Thank you for publishing the data from the Czech Republic, which I drew your attention to.
Given the discussion below, I would like to add other relevant facts that confirm that the so-called "vaccine" is probably behind the problem (Pfizer was most often used in our country).
In the Czech Republic, a rapidly decreasing tendency of births was recorded, especially after 2021.
In the links in the article, you will also find the following statistical data:
According to the Statistical Office, almost 112 thousand children were born in 2021, in 2022 it was already 101 thousand, and in 2023 then 91 thousand children.
The record is evident in 2024, when the lowest birth rate was - 82 thousand children.
That's the fewest births since 1785!
Some of you write that unvaccinated women are perhaps more conservative and and vaccinated women are more likely to be liberal.
The highest vaccination rate was among some professions where it was mandatory (for example, healthcare, military, police, firefighters). I don't think it was divided by liberals and conservatives.
Someone also writes that believers are less vaccinated, but there are few believers in our country.
And if there are believers, in our country they are most often Catholics - and vaccination has been strongly promoted among them (you may have noticed that the Bergoglio also promoted it), so believers are paradoxically vaccinated more than average.
Also consider the following facts:
Throughout the EU, we had a mandatory so-called "Covid passport." This was a vaccination certificate that was required for entry to restaurants, hair salons, theaters, cinemas, gyms, concerts, massages, sports stadiums, etc. It was also mandatory for some workplaces.
The unvaccinated had a hard time, if they wanted to go out for entertainment, sports or to a restaurant. Some people also needed a Covid passport for work. That's why they bought them, which was of course illegal, but for many it was the only solution if they didn't want the vaccine.
There has been a lot of EU Covid passport trading in Europe, so some people who are listed as "vaccinated" are not actually vaccinated. This means that perhaps 10% (?) of women who are listed as "vaccinated" are actually unvaccinated, but their births are listed as "vaccinated."
No one knows how many such women there are, the purchase of fake vaccination passports was illegal, so no one will admit it publicly, but it is generally known that there are many such people.
These women officially listed as "vaccinated," but not actually vaccinated, then further reduce the number of births among vaccinated women.
It is also important to note that a record decline in the birth rate is being recorded in almost all of Europe (the exceptions are countries where the overall numbers are distorted by mass migration), but also in Japan or South Korea - heavily vaccinated countries.
I'm struggling to make the math add up. Simple calculation gives me same 66% damage as Steve. But here is my problem:
If nearly 70% of women suffered two-thirds drop in fertility - then how come the overall grand total births rate only dropped by around 10% (see the graph for Czech - other countries dropped by similar ballpark). Instead I'd expect birthrate to drop by 68% jabbed women × 66% birth reduction = total birthrate drop by 45%. Can someone explain where my reasoning/calculation has gone wrong?
The chart shown is confusing since since it's in a language few of us understand. I'm pretty sure it's showing year over year increases or decreases though.
The numbers down at bottom show the year over year increase for the entire year, as opposed to the dots on the graph that show year over year datapoints for each month.
So a drop of 9% in 2022 means births are 91% of those 2021, another drop of 10% means births in 2023 are 82% of those in 2021, and another drop of 10% means births in 2024 were 73.7% in 2024 of those in 2021 - a cumulative drop of 24.3%.
That matches pretty well with Hana's numbers above.
The main way this could square with "vaccinated" women only having a birth rate 1/3 that of "unvaccinated" women would be if the "unvaccinated" women had an increase in birthrate.
Next, any statistician will tell you that the more educated a woman is, the less likely she will be to have [multiple] children. Poor women, drug abusing women, and high school dropouts fight over who gets to mindlessly crank out precious new lives that will go straight downhill after being born to such women.
Educated women, sane women, and women who planned to one day become a great mother all have fewer children. This has never been about fertility and this has never been a secret.
If you wanted to find a correlation between vaccines and life, notice how vaccinated children (and adults, as it turns out) live longer and are healthier than their less intelligent cohorts who believe vaccines harm.
Here's my post-it-note calcs, based on Steve's post and Hana's comments:
In 2021 there were 112K births in the Czech republic. 875,000 or 67.5% of childbearing age women got "vaccinated" for COVID. If the 32.5% of women who would not get "vaxxed" were typical, they had 112K times 32.5% = 36,382 births.
Note: one should not really assume this! In the US two of the groups with the highest fertility are ultra orthodox Jews and the Amish. They tended not to get the COVID "vaccine".
In addition, women who are home with preschool age kids don't have jobs that will fire them - and those are some of the women who are more likely to give birth. Women with professional jobs are more likely to face a "vaccine" mandate, and women with professional jobs commonly delay childbirth and have fewer or no kids.
In 2023 there were 84,525 births. 36,326 were to the 875K "Vaxxed" women, so they had a fertility rate of 41.5 per thousand. 48,199 were to the 421K "unvaxxed" women, so they had a fertility rate of 114.5 per thousand.
42.5 divided by 114.5 is 0.362, or a 64% drop. So the assertion that there was a 66% drop in fertility is close to my calculations, but that assumption that women were not going to get "vaxxed" had the same fertility as those would get "vaxxed" is a big one.
I do think the COVID "vaccine" has caused a real drop in fertility, but hope it's more along the lines of 15 to 20%.
The drop in fertility is not nearly so bad in the US - but I suspect the drop is being masked by massive illegal immigration. The illegal immigrants go largely uncounted in population estimates, but almost all the babies get born in hospitals and counted.
I wonder what the birthrate will look like in 4 or 5 years if President Trump (and maybe his successor) manage to deport the great majority of illegals and give temporary visas to most of the rest.
I'm struggling to make the math add up. Simple calculation gives me same 66% damage as Steve. But here is my problem:
If nearly 70% of women suffered two-thirds drop in fertility - then how come the overall grand total births rate only dropped by around 10% (see the graph for Czech - other countries dropped by similar ballpark). Instead I'd expect birthrate to drop by 68% jabbed women × 66% birth reduction = total birthrate drop by 45%. Can someone explain where my reasoning/calculation has gone wrong?
That graph is showing a 9 or 10% year over year decrease in birthrates. The cumulative decrease is 24.3% if you assume the decrease is 9%, 10%, and 10% as shown at the bottom of the chart.
The overall drop in births from 2021 to 2024 was about 27%
In order for the "unvaxxed" women to be 3 times as fertile as the "vaxxed" women, the "unvaxxed" women had to have increased their fertility.
Ahhh ok thanks - its compounding year on year over 3+ years giving a (staggering!!) 27% decline relative to 2021.
I think Steve should highlight the overall drop more perhaps - here i was thinking "terrible - birthrate are down by around 10%" when they are actually down by nearly 30% - which is terrifying if that is really the case.
The unvaxxed increasing their fertility sounds hard to explain though - and even harder to believe that's enough to elevated a 45% decline back up to only a 27% decline. I agree something is clearly seriously wrong - but I still can't quite understand how these % numbers add up in a way that makes sense convincingly - there must surely be some additional factors we are missing or not understanding...?
Calling this an "existential crisis" is Fear Porn. I used a Population Simulator and if the Birth Rate was 1 then it would take 500 years for the population of earth to disappear.
Humans are EXTREMELY adaptable. If a country's population is in decline and you had ZERO immigration then
Worker compensation would go UP and the Labor Force Participation rate would INCREASE. Currently, there are TENS of Millions of ABLE bodied adults that are NOT working. Simply putting all those people to work would fulfill the need for workers for a decade or two.
Consumption would DECLINE REDUCING the need for workers to produce. That balancing of the economy would mean there would be NO need for women to reproduce.
I could go on and dispel the "existential" Fear Porn but you get the idea and I probably can't post this anyway.
It's mostly the white people that have wiped themselves out with this clot shot.
The world will go on, but in 200 years or so it will be composed of people who are descendants of people from Latin America, the middle east and Africa.
Vaccine shedding is a nightmare. It’s everywhere. Stay away from the vaccinated like the plague because that’s exactly what they are. They are living, walking, Bioweapon production factories, breathing out their bio weapon all over everyone all the time.
Right. ;< After I and my sister had already had measles, uneventful except being relegated to our grandfather's basement (dark, vitamin A is also said to be helpful; my mother said she'd have gotten us gamma globulin had she known we'd been to a measles party) during our summer vacation, the Weekly Reader said we'd die of measles if we didn't get the vaccine. Rubella and mumps were also rather uneventful. Meningitis from Dhori virus (no vaccine, fwiw - it's an RNA virus, so a vaccine, at least lasting, is impossible) was not so uneventful. I so enjoy the allergies, asthma, etc. earlier DPT and polio vaccines precipitated. Not! No needles! My sister has eczema because of those vaccines.
You are a disgrace and a loyalist. Trump and his loyalist picks are nothing but criminal. When your children die from Rubella or Measles you will see how ignorant you are. The COVID vaccine is not the same as those vaccines. The COVID vaccine had no trial or testing. I know some Americans have memory loss issues so I will remind you. Guess who was President during COVID? Guess who hired Anthony Fauci? Guess who promoted the covid vaccine? That's right DONALD TRUMP.
When your mom or dad cant afford their insulin or blood pressure meds and dies you will see how ignorant you are.
When your son dies because he was drafted into some senseless war with Gaza, Denmark, Panama, Mexico, or Canada because we don't have enough military to spread around all those places Trump is threatening, to do deportations, and keep Americans safe you will see how ignorant you are.
What happened to putting Americans first?
What happened to lowering the cost of groceries?
What happened to peace no wars?
Even Rand Paul is saying NO to all of this because it was all lies to attain the power he needed to turn America into 1940 Germany!!!??
All vaccines are poison. See disease rates for the last 30 years. But either way, the same companies making them, made these Covid bioweapons. If you still trust them then I feel sorry for you.
Thank you for publishing the data from the Czech Republic, which I drew your attention to.
Given the discussion below, I would like to add other relevant facts that confirm that the so-called "vaccine" is probably behind the problem (Pfizer was most often used in our country).
In the Czech Republic, a rapidly decreasing tendency of births was recorded, especially after 2021.
In the links in the article, you will also find the following statistical data:
According to the Statistical Office, almost 112 thousand children were born in 2021, in 2022 it was already 101 thousand, and in 2023 then 91 thousand children.
The record is evident in 2024, when the lowest birth rate was - 82 thousand children.
That's the fewest births since 1785!
Some of you write that unvaccinated women are perhaps more conservative and and vaccinated women are more likely to be liberal.
The highest vaccination rate was among some professions where it was mandatory (for example, healthcare, military, police, firefighters). I don't think it was divided by liberals and conservatives.
Someone also writes that believers are less vaccinated, but there are few believers in our country.
And if there are believers, in our country they are most often Catholics - and vaccination has been strongly promoted among them (you may have noticed that the Bergoglio also promoted it), so believers are paradoxically vaccinated more than average.
Also consider the following facts:
Throughout the EU, we had a mandatory so-called "Covid passport." This was a vaccination certificate that was required for entry to restaurants, hair salons, theaters, cinemas, gyms, concerts, massages, sports stadiums, etc. It was also mandatory for some workplaces.
The unvaccinated had a hard time, if they wanted to go out for entertainment, sports or to a restaurant. Some people also needed a Covid passport for work. That's why they bought them, which was of course illegal, but for many it was the only solution if they didn't want the vaccine.
There has been a lot of EU Covid passport trading in Europe, so some people who are listed as "vaccinated" are not actually vaccinated. This means that perhaps 10% (?) of women who are listed as "vaccinated" are actually unvaccinated, but their births are listed as "vaccinated."
No one knows how many such women there are, the purchase of fake vaccination passports was illegal, so no one will admit it publicly, but it is generally known that there are many such people.
These women officially listed as "vaccinated," but not actually vaccinated, then further reduce the number of births among vaccinated women.
It is also important to note that a record decline in the birth rate is being recorded in almost all of Europe (the exceptions are countries where the overall numbers are distorted by mass migration), but also in Japan or South Korea - heavily vaccinated countries.
Excess deaths are highest in Pfizer/Moderna countries (USA, eu, Australia,..)
Some countries flare falsifying death statistics , for instance Sweden transferred 3000 deaths from 2019 to 2020 in order to make corona look bad
China (sinovac) and Russia (gamleya, Sputnik) are not reporting excess deaths
I'm struggling to make the math add up. Simple calculation gives me same 66% damage as Steve. But here is my problem:
If nearly 70% of women suffered two-thirds drop in fertility - then how come the overall grand total births rate only dropped by around 10% (see the graph for Czech - other countries dropped by similar ballpark). Instead I'd expect birthrate to drop by 68% jabbed women × 66% birth reduction = total birthrate drop by 45%. Can someone explain where my reasoning/calculation has gone wrong?
The chart shown is confusing since since it's in a language few of us understand. I'm pretty sure it's showing year over year increases or decreases though.
The numbers down at bottom show the year over year increase for the entire year, as opposed to the dots on the graph that show year over year datapoints for each month.
So a drop of 9% in 2022 means births are 91% of those 2021, another drop of 10% means births in 2023 are 82% of those in 2021, and another drop of 10% means births in 2024 were 73.7% in 2024 of those in 2021 - a cumulative drop of 24.3%.
That matches pretty well with Hana's numbers above.
The main way this could square with "vaccinated" women only having a birth rate 1/3 that of "unvaccinated" women would be if the "unvaccinated" women had an increase in birthrate.
The nursing home murders were done in many countries to make Covid look lethal.
Yes. The methods they used were
- remdesivir
- ventilators
- midazolam
- morphine
The deadly protocols were adopted by hospitals as guided by "health authorities"
There is no country called “the Czech Republic”.
Next, any statistician will tell you that the more educated a woman is, the less likely she will be to have [multiple] children. Poor women, drug abusing women, and high school dropouts fight over who gets to mindlessly crank out precious new lives that will go straight downhill after being born to such women.
Educated women, sane women, and women who planned to one day become a great mother all have fewer children. This has never been about fertility and this has never been a secret.
If you wanted to find a correlation between vaccines and life, notice how vaccinated children (and adults, as it turns out) live longer and are healthier than their less intelligent cohorts who believe vaccines harm.
Here's my post-it-note calcs, based on Steve's post and Hana's comments:
In 2021 there were 112K births in the Czech republic. 875,000 or 67.5% of childbearing age women got "vaccinated" for COVID. If the 32.5% of women who would not get "vaxxed" were typical, they had 112K times 32.5% = 36,382 births.
Note: one should not really assume this! In the US two of the groups with the highest fertility are ultra orthodox Jews and the Amish. They tended not to get the COVID "vaccine".
In addition, women who are home with preschool age kids don't have jobs that will fire them - and those are some of the women who are more likely to give birth. Women with professional jobs are more likely to face a "vaccine" mandate, and women with professional jobs commonly delay childbirth and have fewer or no kids.
In 2023 there were 84,525 births. 36,326 were to the 875K "Vaxxed" women, so they had a fertility rate of 41.5 per thousand. 48,199 were to the 421K "unvaxxed" women, so they had a fertility rate of 114.5 per thousand.
42.5 divided by 114.5 is 0.362, or a 64% drop. So the assertion that there was a 66% drop in fertility is close to my calculations, but that assumption that women were not going to get "vaxxed" had the same fertility as those would get "vaxxed" is a big one.
I do think the COVID "vaccine" has caused a real drop in fertility, but hope it's more along the lines of 15 to 20%.
The drop in fertility is not nearly so bad in the US - but I suspect the drop is being masked by massive illegal immigration. The illegal immigrants go largely uncounted in population estimates, but almost all the babies get born in hospitals and counted.
I wonder what the birthrate will look like in 4 or 5 years if President Trump (and maybe his successor) manage to deport the great majority of illegals and give temporary visas to most of the rest.
I'm struggling to make the math add up. Simple calculation gives me same 66% damage as Steve. But here is my problem:
If nearly 70% of women suffered two-thirds drop in fertility - then how come the overall grand total births rate only dropped by around 10% (see the graph for Czech - other countries dropped by similar ballpark). Instead I'd expect birthrate to drop by 68% jabbed women × 66% birth reduction = total birthrate drop by 45%. Can someone explain where my reasoning/calculation has gone wrong?
That graph is showing a 9 or 10% year over year decrease in birthrates. The cumulative decrease is 24.3% if you assume the decrease is 9%, 10%, and 10% as shown at the bottom of the chart.
The overall drop in births from 2021 to 2024 was about 27%
In order for the "unvaxxed" women to be 3 times as fertile as the "vaxxed" women, the "unvaxxed" women had to have increased their fertility.
Ahhh ok thanks - its compounding year on year over 3+ years giving a (staggering!!) 27% decline relative to 2021.
I think Steve should highlight the overall drop more perhaps - here i was thinking "terrible - birthrate are down by around 10%" when they are actually down by nearly 30% - which is terrifying if that is really the case.
The unvaxxed increasing their fertility sounds hard to explain though - and even harder to believe that's enough to elevated a 45% decline back up to only a 27% decline. I agree something is clearly seriously wrong - but I still can't quite understand how these % numbers add up in a way that makes sense convincingly - there must surely be some additional factors we are missing or not understanding...?
Calling this an "existential crisis" is Fear Porn. I used a Population Simulator and if the Birth Rate was 1 then it would take 500 years for the population of earth to disappear.
Humans are EXTREMELY adaptable. If a country's population is in decline and you had ZERO immigration then
Worker compensation would go UP and the Labor Force Participation rate would INCREASE. Currently, there are TENS of Millions of ABLE bodied adults that are NOT working. Simply putting all those people to work would fulfill the need for workers for a decade or two.
Consumption would DECLINE REDUCING the need for workers to produce. That balancing of the economy would mean there would be NO need for women to reproduce.
I could go on and dispel the "existential" Fear Porn but you get the idea and I probably can't post this anyway.
It's mostly the white people that have wiped themselves out with this clot shot.
The world will go on, but in 200 years or so it will be composed of people who are descendants of people from Latin America, the middle east and Africa.
This is stupid -- NOT a scientific blind study. It could be that women who want children tend to refuse vaccination.
Note the drop in birth rates after the 2009 Swine flu Vaccinations. Sure makes you wonder.
(fixed typo)
I will help you make a pureblood baby.
Is there any way to tell the vaccination levels of the vaccinated who gave birth?
Ie, did they have one, two, or three+?
This is so important for a multitude of obvious reasons
Vaccine shedding is a nightmare. It’s everywhere. Stay away from the vaccinated like the plague because that’s exactly what they are. They are living, walking, Bioweapon production factories, breathing out their bio weapon all over everyone all the time.
I'm sceptical about this, but open to the idea. Someone with one vaccine for example, how much can they be shedding by now, years later.
It seems to be a very useful way to divide us all too.
Shedding is a Pfizer trolling
2023: Study finds correlation between COVID-19 vaccines and plummeting birth rates in Europe, Australia and Asia
82% Pregnant Women Getting COVID Vaccine have Miscarriages – More than the Abortion Pill.
Birth rates plummeting in the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Taiwan — 9 months after mass Covid vaccinations?
2025: Czech Republic: Women who are covid vaccinated are 66% less likely to give birth
highest vaccinated Counties of Hungary have the worst drop in birth rates in 2022
Are there any plausible confounding variables?
Like traditional women eschewed the vaccines and are the only ones nowadays trying to have a baby?
The COVID VACCINE IS NOT THE SAME AS THE VACCINE WE TAKE AS CHILDREN. We take them so we don't die off Measles, mumps, Rubella, meningitis, etc...
Don't be stupid
All vaccines are poison. All.
Right. ;< After I and my sister had already had measles, uneventful except being relegated to our grandfather's basement (dark, vitamin A is also said to be helpful; my mother said she'd have gotten us gamma globulin had she known we'd been to a measles party) during our summer vacation, the Weekly Reader said we'd die of measles if we didn't get the vaccine. Rubella and mumps were also rather uneventful. Meningitis from Dhori virus (no vaccine, fwiw - it's an RNA virus, so a vaccine, at least lasting, is impossible) was not so uneventful. I so enjoy the allergies, asthma, etc. earlier DPT and polio vaccines precipitated. Not! No needles! My sister has eczema because of those vaccines.
You are a disgrace and a loyalist. Trump and his loyalist picks are nothing but criminal. When your children die from Rubella or Measles you will see how ignorant you are. The COVID vaccine is not the same as those vaccines. The COVID vaccine had no trial or testing. I know some Americans have memory loss issues so I will remind you. Guess who was President during COVID? Guess who hired Anthony Fauci? Guess who promoted the covid vaccine? That's right DONALD TRUMP.
When your mom or dad cant afford their insulin or blood pressure meds and dies you will see how ignorant you are.
When your son dies because he was drafted into some senseless war with Gaza, Denmark, Panama, Mexico, or Canada because we don't have enough military to spread around all those places Trump is threatening, to do deportations, and keep Americans safe you will see how ignorant you are.
What happened to putting Americans first?
What happened to lowering the cost of groceries?
What happened to peace no wars?
Even Rand Paul is saying NO to all of this because it was all lies to attain the power he needed to turn America into 1940 Germany!!!??
All vaccines are poison. See disease rates for the last 30 years. But either way, the same companies making them, made these Covid bioweapons. If you still trust them then I feel sorry for you.
Boo! Why do you want people to suffer allergies and autoimmune diseases?
Juvenile diabetes is also an autoimmune disease.
Question: mathematically speaking, how many babies have been stillborn, how many pregnant women have died, how many women have become infertile?