Steve, why are you not telling the truth to your readers? It is actually YOU that refuses to set up a live debate with your experts vs. Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Dr. Stefan Lanka. On Dr. Bailey's website, she pointed out how you rapidly retreated when she and the other 3 doctors all offered to participate in a live debate with your chosen “experts”. You wrote in your article that you do not want to talk to Drs. Bailey, Kaufman, and Lanka because you "don't trust them as sources". That is a ridiculous excuse. If these doctors are truly incompetent and don't know what they are talking about (as you seem to believe), then that will make it even EASIER for your "experts" to defeat them in a debate and to show their (the 4 doctors) perceived "incompetence".

Also, in regards to your "source" in which you try to "prove" Dr. Bailey as incompetent, you obviously didn't do your research on the author of that hit piece on Dr. Bailey. And you didn't do your research into the claims of that person (Alison Campbell). In the article link, of which I will provide below, in about the 5th paragraph down of the article, Dr. Bailey points out the issues of Alison Campbell and provides a link to an excellent video rebuttal to Campbell's hit piece on Dr. Bailey.

Here a link to the article at Dr. Bailey's website in which she points out how she and the other 3 doctors offered to have a live debate with your experts, but you turned her down (along with the other 3 doctors). Go to about the half-way part of the article to see that particular section. And, as I wrote above, she also talks about Alison Campbell's misleading and out outlandish hit piece article written about her. Here is the link: https://drsambailey.com/covid-19/the-covid-sceptics-who-spread-viral-dogma/

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This is ludicrous, the virus exists because you can _buy_ it!?... Hey Steve, I'm selling a sample of the new strain of COVAIDS-22, wanna get one before everybody?? I'll make it two for the price of one, just for you. Get a piece of the Eiffel tower and Christ's cross as well while you're at it!

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Cowan breaks it down…again

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And you are not a serious commentor. Instead, you're just a regurgitator of non-sequiturs.

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Steve, you wrote in your summary, "So if you keep asking me for papers showing both isolated and purified, I will keep responding, there aren’t any for both, and that’s irrelevant."

If isolation and purification are not required, and even irrelevant, then all we need to do is rely on statements of experts who say something has been isolated or purified. We don't need to actually prove anything, just say it.

Covid-19 vaccines are 100% safe and 100% effective, many professionals say that. We don't need to prove it, that would take to much time and besides, it's irrelevant. Of course, I do not believe that statement.

If we are to ignore Koch's Postulates, then anything can exist if an expert or group of experts say something exists. Koch's Postulates used to be the standard.

My questions to you Steve are, "Why would you accept the assertion that SARS CoV-2 exists without proof? What is your opposition to requiring proof?

Seems to me that abandonment of the requirements for proof are a boon for vaccine manufacturers. They simply need to have their experts declare a new disease every year, forget proving it exists, that takes too much time and it is irrelevant because an expert or experts said so.

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Steve, the question of whether the virus has been isolated really comes down to simple logic. How can a concoction grown in a cell culture and containing 7 or more ingredients be considered an "isolate"? It goes completely against the definition of the word isolation. Virologists claim that the cytopathic effect observed in their cell cultures is proof of the virus, this is what they call isolation, but they never purified the sample taken from the sick person (a simple step to complete using density gradient centrifugation), and they never controlled for the other steps in the culture process (the addition of gentamycin/other antibiotics known to be toxic to kidney cells and the reduction of nutrients in cell culture feeding). Given that researchers have been able to isolate, in the true sense of the word, bacteriophages and exosomes for decades, there is no reason they shouldn't be following the same process for viruses. At the very least, they could conduct a control experiment where everything remains the same, except they do not add a sample of a sick patient's lung fluid to their culture (or they add lung fluid from a healthy person), and observe whether there is still cellular breakdown. This would indicate that the procedure itself is leading to the death of the cells, not a so-called virus. I'd also like to add that being an "expert" in a field does not make someone infallible. In fact, "experts" have often steeped in their own echo chamber for so long that new information from outside perspectives threatens their ego and presents far too great a risk to their identity for them to legitimately entertain the possibility that the new perspective might have merit. To give even an inch, they might have to look back on decades of their career and admit where they were wrong (or worse, admit that their entire career is a farce). That can be a very difficult and painful process, and very few individuals are willing to go through it, but the ones with the most integrity and the deepest desire for truth will inevitably do so. Meanwhile, other educated, logical thinkers who are perfectly capable of critically consuming research, and are therefore qualified to raise objections, are also seeking the truth. Because, at its core, this is a quest for the truth. Only the truth will set us free. Not an approximation of the truth, or a part of the truth - the whole objective truth. The question of whether the virus was isolated is absolutely critical because literally everything else follows from that single premise. Isolation --> virus exists --> causes disease --> wet market/bioweapon/variants/vaccines/masks/lockdowns/etc. If the foundation is cracked, then anything we build on top will eventually crumble. We must go back to the root, in this case isolation, because if we find that the core premise is flawed, then we don't have to argue about any of the other nonsense piled on top. It all becomes irrelevant. Only then can we build something stronger that will actually serve us for generations to come. If we cling to this narrative that viruses exist and cause disease, we will continue to be trapped in the false reality Big Pharma has built for us in order to keep us sick and begging for more.

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Who profits by keeping the virus theory alive? Basically millions and millions of healthcare workers and scientists world wide, all the hospitals and clinics in the WORLD, convenience stores like CVS and Walgreens selling cold/flu remedies. But the big kahuna are the pharmaceutical companies and their vaccine profits as well as the Bill Gates of the world making billions on vaccines. And I say the pharmaceutical industry is just like the financial industry in regards to government. It's incestual. In both the financial and pharmaceutical industry, CEOs and executives glide between the private sector roles and government positions to make policy for their colleagues in said industry. And then after the government stint, they go back to private sector roles to profit further. So these people have unlimited funds and extreme motive to do whatever it takes to keep germ theory going. Who is opposing these people. Well there's been doctors and scientists throughout history but currently it's probably a few hundred at most. Wow. But after reading many of the comments on this article and other sites, people are waking up. It seems that handful of brave souls are making tremendous inroads and educating the masses as to the fraud that virologists practice science. I'm grateful to all you with an open mind and common sense.

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Germ Theory says that viruses are present in our bodily fluids like snot if we are infected. And that when we cough or sneeze, these droplets can fly out and land in someone else's mouth or nose or surface to be picked up later. Me: So Mr. Virologist, let's check the snot for viruses. Virologist: Oh, we can't. We cannot find viruses that way. Me: Well can't you find bacteria and bacteriphages that way. Virologist: Look. I can't have a conversation with someone who does not know how we've been doing virology for 100 years. You just can't understand how it works.

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I was all excited to recently find Kirsch and Malone and Rob Johnson, but I sadly must say that this is absolutely 100% controlled opposition because of the unwavering belief in virus theory, even COVID itself.

There's no HIV either and AIDS was the treatment for it.

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Agree. Polio and HIV are 2 of the easiest to understand is BS. Polio is caused by arsenic based pesticides and then DDT. Polio still occurs today but they changed the name to make it look like the vaccines worked.

AIDS is the process of destroying your body with drugs. Intravenous drugs or nitrite based poppers gay men would use to party and have sex. If HIV was a real sexually transmitted virus, AIDS would be much more widespread. It was the anti viral drugs that killed people. Magic Johnson lived because he did not take the drugs they wanted him to take.

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Jon Rappoport responds to the debate nonsense:


Entrepreneur, inventor, and philanthropist, Steve Kirsch, says yes. He offers to set up a 5-hour live video debate. He’ll send his experts and other side will send theirs. They’ll go at it.

What about the usual form of scientific debate, called the written word?

Buckle up.

Kirsch: “I don’t think the folks I’d ask to do this would want to spend time writing papers…They don’t even have the time to prepare their own papers. Doing written documents is much more time consuming than talking because people spend the time to make it bulletproof.”

Heaven forbid.

Kirsch: “None of the people on our team require that all discussions be in writing only.”

Of course not. Why would his team of scientists insist on the method by which science is accomplished?

Kirsch: “One of the commenters [to an article by Kirsch] wrote this: ‘But when someone really knows their shit they would much rather handle it in a live conversation; it’s much more efficient (you don’t spend hours writing) and it reaches a wider audience, and that audience has the benefit of tone and body language to affirm (or negate) the veracity and substance of what is being said.’”

Kirsch: “I agree with that.”

Truly awesome.

Tone and body language. Yes, of course. You know, that was Galileo’s problem when he was tried by the Inquisition for insisting the Earth rotated, and journeyed around the sun. If only he’d stood up straighter and spoken with unwavering clarity (in the manner of, say, a Walter Cronkite). He might have won his case. Because tone and inflection equal science. We all realize that. Obviously, Galileo didn’t know his shit.

More at link

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The "virus" is nothing but a compilation from genbank of sequences of animal and human foreign proteins. These are dangerous epitopes because they don't have your personal toll receptors. The pathology of the disease is via autoimmunity.

This is what the agenda is about. https://www.orwell.city/2022/01/hybridization.html

Fear was created to drive people toward unknowingly engaging in lethal dose studies for the materials needed to accomplish this agenda. (howbad.info)

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Debate Dr. Stefan Lanka or Dr. Andrew Kaufman about your virus and you're finished!

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Dr. Kaufman means well but he is wrong. he's right to be upset about the fraud behind the virus isolations of SARs viruses, and even influenza. He's right to reject the outright abuse of HIV under Fauci's direction. I looked at the SARS original alleged isolation and the original SARS CoV-2 isolations and I found they are fatally flawed. From the moment they wouldn't grow in human cells it was game over. Then when they inoculated them in vero cells, it was game over. To make it even worse, they inoculated a vero e6 cell line which came straight out of Fort Detrick, and had numerous gain of function viruses in it. That was a major tale tell sign that fraud was being perpetrated. Why use this line? Is it because it has all the foreign epitopes that are the source of 99% of chronic diseases today? Which came out of the vaccine manufacturing process?

The SARs CoV-2 was actually made beginning in Ralph Baric's lab in 1998, and first patented in 2002, shortly before the first SARS outbreak occurred. It has a total 73 patent amendments. The amendment filed in 2017 is listed on the FDA Comirnaty license for the spike protein used in the COVID jabs as a U.S. patented biowarfare weapon called Wuhan HU1. The epitopes used in the spike protein were weaponized to be more infectious and were discovered from prior vaccine adverse events. HIV gp120, syncytin were genetically sequenced long ago and stored in genbank, and they became the basis of a bioweapon.

Using genbank, they added the closest natural relative they could find because I believe their original intent was to sell the public on a natural origin premise. Peter Dasak was given millions of dollars from Fauci from 2015 to catalog every bat virus in China, and put the sequences in genbank. I suspect the intent was to gain plausible deniability for using the dangerous epitopes.

The word 'virus' is symantics for RNA, which is part of the genetic make up of living organisms. They are not interchangeable with other like or different species of organisms, even though some of them produce very similar proteins. And that is where the problem arises.

RNA is a method of sending signals to the ribosomes for producing proteins when certain conditions are met. Some proteins are for forming a placenta after conception. In humans it's called HERV.

The RNA from one person does not belong in another, which is what happens when you inject drugs made in aborted fetal tissues. We have toll receptors that are personalized. That's why organs get rejected. Likewise, the RNA/DNA of animals or those that are synthetically made does not belong inside the human vasculature. When we eat animals the stomach acid destroys the genetic material and it poses no threat.

The human race has been infected with animal viruses since the inception of vaccines, and while this resorted in an explosion of chronic neuroimmune diseases, especially among the highly vaccinated school children, they were never as deadly or pathogenic as the COVID gene therapy injections.

I suspect the severe blood clotting from deaths following COVID injections comes from the use of graphene oxides 'self assembling nanoparticles.' Those are Fauci's words before Congress on Dec. 4, 2019 when describing an EO he had Trump sign to authorize the development of the mRNA/DNA viral vector platform technologies. These form into various biocircuits using the bodies chemical resources. It is the self assembling structures themselves that i believe is severely blocking arteries causing the high number of deaths associated with the COVID jabs.

If you go to Orwell.city you can checkout the work of Spanish Researchers La Quinta Columba and watch the donated vaccine vials contents self assembling into biocircuits with MAC addressing, bio-censor capabilities, and will be shown the literature with matching images and descriptions of the technology.

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If it was made back in 1998 and there have been upgraded versions and possibly many different strains circulating worldwide, why have there been no reasonable isolation works done.

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Dismantling The virus Theory - The “measles virus” as an example

Why should we doubt the existence of viruses? What are viruses and what are they not? How are viruses being scientifically demonstrated to exist?

...During his experiments, Enders et al. sterilised the tissue cultures in order to exclude the possibility of bacteria killing the cells. What he didn’t take into consideration was that the sterilisation and the treatment of the cell culture when preparing it for the alleged infection was exactly what was killing the cells. Instead, he interpreted the cytopathic effects as the existence and the action of polio viruses, without ever having isolated a single virus and described its biochemistry. The necessary negative control experiments, which would have shown that the sterilisation and the treatment of the cells prior to the “infection” in the test tube was killing the cells, have never been performed. However, for this “performance” Enders received the Nobel prize in 1954.

1954 is also the year in which Enders applied and introduced the same technique in order to allegedly replicate the measles virus. As he had been awarded the Nobel prize for the alleged polio virus the same year, all researchers believed his technique to be scientifically valid. Thus, to date, the entire concept of measles has been based upon this technique. Thus, the measles vaccines do not contain viruses, but particles of dead monkey kidney tissue or human cancer cells.

— Dr. Stefan Lanka in "Dismantling The virus Theory" - https://wissenschafftplus.de/uploads/article/Dismantling-the-Virus-Theory.pdf

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It's obvious. Christine just wants to date you, Steve.

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A picture speaks a thousand words : postimg.cc/nX5FZMfM

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Youve made several false ststements steve. For just one. There's no control study showing that some alleged virus is in sick people but not in healthy people ...they try to get around this failure by claiming asymptomatic but that is invalid response.

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A written response is appropriate here. Video is not for the reasons elucidated in this blog. https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2022/01/25/is-the-virus-real-steve-kirsch-suggests-a-debate/

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Thank you. I resubscribed to this forum for the express purpose of posting Jon's excellent article. As usual, he hits the nail squarely on the head. Steve Kirsch is, sadly, either a paid (or threatened) controlled opposition or far to inept to even read and understand the science that has been thoroughly dissected and explained by hundreds of doctors and scientists and even lay people that are savvy enough to understand. His continued bullying and dismissal of not only those that publicly respond but also to the commenters on this page. His refusal to actually consider and study all of the evidence presented even by commenters on this page was what caused me to unsubscribe and file him away with the rest of the agenda pushers.

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That Jon is not included in this resistance movement with Steve and his cohorts tells me all I need to know about it's legitimacy. There is no one on this planet that is as good at finding the truth using logic and only logic.

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The government of the United States and the National Institutes of Health are participating in a scientific fraud related to covid-19.

On the website https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/, a fabrication process is carried out on a daily basis, which is strictly forbidden in science. The website describes the existence of the complete genomes of the alleged "Sars-Cov-2" on a daily basis.

The nucleic acid sequence is known to represent one continuous order of nucleotides.

Virologists sequence short fragments daily in their experiments. Most often according to the "artic" protocol with dirty "PCR" with 35 cycles, and then these short sequences are falsely presented as alleged complete genomes.

This means that virologists report the results of experiments they did not conduct! This is an enormous scientific fraud!

The first scientific publication with the reference "Sars-Cov-2" (MN908947.3) is an example of a scientific fraud. Sequencing of short fragments (Illumina platform) was performed in the experiment, but the existence of a genome sequence of about 30,000 nucleotides was reported:

1. implemented: "a meta-transcriptomic library was constructed for pair-end (150-bp reads) sequencing using an Illumina MiniSeq"

2. not conducted but described: "and its whole genome sequence (29,903 nt)"

- "on the basis of the nucleotide sequences of the whole-genome sequence"

- "the whole-genome sequence of WHCV"

- "which covered almost the whole virus genome"

* / the "whole" does not exist, logically, "almost the whole" does not exist either.

- "Extended Data Fig. 5 Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees of the nucleotide sequences of the whole genome"

Supplementary tables 1-8:

- "designed based on the whole genome of WHCV (MN908947.3)"

- "Primers for entire genome amplification"

GenBank: MN908947.3:

- "Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome"

So, this is not about the existence of a complete genome, but about the existence of a complete construct, and the construct is not a reality. It is especially alarming that almost all virologists in the world observe their results in relation to the reference construct MN908947, which means that almost all virologists are involved in scientific fraud.

It is also shocking and very disturbing that virologists are avoiding the standard method for determining genome length - gel electrophoresis.

I publicly call on the United States and all scientists in the world to publicly reject virology as a science and to remove all virological publications ("viruses" in humans) from the public eye because they are contrary to common sense, violate basic scientific principles and are directed against science.


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Do you know how they created the first coronavirus genome, when there was no reference construct available?

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