I don't care about your credentials if your medical claims are proven wrong by scientific data. You were wrong about the COVID-19 pandemic ending in 2020 in the UK.
I don't care about your credentials if your medical claims are proven wrong by scientific data. You were wrong about the COVID-19 pandemic ending in 2020 in the UK.
When I looked at the 'pandemic' data of daily cases as things happened, Australia's pandemic flatlined already by August 2020 and Sweden similarly... following the exact timeline suggested by one of UK's senior virologist, a professor at one of the universities if I recall, from when COVID was announced and before we knew anything what was going on. I can't remember his name, but kind of a bland looking man, and he was interviewed by TV many times and then he disappeared from media and they never approached him again.
He never recommended lockdowns, masks or anything - he actually opposed it and said it would only delay immunity from developing and harm the economy. He said natural immunity would develop in 8-10 months, and people should simply go on as usual but observe more cleanliness and improve lifestyle and vitamin intake to boost their own immunity.
COVID was basically over by August 2020. But they - whoever is the running force behind this (which seem to be tied in with the military and the CIA, according to Robert Kennedy) had to ride the wave and create something out of nothing. Made them billions though and allowed them to rob us off our freedom to install surveillance units all across each country, and test how far they could go to install a dictatorial policy. And this year, 2023, is the launch year for government controlled digital currency which decides what you can buy, when you can buy it, from whom you can buy - and if you're not compliant, you can get cut off from all access to be able to sustain yourself. That's where we're heading if people don't object.
You're perfectly correct in your statements:this HAS all been an exercise in advancing a verrrrrry sinister totalitarian agenda. There are FAR too many "synchronicities" that all TOO conveniently dovetail towards a seemingly central theme- CONTROL. Event 201, ID/2020, Operation Lockstep, SPARS, combined with so many of the precedents to them, U.N. Agenda 21/2030, the so called "great" reset/4th industrial revolution, the many "sustainability" goals of the climate catastrophizing propagandists and the utter folly of the pseudo-science that purports to support it. Even the "6uild 6ack 6etter" song & dance, so curiously trumpeted simultaneously & with identical phrasing predates the scam/sham/flim- flamdemic/ damn- panic, plandemic, having previously appeared on "king" Charlie's site (the duchy of Cornwall, I think?) a few years prior. Much, if not ALL of this, can be traced back to, at LEAST 2013, according to the statements made by the whistle blowing ex contracts lawyer for some of the pharmaceutical complex cartels, who, on Redacted news-channel & elsewhere, states that there are a many headed hydra of "twisty-turny" collaborations between big pharma, defence contractors, the many "alphabet" agencies of the intelligence apparatus
& the D.o.D., a large number of said contracts being to do with cross confidentialities, and one of the central, salient motivations for both the installation of the E.U.A.'s & their continued use is that these pseudo-vaccines are NOT inherently regulated applied therapeutic medications, but instead have the designation of "military prototypes" !!
There ARE NO positive therapeutic curative, medicinal, beneficial qualities nor properties within the jab, NONE, & it's quite amazing to watch the likes of Mercurio (Mercury, God of tricksters and liars) & Gonzales continue to utterly ignore the likes of La Quinta Columna's research into the jab via electron microscopy (& that of many others now) SHOWING the clear & irrefutable presence of graphene oxide structures, highly sinister self-assembling nano-matrices & biotechnologies & the
terrifying lil' critters swimming around in there thought to be, or synthetically derive from the Hydra Vulgaris parasite, 🪱,
or the synthetic Hydra Lineaus. One need only GO to the sites of La Quinta Columna or holistichealthonline.com or the documentaries/site/ channel & guests of the likes of Stew Peters, Maria Zee & others. I challenge not merely ☝️those two jokers, but ANY of the jab-happy pharma reps, pro jab policy pushing politicians, or scumbag propagandizing presstitutes in their scumbag propagandizing ooze-papers to even ADDRESS the issue of this now growing body of footage and proofs. Why ARE the jabbed emitting outgoing MAC address Bluetooth signals with seemingly individual identification registration numbers or codes, or even the GRAVES of DEAD jab victims STILL pumpin'
out the signals!!?? Pah! MORE "dumpster dives" of "merely anecdotal" ornamentation, eh fellas? I can't HEAR you? It all just becomes more and MORE horrifying with every passing day now, & according to a growing number of reports, presumably the second that the W.H.O.'s tyrannical alterations to the I.H.R.'s come into place, we should be anticipating the imminent announcement of the NEXT plandemic (hmmm 🤔, something of the 'avian' persuasion, I think? Or....no, wait! Swine! Or.....or.....?).
Hello, Dr, an honor to "speak" with you in this forum. If you have a moment, could flesh out your point (above) about their being no pandemic? Is it because the PCR test was so unreliable, and/or are you just looking at the covid mortality numbers for 2020?
Which peer-reviewed papers demonstrated your claim about COVID-19 not being a pandemic?
What scientific data shows PCR is "fraud"? The rebuttal to the Corman-Drosten paper is wrong. The principle of RT-PCR is to amplify short segments of reverse transcribed cDNA in real-time using primer-probe sets.
RT-qPCR is the gold standard for detecting SARS-CoV-2 in diagnostic tests. Forward and reverse primers flank specific target regions of the viral sequence, working in tandem to initiate amplification of cDNA. Internal, positive, and negative controls have validated specifications. Cycle thresholds (Ct = 45) have specifications based on cut-off values from limit of detection (LOD). N1 has an individual Ct threshold for cut-off of background fluorescence and true signal.
You mean you never read any of the complaints about the constant large percentage of false positives in the COVID tests, including the PCR tests, nor the inventor Kary Mullins complaint that PCR was being misused to detect COVID? Mullims said PCR was only developed for FORENSIC analysis and cannot determine if an infection is active and infectous, or if it's simply dead residues from a past infection years prior? He also said the settings of the test was being misused and making the test excessively sensitive, which was why it would detect past residues that you may have from a cold in your childhood, but that doesn't mean you are spreading any infections.
Are you implying that Mullins was lying about his own invention?
Kary Mullis invented traditional PCR that requires SDS-PAGE gel for visualization. He did not invent real-time RT-qPCR for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics tests. False positive rates are near 0.005 because of optimized primer-probe sets.
Kary Mullis published papers on PCR detecting HIV in 1987: Identification of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Sequences by UsingIn Vitro Enzymatic Amplification
It was endemic at end of 2020 in Britain and it's a coronavirus and the next influenza season brings new ones Including endemic covid and that scary variant that Matt Hancock said when should I deploy to scare people in Dec 2020 was to usher in 2021 bring restrictions and push the vaccine. So fraud on the people crime against humanity using fear. Care to comment on fraud Carlos as fraud is intentional deceptive actions to steal one's rights. Those covid testing sites in Britain were empty. Wonder how they pumped out so many tests in one day with no one at the sites.
I don't care about your credentials if your medical claims are proven wrong by scientific data. You were wrong about the COVID-19 pandemic ending in 2020 in the UK.
There never was a pandemic.
There are dozens of papers demonstrating this.
The heart of the fraud is PCR.
If you seriously think those paid by the perpetrators are suitable judges, all I can say is run & get your booster as you’re doomed.
I no longer care what you think. I’ve done all I can. So you’ll see, won’t you?
When I looked at the 'pandemic' data of daily cases as things happened, Australia's pandemic flatlined already by August 2020 and Sweden similarly... following the exact timeline suggested by one of UK's senior virologist, a professor at one of the universities if I recall, from when COVID was announced and before we knew anything what was going on. I can't remember his name, but kind of a bland looking man, and he was interviewed by TV many times and then he disappeared from media and they never approached him again.
He never recommended lockdowns, masks or anything - he actually opposed it and said it would only delay immunity from developing and harm the economy. He said natural immunity would develop in 8-10 months, and people should simply go on as usual but observe more cleanliness and improve lifestyle and vitamin intake to boost their own immunity.
COVID was basically over by August 2020. But they - whoever is the running force behind this (which seem to be tied in with the military and the CIA, according to Robert Kennedy) had to ride the wave and create something out of nothing. Made them billions though and allowed them to rob us off our freedom to install surveillance units all across each country, and test how far they could go to install a dictatorial policy. And this year, 2023, is the launch year for government controlled digital currency which decides what you can buy, when you can buy it, from whom you can buy - and if you're not compliant, you can get cut off from all access to be able to sustain yourself. That's where we're heading if people don't object.
You're perfectly correct in your statements:this HAS all been an exercise in advancing a verrrrrry sinister totalitarian agenda. There are FAR too many "synchronicities" that all TOO conveniently dovetail towards a seemingly central theme- CONTROL. Event 201, ID/2020, Operation Lockstep, SPARS, combined with so many of the precedents to them, U.N. Agenda 21/2030, the so called "great" reset/4th industrial revolution, the many "sustainability" goals of the climate catastrophizing propagandists and the utter folly of the pseudo-science that purports to support it. Even the "6uild 6ack 6etter" song & dance, so curiously trumpeted simultaneously & with identical phrasing predates the scam/sham/flim- flamdemic/ damn- panic, plandemic, having previously appeared on "king" Charlie's site (the duchy of Cornwall, I think?) a few years prior. Much, if not ALL of this, can be traced back to, at LEAST 2013, according to the statements made by the whistle blowing ex contracts lawyer for some of the pharmaceutical complex cartels, who, on Redacted news-channel & elsewhere, states that there are a many headed hydra of "twisty-turny" collaborations between big pharma, defence contractors, the many "alphabet" agencies of the intelligence apparatus
& the D.o.D., a large number of said contracts being to do with cross confidentialities, and one of the central, salient motivations for both the installation of the E.U.A.'s & their continued use is that these pseudo-vaccines are NOT inherently regulated applied therapeutic medications, but instead have the designation of "military prototypes" !!
There ARE NO positive therapeutic curative, medicinal, beneficial qualities nor properties within the jab, NONE, & it's quite amazing to watch the likes of Mercurio (Mercury, God of tricksters and liars) & Gonzales continue to utterly ignore the likes of La Quinta Columna's research into the jab via electron microscopy (& that of many others now) SHOWING the clear & irrefutable presence of graphene oxide structures, highly sinister self-assembling nano-matrices & biotechnologies & the
terrifying lil' critters swimming around in there thought to be, or synthetically derive from the Hydra Vulgaris parasite, 🪱,
or the synthetic Hydra Lineaus. One need only GO to the sites of La Quinta Columna or holistichealthonline.com or the documentaries/site/ channel & guests of the likes of Stew Peters, Maria Zee & others. I challenge not merely ☝️those two jokers, but ANY of the jab-happy pharma reps, pro jab policy pushing politicians, or scumbag propagandizing presstitutes in their scumbag propagandizing ooze-papers to even ADDRESS the issue of this now growing body of footage and proofs. Why ARE the jabbed emitting outgoing MAC address Bluetooth signals with seemingly individual identification registration numbers or codes, or even the GRAVES of DEAD jab victims STILL pumpin'
out the signals!!?? Pah! MORE "dumpster dives" of "merely anecdotal" ornamentation, eh fellas? I can't HEAR you? It all just becomes more and MORE horrifying with every passing day now, & according to a growing number of reports, presumably the second that the W.H.O.'s tyrannical alterations to the I.H.R.'s come into place, we should be anticipating the imminent announcement of the NEXT plandemic (hmmm 🤔, something of the 'avian' persuasion, I think? Or....no, wait! Swine! Or.....or.....?).
The epidemiological evidence of all causes mortality shows there was no pandemic.
The entire event is fake.
A common winter flu.
Hello, Dr, an honor to "speak" with you in this forum. If you have a moment, could flesh out your point (above) about their being no pandemic? Is it because the PCR test was so unreliable, and/or are you just looking at the covid mortality numbers for 2020?
Which peer-reviewed papers demonstrated your claim about COVID-19 not being a pandemic?
What scientific data shows PCR is "fraud"? The rebuttal to the Corman-Drosten paper is wrong. The principle of RT-PCR is to amplify short segments of reverse transcribed cDNA in real-time using primer-probe sets.
RT-qPCR is the gold standard for detecting SARS-CoV-2 in diagnostic tests. Forward and reverse primers flank specific target regions of the viral sequence, working in tandem to initiate amplification of cDNA. Internal, positive, and negative controls have validated specifications. Cycle thresholds (Ct = 45) have specifications based on cut-off values from limit of detection (LOD). N1 has an individual Ct threshold for cut-off of background fluorescence and true signal.
You mean you never read any of the complaints about the constant large percentage of false positives in the COVID tests, including the PCR tests, nor the inventor Kary Mullins complaint that PCR was being misused to detect COVID? Mullims said PCR was only developed for FORENSIC analysis and cannot determine if an infection is active and infectous, or if it's simply dead residues from a past infection years prior? He also said the settings of the test was being misused and making the test excessively sensitive, which was why it would detect past residues that you may have from a cold in your childhood, but that doesn't mean you are spreading any infections.
Are you implying that Mullins was lying about his own invention?
Kary Mullis invented traditional PCR that requires SDS-PAGE gel for visualization. He did not invent real-time RT-qPCR for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics tests. False positive rates are near 0.005 because of optimized primer-probe sets.
Kary Mullis published papers on PCR detecting HIV in 1987: Identification of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Sequences by UsingIn Vitro Enzymatic Amplification
It was endemic at end of 2020 in Britain and it's a coronavirus and the next influenza season brings new ones Including endemic covid and that scary variant that Matt Hancock said when should I deploy to scare people in Dec 2020 was to usher in 2021 bring restrictions and push the vaccine. So fraud on the people crime against humanity using fear. Care to comment on fraud Carlos as fraud is intentional deceptive actions to steal one's rights. Those covid testing sites in Britain were empty. Wonder how they pumped out so many tests in one day with no one at the sites.
There never was a COVID-19 pandemic.
Excess mortality data since mid-2020 shows that deaths were elevated by over 20%. If not COVID-19, then what is causing excess mortality?
What excess mortality? You witnessed not a singe cough or sniffle for 3 years after November 2019.