if someone wants to make a list of the key paragraphs, just reply to this that you will do it. When done, post it here or use contact me link. that way, only one person has to do it.

so for example, you'd create lines like this:

193. Notice of arrest issued for Professor Glen Pyle. University tries to intimidate police.

This would save me a lot of time and I will give you full credit in the body of the article. Plus, what a great public service!

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What 'contact me' link ?

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Unfortunately I am unable to contribute at the moment.

Some thoughts:

- copy the paragraphs from a PDF with text that has been generated through OCR and insert into a text editor

- remove periodic line numbers, double spaces, headers, etc with search/replace and/or regex

- use ChatGPT to summarize according to your specs, or to parse and inquire via natural language, and perhaps generate a javascript page / tag cloud for all key words, perhaps in addition to asking for two line summaries from each paragraph for those that are not familiar with ChatGPT. Seek out a ChatGPT prompt engineer if you know of any through your tech / MIT connections.


Perhaps the authorship of the byrambridle.com site could be matched to one of the defendants' writing styles with a machine learning stylometry library appropriate for forensic work. There are research papers on this topic. I don't know of any cases where ChatGPT has done this, but it does indeed know and understand writing style, and it can generate it, so it can also likely recognize it, or pick out the closest style from a list of examples. I do not have high confidence that any such evidence produced by this method will be useful in court, but perhaps it's possible with the right experts. Good "prompt engineering" will likely be necessary.

IT Forensics:

There is not much forensic evidence attached to the technology of the site itself that is obvious without taking a deep, time consuming look. The tech of the site, or the IP address history does not appear to match that of the defendants based on quick comparison with 5 sites associated with defendants.

History of the site can be viewed from archive.org for additional forensic material and writing content (there are snapshots there going back to the very first day), and history of the hosting and IP address can be found at securitytrails.com via DNS history (sign up for free account). For example, the DNS record was pointing to Google up until December 5th of this year, at which point it was apparently moved to Cloudflare where it is now. Before that it was on Fastly.

If you have a linux terminal with curl installed, you can query these specific IPs for the byrambridle.com using the curl "--resolve" option. The IPs listed in securitytrails.com are still responding to the name request, indicating that those servers still have accounts (or fragments of an account) currently active that are configured to respond specifically to that name with a valid response. In the case of Google, the "page" is a simple one line manual (human) redirect. Validate this technique by changing a letter in the name to see that you will not get the same response. This means that there are accounts active on Google and Fastly, perhaps also on github pages with a different name or url (as indicated by curl command). This only provides more possibilities for a court order, in addition to Cloudflare and Namecheap (registrar), as the police will not likely be able to do anything with this as the account information is private.

If there is any additional conclusive forensic evidence that I have missed, he will need an expert forensic witness to write something for the plaintiffs lawyer. There are relevant certifications for this. Inquire for more information. The target language of any testimony should include something like "near certainty" to be used for a court order. Certainty is elusive, and anything less probably won't suffice.

Another thought:

As a technologist, I am guessing that you are at least somewhat familiar with VS Code. There are plugins that will highlight specific words, enabling a faster visual scan for words of interest than would be possible otherwise. Inquire if interested.

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I hope you are able to enjoy the holiday weekend. Perhaps you will find the following an interesting and worthwhile holiday break from your current work. As you are an MIT grad / engineer with a stated interest in nuclear energy, and considering the context of the current discussion regarding fusion, I thought you might be interested in the the below video regarding a warm fusion hadronic reactor that burns heavy hydrogen (deuterium), continuously, in the form of normal air where it occurs naturally, with even, predictable distribution. It was filmed over a decade ago and mostly ignored. It did not require special pellets, nor does it require precise, expensive, laser arrays, nor does it require special government funding to procure. Is it any closer to an implemented solution? The answer will be determined by how much it continues to be ignored, and how many distractions deter those that can make a difference. Santilli, the maker, is in his 80s now, and he will not be around forever.


An interesting side note:

Ruggero Santilli, the maker, has co-authored papers with Rich Norman, whom I attempted to connect you with earlier this year. I understand that you were busy with other priorities at that point in time and I assume that this will be the case for some time, and your work is greatly appreciated and important. Rich has also worked as a consultant for one of Santilli's companies. Santilli has been attacked and cancelled, not unlike yourself, Byram Bridle, Peter McCullough, and so many others in the many fields and specialties of science, especially the paradigm-shattering, ground breaking kind. As you can probably imagine if you aren’t already aware, the severity of these patterns is not unique to medicine. There is a pervasive establishment of ideas, reputation, and power that is designed to stay just as it is, at great cost. Having experienced it over the past few years, I'm sure you can understand.

In case you are wondering from previous correspondence, magnecular fuel, a pollution-free liquid fuel which can be made now for a fraction of the cost of gasoline, is a similar but different subject - see the work of Santilli, and Rich Norman's letter, his book: The Answer, and his research, for more.

If you attempt to vet Santilli through others that have advanced physics degrees, I recommend you vet them first by asking them if quarks are real, and if god plays dice via quantum physics. If they answer yes, consider finding someone else for the task.

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Does the warm fusion involve Palladium. Okay that's a joke but but for all I know it does. I would think that the fast reactors are much closer to becoming reality than usable fusion, but as Steve pointed out, the Clinton administration killed the research on fast reactors, but if you look online, they're still pursuing it, somewhere.

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Clark: no joke here, and it does not involve palladium. This is a hadronic reactor, sometimes referred to as "warm fusion". In the video demonstration (link above), it burns air (deuterium) and carbon, producing silica, and thermal energy. Watch the video for more information. The silica production has been verified thereby proving a nuclear reaction that is not dangerous, and has no pollution, and energy in: energy out has been carefully measured with industrial metering, as explained in the video. This third generation working model has already been made, over a decade ago, thanks to Chinese funding. There is false science, and personal attack, holding back physics just as there is false science holding back medicine.

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So is this really atomic fusion or is it some other oxidizing chemical reaction?

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Clark: yes, it is a hadronic reactor that produces intermediate atomic fusion which results in safety not possible with other more conventional reactors. See the video for more information, and the below papers for the details of the verification.

The papers are listed at:


This site has not been updated since the migration to https (ssl connections) so a warning will appear when downloading the papers:

[1] Experimental Confirmation of Nitrogen Synthesis from deuterium and Carbon without harmful radiations

R. M. Santilli

New Advances in Physics Vol. 4, page 29, 2011


[2] Verification of Santilli intermediate Controlled Nuclear Fusions

without harmful radiations a and the production of magnecular clusters

Robert Brenna, Theodore Kuliczkowski, Leong Ying

New Advances in Physics, Vol. 5, page 9 (2011)


[3] Additional Confirmation of the "Intermediate Controlled Nuclear Fusions"

without harmful radiation or waste

R. M. Santilli

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Lie-Admissible

Treatment of Irreversible Processes, X. Corda, Editor,

Kathmandu University (2011) pages 163-177


[4] Confirmations of Santilli Intermediate Nuclear Fusions of Deuteron and Carbon into Nitrogen without Radiations."

J. V. Kadeisvili, C. Lynch and Y. Yang

Submitted for Pub;lication June 9, 2013


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Dear Steve,

Sent you a searchable PDF for the document.

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Not exactly sure how you want to format this, but here goes.

54.On March 11, 2021, the Plaintiff, along with other senior immunologists at the University ...

55.On March 23, 2021, the Plaintiff co-authored an open letter ...

When one looks at the statements of claim here, #54 & #55, one has to wonder what (if any) external forces were pushing the university and its staff to disregard legal advice and the sound evidence showing the potential dangers/harms of these genetic experiment products: https://www.constitutionalrightscentre.ca/20CRC16/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/ISSUED-SOC-ByramBridle.pdf

Is it only money (Pharma), or are governmental bodies also applying pressure? Anyone looking into these kind of things?

This all leads back to looking beyond the demonic minions, the functionaries "just doing their jobs", and looking to get to the root of the problem by tracing all the way to the top to find out who is planning and orchestrating these escapades and pushing their will downward onto all the mindless, self-interested (greedy, apathetic, psychopathic), corrupt, or compromised zombies below them.

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The entanglements between government, academia, industry, and at least a few global elites are extensive both vertically and horizontally. For an exercise,, take note of the sites that byrambridle.com refers and links to, (directly and indirectly) and do the same for each of those sites. One of the sites went live on Dec 10th, 2020, just as the vaccine was being rolled out. It refers to many "scientists" and other government officials. The connections are obvious, although the identities behind many such sites are not. One of the primary current missions of the Dec 10th 2020 site is to assuage any remaining fear and concern regarding C19 vaccination for kids. They attempt to do this with false and misleading information and cartoon illustrations. We can observe and infer that there are different reasons for different participants: willful ignorance, greed, criminal intent, and fully qualified evil. I have witnessed things that are not appropriate for this forum, which inform my inference on the latter. The identities are elusive and difficult to nail down. A small number of people are working on this, such as David Martin, but I don't have high expectations for the outcome.

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Not to sound melodramatic but I doubt you will even get close to the top. It is my opinion, and just that an opinion, that people at that level of power shun publicity, photographs, and interviews. It's likely we will never know. Good on you to point it out, and I hope I am completely wrong.

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An anagram of 'vaccination' is 'icon Vatican'. This is a big clue. Everything going as planned to unravel the web of lies.


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One of the links to this disappeared but here it is back about water theft in Australia. Not only supplying mega farms and fracking but being used to force people into cities by mega fires. Part of the big plan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRxmyIrw-xo

I was interested to hear Aseem Malhotra's voice. I asked a friend from Nottingham about it and he replied: "yeah he's a bit posh though cause he's pronouncing his T's more than I grew up doing." Now Nottingham is the home of Robin Hood.

"It is during this period that Robin Hood also became fashionable among the royalty and even associated with nobility. One story from 1510 claims that Henry VIII of England, then barely 18, dressed up like Robin Hood and burst into the bedchamber of his new wife, Catherine of Aragon. There, accompanied by his noblemen, he entertained the queen and ladies-in-waiting with his exuberant dancing and high jinks. In 1516 King Henry VIII and Queen Catherine took part in May Day festivities. Two hundred of the king’s men dressed in green and one dressed as Robin Hood led the monarchs to a feast."

Of course Henry VIII was changing the English religion.

"Posing as the monk and his page, Robin’s men deceive the king. They deliver the news of Robin’s capture to him and are rewarded with money and titles. They return to Nottingham and free Robin from prison. The sheriff is humiliated but survives the story, while Robin, Little John, and Much return to the forest with the forgiveness of the king. In this story the monk—not the sheriff or the king—is the true villain. The monk is a corrupt figure who violates the sanctity of the church by betraying Robin’s presence to the sheriff."


A bit complex and could be developed upon, connections between church and secret societies who think they know the world. As Catherine Austin Fitts says the money system doesn't have the resources to pay retirement living in the way that has been promised. I think there would be other ways to help the world, to stop ocean acidification from CO2 and loss of much of its life, without population reduction. This is startying to be taken up in Australia:


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For anyone interested in the water distribution I referred to, my later comments in this may give some assistance comparing the water distribution images from GRACE satellite data alongside the fire location.


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I don't want to agree with you in the sense that if you're right, then we'd never "get to the bottom of this", so the people who's plans were disrupted, if we jail their minions, would be then free to plan another "attack"/scam on us all over again, and again, until eventually they would succeed in whatever goal they were pursuing.

I want to keep the mental focus and energy on getting to the root of the problem since it's the best way to prevent recurrences. It's important that we continually focus on this, even though you are correct that it is very difficult to find or identify the people "at the very top", however you want to define that, I agree with you.

While the Fraudcis and Gates, etc. have to be punished, and they should and must be, punishing them solves very little, these people are expendable, and will relatively quickly be replaced and the whole machination will continue fairly uninterrupted.

Lee Harvey Oswald was killed, and the real perpetrators and their subsequently-trained minions just went on to false-flag us into Oklahoma City, then 9/11, and now this plandemic that they've been scheming for over two decades: https://twitter.com/LegerPhoenix3/status/1605997036154736640?s=20&t=pAY4EuHF7J-zvELL9_7DGg

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Well said

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If no one else fills that role for you let me know and I can do this. If someone is doing this also let me know to avoid duplication.

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Thank you Steve for highlighting this. I can't believe what Dr. Bridle is going through. It's appalling treatment from his employer and scientific colleagues, who seem to be okay with him being on the receiving end of censorship, slurs, etc.

Whoever owns the website has the registrant in Reykjavik with the name and contact details "redacted for privacy"...isn't that ironic? They want privacy but are perfectly okay with tearing down a good man. I can't believe that site is still not down.

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Here’s the thing.. if we can prove fraud by Pfizer and Moderna & whoever is hiding under the Emergency Use blanket, it makes ALL that protection void. Hello?! Let’s get busy with that. Wouldn’t that be the best Christmas gift ever? To hold every and all guilty and also monetarily strip these killers of all the gold they so desperately wanted?

Fraud! That’s the goal. No moving the goalpost this time. Prove it & let’s get some lawyers that want to be famous. That’s not difficult. “Fauci Fraud”- has such a nice ring to it. Fa, La, La, La, La, It was Fauci Fraud! 🎶

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I'm glad Byron Bridle gave warnings about the COVID vaccines but it's hard to get excited over some who says this:

"36.- The Plaintiff is not, and has never been, “anti-vaccination”. The Plaintiff studies, develops, and

researches vaccines. His career is built on the creation of vaccines. "

The whole vaccine paradigm is junk science. Vaccinology presupposes God didn't get it right, and man came along to pick up the pieces. Just imagine what God thinks about it when He stated on the 6th day of creation, 'everything was good?'

History shows diseases were caused by poor sanitation, dirty water, malnutrition and or toxic exposures. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystriank lay out the case brilliantly in Dissolving Illusions, Disease, Vaccines and the forgotten History.

So while I believe Byram Bridle should win his case against the defendants, it's a bitter pill to swallow thinking about what his entire career is all about and that in some way we are cheering this on to continue.

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Very well said. God is not impressed with vaccinaters, but uses them to destroy each other.


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This is big. This could pave the way for more payback. I know that sounds tacky but given what has gone down over the past couple years it's time that thousands are held accountable for what they have done and are still doing without any more justification than siding with those in power regardless of what's right.

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Oh my goodness I read some of the facts and it is outrageous what they did to this man! It beggars belief that so called professional, educated critical thinkers would stoop so low. It is literally criminal and clearly orchestrated for personal gain. I am pleased Dr Brindle has fought back and pray he is rightly vindicated and those responsible held to account.

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Is anyone else having trouble with clicking on "Continue Thread" button, it brings you to a page with the original poster's comment, with a "Continue Thread" button at the bottom, but when you click it, you don't see any of the responses to the comment, only the original poster's comment?

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Let's hope Justice gets served. Our honourable Dr. Bridal deserves it.

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Oh uggh, Byram is represented by Rocco Galati, a lawyer of " controversial" reputation in the legal community in Canada. He has filed pleadings against Canada's federal government ( which AFAIK the government didn't even respond to) and the BC government that have gone nowhere. Pleadings should be concise and set out only the facts and cause of action, but his are invariably these long ramblings inclusive of conspiracy theories which the courts have not looked favourably upon- hence his suits have gotten ZERO traction. I used to be a member of Action4Canada but once I learned they retained Galati for their legal action, stopped wasting my money on them. Sure enough, on Sept 22 the BC courts struck out Galati's BC pleadings:

"[74] In summary:

a) I find that the NOCC, in its current form, is prolix and must be struck in its entirety;"

Don't get too excited, Steve. Or tell Byram to get new counsel.

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This is true. Even tho so-called “conspiracy theories” are just spoiler alerts & uncomfortable truths, having Rocco is the kiss of death. Bridle will lose.

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Can you imagine what the ‘jab’ uptake would have been if Prof. Bridle’s findings that

“natural immunity (from catching covid) was superior to vaccine induced immunity”

(see claim 144 page 46) was broadcast on MSN! Uptake of the ‘jab’ would have been abysmal. Just think all those people who tested positive from the (useless as it happens!) Drosten PCR test, would have claimed they were protected and did not need the 'jab’. Was this one of the main reasons that the ‘Defendants’ had to discredit Prof. Bridle and try to shut him down?

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It would have saved a lot of lives, saved a lot of permanently damaged hearts, and would have prevented the shortening of many millions' lives. Censorship is deadly.

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Trudeau & Canadian Government Sued Over COVID Measures; Sets Worldwide Example w/ Rocco Galati


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Was this video uploaded to a reputable site? Link? TheirTube already took it down. Thx.

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11:50am, EST, Keene, NH.....clicked link. ACCOUNT GONE.....let them know we know!....


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Oops -- gone already.

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Account terminated - they took the whole account.

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'LIABILITY for vax makers' would stop this nonsense as having immunity is simply their Licence to Kill! This clip is an attempt to pretend that Long Covid isn't just another Adverse Reaction following the useless but deadly Covid injection!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed 'cos it's far safer than playing Russian Roulette = Covid jab CULL.

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Thank you for highlighting this, Steve!

I just spent 1:15 h of my morning reading the plaintiff’s claim.

This is like a page from 1984. It shows how stupid petty people become part of an evil machine when they know that the state will support them. Orwellianism. Like the worst periods of totalitarianism from E. Europe during the past century.

It is noteworthy to read the details from the document, from the academic research of some of the co-defendants “… and climate change, or the telling affinity for adoption of the en vogue usage of the pronoun “they”. These individuals are virtue-signaling their fealty to the “team” of “woke” colleagues and politicians, eager to do their part in “combatting disinformation”, the ends of course justifying the means.

May the defendants be tried fairly and be meted appropriate punishment!

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Defendants were so convinced they were on the right side of history that they thought this would never catch up to them and they'd be praised as heroes for breaking all the rules to protect everyone.

They gambled it all and are going to lose.

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This is jr high crap on steroids. I really feel for Dr. Byram. I am sure that he thought that he was on friendly terms with his colleges, until he found out that they weren't. I do hope that he prevails and these people get what they deserve. His reputation will always be tainted, unfortunately.

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I have emailed dr bridle several times since I first started listening to him. He’s always emailed me back and took the time to explain things to me. I have a great deal of respect for him and feel sick at what has happened to him. I hope he prevails but I’m nervous because the Canadian judicial system has been compromised.

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I have started reading the filing. Unbelievable that " professionals" would act in such a disrespectful and underhanded way. Hope they get a serious smack-down. Fisman is also the guy behind that phoney study about the unvaxed being more contagious-- based on completely flawed assumptions. The paper was referenced by all the big news media dedpite serious flaws. Fisman must have friends in the media.

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I have read the entire submission and here is the gist of it

1) Bridle is claiming $3,000,000+ in damages for a group of professors that work at his University

that organized a fake website with his name on https://byrambridle.com/ a fake twitter account using his name @byrambridle and used these platforms as a launching pad to spread false statements about him and egregious falsehoods.

2) One of the professors Dr.Pyle has an arrest warrant outstanding for his alleged involvement in the above that the University managed to stall his arrest.

3) The University refused to stop these crimes from happening hence they too are defendants

4) The defendants made false accusations of work place harassment and threats of violence against them by Dr.Bridle that is exactly what they appear to be guilty of.

Dr. Bridle appears to have a solid case but depending on the judge as in all legal cases the result is a coin flip.

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That shows a lot about the evil professors - they couldn't beat Dr. Bridle in a fair debate so they resorted to crime.

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I counted $3,000,000 in total.

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Thank you correction and edit made.

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Just for my own use I wrote an AI based summarizer to assist me in research during the early lock downs. https://www.otomidemo.xyz I never tried to monetize this and used it internally.

I ran the entire document through it at a very compressed setting and it came back with this:

The Plaintiff is an expert in immunology and in virology. None of the Defendants are viral immunologists. The Plaintiff is not, and has never been, "anti-vaccination". The Plaintiff studies, develops, and researches vaccines. His career is built on the creation of vaccines. Health Canada authorized the Oxford- AstraZeneca vaccine for use, until its discontinuance on March 29, 2021, for ages 55 and under, for concerns over blood clots. On March 3, 2021 the Plaintiff co-authored a letter with his immunology and virology colleagues to University of Guelph President, the Defendant, Yates and the Provost, Dr. Chapman.

The University confirmed it had consulted with a lawyer advising against mandatory vaccination. The Defendants, Weese, Pyle and, Fisman, began a targeted and vicious campaign of personal attacks and harassment aimed at the Plaintiff. The fake Twitter account @byrambridle.com was created with funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada. The account was created to mock, discredit, attack, and damage the Plaintiff, Dr. Bridle. If a person searches for Byram Bridie on the internet, they will be directed to this website, which appears at first glance to be a website owned by the Plaintiff. The Defendants', Fisman, Pyle, and Weese's conduct acting together was directed towards the Plaintiff and constituted social media harassment, and furthering the conspiracy to harm the Plaintiff.

On May 29th, 2021, Fisman's Twitter account, @DFisman, posted the following: "l've had questions over the past 48h about vaccine safety concems aired Dr Bryarn Bridle at@UofGuelphOAC in some recent interviews. I don't know Dr Bridle but he's a legit immunologist. Some d aims, however, are not data based, and are answered here: byrarnbridle.com" On May 30th, 2011, Weese, from his Twitter account @weese_scott, replied, "It's tough but misinformation has to be challenged" The fake byrambridle.com website and Twitter account have remained live and are both extremely active from the date of creation until the present date. The Twitter account, @ByramBridle has tweeted over 1434 tweets as of October 1, 2022.

The Defendants continue to refer to the Plaintiff, a vaccinologist, as an "anti-vaxxer," and who is an eminent scientific researcher. On June 17, 2021, the Plaintiff was invited to speak at a news conference in the Press Gallery of Parliament Hill. Irnmediately after the News conference, the Defendant Weese, posted on Twitter: "An[sic] far right politician, anti-vaxxer and guy who compared public health measures to the Holocoaust walk into a press room... I wish there was an actual joke in there. The real story' s too sad/frustrating/maddening Misinformation kills. We need to address and remember that" The Plaintiff has never mentioned the names of, or personally attacked, the Defendants, Weese, Pyle, or Fisman, in a public forum. He has always maintained the position of open discussion of 2 ): https://www.fda.~ov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-l9-update-june-25-2021 103.

The University permitted a malicious, castigating, and reckless double-standard to apply. The Plaintiff chose references to governmental policy as a point to initiate discussion on the science of which he had expertise. The Plaintiff delivered the document package by leaving a copy under the office doors of the Defendants, Greer, Bienzle, and Peregrine, and two other faculty members. Upon receipt of this note and documents, the Defendants turned the Plaintiffs harassment allegation against them, into an opportunity to remove the Plaintiff from campus. The Defendants entered into an agreement to falsely characterize the above persona! note, and invitation to talk they received on July 21, 2021, as "threatening" The Defendants,

Weese, Bienzle, Pyle, and Peregrine, not satisfied with the failure of their scheme to frame the Plaintiff sp physical presence in the Pathobiologu building as a threat to their safety, entered into an overlapping conspiracy with the Defendants, Wichtel and Arnott, to falsely allege "workplace harassment" The University of Guelph engaged in a distorted and biased acceptance of the Defendants' claims of "harassment", while abusing their power to dismiss the Plaintiff's own, much stronger, harassment claim. The Plaintiff did not participate in the investigation, because of its clearly "Kangaroo Court" set up and framed premise and origin which lacked statutory authority. Nick Duley was a "hired gun", with the knowledge,complicity and intent to produce a pre-set result to Amott's plan. The Defendants, Duley, Wichtel, and Arnott turned a blind eye to the continuous and increasing on-line harassment of the Plaintiff. University of Guelph is vicariously liable for the abuse of power and authority to interfere with and obstruct the criminal investigation and collaboration between Campus Police and Municipal Police in order to conceal and encourage the criminal conduct of the Defendant Weese. The University breached its fiduciary duty to the Plaintiff. The Defendant University and its employee co-Defendants, Yates, Amott, and Wichtel, owed a duty to. the Plaintiff to investigate the false website. The Defendants, Wichtel and Arnott, knew that the Defendants, Pyle and Weese, continued the ad hominin attack and on-line harassment against the Plaintiff throughout the entire duration of the investigation. The conduct of the Defendants who conspired together to prevent the Plaintiffhim from working at his office and lab irreparably damaged his research, and his collaboration, and relationships with both internal and extemal scientists and researchers, including on the COVID 19 vaccines. The Defendant, Yates is vicariously liable for the actions of the. Defendants. The Plaintiff's exclusion from campus for five (5) months from December 14, 2021 to May 1, 2022 was a breach of his common-law, constitutional and statutory rights.

The Plaintiff had no contact with the Defendants since July 22, 2021. Wichtel issued a two-year no contact order between the Plaintiff and the Defendants, Pyle, Peregrine, and Bienzle. The Plaintiff rejected Witchel's proposal to move his lab and/or office for valid reasons which the University has ignored. On May 1, 2022, the vaccine mandates exclusion ended on campus. Dr. Bridle is suing the University of Guelph for harassment. He claims he was harassed on the internet by two of the university's professors. The University also spread a false rumour that he had been arrested and criminally charged. The Plaintiff is seeking damages for loss of income, loss of academic standing, and loss of lab and materials. Fisman, Weese, Pyle, have engaged in: Electronically issued / Délivré par voie électronique : 19-Dec-2022 Court File NoJN° du dossier du greffe: CV-22-00691880-0000 Toronto Superior Court of Justice/ Cour supérieure de justice.

Repeated and serial publications of false, malicious, reckless, and, derogatory material. University of Guelph, its President, and the Plaintiff s Dean, Witchel, are vicariously, and in fact, liable in negligence, along with Wichtel, and Amott. They owe a duty of care to the Plaintiff to ensure a safe and non-hostile and harassment­ free environment from other University Faculty, and to be safe from tortious and criminal conduct. As a direct result of this breach, the Plaintiff has suffered loss and damages, which include, inter alia, damage to reputation and interference with the economic interests of the Plaintiff. The Plaintiff states that the Defendants, Fisman, Pyle and Weese, have placed the Plaintiff in physical and psychological danger. Weese's latest post in which they accompany a photograph of the Plaintiff, and incite hatred by stating that he is causing harm and death to others, and must be held accountable.

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