I have heard of a previously healthy teenage boy who has been diagnosed with Postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS). PoTS is when your heart rate increases very quickly after getting up from sitting or lying down.

He had 2 Covid injections a while ago. Do you think that may be a factor?

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"... what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?". In answer Jesus said to them: "... many false prophets will arise and mislead many..and this good news of the KINGDOM will be preached in all the inhabited earth... for then there will be great tribulation...In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved .." (Matthew 24:3,11,14,21-22)

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Just got a call 1:20PM Valentine's Day, from best friend who owns a restaurant here in Houston. Their head waiter, 40 yrs old, child at home, just dropped dead in the bathroom at their restaurant. He wasn't sick. He is a kind Chinese gentleman, who wore a mask until recently and was committed to shots and boosters. I tried to convince them that people would rather see the face of their server but fear is just much a part of their culture.

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Canadian Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis raises the WHO Treaty issue in the House of Commons. Prime Minister Trudeau responds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBgBYg85XJQ

MP Lewis is also voicing the need for a Public Govt. Inquiry into the Govt Covid Response.

The Deadline to sign the Canadian Petition on Exit the WHO is Feb. 7, 2024. We need 100 00 signature to compel a Debate. Please pass the Petition on.


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Wow, John Beaudion's message is deeply moving and powerful!! Thanks so much for sharing the video and for all you do each day to spread truth. Prayers are with you

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Won't make a lick of difference, though. No one is going to pay for what was done. In fact, the plan is that your rights will be further taken away from you for noticing.

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Alex Berenson should read this piece LOL!

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The white fibrous clots are rubbery, according to Mike Adams who analyzed samples provided by embalmer Richard Herschman.

Fauci described the new technology to Congress as 'self assembling nanoparticles.' The patents state they are cationic(+). The lipid nanoparticles are made from a polymer, polyethylene glycol(PEG), not a lipid. The clots contain metals like mercury, antimony, cesium 137, aluminum, tin and more. They are conductive metals in a polymer matrix. This is not fibrin as we previously knew it. It's an entirely new substance, hence, these are the new type of clots that came into existence with the COVID vaccines.


22:45. Todd Calendar got this document through discovery in one of his cases.

Cesium 137 turns people into computers.

Coronavirus has electromagnetic properties that allow for track and trace. It’s patented by the U.S. Government.

Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks


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You're welcome!! I have been reading Dr Malone's substack for years, as a paid subscriber, and especially in the last year, he has been writing about what's animating so much that is happening in our world. I had initially boxed-in Dr Malone with my bad habit of stereotyping (even with my respect for him) as an "ethical non-believer". There was no cause for this on my part. And as time has gone on, he has made it plain he is not only not an atheist, but does believe in God.

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All of my Substack readers know my maxim in our Covid New Normal Times: "Never investigate that which you don't want to confirm."

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a great email from Steve! Indeed he will go down in history as a friend of the people, and a friend of truth, but not THE WHOLE TRUTH. He debunked the excuse that "record level data" cannot be made anonymous so health departments hide it. And as expected, this data shows that no vaccine is safe or effective AND that vaccines are killers. Steve FAILS to understand that VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST! And he ignores the CASE LAW about this fact. His argument is pathetic, and 100% based on CIRCULAR REASONING, which means he has ZERO EVIDENCE to support his virus delusions.

I have debunked his argument in detail https://talkaboutbruno.ca/crux and have challenged his scientist that Steve has appointed to think for him, to redo his experiment cited by Steve, but this time use snot from an uninfected person. I said for him (Sin Lee, Steve's scientist) to get back to me ONLY IF he gets different results compared to using snot from an alleged "infected" person. THE RESULTS WILL BE EXACTLY THE SAME!

Steve is RUNNING from the FACT that VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST. The scam is so easily understood in less than a minute. How is it that Steve, in his (failed) attempt to rebut the facts, claimed total ignorance and passed off the buck to his scientist? I thought Steve was supposed to be smart? An 8 year old girl has been able to understand and explain the virus hoax, but Steve is too dumb??? wtf?!

So, would someone please get through to him!

"A gun is no more dangerous than a cricket bat in the hands of a madman." ~ Prince Philip

Come on Steve! Wake up!

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Maybe Alex Berenson needs to subscribe to this newsletter

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Just to point out that although the UK study does not name vaxx as a cause of excess cardiovascular deaths, Dr. Malhotra in this Express article does say that "Adverse reactions to the MRNA Covid vaccine could also have played a part".

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Steve, please check this! I guess that this info has been shared everywhere by now? As far as I know, both the FAA (US) and CASA(AUS) have revised their safety ECG/EKG tests for airline pilots, they were relaxed, i.e the PR interval was increased by 30%!!! See my tweet Dec 17 2023.

Olof Martin


The FAA has increased the ECG/EKG PR interval from 0.2 sec to 0.3 sec to “fix the problem of having too few pilots allowed to fly, otherwise knocked back by abnormal ECG tests”!

A PR consistently longer than 0.2 sec diagnoses first degree AV block, often > cardiac arrest!

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10:36 vorm. · 17. Dez. 2023



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A study on Excess Deaths in various countries to determine which groups were being targeted to decimate by the deadly batch jabs, because there is a link between groups against the deep state programs who are being killed by the jabs to eliminate them and replace them with illegal aliens who will vote for the deep state as they demand.

This is the connection which will prove that this was the plan of the deep state in that they designed the BIOWEAPONS to decimate groups who stood against their will and the batches of the deadly jabs were given to these groups will prove that this was their intention and prove that this a a definite plan for which they must be held responsible.

These BIOWEAPONS batches are varied and hard to point the finger at a specific problem and say they are connected but the killing of those who stand against then will link each of these kill shots which can kill immediately or down the road say 5 months or 5 years, this is intentional design and those who the deep state deem against their will have been targeted for elimination.

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No video.

Please fix. :)

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Not a single group or individual that I am aware of pushing back have "forensically" obtained and tested a vaccine lot to determine if it is designed to trigger existing medical conditions or a persons genetic predisposition to specific conditions once it enters the body. This is what is missing to back up the data. The "smoking gun" so to speak. None of the alleged smoking guns I have seen have been able to be questioned and when I have asked for the procedures and methodologies to back the clalms the claimants used to determine their findings, It is either crickets or attacks.

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Are they able to obtain batch samples as you suggest? As time passes, the 'old' vaccines diminish/ exhaust so as to be no longer available. Also, how do you programme the nursing staff to give certain patients one batch and other patients another batch? Wouldn't some whistle blower nurse have emerged by now?

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Many of these researchers are registered doctors and would be able to obtain samples from different batches round the country to provide more randomisation in any testing. There is a site called "whats my batch" for vaccine injured don't have the link. What that uncovered was certain batch numbers produced higher levels of adverse events. In any medical environment they would receive different batches or they may have received specific batches allocated by the supplier. They have to use them in order of receipt due to shelf life as noted. There are plenty of whistleblowers, but the problem becomes "chain of evidence" custody. The samples have to be preserved according to the manufacturers requirements, and tested as per manufacturers spec, Pfizer's must be diluted with a specific solution to get five doses out of the bottle. So you have to test the product as it is intended for use. If at any point the sample has not been transported, stored or handled according to spec, the test results become null and void.

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