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My shot:

1. Russia, in cahoots with Trump, doctored the 2016 -2020 numbers to make the military appear the “healthiest they’ve ever been in history.”. Conversely, Putin and his hackers , of course funded by Donald Trump, reversed their diabolical deeds once Biden took office. It’s simply Russian disinformation and collusion.

2. The excess deaths clearly are the result of climate change. 2021 was really, really hot and big chunks of ice broke away from Antarctica….and everyone knows that’s super deadly.

3. Embalmers are known conspiracy theorists and often racist, misogynistic, transphobic, not to mention white supremacists. So, their “facts” don’t really count, do they.

I am acutely aware that none of this is funny. This is all very tragic and lives have been irreparably damaged and lost. I was just trying to add a little levity and highlight the hypocrisy in an otherwise horrific state of affairs.

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The first item in Steve's list of current beliefs (in part):

1. There wasn’t any data corruption. The DoD needed to quickly doctor the numbers to make the 2021 DMED numbers look normal SO THEY BUMPED UP THE EARLIER NUMBERS to match the 2021 numbers so that there wouldn’t be a big increase in 2021 for all these events listed in the article.

This trick has been used before by the brilliant climate scientists who work for the government. They revised temperature data from earlier decades downward, to make current temperatures seem higher than historical levels.

C'mon, you people. This is a re-run. If you're going to try to fool the public, be creative and come up with a new scam.

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You had me spellbound until the last paragraph.

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That's hilarious. I was going to post something similar, then I saw yours.

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It is very well done gallows humor

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