Hey Steve, have O'Brian reach out or shoot me a message w/ his contact so we can help him in the support group. I am former law enforcement, so I know how he feels. I can see the pain in his face. Here is my contact in the bio link. poplme.co/catparkerphoto. Thank you!

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Why aren't there, precisely, no class action suits by the wounded? Are the courts that controlled?

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We are trying. There are very few attorneys that will take the lawsuits on. The ones that will/are have cases out the yingyang and are trying to get around to our massive lawsuit we will be filing. We are working with Jamie Scher of Myer and Scher through Former Feds Group www.formerfedsgroup.org. Our stories are listed on their sister site www.chbmp.org. Once a vax injured person signs up w/ the site and has an interview, they go in a database for the attorneys.

Essentially there are not enough attorneys to help.

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But at least the illegals get free hotels paid for by you and me. So its not like things are "unfair."

Oh wait.

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The VP of Pfizer , Dr. Mike Yeadon has admitted the Covid shot (its not a vaccine) is a bio-weapon deliberately made to maim and kill.


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What a raw deal. He needs to get a good liar, I mean lawyer. Doesn't seem right that he's officially injured in the line of duty yet isn't treated that way wrt his pension.

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Being 100% against pensions paid with tax dollars (taxation is theft, people!) makes me a bit less sympathetic than the rest of the commenters,, it seems.

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Most departments do not take out social security of police and fire checks. So the retirement pension is paid through tax dollars. Take it up w/ your city/state. He has nothing to do w/ that.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

These thug ghouls do have an achilles heel. It's just that efforts to get them to accept responsibility are currently steering around it. They must be attacked on THIS battlefield before any related compensatory efforts can succeed.

From UNESCO's Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, 2005, Article 6 on "Consent" - "Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason WITHOUT disadvantage or prejudice. ...... In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual's informed consent." This International Law is there precisely for the reason of stopping another Hitler medical official-run genocide from ever occurring again.

The coercive corporations and individual leaders around the Globe who held the threat of loss of employment or other prejudicial treatment over individual employees who might have otherwise chosen not to have the "vaccines" have engaged in behaviour that CLEARLY constitutes a crime against humanity. That also holds true for the US Military and every other mandating Government body or organization as well as every private sector employer that engaged in the use of coercive threats, either open or implied, of future clearly prejudicial treatment of employees who may otherwise freely have chosen NOT to have taken the "vaccine"... These coercive threats related to choices about medical procedures are CRIMINAL ACTIONS ... Have no doubt, and make no bones about it, because only by engaging and fighting in this arena can battles to win compensation at individual levels have success. Once criminal prosecutions of coercers for crimes against humanity are in train , then and only then can compensation for said criminal actions be successfully applied for .... These people are currently able to vote against compensation and not admit culpability because the criminality that lies fairly and squarely in their directly COERCIVE BEHAVIOUR regarding a medical procedure whilst in positions of corporate or other employee supervisory authority has not been duly prosecuted in an International Court of Law. They can deny culpability for jab injuries as there is some doubt they can raise and point to, but their coercive criminality and therefore culpability is an open and shut case, easily established and proven from their own mouths and their own documents....

You will find that once the first domino falls for said coercive crimes against humanity, the whole stinking mess will collapse rapidly and people like these brave firies and millions upon millions of others will be able to line up for due compensation. Of course, this will lead to the financial collapse of many Companies, Government Bodies and/or Departments, and indeed even Local, State and National level Governments themselves around the world. Don't fear this - This is in fact exactly what must happen if we are to rebuild our societies and our World from the grass roots level up to have just and representative Government of the People, by the People and for the People at all levels once again.

We are taking back our power and our Countries from the globalist tyrants who captured, enslaved and tormented us, and nothing can stop what is coming now. We will be free once again, and life can and will be everything it was meant to be, free of tyranny and sharing in the freedom to pursue peace, prosperity and happiness together, which is our Creator's endowment. I only hope good people like O'Brian who have been maimed by these criminals get the $$, recognition and acknowledgment they deserve so they can be part of this brave new World that is coming and live out the rest of their days in peace with help and support ongoing. Be alert and stay tuned..... Rapidly changing times are upon us....

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It’s insulting to see ads for covid shots. Most people don’t get them anymore but the fact that the pharmaceutical company keeps paying to display them just makes me angry. It’s like, I’m going to do this because I can.

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I’m so sorry. You can’t put a price on health. I hope you get your strength back. Try taking nicotine patches. They are supposed to block the receptors that the jabs are messing with. It’s not addictive and you have nothing to lose.

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Mr. O’Brian, you need a good lawyer.

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O'Brian's story is all too common these days.

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Thanks Brian for your braveness don’t let anyone silenced you stand for whay you belived in not even a government nor cooperates can silenced your God given rights away. Stand UP.

You are not alone I’m one of the Covid jab injury victim got fired from my job.

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Man, they REALLY want to SCREW YOU out your pension these days! Wait 'til you're within two years of retiring and see how they treat you. Does Anyone have any idea of how much MONEY the Govt. and Corporations SAVED by having their people die and NOT HAVING TO PAY out those Pension Funds? Seems like the vax was targeting a specific demographic.

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Now there's a thought!

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I don't know this fireman, but if this didn't happen to him and if he would have kept silent on the truth, like the rest of his "brothers", then he deserves what happened to him and worse.

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I am vax injured and I DO NOT wish this on anyone. Well maybe the people that did it to us. But there are so many that are scared to say anything. The bullying, trolling, slander, isolation, all of this affects many people. I on the other hand will not shut my mouth about it, but I do know many people that still are hiding their injury and not saying anything. Flies w/ honey... flies w/ honey...

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You write:

"5:00: Moments after his first shot, he started getting a reaction: swelling, itching, hives, … He had to go to the ER twice after his first shot."

You mean "...minutes after...." Moments are not measurements of time as you apparently intended. A moment is a small, indefinite span of time. Of course, many of us are careless with this as I had wondered about the difference for many years.

Minutes and moments are not equivalents.

I believe that you wish to be technical with your posts. Avoid usage of "moments" unless you are referring to something such as "emotional moments."

If you substitute other indefinite expressions of time such as plurals "while," "spell," etc., the substitution is glaringly incorrect to the ear.


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Moment is describe as a brief period, as a minute is a unit of time for exactness. I think the moral of the story is what happened, not the unit of time or the lesson in grammar.

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They knew. Pfizer knew their product wasn't safe, but they foisted it on us anyway, with help from the FDA. Naomi Wolf has the proof from their own documents. Here's an interview she gave the other day to Del Bigtree on The Highwire: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/dr-naomi-wolf-reveals-shocking-details-in-the-pfizer-papers/

She also has a book out, The Pfizer Papers, laying out what the trial data show.

After the FDA tried to keep this data under wraps for 75 years (75 years!), the great Aaron Siri l led a successful lawsuit to force the release of their documents. Naomi Wolf assembled a huge team of experts who've been studying the data as its been released.

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