The only thing I can not understand with the mask story. How can they hold back (part of) the CO2, which is among the smallest molecules imaginable, while not holding back the comparatively much larger aeresols with the virus particles?

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Hi Steve, can you please give me your thoughts about this?


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I happened to get blood work while wearing a mask, and for the first time ever I had elevated, out of range, CO2 levels, next blood work, no mask, no elevated C)2 level. An eternal mystery.

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Respiratory issues Worse, decreased oxygen, lower I.q. and speed of thought processes, decreased speaking in younger children, acne worse, eye problems worse, no protection...any questions?

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I'm confused by this post. I looked at the CDC page that S.K. linked in the sub-stack post that I'm responding to. (CDC page linked by S.K.: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/masking-science-sars-cov2.html).

I only briefly glanced at the IDSA page. Just long enough to see that it doesn't refute the CDC page.

The CDC page included 18 studies showing masks to be effective against COVID-19. I can toss out two of the studies: the Bangladesh study and the one study from China. But that leaves 16 that I have as yet no reason to reject, all showing masks being effective. against COVID.

How does this post refute the assertion of the effectiveness of masks against COVID-19? This post seems to me to support, rather than refute, the assertion.

What did I miss?

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Chamberfield filter is what was used to discover bacteria was stopped by unglazed ceramic and viruses weren't over a hundred years ago.

And we are discussing plastic paper mask

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Check out Sign of the Times on the internet.....not a rag but carries all the anti-vax news in english.They are based in France.Just google it

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The CDC has a list of "studies" to support masking. Quite a while ago someone sent me a link and I started going through it. While the first 5-6 were a total joke, and so I stopped wasting my time, they DID have a list. So your post is at least misleading. It would be better if you just referenced or made refutations of what they put forward.

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Best justification I have seen!! I had expected a great study to show the effectiveness against virus.

By the way in discussing the effectiveness of masks, it often ignores the side effects of wearing masks. OSHA experts have much information on it, but they are silenced!

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What you say is true, but it was really just a lie, again to control the serfs.

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It won’t make a difference. Masks are religious garb now.

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Step out of the crazy/fraudulent/criminal paradigm of "viruses," "pandemics," and "infectious diseases." Fear from anything and hope to regain your rights or to get better from the military-grade poisonings wall you in between two facades that don't exist, only in your mind. Make up your mind and you cannot be manipulated so easily.

It is not a mask; it is a muzzle, a torture/submission device that also makes you sick (2 carcinogens, nanotech, and graphene oxide have been found in many, but oxygen deprivation alone can cause breathing problems and, combined with the Petri dish behind the muzzle, people can die of bacterial pneumonia as 95% of them did in the 1918 scamdemic.

All in all: the "masks" DO work, exactly as intended. Last time I checked, a list of 283 harmful effects were collected with basically no advantages.

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My dentist office initially requested masks in the waiting room, but didn't require them it seems once you went she went into the office and treatment rooms. Of course the dentist herself and the assistants wear masks, but she didn't require the patient to wear a mask while she was working on them, finding it interfered with the work. That's a joke.

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What falls under the table is the psychological damage to the children e.g.. I got a legal warning from the Health Authorities of Zurich, because I wrote medical exemption attests for children, who didn't tolerate the mask for psychological reasons (I am a psychiatrist). The health authorities claimed these were " curtesy attests" and that I didn't have in depth conversations with the children about the importance of wearing masks... ( I was forced to print out the patient files with the notes of my psychiatric examinations of the children). The children had been listles, weary, felt intimidated, didn't want to go to school anymore, were tired, had headaches, found it hard to concentrate, especially if on top of ADHD, felt anxious due to the whole situation and behaviour of the teachers, they felt austraziced, culpable, two children 9 and 11 even had uttered thoughts of not wanting to live anymore... but all these symptoms weren't relevant - only if they had severe asthma, severe skin allergiy reaction, severe anxiety problems would it have been ok to exempt them acording to the health authorities. It is truly alarming!!! I got so furious!

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Apr 30, 2022
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Thank You Chattycathy!! Yes, it is absolutely dejecting how they treat human lives especially our treasures: the children. It makes me ake!! and I will continue to fight against this evelness. Where did you find the articles and studies? It is good to have back ups if the authorities come again at me. It was not ethical and I questionned it but apparently the health authorities have the right to force me to give out my patients notes... or maybe they lied?!! every thing is possible with them... Be well, all the best, andrea

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This is a quote from an OSHA inspector, Diann Renaas: From an OSHA Inspector: "I wanted to put this out there. I have worked in a clean room for 23 years and 10 years on submarines before that. OSHA is the standard that you have to live by in these environments. So for the people that are going to say, listen to the experts, OSHA would be those experts on face masks.

Please read the following with an open mind. Not going to change the mind of the hard core believers, but it would be nice for those people to not attack us that are not, as not caring. Not going to debate this, just putting it out there.

For all you mask wearers (especially those of you who think wearing it outside is NOT stupid 🤦🏼‍♀️). I know I’m about to burst your “google doctor degree” bubble, but here goes nothing.


I am OSHA 10&30 certified. I know some of you are too. I don’t really know WHY OSHA hasn’t come forward and stopped the nonsense BUT I want to cover 3 things

• N95 masks and masks with exhale ports • surgical masks • filter or cloth masks  Okay, so upon further inspection, OSHA says some masks are okay and not okay in certain situations.

If you’re working with fumes and aerosol chemicals and you give your employees the wrong masks and they get sick, you can be sued.

• N95 masks: are designed for CONTAMINATED environments. That means when you exhale through N95 the design is that you are exhaling into contamination. The exhale from N95 masks are vented to breath straight out without filtration. They don’t filter the air on the way out. They don’t need to.

Conclusion: if you’re in Target and the guy with Covid has a N95 mask, his covid breath is unfiltered being exhaled into Target (because it was designed for already contaminated environments, it’s not filtering your air on the way out).

• Surgical Mask: these masks were designed and approved for STERILE environments. The amount of particles and contaminants in the outside and indoor environments where people are, are CLOGGING these masks very, VERY quickly. The moisture from your breath combined with the clogged mask will render it “useless” IF you come in contact with Covid and your mask traps it, YOU become a walking virus dispenser. Every time you put your mask on you are breathing the germs from EVERYWHERE you went. They should be changed or thrown out every “20-30 minutes in a non sterile environment.”

• Cloth masks: I can’t even believe I’m having to explain this, but here it goes. Today, three people pointed to their masks as they walked by me entering Lowe’s. They said “ya gotta wear your mask BRO” I said very clearly “those masks don’t work bro, in fact they MAKE you sicker” they “pshh’d” me. By now hopefully you all know CLOTH masks do not filter anything. You mean the American flag one my aunt made? Yes. The one with sunflowers that looks so cute? Yes. The bandanna, the cut up t-shirt, the scarf ALL of them offer NO FILTERING whatsoever. As you exhale, you are ridding your lungs of contaminants and carbon dioxide. Cloth masks trap this carbon dioxide the best. It actually risks your health, rather than protect it. The moisture caught in these masks can become mildew ridden over night. Dry coughing, enhanced allergies, sore throat are all symptoms of a micro-mold in your mask.

-Ultimate Answer: *N95 blows the virus into the air from a contaminated person. *The surgical mask is not designed for the outside world and will not filter the virus upon inhaling through it. It’s filtration works on the exhale, (Like a vacuum bag, it only works one way) but likely stops after 20 minutes, rendering it useless outside of a STERILE ENVIRONMENT (correct Becky, they don’t work in a bar, not even a little bit).

*Cloth masks are WORSE than none. It’s equivalent to using a chain link fence to stop mosquitos. The CDC wants us to keep wearing masks. The masks don’t work. They’re being used to provide false comfort and push forward a specific agenda. For the love of God, research each mask’s designed use and purpose, I bet you will find NONE are used in the way of “viral defense.” Just like EVERY Flu season kids, wash your hands. Sanitize your hands. Don’t touch stuff. Sanitize your phone. Don’t touch people. And keep your distance. Why? Because your breath stinks, your deodorant is failing, your shoes are old and stink, that shirts not clean, & I like my space. Trust me I can hear you from here. Lots of reasons to keep your distance and work on body hygiene. But trust me, the masks do not work.


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I was disappointed to hear Dr McCullough's recent podcast where he spends a great time talking about masks and effectiveness for certain people in certain scenarios. For a man who loves to cite papers, he never cited a single paper.

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Regarding increased dental problems, I’ve seen half a dozen people who have lost teeth recently, I have an idea what is causing it, something that maybe causes rapid deterioration of your cells and body overall, almost a DNA repair inhibitor??

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