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In my personal experience, it does not matter if the academic is at Oxford, Cambridge or Wolverhampton.

They’re equally lacking in intestinal fortitude & just as dependent on Wellcome Trust, BMGF or NIH/NIAID loot. Together those crims Control two thirds of non-commercial biomedical research funding in the world.

That gives those evil bastards unequalled power of influence not only over the individual, cowardly professors but also upon the finance function of each institution.

So even if a professor is a little brave, they’ll get a call from the vice chancellor’s office, warning them “not to bring their department or university into disrepute”.

I’d quit. I’ve quit over less when I needed the money more.

So I despise them.

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We love you Mike. We never have to guess how you really feel.

Any thoughts...


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Well, it’s dreadful that so many who do know roughly what’s happening aren’t opposing it. I genuinely don’t get why not.

I don’t have knowledge of law, but by rights it isn’t difficult to get beyond reasonable doubt.

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I should have added from the Gates Murder Case above that, if I remember correctly, this lawsuit originates from Uttar Pradish who has smashed Covid and reached Heard Immunity without the Vaccine.

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Thank you. My sentiments exactly.

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I'm afraid I have to concur with Dr. Yeadon's overall assessment.

I'm beginning to believe that because the other side is so blatantly and criminally dirty, we want "creative" (ehem) solutions of unprecedented magnitude from people with diverse skill sets. Aka We won't be successful if we continue to play too nice and predictably.

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I have always said that our adversaries are super bright. They will have modelled all likely responses including someone like me. And then worked out a handful of ways to neutralise such threats.

It’s worked, I’m almost neutralised.

Theoretically, success therefore requires us to do things with a chance of working which are not considered likely by our opponents.

That’s why I do stupid things.

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The criminals are controlling the funding -- for journals, academics, doctors. You do not play nice, you lose your job, or your journal, or your research grant... If Elon Musk created an alternative source of funding for research that NIH/FDA/CDC does not like -- that would be GREAT. There is SO MUCH GOOD he can do with that $$, if he only decided to act rather than just tweet smugly.

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really love Elon’s personality... not afraid to toss a Molotov cocktail into the conversation... loved his snub of king Gavin...

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...Elon’s outfits do /have raked in substantial Government funding, subsidized customer purchases... hasn’t he been bought and paid for already?

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That would be music to my ears, though I'm still not sure who Lord Elon really is. I keep hearing about his unusual extracurricular activities, so I'm not sure how serious he is about his ambitions.

Anyway, the long-term objective should be to build an underground coalition of like-minded people in meaningful positions in society, gradually uprooting the opposition. However, I don't believe we have enough time.

So perhaps maybe, "creative" or, maybe more accurately, "naughty" techniques could be handy.

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Neural Link guy, pfft

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When you've worked very hard to get tenured, quitting is unrealistic. But on the other hand, if you have tenure, they cannot kick you out for standing your ground. However, if your identity is built around your ability to get funding, doing something that will cut you off from the funding is career suicide, even if you keep that job... Now, if Elon Musk created an alternative source of funding for those whom NIH does not like, that would be GREAT. Also funding for related legal action. More generally, there is SO MUCH GOOD he can do with that $$, if he only decided to act rather than just tweet smugly. He would be worth a thousand Steves.

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I understand. But the decision isn’t about keeping tenure or not.

If we don’t stand up & take risks, tenure will end anyway. Even assuming you’re not murdered along the way.

Anyone calculating that they’ll let others haul us away from the gates of hell is helping shove us all through those gates.

Of course, if they haven’t worked that out by now, and it doesn’t require an school certificate in biology, their tenure was meaningless. I have no sympathy, only anger.

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Funding has always come with strings attached. Studies could always be squashed by the funders if they did not like the outcome. Corruption has been there long before this pandemic. So it may not look like a qualitatively different situation to the insiders.

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You are coming in hot today Mike! Keep going!

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I must turn in, unfortunately! Early start...

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Maybe a way out will come to you in your sleep.

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