telling them what to do... which shows us how weak and feral they truly are...
Precisely so, in my view as well.
That letter is horribly written-
Wouldn't pass a freshman college class with that train wreck of a letter
Sentence fragments run ons and starting sentences with prep phrases...
Better people should come fwd to lead because the Ignorant cntrl oppo like bernie sanders and this buffoon is knot someone I want representing a situation lacking any emergency where human experiments are being forced upon the ignorant norm-
Horrible letter :: almost intentionally grammatic horror
We can read for ourselves. None of what you wrote re Ladapo's letter is true. You're behaving like a movement-splitting D.o.D. TROLL.
And its contents?
(Real life isn't all about form, Church Lady -- alias Gretta Grammar.)
Attack attack attack-
"L'audace, l'audace, toujour l'audace";
irony, irony, oh, so much irony.
(' Get it? ' Got gratitude?)
...while we all clearly hear "The March of The Trolls"playing in the background...
You have nothing to say about the content do you?
typical liberal response, attack the person and say nothing about the issue!
Assumption laden horse hockey ...
🎶 I don't want to say that I've been unhappy with you
But, as from today, well, I've seen somebody that's new
I ain't no fool and I don't take what I don't want...🎶
You won't be sorely missed, however you identify your gender.
And, oh, watch your spelling. You lost your "D," needing to earn a D- (that's a non-passing grade. You should try hard to change your approach; it could influence your outlook, even your well-being and longevity.)
Attack attack attack
You hav no thing to say about the extremely pisspoor professionalism shown laid bare-
Why does a comment about WHAT IS draw such emotional reactions-
Why is a commenter sudden ly an enemy and how can that be okay for anyone in the long run-
I'd bet your favorite cheese is Swiss (in keeping with all the spaces or holes in your texts).
Oh, we see LOADS of "commenters" who undoubtedly ARE enemies-- like the ARMY of D.o.D. TROLLS recruited to infect substacks, like this one, as well as other TRUTH-telling substacks authored by freedom warriors. In spite of the newer, subtler bullshit spreading doubt and lies, still easy to spot.
Legend in you own mind stuff...
Get friendly, or get lost.
...Yeah... typical troll comment. Yeah....LOL!!
It took me a minute to realize you were being sarcastic... I love Dr Ladapo & I am so glad that he & Gov. DeSantis are not afraid to speak up!
Right, said the person who doesn’t know the difference between “knot” and “not”. Sit down, please.
Yeah, right. I pulled hard on, didn't release that punch, realizing she might just be losing some critical battle in her obviously unhappy life.
nazi-like weak kneed attacks need knot apply!
IOW :: no argument regarding train wreck bad idol front man; just an attack-
Its only love, that is all, why do I feel the way I do?
Hot coals upon the head... la♫ la♫ la♫
A Mozart, you're not. Forget it, mad one. Go back to bed and sleep it all off.
(We know he dangled a dependent clause at the start of one of his paragraphs but see no other structure errors at all. That can and should be forgiven among all the unique and excellent content he manages to write.
If you have a disagreement with his position or even his analysis and subject matter, or anything else that's substantive, debate that. Otherwise, you've made your silly and meritless case clearly and you should let it go. We're busy learning important things.)
Picayune Bee Ess. THIS COMMENT trashing Dr. Ladapo's letter IS DESIGNED TO DISTRACT. DON'T FEED THE TROLLS, THEN THEY DIE 🤣👍🤣👍🤣👍
On Tuesday Feb 14, 2023 a semi truck carrying a full load of liquid nitric acid had a roll over crash on I-10 in Tucson, Arizona. The driver was killed, appaerntly. The tanker ruptured and the load of nitric acid escaped causing an public hazard, I-10 was closed both directions for over 24 hours. Friday, February 17 a local Tucson radio station news broadcast stated the driver may have had a "medical emergency" which led to the crash. Wonder if same for train derail?
Train derailed due to axle failure. Video shows sparks and possible fire twenty miles from scene. There are plenty of other questions about that, but vax attack on engineer seems not to be one. But as a TT driver, I’m
only waiting on to what you refer to happening.
Funny that you tell Steve to ‘wake up’ and then list him and his foundation as a medical freedom truther.
A few things: Mercola is more than an ‘anti ID’ guy. He is more about health and wellness and medical freedom.
As far as I can tell, you did not mention, Russell Brand, John Campbell, or Katherine Austin Fitts. Those are just the ones that immediately come to mind.
Important list though.
How can we encourage more surgeon generals to respond like this? Let’s not be victims, but victors!
Shouldn't all letters be being sent to your DoD, not to FDA or others?