'Sure the Great Canadian Gambler TajProfessor can add a Grand to your bet

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A million here, a million there - pretty soon you're talking real money. :)

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Amazing how unconfident Pfizer & Moderna are to defend their “miracle-vaxx’s”.

What a joke

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I'm glad you are doing this.

I recall you have tried to bet someone before, with no takers. I would think that the sheer size of your bet would attract at least one taker, but apparently no. Very suggestive. As in no one thinks they would win.

If you do win, and I believe you will, how will you publicize it?

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a final note for ya' Steve:


Jeff Childer's describes a study done on the Vax that virtually eviscerates the Covid vax. He likens it to a pair of rabid pit bulls tearing apart an unsuspecting chicken coop.

Oh, yeah.

Maybe an AR15 to lead with for your knife fight with Saar Wills!

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I'd make that bet on all vaccines.

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Guaranteed one of the judges will have been purchased by big pharma, and so their decision will be a tie.

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Nothing better than making the bad guys back down from a small bet.


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How can we get in on the action? Can I add $100 to your bet?

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Oh man! This is going to be epic!

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Excellent, finally a debate 😮‍💨

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How many died because the powers that be pressured doctors and pharmacists to suppress early treatments such as ivermectin and instead, told their patients to stay home and just wait until they got so sick that they needed hospitalization (the kiss of death)?

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My first question is what is Wilf's stake in all of this??? Why would a man risk a million to protect the vaccine narrative??? Peel a few layers and I would venture there is a financial motivation involved. PU.

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And if TWO judges disagree then what? A draw?

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