When I first started medicine, a few holistic doctors I knew all told me they could consistently spot if a child had been vaccinated. It took a bit of practice, but I began to notice what they were spotting, and I believe I've had a 100% accuracy rate on asking if either:

•Was your child never vaccinated?

•Was your child vaccinated today? (this one would come up when I saw the parents for a visit and their child was with them).

The quality is a bit subtle, but its unmistakable once you notice it and I've also had numerous people who did not work in the medical field independently bring this observation up to me as well. Once you start seeing it and begin appreciate how vaccinations change children, it's really sobering to take in.

To some extent you can also spot if someone has been vaccinated through pictures, but it's nowhere near as reliable. In the case of pictures, the cardinal sign is if the child had signs of a cranial nerve palsy (e.g. a crooked smile or an assymetric face) both of which are a consequence of childhood vaccines causing microstrokes to the cranial nerves. Andrew Moulden originally brought awareness to this idea and then Forest Maready popularized it by pointing out how there was far less facial asymmetry prior to the age of vaccination. Whenever I visit a medical school that has pictures of their classes going back decades, it is always fascinating to observe how much the facial assymetry has increased over the years.

These concepts and their supporting evidence are discussed further here:



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Thank you, that was very interesting.

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The terms pro vaxxer and anti vaxxer are meaningless and part of the mainstream medias mind screw. If you chose to be vaccinated - I do not- but you believe that vaccines are safe and effective than you should feel safe and protected. The fact that the vaccinated fear the unvaccinated proves that deep down they know the vaccines do not protect them and can cause more harm than good. The compulsion of the vaccinated that have even had severe reactions to vaccines to mandate vaccines on the healthy unvaccinated is a sign of organic brain damage or severe mental illness.

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New Zealand is introducing new legislation for NHP's (Natural Health Products for Therapeutic Medical Use is covered) -

"The Bill will also cover natural health products. These products will have their own regulations under the Bill. Following the Health Committee reporting back to the House, the Government announced an exemption scheme for small scale NHP manufacturers".


The Bill is called the "Therapeutic Products Bill".

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Canada is planning this too. See <hervk102.substack.com> which also has expert specialised immunology analysis.

I was at a family gathering this weekend, and at least three of the group of vaxx-enthusiasts have tremor and one cousin has a noticeable Bell's palsy, although I think it may be settling a bit from 9 months ago.

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Yes, I know of many people who have had severe reactions also. One died.

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I'd like to show these MDs photos of Bill Gates children. Unvaccinated for sure.

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Dollar-Bill Gates has said so. None of his kids...

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Wow! Seriously?? He SAID his kids are unvaxed?! What a freaking hypocrite !!!!

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Thank for this. When I look at my parents, now 80 & 82, neither had braces either. My mother has the most perfectly straight and beautiful teeth to this day. Could that also be related?

Weston Price believed it to be related to diet, but could it instead be similar reason to the changes in facial structure?

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I think WAPs explanation is correct. It's mainly skeletal formation. Years of subclinical malnutrition that causes epigenetic changes.

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I think Weston Price's explanation is more likely here.

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As a Chiropractor, I'd just like to point out that subluxations can also lead to facial asymmetry. And the problems causing this can be from anywhere, not just the cranials themselves. I've had patients whose cranials never responded to cranial work...but it all evened out once I worked on the pelvis, for instance! Plenty of cranials seem 'out' or 'uneven' but when you work on other areas of the body, they can improve. Some people's problems of course ARE the cranials, but if you don't work on them early enough, they don't get better. You've really got to work on the kid before 2 years of age, preferably much younger, to get better physical results. There's not too much bony cranial movement available to even things out after that.

But the pics you had in your above top link titled "What makes all vaccines so dangerous?" show me definite cranial nerve damage/trauma, not just uneven cranials per se! So, the question must be asked: do people who have uneven cranials ALL have cranial nerve damage? It's possible. I know my cranial nerves all work pretty well, but I have some facial asymmetry (like almost all people). Perhaps I am operating at 90-95%, cranial nerve function, and it's hard to tell if I've got a problem in my cranial nerves? Are others operating at only 80% or merely 60% and and it's easier to tell? All this is again possible. And was most of it caused by vaccines? Again, it's possible, but I don't think it's the ONLY cause.

As to why a pelvis or lumbar or thoracic vertebra or cranial bone might be out of place to begin with, why were the nerves bothered that supply these areas to cause that subluxation? Was it genetics, environmental toxins, accidents/trauma...? In many cases I'm sure there are variable causes. And the same goes for facial asymmetry.

Toxins from vaccines are NOT good for anyone (!!) but I'm quite sure they're not the only cause of cranial asymmetry. I've seen unvaccinated kids with good diets and minimal toxins in their environment...but I've still noted plenty of cranial unevenness and sometimes even cranial nerve issues. Was it intergenerational damage from their parents having vaccines? Maybe. Maybe not. Even with Moulden's work, I just don't think we're going to get all the answers here. And of course, if those who are trying to make headway into these areas and informing people about this (eg Andrew Moulden, Kary Mullis, Liam Scheff etc) keep getting popped off, or dying in unusual circumstances, well, we're going to get nowhere fast! :-(

I'm pretty sure human cranial unevenness has occurred for as long as we've been around, though. And if you look really closely at people, I'm sure most of us have some degree of unevenness to not just our cranials, but ALL of our bodies (smaller foot, larger breast, bigger eye etc). There are many reasons for this, not just vaccination.

But as for just looking at a kid to see if he/she is vaccinated? Yeah, I can often tell. Seeing them move is the key for me. Highly jabbed kids don't seem to walk properly IMO. And they often have behavioural issues. And they often have a bit of a vacant stare about them, like they can't truly focus on something. It's subtle, but I think most decent health professionals, after many years, can spot this sort of stuff. Once you know what 'normal' is, you can start to understand what 'abnormal' is.

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I've read that the normal birth process produces a slight "right facial slant" in most people. However, I think the person who wrote this was a chiropractor in a "modern" society where birth is medicalized and most women give birth in an "abnormal" position (lying or reclining on their backs) which limits the ability of the mother's tailbone to move back out of the way as baby's head moves past it. So the cross-sectional area of the tightest space a baby's head is squeezed through is reduced by one-third compared to the area when the mother gives birth standing, squatting, or "on all fours."

Another factor? Poor nutrition is utero, in my opinion, can result in cranial bones more vulnerable to mis-shaping by the birth process.

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I gave birth at home all 3 times! Never on my back! And yes, most women are in crappy positions giving birth - in hospital. I even know of some people in very recent years who were on their back IN STIRRUPS 'giving birth' in a hospital. Talk about archaic. Who wants to reduce your birth canal by ANYTHING when it's such a tight space to being with?! Maybe if the docs had suggested that these women would need lots and lots of stitches afterwards and sex will never be the same again and they may have bladder issues for life afterwards, well, the women might ask about other birthing positions (like using gravity)?!?! :-D

Of course, that would require the docs to SUPPORT and INFORM the birthing mothers. And they don't want to go empowering women now, do they?! :-\

My first & last kids have some cranial asymmetry, but then again, so do I & my husband to varying degrees. However, I have an anti-clockwise twisted pelvis, but my first & third came out rotating different ways! And in fact they have different cranial asymmetry and opposite twists in their pelvises. My son kind of came out straight (I got the head out, but my midwife had to pull him out after that coz I'd run out of contractions...very long labour...). His cranials are almost perfect - but he's got a twist in his pelvis - opposite to mine (same as his Dad's).

When it comes to cranials (genetics & nutrition aside - and they're big ones), you've also got to consider what position the babies have chosen in utero (mine all picked different positions yet the placenta was always on the right!), length of umbilical cord which may determine how much/little motion is available (supposedly the cord is just whatever length it is, they haven't figured that one out yet!), what direction the baby is facing when it comes out, length of labour - as well as other factors. So I don't think there's a hard and fast rule as to what cranial (or pelvic) asymmetry you're going to get - if any. Looking at my family, genetics seems to be the biggest drawcard as to the structural differences observed (both visually & on X-ray).

But the more I study pregnancy & birth, the more I come to the conclusion that there are SO many factors to consider. I think there's so much we just don't understand. And when you look at all the bad environmental considerations for the last few generations especially (smoking, drinking, obesity, depression, endocrine blockers, polluted air etc) there's almost NO good time to have a kid ha ha! Basically, we're going to screw our kids up in some way. But modern society seems to be particularly good at screwing them up in multiple ways! :-(

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Hi Robyn, The more I read you the more awesome you are!

Just to share, One of the most bizarre events for me was listening to two midwives sat in front of my wife's business end discussing which stitches would be the best to use at 3am when she had just given birth. Surreal!

Personally, I was a breach birth and my mother often commented that it was never the same 'down there' which I always thought was a bit too much information.

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Your poor mother! But if you turned out OK, then the midwives/docs obviously got your chin tucked down for the ending of your breech birth! A particular woman I know who has given birth to 4 kids (2 breech then 2 headfirst) found the headfirst pressure REALLY weird after the 2 breech births! So I guess it's a bit like horses for courses, eh?! :-D

Thanks for the compliment! I would also like to think I am at least a little bit awesome :-)

Yes, healthcare discussions between professionals. They can be pretty darned weird to an outsider, I agree!!! :-D

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Whilst we're on birth stories (a bit off topic), my wife wanted a home birth for No 1. After 17 hours of no progress she taken to hospital. 17 hours later - still stuck and a senior doc came in and said this baby needs to come out now. Five minutes later he was out - then they almost cooked him in the incubator whilst concentrating on my wife who was rushed to theatre - leaving me alone in what looked like a butcher's shop, holding the baby... As I said to her, at least she got a bed! I had to sit in a chair all night!

Then two days later he was rushed back in - unresponsive: her milk hadn't come in. He's 25 now and has been no bother since.

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The facial asymmetries from cranial nerve palsy's (e.g., a crooked smile) are not the same as facial asymmetries that result from asymmetrical bone positioning

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You can get some pretty weird facial problems from asymmetrical bone positioning. I've seen a lot of it in my job over the last 17 years and there are good Chiropractic paediatric books on this.

The neurological problems, though, are different to view and test; yes.

So you/Moulden are effectively saying that when it's neurological asymmetry, not structural asymmetry, that it's likely to be vaccine damage?

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I work in a school with autistic kids..... I can pick out the un-diagnosed kids more times than not....sometimes those kids get tested for autism, albeit at a late date, and 9 times out of 10, they have autism.....it's also sad to see the undiagnosed be medicated for ADHD or other learning disablilites because parents would rather have that label than autism.... the meds don't work for autism and the kids are the ones that suffer now and forever....so sad.....

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I heard Dr. Peter McCullough (somewhere, I'm always listening/reading stuff) saying he's been diving into autism and the trans thing -- he says a huge majority of the KIDS being 'done to' (my phrasing) turn out to be autistic...

A'course, MY question would then be: so what excuse do all the teachers and surgical butchers have?!?! Haven't had time to dive in myself; but it's on the list!!

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Autistic people are prone to OCD-like obsessions and often have trouble distinguishing between truth and fiction, (which contributes to their discomfort with fiction, since everything seems real to them). Add to this their difficulties on the dating market, and you get a kind of object-obsession where they want to become what they want, like a little who is obsessed with cats and so pretends to be a cat.

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This is a fascinating topic. It has medical and historical significance. Leonardo Da Vinci and Michaelangelo talked about facial symmetry a long time ago, way before the existence of vaccines. Ironically a person with a perfectly symmetrical face actually looks non-human.

But near symmetrical faces are popular. Elizabeth Taylor and Marolyn Monroe come to mind.

Do vaccines cause increased facial asymmetry, probably.

I thought my face was near symmetrical till I got the anthrax shot. Lots of veterans have commented on this.

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Same here. Yet when I look at my picture from when I was 1 year old I see it too. Maybe it only became more pronounced. I've learned to overcome the effect by exercising confidence and love for others. People never seem to notice it. This is great.

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Andrew Moulden cited the anthrax vaccine as being one of the most likely to cause microstrokes.

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When I have symptoms of it, I immediately take magnesium chloride, B complex vitamins, ginger, garlic, and curcumin, mixed with black pepper and sunflower lecithin. I take them one by one as need appears, not all at once or all of them all the time. You must assess the need as symptoms occur. Taking things that help produce neurotransmitters helps too, as the ongoing barrage of visual effects when using the internet depletes them; adrenal hormones are depleted too from the continual adrenalized state people are being forced to be into (fight or flight state) (I believe this is to exacerbate myocarditis, so people die sooner) (Take pregnenolone and DHEA to help replenish and/or rebalance your adrenal hormones). I have spent countless days and nights dealing with life and death health issues for years. But it all has helped me stay awake and sober to the current reality. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger or resilient. God will always help if we seek, and at times we need to seek with dire desperation, so readers, be aware and be ready to make big decisions.

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The book CROOKED goes way into this aspect.

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I wanted to thank Wayne for moderating these forums. It can't be a great job. I'm retired and know a lot of doctors, nurses and scientists that come here. The best thing is I have had chats with medical professionals from Europe, New Zealand and Australia. Covid policy and vaccinations are highly heated and controversial subjects. Civil debate is reasonable but there have been comments on these forums that continue to say the unvaccinated are evil ignorant and should be arrested. There are also AI bots and trolls here so use caution, but this place is way better than twitter facebook and tick tock

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I second your thanks to Wayne. Moderation makes a big difference.

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New Zealand is introducing new legislation for NHP's (Natural Health Products for Therapeutic Medical Use is covered) -

"The Bill will also cover natural health products. These products will have their own regulations under the Bill. Following the Health Committee reporting back to the House, the Government announced an exemption scheme for small scale NHP manufacturers".


The Bill is called the "Therapeutic Products Bill".

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You guys are making it possible that many people are saved from harm. You are risking everyhting to do this. God will give you great acknowledgment on the day of judgment. Stay safe. Stay saved.

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Anyone think kids don’t sleep as well after vaccination? I feel all my kids except 1 of 4) slept better than my grandkids. My kids 77-85 had minimal vaccinations 💉. One kid was sleeping through the night in a few weeks, happy & then got first DTP & it was 2+ years before consistently sleeping through night. Late potty trained. Fortunately doing well as adult. Civil engineer married kids

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It's the "back to sleep" movement. Babies sleep terribly on their backs. Supposed to prevent SIDS, though.

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This is a common complaint I hear about.

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Yes, my oldest, fully vaccinated for someone born in 99. My youngest 2, minimally vaccinated sleep much better, and slept better as babies.

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Imagine living an entire life of say 80 or 90 years and never needing ANY big pharma drugs of any kind. I firmly believe that is more than possible.

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My dad is 92. He takes nothing and never has. I’m 66 and following his example.

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My mother passed away in December 2020 at the age of 100 1/2. She died of old age + sepsis from a UTI. Other than a few occasions in her lifetime to need antibiotics she was never on prescription medications. She had the typical health issues associated with life, but dealt with them by using holistic methods, primarily dietary supplements.

So yes, it can be done! I am 74, my sister is 76, and my brother is 65 - none of us are on prescription medications. My last “check up” was in 2004 when I retired from the Air Force.

I’m in great health, too - workout regularly - lift weights and jog on my treadmill. If I go to a doctor, I tell him I’m there for a second opinion- the first is mine...

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"If I go to a doctor, I tell him I'm there for a second opinion - the first is mine..."

I love this attitude! Way to go, for good health!

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I’m living proof at 72 and totally Pharma free. With a few exceptions over the years (anti-depressants that were ineffective - Statins that were a waste of time - And an awful experience 15 years ago with the antibiotic Levaquin which did knock out a nasty case of bronchitis but almost caused a nervous breakdown. Mother nature’s way is the only way.

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Totally PHARMA free... Then you go on to say use of anti depressants antibiotics and stations? U gotta be delusional

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It's clear from what Jeff S wrote that he is totally Pharma free *now* and that the three times he used drugs were "exceptions" to his generally Pharma-free state.

How many drugs, on average, is a U.S. 72-year-old taking? I don't know, but I do know that "polypharmacy" (chronically taking 2 or more drugs) is common among U.S. elderly.

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That's why our ancestors lived to 100 or 120 years. Today people can live until 70, but mostly with all the problems bad food and medicines give.

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The depopulation effort has been going on for a long time. The “vaccine” given during the “Spanish” flu,

the fluoride treatments in grade school, mercury in amalgam teeth fillings, toxic foods, chemtrails, etc. it’s amazing that we are as resilient as we are.

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It's about soft killing people, so that while they seek a cure they lose it all, make pharma guys rich, control population growth, etc.

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That’s a great way to phrase it; soft enough not to awaken the numbed and dumbed.

I still have hope though; some of my jabbed friends are saying that it “may” not only be useless but dangerous. Most aren’t mature enough to admit this out loud but I think the wheels are turning for many.

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That is a very strange phenomenon I never heard of before. I thought my face was symmetrical until I got the anthrax shot in the military. I got right sided facial palsy that eventually resolved but my right eyelid ptosis never improved. I needed surgery and the VA would not cover it.

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My daughter is 100% disabled from that anthrax shot.

Lets not forget the anthrax in the anthrax attacks one week after 9/11 did not come from Al Qaeda, Iran, Saddam, Gadaffi it came from Fort Dietrick, Maryland.

...and to wrap it up in a nice tidy little bow it was blamed on a guy that was suicided.

and like all these type of terrorist type of events there is no trial, no court, no revealing of the facts, evidence, testimony....etc....and yet my daughter and many others took this poison due to it suffering badly.

War is a Racket!

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I too got the same vaccine. After 15 years I still have chronic fatigue, and can't work, marry, have a social life (except here), etc. The navy kept erasing my medical records, so the anthrax shot would not appear. They made it impossible for me to get disability benefits. If it were not because of my will to live I would already be dead. I had to study thousands of hours to find out what to take to at least manage the worst symptoms. But yet, this is what is saving me from the current barrage of poison, chemical and technological, being used to decimate humanity. Stay safe. Stay saved.

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Reading your post I am humbled. A courageous living monument of what is being perpetrated on the people. That's my impression of you. God bless you and your life.

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God bless you for saying what you feel. On the last day you will be rewarded for giving life to others through your kind words. Amen

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I'll meet you there. Amen.

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I got the anthrax shot as well. The VA and military just tried to blow me off it. My Dad was exposed to agent orange and the military tried to ignore it. So, things do not change. Sorry about chronic fatigue as it can be terrible. In my case my feet are numb and burn every day. Never was an issue until the anthrax shot.

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Jason, I had many, many types of symptoms, and my final conclusion is that it is some form of mitochondrial dysfunction, which you can ameliorate by taking omega 3's (preferably through food), CoQ10, PQQ, D Ribose, magnesium, K2, D3, C, B complex, pregnenolone, DHEA, Acetyl carnitine, L carnitine, R alpha lipoic acid, and herbs that help with inflammation, like astragalus, schizandra, curcumin, ginger, mushrooms, etc. We were lucky, but I heard another service member lost all his skin, got lupus, and died from it. My further conclusion is that servicemen have been the preferred guinea pigs for a long time (now the whole planet is), and any medicines can be used for any purpose. What's worse, the same name vaccines may have different things, to test different outcomes, so it is like russian roulette. This is why not everyone got sick from the current deadly vaccine, plus it fulfills a further purpose of dividing the population since it is readily seen that many are fully healthy after the shots. The ugly thing is that maybe some batches were made to have slower delivery of symptoms, or latency, so when it is decided, boom, a new false emergency will be there again to tackle with their poisons. Stay safe my friend. Stay saved. Cheers :-)

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You have amazing strength and resilience. Thank you for telling us this. I agree- my best friends also seem to be here thanks to Steve.

I have been very puzzled about the commonality amongst those who figured out this massive con job. I think it was 911 that finally woke me up a bit. Those people I know who seem to waltz through life have been given little reason to awaken.

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I believe these harms are a blessing in disguise for everyone wanting to see thruth. In my case, if it were not for these big issues, I'd still be searching for vain riches and pleasure like many others. I was not a bad person, yet I couldn't focus on God and His promises (and commands). These bad things, past and present keep making me awake and sober to the fact that the current situation is not what is all about, but eternity is. Meanwhile, we must keep saying the truth, asking people to be saved, and making it until the final day alive. God bless you and keep you, Gary :-)

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It is intriguing how the deepest cuts sometimes free us of ourselves. Or, that which we thought we were.

The world had me in its trance but it went too far.

Bless you as well my fellow traveler.

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The anthrax vaccine was well known for being one of the worst vaccines for causing those types of things and other injuries to happen.

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I lucked out. A lot of vets had far more severe reactions and have permanent impairment.

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another commenter on this thread had the same experience you did with that vaccine causing facial assymetry.

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One time I was at the airport in the security line with my kids and a man stopped me because he could not believe how symmetrical their faces were. Everyone in line started starting at my kids. I smiled and said thank you. I’m pretty sure he knew my kids are not vaccinated.

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Physical symmetry is the mark of beauty. To attain this, people need to live fairly well conducted lives and receive good food nurturing, so their genes can take to beautify the body. This is why I think the descendants of Noah, Shem and Japhet, got the best physical characteristcs (they had faith in God and obeyed Him). No doubt this is a blessinng for doing the right things, either by us or our ancestors. Cheers :-))!!!

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Thank you. Blessings to you.

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Good for you and your kids.

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Thank you. Blessings to you.

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One issue here and why this problem will not end for the foreseeable future is that physicians lost the ability to speak and practice freely and turned their authority over to the government and insurance companies. Years ago, doctors had clinical independence to treat their patients. Today's doctors are controlled by HMO's and huge hospital organizations. If their hospital tells them patients need 5 covid shots, they will just do as they are told. The cowardice and ignorance of these so-called MD's is shocking.

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The less these doctors learn during their medical training, the more they will come to rely on the ignorance if not downright stupidity of their patients. These (if they want to live) will have to get themselves better informed as time goes on. I for one know ten times more about medicine than three years ago.

That will result in ever more interesting conflicts in consulting rooms. Until these quacks will become just and justly obsolete.

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My VA doc (a useless but nice lady) pushed me every time she saw me (or, during COVID, spoke to me by phone {eye roll}) would not write a scrip for prophylactic ivermectin. After I HAD covid (I had some IVM pills from two telemed docs, and when the pills ran out, I used my syringes of horse paste ((Tractor Supply! Before they literally locked it down!) ! Got through covid fine. (Well, except for getting shingles 4 mos later...). VA doc also would not order a d-dimer after (LEF.org offers very low prices on blood tests -- drawn through LabCorps -- and they send the results to YOU (and to your doc if you tell them to. I use them often!).

Anyway... one time later when I saw her, she was again pushing the poison-vax, and asked if I'd take it: I leaned in towards her and said, quietly and VERY seriously: "Not for love or money.... nor at the POINT OF A GUN!" She didn't ask again.

Oh, and if you or someone you love GETS shingles.... some advice! I got this hard dull pain in my R breast, and under my R shoulder blade. (This was after 2nd d-dimer.) Could it be a clot?! There is NO connection between brst and shldr blade: no vein, no artery. Called the VA help line; she read a list of questions and told me to go to Urgent Care (I'm 2+ hrs from the VA clinic -- thank you Trump for 'local care'!)

You've read -- or know -- how a rash comes up, and then wee blisters come up in the rash -- and the blisters keep growing till they pop and ooze? And BURN like hellfire and itch like the devil?! Once diagnosed by the nice young doc at the Urgent Care (whom I filled with covid and IVM and vax-injury, Rundeathisnear, etc. etc. knowledge -- we were alone in the clinic on Sunday afternoon... And HE wanted to know! Good young doc!) I returned to taking 'treatment doses' of IVM

I had ordered pills from India (good service from: AllDayChemist.com) and the wee blisters would come up and, a day later, recede back into the skin. NO PAIN, NO ITCH!!! (Well some deep-in ongoing nerve pain in breast and shoulder blade -- which went away in a week or so.) ("Oh!" thinks I, "well, IVM is BORN to be an anti-viral, so of course!")

Everyone NEEDS to have IVM on hand -- ALWAYS! (IF viruses exist -- and I've reached about 85% dubious -- then IVM (and hydroxy if you can get it) is first-line treatment!) Dr. Lee Merritt is teaching about parasites now too - FASCINATING stuff!

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Thank you for your experience. We are dealing with clerks. Knowing more than they do is the only remedy.

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Yes, it is cowardice, and also, a long term plan to do just what is happening. Stay safe. Stay saved.

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That's a big part of why I stopped working for those organizations.

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Jul 25, 2023
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Hospital-acquired infections, also known as healthcare-associated infections, are infections that are acquired in a healthcare facility, such as a hospital, ambulatory surgical centers, end-stage renal disease facilities, or long-term care facilities.1 These infections are caused by viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens and can get into the bloodstream, lungs, skin, urinary tract, or digestive tract. The most common types of hospital-acquired infections are bloodstream infection (BSI), pneumonia (eg, ventilator-associated pneumonia [VAP], hospital-acquired pneumonia], and surgical site infection (SSI). Infections that become clinically evident after 48 hours of hospitalization are considered hospital-acquired, and infections that occur after the patient is discharged from the hospital can also be considered healthcare-associated if the organisms were acquired during the hospital stay.2 These infections are hard to treat and can stay with the patient for a long time, and in the worst cases, they can be deadly.

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Who is Jason Dean?

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Hi, I'd like to be a mainstream fact checker on this one. Can you specify which of the people knew the police officer? Does the officer have a name that can be made public? Is there any info on his data gathering methodology? You seem very open and transparent, but the info on that point was pretty vague. Thanks in advance.

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Steve, I've said this before: our pets have been the canaries in the coal mine. I have seen many dogs with "autism" like symptoms. I'll bet money they were vaxed prior to 8 weeks. I've seen loads if behavior problems in dogs. Many we're fine one day then suddenly changed. When I asked their owners if they were recently vaxxed the answer is always yes....for rabies! Usually within a 3 to 4 week window. Vax don't just cause a plethora of behavior issues in animals. They also cause chronic disease states. Skin issues, ear issues, gut issues, auto immune diseases and cancers. Its why I got off that deadly merry go round decades ago. I've been outspoken about this for decades.

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I think you should get Dr Barrie tower on the panel. Zygote to foetus is literally shocking.

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In remission = in danger.

Since traditional chemotherapy can spawn cancer stem cells it is especially important to self-treat with fenbendazole, the only substance that appears to safely, inexpensively and effectively eradicate cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells are the cells that form intractable distant tumors that result from chemotherapy. So, those in remission after traditional chemo are in a critical period where CSCs may develop and be fatal Learn more https://fenbendazole.substack.com/p/cancer-stem-cells-and-fenbendazole

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I've found that activity is a big deal in weight loss. I can be watching what I eat, but if it's more sedentary than being out there and active, it's not effective. Activity. Walking--miles and miles. Walking to a distant destination, five days a week. That combined with moderation in intake is how I have lost weight. Fat is a choice.

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Not surprising to many of us, but for a lot of folks reading this article, we are dealing with autism now. You mentioned it's possible to reverse autism but did not provide any link for that information. If you have that information, PLEASE share it immediately, we are absolutely desperate for help and most doctors are clueless.

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Okay, listen to this one:

"The truth about myocarditis and Covid vaccines: leading doctors insist jabs are NOT to blame"


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“1. It is possible, in some cases, to partially reverse autism. The most successful reversals occur when the child is treated soon after the injury and the parents are committed to the treatment protocol.”

That seems to be belied by the information in this video taken from an Autism Conference. It appears they’ve had tremendous success against autism by using anti-parasitics and Chlorine Dioxide.

Autism Conference - 3 hour video


"One of the doctors said that the difference is so extreme that she claimed that she can tell who is vaccinated just from a photo. She said she could look at a photo of 50 kids and pick out the one fully unvaccinated kid in the photo. I didn’t test this, but it’s an extraordinary claim.”

I can pick out the vaccinated with a pretty high confidence, but I cannot pick the unvaccinated 100% of the time by just looking at them. That said, there are some tell tell signs that indicate one has been vaccinated such as puffy eyes, inflammation, weight gain in, for lack of a better expression — in places expected from the opposite sex. Man boobs, wide hips in males, just strange places for fat or puffiness.

The reason for that is the vaccines contain homologous genes of both sexes. When they get expressed in growing children they can permanently alter their development. They’ve known this since the 80’s at a minimum and it’s for this reason that they need to face serious consequences.

This highlights major problems with our Congress, as most of our representatives and Senators have been bought out by the Pharmaceutical Industry/Vaccine Lobby and they are complicit. They are the proverbial fox guarding the henhouse. This is why they won’t impeach Biden when they know they should. This is just one reason why, but it’s a big one.

This is the head of the snake in a nut shell, These people feigning to serve we the people are in it up to their eyeballs. It’s because of them and people like them who give in to the threats from the global cabal that the cabal has amassed the power it has. Every Congress critter, politician, bureaucrat, Government official, Hospital Administrator, doctors and nurses, Universities and more who fear losing their professions or jobs more than they fear people dying at their complicit hands is guilty of murder. And by trampling on their principles they are destroying themselves, and they are only buying a short amount of time before the cabal finds them as ‘useless eaters, too.” They have made fatal mistakes, being shortsighted, not seeing they have sold their birthrights for juicy meal, that will result in damnation if they don’t repent and fess up to their crimes.

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Thanks for the update! Operation mouse troll trap successful.

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Hey Steve Kirsch ...

Your recent decision put the details on your recovery from health issues behind Substack's paywall really sux ... it's bullshit Steve ... just because our FED govt and the WEF do it to us, doesn't mean it's ok for you to do it to us ... FU Steve!

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Well, your 'name' accurately describes you -- you ARE a pain in the @ss! Since when does Steve owe you ANYthing free?! It's BEYOND okay for Steve to get a paid a pittance for all the work he does trying to save lives! I was trying to find the ADDITIONAL subscription I thought he was asking for -- because I've subscribed since h began posting! BECAUSE HIS WORK IS WORTH IT!!! (Well, worth lots more, but glad he lets us po' folks pay a little to read his stuff!)

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Excuse me, Mr. Contrarian but haven't you ever worked and got paid for what you do? The subscription fees are donated for VSRF. There's also a huge amount of free articles here. It's hard to understand your attitude.

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Steve, I am wondering if your site has been hacked. I received asking for a subscription with you posing before and after of your weight loss.

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Some articles are exclusive for paid subscribers only. There are still plenty of free articles, though.

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The troll investigation is complete; RJ, MouseTurd, Jerome and James are all one person named Ryan Th----. He was not here to read the articles and comment on them or challenge Steve Kirsch but to bother and troll the other commenters.

Ryan as RJ had been previously temporarily banned and was banned again on this article for rude trolling. He brought in the other personalities to flood the comments with insults, demands and mainstream study links, a typical troll operation to waste people's time and insult them. He tried to keep the insults down after RJ was banned to keep from being banned again.

However, Ryan's multiple personalities have all been banned from Steve Kirsch Newsletter and reported to Substack for troll operations.

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So that’s why happened to that asshole.

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Well if the doctors know it causes problems, then the manufacturer knows it causes problems. Now I see a pinned comment that they can just look at a child and tell.

I feel as though a lot of people know about this, and yet it persist, this is why I view humanity as something you scrape off your shoe after a walk through the dog park.

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