It's so incredibly easy to definitely answer this question. I'll show you how. I don't know of anyone who is willing to gather this data so it's important you take the survey if you qualify.
So mine all 3'have autism so.... Ppl don't realize it has probably always been this high 2013 the did the DSv 5 and added other disorders into a spectrum me personally I think they should have looked in to ADHD and maybe reclassify it and add I feel as though ppl don't fully understand that in past generation we was misdignosised I mean why can't they simply explain that when they changed the criteria it made classical autism and all the other disorders 1 and made it too a spectrum me personally I think high and low should be separate because then ppl with low don't always get the treatment they need not because of any other reason but I have a higher and a lower functioning child big difference also verbal and non verbal big difference I wish I could tell everyone it is the DSM to that changed not more people
I think we can see by now, yes. Look at the amish community. No autism, no vaccines. These evil bastards have caused damage beyond belief since the beginning of when they starting mettling in our bodies and causing illnesses and death.
A controversial new study analyzing the data of nine million people has sent shockwaves through the scientific community after proving that Covid mRNA vaccinations are responsible for the global rise in cases of AIDS-like vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS).
Centuries of Evidence Make Damning Case That Vaccines DO Cause Sudden Infant Deaths
"The Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) that was seen worldwide after the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out was so unmistakable that it made the general public see how much their governments had lied to them. What is less known, however, is the link between vaccines and the sudden death of children (euphemistically called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS)," wrote Midwestern Doctor.
The physician highlighted these main points:
• In order to maximize profits, the pharmaceutical industry will often identify vulnerable groups who lack the ability to advocate for themselves and refuse pharmaceutical products.
• When the DPT vaccine was first developed over a century ago, it was tested at Irish orphanages. Recently mass graves of those early test subjects were discovered.
• Since the DPT vaccine hit the market, physicians around the world have observed waves of infant deaths followed its use which were often sudden and inexplicable (along with many other severe side effects).
• Numerous data sources correlate increasing childhood vaccination rates with increasing infant deaths. Those deaths played a key role in creating the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and that forgotten data compromises the majority of this article.
• When the COVID lockdowns happened, vaccine safety activists predicted the lockdowns would lead to an unprecedented drop in infant deaths since children were skipping their vaccines. This ended up being exactly what happened and it was reconfirmed by infant deaths dropping in Florida after the pandemic prompted many parents to begin not vaccinating their children.
Subscribe: Edward Snowden✅ Private.
‘This Is Not Pocket Change’: How Pediatricians Make BIG Money from Pushing Vaccines on Your Kids
“Doctors have been financially incentivized to vaccinate children for a very long time,” wrote osteopathic physician Dr. Joseph Mercola.
“In 2016, Blue Cross Blue Shield paid pediatricians a $400 bonus for each patient that completed ten vaccinations before their second birthday, provided 63% of their patients were fully vaccinated.”
A family physician with a thousand-patient practice could earn well over a $100,000 year-end bonus just from pushing vaccines on children. “So this is not pocket change.”
Yes worse. 274 cases in Pfizer‘s own research papers that they tried to hide for 50 years that got disclosed….273 died in the womb. One was born…then died.
The bio-weapon was constructed by taking a bat pathogen, grafting to it four nucleotide sequences taken from the Indian variant of human HIV-1 that formed its spike protein binding sites and furin cleavage site, then serial-passaging the Frankenstein through humanized ACE2 mice.
According to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the drug industry contributes up to 70% of advertising revenue to media companies. In 2017, the collective stock market capitalization of the drug companies (vaccine manufacturers) exceed $1 trillion. As actor Jim Carrey noted, “A trillion dollars buys a lot of expert opinions. Will it buy you?” Mainly because of these movements, the public became aware of the dangers of vaccines. The lunatic idea of transferring animal diseases to humans to prevent diseases didn’t work. Compulsory vaccination was later repealed in every country because vaccines were found to be useless and poisonous. Several decades later, the drug companies began their mass advertising and marketing campaigns to “educate” the next generation on the benefits of vaccination. Vaccination has been a menace to each generation since 1796."
Join @QJulianassange
VACCINATION proved Useless & Dangerous from forty-five years of registration statistics by Alfred R. Wallace, LL.D.
This is a Free e-book from 1889 curiously written by one of the forefather’s of ‘Scientism’, Alfred Russel Wallace, best known for independently conceiving the theory of evolution jointly published with Charles Darwin.
The book covers 45 years of vaccine FAILURES including an INCREASE in death from other diseases. This book covers the health of the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated.
Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.
More facts about jabs plus websites to do your own research in
What’s the best solution to all this now that many of these things are still running?
Lisa McGee’s (VaxxChoice) Report - What is Disease X? Is there a direct connection to Marburg Virus and SARS CoV2 Coronavirus
In 2018, The WHO reported that the first Disease X could be a transmissible infectious disease caused by a novel coronavirus originated from bats.
The First Disease X is Caused by a Highly Transmissible Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
"On February 9, 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the Blueprint list of priority diseases, including Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), as well as Disease X, for research and development in emergency contexts. Disease X would be a new disease with an epidemic or pandemic potential caused by an unknown pathogen ( emergency-context). At that time, we believed that the first Disease X could be a transmissible infectious disease caused by a novel coronavirus originated from bats. This supposition was based on a live SARS-related coronavirus (SARSr- CoV), designated SARSr-CoV-WIV1, isolated from bat fecal samples in Vero E6 cells
Based on the announcement of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018, the Wuhan pneumonia caused by an unknown etiology should be recognized as the first Disease X. Later, the pathogen was identified to be a novel coronavirus denoted 2019-nCoV, which has 79.5% and 96% whole genome sequence identify to SARS-CoV and bat SARS-related coronavirus (SARSr-CoV-RaTG13), respectively, suggesting its potential bat origin. With high human-to- human transmission rate (R0), 2019-nCoV has quickly spread in China and other countries, resulting in 34,953 confirmed cases and 725 deaths as of 8 February 2020, thus calling for urgent development of therapeutics and prophylactics.
*Here we suggest renaming 2019-nCoV as “transmissible acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (TARS-
CoV)” and briefly review the advancement of research and development of neutralizing antibodies and vaccines targeting the receptor-binding domain (RBD) and viral fusion inhibitors targeting the heptad repeat 1 (HR1) domain in spike protein of 2019-nCoV.”
The significance of WHO’s Vero Cell line “products”
Vero Cell Upstream Bioprocess Development for the Production of Viral Vectors and Vaccines
The Vero cell line is considered the most used continuous cell line for the production of viral vectors and vaccines. Historically, it is the first cell line that was approved by the WHO for the production of human vaccines.
*More evidence of the meticulously organized, pre-mediated plan to implement a series of installments of patented bacterium; destructive by design, to the biological immune system and the cellular system; installed to alter and distort the organic biological processing of cellular energy. These installments are trafficked via the synthetic manmade viruses, pathogens (agents), and “vaccines”.
In 2016 (received for review in 2015) Ralph Baric and team authored, “SARS-like WIV1-CoV Poised for Human Emergence” -
“The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV highlights the continued risk of cross-species transmission leading to epidemic disease. This manuscript describes efforts to extend surveillance beyond sequence analysis, constructing chimeric and full-length zoonotic coronaviruses to evaluate emergence potential. Focusing on SARS-like virus sequences isolated from Chinese horseshoe bats, the results indicate a significant threat posed by WIV1-CoV. Both full-length and chimeric WIV1-CoV readily replicated efficiently in human airway cultures and in vivo, suggesting capability of direct transmission to humans. In addition, while monoclonal antibody treatments prove effective, the SARS-based vaccine approach failed to confer protection. Together, the study indicates an ongoing threat posed by WIV1-related viruses and the need for continued study and surveillance.
Do the Amish have autism? I had heard that the Vietnamese didn't until they agreed to start the vaccines for their children in 2000. Thing is you can't get any info that pertains to that off the net. Read : Crooked. Very well written and footnoted. The Moth and The Iron Lung. a good read about polio.
Contact Dr. Paul Thomas and he will tell you the truth about vaccines.
Dr Paul Thomas is a pediatrician who documented that vaccinated children had more illnesses than those who were not vaccinated. The autism rate in his practice was zero for children who had no vaccines. No journal would publish his data, and his license was revoked.
If doctors do not jab kids, they go out of business.
The evil ones who run this world really, really want you and your kids to take those special jabs.
Outbreaks from zoonotic sources represent a threat to both human disease as well as the global economy. Despite a wealth of metagenomics studies, methods to leverage these datasets to identify future threats are underdeveloped. In this study, we describe an approach that combines existing metagenomics data with reverse genetics to engineer reagents to evaluate emergence and pathogenic potential of circulating zoonotic viruses. Focusing on the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-like viruses, the results indicate that the WIV1-coronavirus (CoV) cluster has the ability to directly infect and may undergo limited transmission in human populations.”
Bat-borne virus diversity, spillover and emergence
Most viral pathogens in humans have animal origins and arose through cross-species transmission. Over the past 50 years, several viruses, including Ebola virus, Marburg virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and SARS-CoV-2, have been linked back to various bat species. A growing list of emergent coronaviruses, including the Swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus, which emerged from horseshoe bats and killed >20,000 pigs and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic further underscores the ongoing threat of bat-borne viral emergence.
*This is VERY important to keep in mind - Marburg virus is a witches' brew (US Military & Additional Gov’t agencies) of a plethora of patented mutated bacterium (human and nonhuman formats/products). These are preprogrammed to have a react ion mechanism with EMF (radiation), and are infused with a massive number of global environmental contaminants. One of the most deceiving, and toxic vehicles for ALL of the above is the powerhouse, Matrix (M) Protein. This is present in Marburg strains; and is present in HIV, Smallpox, TB, Ebola, Dengue, Encephalitis strains, Lassa, Influenza, Covid, SARS CoV(2), and most all "virus-like particles" strains. Virus-like particle strains can include thousands of bacterium; most all patented. (Patents can only be on Man Made things)
All you have us look at the Vaers stastics and note the increase in the number of cases of SID and Autism Specrtum Disorders in conjunction with the increas of vaccinztions given to children!! I rest my case!! It's there in black and white....unless they've "doctored" the figures.
My 4th child is autistic. He, like his siblings, received the childhood vaccines. His siblings are not autistic. However, when he was about 7 months old and breastfeeding, his mother took the Pfizer covid shots. I wonder if that’s what did him in.
Mr. Kirsch, please re-do your calculation. Percent of respondents with children under 10 is 64.3. Percent with autistic children is 11.1. So percent of respondents with children under 10 who have at least one autistic child is 17.26.
A tremendous amount of *honest* research on incidence and causes of autism has already been done. Some parents of autistic kids (like me) could give you helpful shortlists of research reports on causal factors. You could start your reading with C.D. Nevison, Theresa Deisher, Russell Blaylock, Natasha Campbell-McBride, William Walsh, Stephanie Seneff, and Forrest Maready.
I appreciate your work on COVID, Mr. Kirsch. I'm glad to see you working on the autism problem.
I developed "some kind of weird adult-onset autism" (my chiropractor recognized it; she has two Aspie sons) after I lived in vaporizing HgCl for five years courtesy of an exterminator who used Calo-Clor (the old recipe, not the new whitewashed one), a banned commercial fungicide, inside my house to kill carpenter ants. I could make no sense of human communication; if verbal and oral did not match (and they don't, most of the time), I'd walk away thinking people were nuts. (They are, but this was worse.) I was sensitive to chemicals, odours, foods, all forms of wireless radiation and electricity (electro-hyper-sensitivity, EHS), synthetic fabrics, had constant tinnitus/ringing in the ears, systemic Candida hence food sensitivities, fibromyalgia & chronic fatigue, mood swings (calm to crazy in nanoseconds), digestive issues, electrical discharges in my mouth (think chewing on aluminum foil and getting zapped between fillings, but without the aluminum). It took 10 years of chelation and having all my fillings replaced with white stuff, special diet, loads of supplements, etc. just to deal with the physical symptoms. Emotional symptoms started to resolve when I met a tapping practitioner who was willing to learn about Asperger's and the craziness that a 45 year old woman can bring to his practice. I developed compassion for people that I would normally have avoided; who knows what heavy metals they were exposed to, and what that did to them, never mind the usual childhood traumas we all survive somehow. Chelation showed I had 21 heavy metals, some in the severely toxic/dangerous range, some "just" showing on the graph. I know that dentistry with mercury amalgam fillings caused a huge part of my body burden of mercury, as did vaccines: I was given tetanus vax after hurting my hand (pointless, but I worked at a hospital and was behind in vaxes and they got me before I could think about it), and the tinnitus that had all but disappeared with chelation came back so loud I could hardly hear myself think. I emailed the manufacturere and was told it was an "old"vaccine that they hadn't taken off the shelf/modified yet. I told them my problem, and asked why they were killing me and adding years to my therapy. No answer. The company was in Switzerland, supposedly the "neutral" country during WWII. No one is neutral.
When I retired at 55 for health reasons, I returned to university and investigated mercury sources. Prepare to terrify yourself: it was used in concrete, Dove soap, pesticides (Raid House & Garden which my father used on the rose bushes below my bedroom window), vaccines as thimerosal/merthiolate, dentistry (more dentists commit suicide than any other health professional; more dental assistants produce dead or deformed babies than any other health professional); and hundreds of other household products we use daily.
*Please note: this list is only a small number of examples. Matrix M Protein is present as an ingredient in almost ALL viruses on the CDC/WHO Bioweapon list. “Marburg strains” are consistently present with one of the one most heinous of mutated zoonotic manmade (patented) Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV). VSV is a patented virus/agent that is present in a several “vaccines”.
Matrix-MTM Adjuvant Induces Local Recruitment, Activation and Maturation of Central Immune Cells in Absence of Antigen
Saponin-based adjuvants are widely used to enhance humoral and cellular immune responses towards vaccine antigens, although it is not yet completely known how they mediate their stimulatory effects. The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of action of adjuvant Matrix-MTM without antigen and Alum was used as reference adjuvant. Adjuvant Matrix-MTM is comprised of 40 nm nanoparticles composed of Quillaja saponins, cholesterol and phospholipid.
*Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is a nonsegmented negative-strand RNA virus, which belongs to the family
of Rhabdoviridae. Genetically engineered VSV expressing foreign antigens have been widely used as vector vaccines for protection against several human and animal pathogens
Abstract The key player to assemble the filamentous Marburg virus particles is the matrix protein VP40 which orchestrates recruitment of nucleocapsid complexes and the viral glycoprotein GP to the budding sites at the plasma membrane. Here, VP40 induces the formation of the viral particles, determines their morphology and excludes cellular proteins from the virions.
Optimized intramuscular immunization with VSV-vectored spike protein triggers a superior immune response to SARS-CoV-2
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is a non-segmented negative-strand RNA virus, which belongs to the family
of Rhabdoviridae. Genetically engineered VSV expressing foreign antigens have been widely used as vector vaccines for protection against several human and animal pathogens
Atomic Model of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus and Mechanism of Assembly -
Like other negative-strand RNA viruses (NSVs) such as influenza and rabies, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) has a three- layered organization: a layer of matrix protein (M) resides between the glycoprotein (G)-studded membrane envelope and the nucleocapsid, which is composed of the nucleocapsid protein (N) and the encapsulated genomic RNA.
The Propagation, Quantification, and Storage of Vesicular Stomatitis (VSV)
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is an enveloped, non-segmented, negative-sense RNA virus belonging to the Rhabdoviridae family. Its genome (~11-kB in length) encodes five proteins: the surface glycoprotein (G), the matrix protein (M), the nucleocapsid protein (N), the phosphoprotein (P), and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (L) (Wagner & Rose, 1996). The virus was first isolated in 1925 and has a broad host range that includes horses, cattle, swine, sand flies, grasshoppers, rodents, and humans. Infected horses, cattle and pigs can develop oral vesicular epithelial lesions (Simon, van Rooijen, & Rose, 2010).
*Critically important information on the WHO/CDC Influenza Surveillance Partnership
Due to the alarming scientific data, we are arriving to the very logical theory that the “owners” goal is to convert us into the very bioweapons they pretend to be protecting us from. This is a logical conclusion based on the evidence of the horrific ingredients and the premeditated destruction that these manmade bacterium, viruses, and jabs cause to humanity; as well as the financial component, that all of humanity have become the perpetual victims in the supply and demand chain. Additionally, it appears, with the Global One Health Initiatives; and the takeover, managing and surveillance of the "threat of the bioweapons" by the WHO, UN, WEF, DOD, State Department, HHS, etc., and all global minions; what this essential means is that they have literally, by design, and thru global legislation, created the master system
of conversion, and control, and are implementing it and showing us that "humanity" is actually the threat. The legislation has nothing to with protecting us, it is against us.
The newly transformed WHO/CDC Surveillance Network Database, which is a digitalized system proves this. The “owners” have converted us into the very threat that they are validating to control, and monitor thru surveillance. They do not view us as humans - they are converting humanity, and breeding a society of very controlled and monitored “human viruses”. One only needs to browse thru the newly updated CDC/WHO Influenza Surveillance Database website, and all that it encompasses. This elaborate database/network represents the technology that the owners have meticulously planned. THIS is the actual architectural blueprint of the compartmentalized/digitalized vision they have of humanity; and how ‘the owners’ recognize/view us. Human being are now cataloged, and disseminated by the implementation of surveillance by way of viruses, vaccines, pathogens/agents. The WHO has become another supercomputer machine. The WHO owned Vero Cells, which have been mutated and genetically modified to react and activate as electrical bacterium/parasites (viruses/vaccines). These electrical bacterium products are “employees” and they are programmed with responsibilities; they are the surveillance antennas (WBANS). Coronaviruses (SARS CoV2) are strategic updates to the software for these supercomputers (WHO, IBM, and Microsoft, etc.).
"Heath Information and Intelligence platform (HIIP) for the WHO Western Pacific Region" is a link that is not accessible on the webpage. This is the U.S. newly formed agency within the State Department that is in partnership with the WHO.
Federal Register/Vol. 89, No. 6/Tuesday, January 9, 2024/Rules and Regulations DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES
Office of the Secretary
45 CFR Parts 170, 171 RIN 0955–AA03
Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Certification Program Updates, Algorithm Transparency, and Information Sharing
AGENCY: Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). ACTION: Final rule.
United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI)
The United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) is a standardized set of health data classes and constituent data elements for nationwide, interoperable health information exchange. Review the USCDI Fact Sheet to learn more.
CDC National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS)
The CDC will be updating the below Surveillance System, which will work in tandem with the newly released WHO/CDC partnership in ‘Global Influenza Surveillance Network. Toxic ingredients that have been forced on us are programmed with many responsibilities - surveillance is one of them.
*Attention: At the time the reports were written, all links/websites were accessible. In the event they have been disabled, that is beyond our ability to provide. The suggestion is to copy the link and paste directly into search bar. Thank you kindly.
So mine all 3'have autism so.... Ppl don't realize it has probably always been this high 2013 the did the DSv 5 and added other disorders into a spectrum me personally I think they should have looked in to ADHD and maybe reclassify it and add I feel as though ppl don't fully understand that in past generation we was misdignosised I mean why can't they simply explain that when they changed the criteria it made classical autism and all the other disorders 1 and made it too a spectrum me personally I think high and low should be separate because then ppl with low don't always get the treatment they need not because of any other reason but I have a higher and a lower functioning child big difference also verbal and non verbal big difference I wish I could tell everyone it is the DSM to that changed not more people
I think we can see by now, yes. Look at the amish community. No autism, no vaccines. These evil bastards have caused damage beyond belief since the beginning of when they starting mettling in our bodies and causing illnesses and death.
Steve I shared it in my support group as well as to two mom groups.
Is it believed to be caused by systemic inflammation? I've also read that 'leaky gut' drives autism symptoms.
How will these childeren be taken care of when the parents are no longer here?!po=28.1746
Then kids Amish no vax n no autism. video of injuries by vax of children hidden by Pfizer
A controversial new study analyzing the data of nine million people has sent shockwaves through the scientific community after proving that Covid mRNA vaccinations are responsible for the global rise in cases of AIDS-like vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS).
More Proof vaccines harm children.
Centuries of Evidence Make Damning Case That Vaccines DO Cause Sudden Infant Deaths
"The Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) that was seen worldwide after the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out was so unmistakable that it made the general public see how much their governments had lied to them. What is less known, however, is the link between vaccines and the sudden death of children (euphemistically called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS)," wrote Midwestern Doctor.
The physician highlighted these main points:
• In order to maximize profits, the pharmaceutical industry will often identify vulnerable groups who lack the ability to advocate for themselves and refuse pharmaceutical products.
• When the DPT vaccine was first developed over a century ago, it was tested at Irish orphanages. Recently mass graves of those early test subjects were discovered.
• Since the DPT vaccine hit the market, physicians around the world have observed waves of infant deaths followed its use which were often sudden and inexplicable (along with many other severe side effects).
• Numerous data sources correlate increasing childhood vaccination rates with increasing infant deaths. Those deaths played a key role in creating the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and that forgotten data compromises the majority of this article.
• When the COVID lockdowns happened, vaccine safety activists predicted the lockdowns would lead to an unprecedented drop in infant deaths since children were skipping their vaccines. This ended up being exactly what happened and it was reconfirmed by infant deaths dropping in Florida after the pandemic prompted many parents to begin not vaccinating their children.
Subscribe: Edward Snowden✅ Private.
‘This Is Not Pocket Change’: How Pediatricians Make BIG Money from Pushing Vaccines on Your Kids
“Doctors have been financially incentivized to vaccinate children for a very long time,” wrote osteopathic physician Dr. Joseph Mercola.
“In 2016, Blue Cross Blue Shield paid pediatricians a $400 bonus for each patient that completed ten vaccinations before their second birthday, provided 63% of their patients were fully vaccinated.”
A family physician with a thousand-patient practice could earn well over a $100,000 year-end bonus just from pushing vaccines on children. “So this is not pocket change.”
Join 👉 @DrPaulMarik child detoxed of heavy metals removes autism
Yes worse. 274 cases in Pfizer‘s own research papers that they tried to hide for 50 years that got disclosed….273 died in the womb. One was born…then died. in vax to kill.¤tTweetUser=SpartaJustice
Many facts by experts calling for criminal charges
Also zoo animals vaccinated for Covid died suddenly.
Journal Rejects Request to Retract Study Suggesting Negative COVID Vaccine Effectiveness | The Epoch Times
Some important info: dr Charles hoffe free detox methods from spike n shedders
We are all the targets of a global genocide.
It is being carried out with laboratory-originated strategic biological weapons of mass destruction.
Our own governments created these bio-weapons.
Then they told us to inject more bio-weapons, to be safe from their bio-weapons.
The bio-weapon was constructed by taking a bat pathogen, grafting to it four nucleotide sequences taken from the Indian variant of human HIV-1 that formed its spike protein binding sites and furin cleavage site, then serial-passaging the Frankenstein through humanized ACE2 mice.
Alteration of the human genome.
Inheritability of that alteration. (Children will inherit it from parents.)
Stem cell damage likely making the alteration irreversible.
Canada 🇨🇦🔥🪖 Let's Talk
According to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the drug industry contributes up to 70% of advertising revenue to media companies. In 2017, the collective stock market capitalization of the drug companies (vaccine manufacturers) exceed $1 trillion. As actor Jim Carrey noted, “A trillion dollars buys a lot of expert opinions. Will it buy you?” Mainly because of these movements, the public became aware of the dangers of vaccines. The lunatic idea of transferring animal diseases to humans to prevent diseases didn’t work. Compulsory vaccination was later repealed in every country because vaccines were found to be useless and poisonous. Several decades later, the drug companies began their mass advertising and marketing campaigns to “educate” the next generation on the benefits of vaccination. Vaccination has been a menace to each generation since 1796."
Join @QJulianassange
VACCINATION proved Useless & Dangerous from forty-five years of registration statistics by Alfred R. Wallace, LL.D.
This is a Free e-book from 1889 curiously written by one of the forefather’s of ‘Scientism’, Alfred Russel Wallace, best known for independently conceiving the theory of evolution jointly published with Charles Darwin.
The book covers 45 years of vaccine FAILURES including an INCREASE in death from other diseases. This book covers the health of the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated.
Download link:
🇨🇦PCN |
Here you go. Ignorance is bliss.
Vaccines caused autism here in this federal court case
And here page 2
And here -
Here are 83 cases reviewed by lawyers
Oh look here's a dead kid compensated
If you ever need a lawyer
Here are 127 separate studies linking vaccines and autism.
Read this about Hannah Brusewitz case and how she was harmed by DTP
Supreme Court Unavoidably Unsafe
A dose-response relationship between organic mercury exposure from thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.
Is infant immunization a risk factor for childhood asthma or allergy?
Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?
Infection, vaccines and other environmental triggers of autoimmunity.
DTP with or after measles vaccination is associated with increased in-hospital mortality in Guinea-Bissau.
Measles outbreak in a vaccinated school population: epidemiology, chains of transmission and the role of vaccine failures.
A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.
Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002.
Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism.
The plausibility of a role for mercury in the etiology of autism: a cellular perspective
Detection of RNA of Mumps Virus during an Outbreak in a Population with a High Level of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine Coverage
A case series of children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders.
Dogs vaccinated live less and are sicker:
More facts about jabs plus websites to do your own research in
What’s the best solution to all this now that many of these things are still running?
Lisa McGee’s (VaxxChoice) Report - What is Disease X? Is there a direct connection to Marburg Virus and SARS CoV2 Coronavirus
In 2018, The WHO reported that the first Disease X could be a transmissible infectious disease caused by a novel coronavirus originated from bats.
The First Disease X is Caused by a Highly Transmissible Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
"On February 9, 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the Blueprint list of priority diseases, including Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), as well as Disease X, for research and development in emergency contexts. Disease X would be a new disease with an epidemic or pandemic potential caused by an unknown pathogen ( emergency-context). At that time, we believed that the first Disease X could be a transmissible infectious disease caused by a novel coronavirus originated from bats. This supposition was based on a live SARS-related coronavirus (SARSr- CoV), designated SARSr-CoV-WIV1, isolated from bat fecal samples in Vero E6 cells
Based on the announcement of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018, the Wuhan pneumonia caused by an unknown etiology should be recognized as the first Disease X. Later, the pathogen was identified to be a novel coronavirus denoted 2019-nCoV, which has 79.5% and 96% whole genome sequence identify to SARS-CoV and bat SARS-related coronavirus (SARSr-CoV-RaTG13), respectively, suggesting its potential bat origin. With high human-to- human transmission rate (R0), 2019-nCoV has quickly spread in China and other countries, resulting in 34,953 confirmed cases and 725 deaths as of 8 February 2020, thus calling for urgent development of therapeutics and prophylactics.
*Here we suggest renaming 2019-nCoV as “transmissible acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (TARS-
CoV)” and briefly review the advancement of research and development of neutralizing antibodies and vaccines targeting the receptor-binding domain (RBD) and viral fusion inhibitors targeting the heptad repeat 1 (HR1) domain in spike protein of 2019-nCoV.”
The significance of WHO’s Vero Cell line “products”
Vero Cell Upstream Bioprocess Development for the Production of Viral Vectors and Vaccines
The Vero cell line is considered the most used continuous cell line for the production of viral vectors and vaccines. Historically, it is the first cell line that was approved by the WHO for the production of human vaccines.
*More evidence of the meticulously organized, pre-mediated plan to implement a series of installments of patented bacterium; destructive by design, to the biological immune system and the cellular system; installed to alter and distort the organic biological processing of cellular energy. These installments are trafficked via the synthetic manmade viruses, pathogens (agents), and “vaccines”.
In 2016 (received for review in 2015) Ralph Baric and team authored, “SARS-like WIV1-CoV Poised for Human Emergence” -
“The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV highlights the continued risk of cross-species transmission leading to epidemic disease. This manuscript describes efforts to extend surveillance beyond sequence analysis, constructing chimeric and full-length zoonotic coronaviruses to evaluate emergence potential. Focusing on SARS-like virus sequences isolated from Chinese horseshoe bats, the results indicate a significant threat posed by WIV1-CoV. Both full-length and chimeric WIV1-CoV readily replicated efficiently in human airway cultures and in vivo, suggesting capability of direct transmission to humans. In addition, while monoclonal antibody treatments prove effective, the SARS-based vaccine approach failed to confer protection. Together, the study indicates an ongoing threat posed by WIV1-related viruses and the need for continued study and surveillance.
vaxed 1. cdc hid the link pulled from a filmfesival. cant find vaxed 1 on line parma power. $$$$
Thank you for doing this
I say the same.
Do the Amish have autism? I had heard that the Vietnamese didn't until they agreed to start the vaccines for their children in 2000. Thing is you can't get any info that pertains to that off the net. Read : Crooked. Very well written and footnoted. The Moth and The Iron Lung. a good read about polio.
Contact Dr. Paul Thomas and he will tell you the truth about vaccines.
Dr Paul Thomas is a pediatrician who documented that vaccinated children had more illnesses than those who were not vaccinated. The autism rate in his practice was zero for children who had no vaccines. No journal would publish his data, and his license was revoked.
If doctors do not jab kids, they go out of business.
The evil ones who run this world really, really want you and your kids to take those special jabs.
Just more science on jabs:
Outbreaks from zoonotic sources represent a threat to both human disease as well as the global economy. Despite a wealth of metagenomics studies, methods to leverage these datasets to identify future threats are underdeveloped. In this study, we describe an approach that combines existing metagenomics data with reverse genetics to engineer reagents to evaluate emergence and pathogenic potential of circulating zoonotic viruses. Focusing on the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-like viruses, the results indicate that the WIV1-coronavirus (CoV) cluster has the ability to directly infect and may undergo limited transmission in human populations.”
Bat-borne virus diversity, spillover and emergence
Most viral pathogens in humans have animal origins and arose through cross-species transmission. Over the past 50 years, several viruses, including Ebola virus, Marburg virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and SARS-CoV-2, have been linked back to various bat species. A growing list of emergent coronaviruses, including the Swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus, which emerged from horseshoe bats and killed >20,000 pigs and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic further underscores the ongoing threat of bat-borne viral emergence.
Bats as reservoirs of severe emerging infectious diseases - 2015
"Currently, bats have been considered to be natural reservoirs of SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, NiV, HeV, Ebola virus, and Marburg viruses."
*Marburg virus connection to “SARS -Like viruses”
*This is VERY important to keep in mind - Marburg virus is a witches' brew (US Military & Additional Gov’t agencies) of a plethora of patented mutated bacterium (human and nonhuman formats/products). These are preprogrammed to have a react ion mechanism with EMF (radiation), and are infused with a massive number of global environmental contaminants. One of the most deceiving, and toxic vehicles for ALL of the above is the powerhouse, Matrix (M) Protein. This is present in Marburg strains; and is present in HIV, Smallpox, TB, Ebola, Dengue, Encephalitis strains, Lassa, Influenza, Covid, SARS CoV(2), and most all "virus-like particles" strains. Virus-like particle strains can include thousands of bacterium; most all patented. (Patents can only be on Man Made things)
call robert de nero. 2 kids he knows vaxed 1was his. film
All you have us look at the Vaers stastics and note the increase in the number of cases of SID and Autism Specrtum Disorders in conjunction with the increas of vaccinztions given to children!! I rest my case!! It's there in black and white....unless they've "doctored" the figures.
My 4th child is autistic. He, like his siblings, received the childhood vaccines. His siblings are not autistic. However, when he was about 7 months old and breastfeeding, his mother took the Pfizer covid shots. I wonder if that’s what did him in.
sinthetic. dna
Mr. Kirsch, please re-do your calculation. Percent of respondents with children under 10 is 64.3. Percent with autistic children is 11.1. So percent of respondents with children under 10 who have at least one autistic child is 17.26.
A tremendous amount of *honest* research on incidence and causes of autism has already been done. Some parents of autistic kids (like me) could give you helpful shortlists of research reports on causal factors. You could start your reading with C.D. Nevison, Theresa Deisher, Russell Blaylock, Natasha Campbell-McBride, William Walsh, Stephanie Seneff, and Forrest Maready.
I appreciate your work on COVID, Mr. Kirsch. I'm glad to see you working on the autism problem.
I developed "some kind of weird adult-onset autism" (my chiropractor recognized it; she has two Aspie sons) after I lived in vaporizing HgCl for five years courtesy of an exterminator who used Calo-Clor (the old recipe, not the new whitewashed one), a banned commercial fungicide, inside my house to kill carpenter ants. I could make no sense of human communication; if verbal and oral did not match (and they don't, most of the time), I'd walk away thinking people were nuts. (They are, but this was worse.) I was sensitive to chemicals, odours, foods, all forms of wireless radiation and electricity (electro-hyper-sensitivity, EHS), synthetic fabrics, had constant tinnitus/ringing in the ears, systemic Candida hence food sensitivities, fibromyalgia & chronic fatigue, mood swings (calm to crazy in nanoseconds), digestive issues, electrical discharges in my mouth (think chewing on aluminum foil and getting zapped between fillings, but without the aluminum). It took 10 years of chelation and having all my fillings replaced with white stuff, special diet, loads of supplements, etc. just to deal with the physical symptoms. Emotional symptoms started to resolve when I met a tapping practitioner who was willing to learn about Asperger's and the craziness that a 45 year old woman can bring to his practice. I developed compassion for people that I would normally have avoided; who knows what heavy metals they were exposed to, and what that did to them, never mind the usual childhood traumas we all survive somehow. Chelation showed I had 21 heavy metals, some in the severely toxic/dangerous range, some "just" showing on the graph. I know that dentistry with mercury amalgam fillings caused a huge part of my body burden of mercury, as did vaccines: I was given tetanus vax after hurting my hand (pointless, but I worked at a hospital and was behind in vaxes and they got me before I could think about it), and the tinnitus that had all but disappeared with chelation came back so loud I could hardly hear myself think. I emailed the manufacturere and was told it was an "old"vaccine that they hadn't taken off the shelf/modified yet. I told them my problem, and asked why they were killing me and adding years to my therapy. No answer. The company was in Switzerland, supposedly the "neutral" country during WWII. No one is neutral.
When I retired at 55 for health reasons, I returned to university and investigated mercury sources. Prepare to terrify yourself: it was used in concrete, Dove soap, pesticides (Raid House & Garden which my father used on the rose bushes below my bedroom window), vaccines as thimerosal/merthiolate, dentistry (more dentists commit suicide than any other health professional; more dental assistants produce dead or deformed babies than any other health professional); and hundreds of other household products we use daily.
"They" know, and they lie.
I fully relate
Also just want to get info onto this chat:
*Please note: this list is only a small number of examples. Matrix M Protein is present as an ingredient in almost ALL viruses on the CDC/WHO Bioweapon list. “Marburg strains” are consistently present with one of the one most heinous of mutated zoonotic manmade (patented) Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV). VSV is a patented virus/agent that is present in a several “vaccines”.
Matrix-MTM Adjuvant Induces Local Recruitment, Activation and Maturation of Central Immune Cells in Absence of Antigen
Saponin-based adjuvants are widely used to enhance humoral and cellular immune responses towards vaccine antigens, although it is not yet completely known how they mediate their stimulatory effects. The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of action of adjuvant Matrix-MTM without antigen and Alum was used as reference adjuvant. Adjuvant Matrix-MTM is comprised of 40 nm nanoparticles composed of Quillaja saponins, cholesterol and phospholipid.
*Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is a nonsegmented negative-strand RNA virus, which belongs to the family
of Rhabdoviridae. Genetically engineered VSV expressing foreign antigens have been widely used as vector vaccines for protection against several human and animal pathogens
Patent: Methods for producing Marburg virus proteins
Current Assignee US Department of Army
Example #1
Analysis of Protein Products Synthesized After Infection of Vero Cells with VEE replicons that Expressed MBGV Proteins.
Assembly of the Marburg Virus Envelope -
Abstract The key player to assemble the filamentous Marburg virus particles is the matrix protein VP40 which orchestrates recruitment of nucleocapsid complexes and the viral glycoprotein GP to the budding sites at the plasma membrane. Here, VP40 induces the formation of the viral particles, determines their morphology and excludes cellular proteins from the virions.
Marburg Vaccine Shows promising results in First-in-Human Study
Whole-Genome Sequencing of Vero E6 (VERO C1008) and Comparative Analysis of Four Vero Cell Sublines
Optimized intramuscular immunization with VSV-vectored spike protein triggers a superior immune response to SARS-CoV-2
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is a non-segmented negative-strand RNA virus, which belongs to the family
of Rhabdoviridae. Genetically engineered VSV expressing foreign antigens have been widely used as vector vaccines for protection against several human and animal pathogens
Atomic Model of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus and Mechanism of Assembly -
Like other negative-strand RNA viruses (NSVs) such as influenza and rabies, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) has a three- layered organization: a layer of matrix protein (M) resides between the glycoprotein (G)-studded membrane envelope and the nucleocapsid, which is composed of the nucleocapsid protein (N) and the encapsulated genomic RNA.
The Propagation, Quantification, and Storage of Vesicular Stomatitis (VSV)
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is an enveloped, non-segmented, negative-sense RNA virus belonging to the Rhabdoviridae family. Its genome (~11-kB in length) encodes five proteins: the surface glycoprotein (G), the matrix protein (M), the nucleocapsid protein (N), the phosphoprotein (P), and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (L) (Wagner & Rose, 1996). The virus was first isolated in 1925 and has a broad host range that includes horses, cattle, swine, sand flies, grasshoppers, rodents, and humans. Infected horses, cattle and pigs can develop oral vesicular epithelial lesions (Simon, van Rooijen, & Rose, 2010).
Federal Register/Vol. 89, No. 5/Monday, January 8, 2024/Notices
National Institutes of Health
Government-Owned Inventions; Availability for Licensing
Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV)-Based Vaccine Against Sudan Virus licensing
*Critically important information on the WHO/CDC Influenza Surveillance Partnership
Due to the alarming scientific data, we are arriving to the very logical theory that the “owners” goal is to convert us into the very bioweapons they pretend to be protecting us from. This is a logical conclusion based on the evidence of the horrific ingredients and the premeditated destruction that these manmade bacterium, viruses, and jabs cause to humanity; as well as the financial component, that all of humanity have become the perpetual victims in the supply and demand chain. Additionally, it appears, with the Global One Health Initiatives; and the takeover, managing and surveillance of the "threat of the bioweapons" by the WHO, UN, WEF, DOD, State Department, HHS, etc., and all global minions; what this essential means is that they have literally, by design, and thru global legislation, created the master system
of conversion, and control, and are implementing it and showing us that "humanity" is actually the threat. The legislation has nothing to with protecting us, it is against us.
The newly transformed WHO/CDC Surveillance Network Database, which is a digitalized system proves this. The “owners” have converted us into the very threat that they are validating to control, and monitor thru surveillance. They do not view us as humans - they are converting humanity, and breeding a society of very controlled and monitored “human viruses”. One only needs to browse thru the newly updated CDC/WHO Influenza Surveillance Database website, and all that it encompasses. This elaborate database/network represents the technology that the owners have meticulously planned. THIS is the actual architectural blueprint of the compartmentalized/digitalized vision they have of humanity; and how ‘the owners’ recognize/view us. Human being are now cataloged, and disseminated by the implementation of surveillance by way of viruses, vaccines, pathogens/agents. The WHO has become another supercomputer machine. The WHO owned Vero Cells, which have been mutated and genetically modified to react and activate as electrical bacterium/parasites (viruses/vaccines). These electrical bacterium products are “employees” and they are programmed with responsibilities; they are the surveillance antennas (WBANS). Coronaviruses (SARS CoV2) are strategic updates to the software for these supercomputers (WHO, IBM, and Microsoft, etc.).
WHO Data Collections
"Heath Information and Intelligence platform (HIIP) for the WHO Western Pacific Region" is a link that is not accessible on the webpage. This is the U.S. newly formed agency within the State Department that is in partnership with the WHO.
Federal Register/Vol. 89, No. 6/Tuesday, January 9, 2024/Rules and Regulations DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES
Office of the Secretary
45 CFR Parts 170, 171 RIN 0955–AA03
Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Certification Program Updates, Algorithm Transparency, and Information Sharing
AGENCY: Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). ACTION: Final rule.
United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI)
The United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) is a standardized set of health data classes and constituent data elements for nationwide, interoperable health information exchange. Review the USCDI Fact Sheet to learn more.
CDC National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS)
The CDC will be updating the below Surveillance System, which will work in tandem with the newly released WHO/CDC partnership in ‘Global Influenza Surveillance Network. Toxic ingredients that have been forced on us are programmed with many responsibilities - surveillance is one of them.
*Attention: At the time the reports were written, all links/websites were accessible. In the event they have been disabled, that is beyond our ability to provide. The suggestion is to copy the link and paste directly into search bar. Thank you kindly.
Yes and other bad outcomes too