Want to see how bad the USA and the West in general has gotten? Type "RSV Polio Vaccine" into google or any popular search engine. Nothing about its origin from the polio vaccine, natch. Then pull up the Russian search engine Yandex.com, and try the same thing. You get the results that actually apply to your search terms. Not an isolated example, of course. Anything similar works the same way. We have an absolutely horrific tech establishment.

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I’ll second that. Yandex is very useful in finding what I want to find instead of what They want me to (not)find.

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Holy sh⁶t

OMG 😲 😱

Thank you for letting us know again.

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There is no evidence of any spread. There WAS evidence that people were more likely to get a COVID diagnosis in the weeks following their first shots.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Spot on….. just adding to your comment:

By ‘diagnosis’ - I think you mean it was more likely that people would become ill post vaccination and then test positive using their bogus PCR/RA tests for parts of their computer generated virus and thus were labeled a ‘Covid case’.

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No virus of course, but whatever was in the shots contributed to the set of symptoms that was being labeled as COVID. With a lot of conductive metals in the shots, it's easy to see why this might be the case.

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"So I thought it was important to let you in on the secret." Only it's not a secret. It's been as plain as the nose on your face for years, and data has supported that all the way along the line, as you point out. So there are only two reasons for not knowing this and following that knowledge to its logical conclusion about the true nefarious purposes behind what they openly changed definitions on to leave out "preventing transmission" so they could label these shots "vaccines".

Either 1) You chose to keep your head up your proverbial because of some perceived loss or perceived present advantage that openly looking at the truth would not allow you to do in good conscience any longer (eg. money, employment position, status, a belief that you are somewhere in the "elite, more intelligent/evolved" club and that your buddies would NEVER lie to you, etc) OR 2) You knew to whatever degree about the nefarious nature of the operation being actioned and either fully condoned and assisted it or at least chose to pretend to ignore what was occurring, faking participation with the masses yourself, so as not to fall out with your depraved elitist buddies.

We all have to ultimately answer for our choices. No matter which of these you might be, better build a big hen house because the chickens are most definitely coming home to roost....

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Could a vaccine potentially be beneficial in irradicating viruses, IF it wasn't made with all the toxic crap?

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There is no evidence of a virus. There is no evidence that any vaccine provides benefit.

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5 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

I will tell you with a SLAM DUNK in well over 40 students between my husband and myself, those were were jabbed got really ill MULTIPLE times (two died they were jabbed, one person 21 ond one 63) and those not jabbed did not get sick. I was exposed to the worst of it, (not jabbed or pcr tested at all) and I was ill for three days with no taste no smell. I taught thru it all on skype, sailed right through it due to natural immunity. I did take methylene blue, (heavy metal free and liposomal) 1 Iverjohn ivermectin 12mg Tablet every 24 hours for 4 days and I followed the Frontline Dr.'s medical supplement protocol! BAM!!!

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Good grief, what frickin next, talk about dystopian, a maniacal agenda, for which only one word can describe what humanity has been beset with courtesy the U.S DoD on behalf of their Deep State masters… evil.

Live for the day those responsible from the scientists, through every Political, mainstream media, medical professional, scientists and those in the sciences, all of the “ologists” every single one of them, those who planned and especially those who profited off of this evil are called and held to account, loathsome the lot of them, by their actions the true detritus and flotsam of humanity… whores every one who knowingly sold out, for the crumbs they were paid, in the process shedding whatever vestige and little remained of their humanity, of their souls, albeit one could be forgiven saying by the evidence, those involved in this criminal behaviour were devoid of a soul…

The filthiest pox on the entire lot… Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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They are not poor, I heard of one Dr. (through an M.D. ) who took over $250,000 for halkwing covid vaxes on people...CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!

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"There is no mechanism of action that would enable the COVID vaccine to reduce your risk of getting infected".

This might be one point of contention that could actually be argued, no? I mean theoretically at least, the body gets exposed and then our trained defenses, prevent infection... or at least stomp it out earlier in the process of infection. Can you define more succinctly what you mean by infection and "no mechanism of action"?

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The covid jab doesn't cause your body to produce antibodies to fight an infection and is not actually a vaccine but rather an mRNA 'treatment'. The promise is that the jab will make your disease less likely to make you super ill, but it doesn't to that either to any measurable extent.

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Thanks for this Steve. So what "safe and effective" really means is actually even worse than "dangerous and useless". What it really means is, "dangerous useless and makes the thing you took it for more likely to be contracted and worse if it is".

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Right on TARGET!!!!!

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The shot is doing what it is designed to do: kill people! I believe that it is toxic to the unjabbed as well. I try to limit my time being near those I know are jabbed.

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Yes, you are correct we all have the nano tech that is why we do Methylene blue daily along with other nano tech disabling products. The nano tech has made me more ill than the actual covid.

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Thanks Steve, once again- for keeping us abreast of Al the incoming they’re now attempting to leak inconspicuously. There are so many aware of what’s really going on about just the “clot” issue, that they had to (predictably) say something about it (later, never sooner). I’m glad you are one of the defenders bringing reality to the fore. Thank you once again!

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I remember a rebel quack mentioning the difficulty in doing an honest scientific study now. Hard to find unvaxxed willing to participate in the scam. And even if you did find one willing they are contaminated with 'shedding'. You would have to find an isolated pocket of resistance to do a proper study now.

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I vaguely remember something about this. I think that is was a study done in Thailand that stated that vaccinated people actually create a stronger virus which in turn makes them more guilty of spreading the virus. Now you'll remember how Biden and the MSM told us unvaccinated in no uncertain terms that we are terrible people and super spreaders.

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No, he didn't. He threatened to send hit squads after us.

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Biden insists this is STILL the 'pandemic of the unvaccinated'


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What a MORON, he deserves to go to Gitmo!

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There is no vaccine Steve

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Binary Biological Weapon

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Do you mean, you're not a cow?


Origin of vaccine1

< New Latin ( variolae ) vaccīnae cowpox (in title of E. Jenner's treatise of 1798), equivalent to vacc ( a ) cow + -īnae, feminine plural of -īnus -ine 1

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They can keep their poison, not interested

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