Steve, I am a hematologist and have published extensively on why red cells do what they do. The pictures are poor, but the second picture shows mostly what is commonly called RBC Rouleaux -- stacks of red cells that occur (with or without covid or spikeshots) usually when there is hyperglobulinemia of any cause in the blood. The usual causes are immunogobulins (created in response to any inflammation) or hematologic malignancies that secrete immunoglobulins (like multiple myeloma). Fibrinogen (a key component of blood clotting) is also elevated in inflammation and can cause rouleaux formation. Rouleaux are not an unusual finding although they are not "normal" for most people. (They are relatively common in horse blood, incidentally, because the protein mix in the blood is different.)

There may also be some agglutination in that picture -- hard to tell because bunches of rouleaux can also look like agglutinates. Agglutinates are just clumps of red cells (rather than rolls) due to antibodies that stick to red cells -- because the red cell is nothing but a unit membrane filled with hemoglobin solution, these are not common. Agglutinates are often artifacts of collection (EDTA, an anticoagulant, can cause this) or may indicate immune mediated hemolytic anemia -- but I have not seen that as a covid complication of significance.

I am not selling anyone a machine (as opposed to the picture supplier -- nothing wrong with selling something, but disclosure matters) but have looked at tens of thousands of blood smears and have seen many, many with rouleaux that look just like this for decades. Having said that, I have maintained since 2020 that covid is in large part a hematologic, not respiratory, disease for a host of reasons. And if this hematologic damage is spike-related, than it will be impacted by spikeshots as well. But this picture/explanation does not contribute to thinking about that in my opinion.

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Very interesting. Andreas Kalcker is a physicist who says when red blood cells clump its due to changes in their electrical charges.

The funny thing about the term 'spike protein' is that according to Dr. Mikovits, Ph.D., it was called the 'protein envelope' until Ralph Baric changed it. As you may know, Ralph Baric began developing the spike protein in his lab in 1998 when he was paid by Fauci to develop an HIV vaccine. Ralph began his work by modifying a 'replication defective betacoronavirus' and filed his first patent that included the ACE-2 binding domain in 2002. This was the unique feature of SARS, which broke out a few months later.

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Wow! So this Ralph Baric is at least partial responsible of what brought death to people around the world. Another Dr. Mengele... I have to read up on that, any pointers?

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type his name along with "dr. david martin" into

odysee.com, ugetube, rumble or duckduckgo ect.

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Dr. K, Wish your office was nearby. A few days ago I took blood samples of my wife and myself. She was injected with the two original shots back in May/June, 2021; I am a "pureblood." I posted photomicrographs of our blood under our microscope. https://jerseyprophet.imgbb.com/ Mine is the left image; hers on the right. Hers shows some of the rouleaux-ing you mentioned; mine seems to show odd halo effect surrounding most of my RBCs...little glowing dots encircling the cells like tiny diamonds surrounding a central stone. Wondering if this could be some effect of shedding.

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Jersey, please run this experiment and report back with the results. Request both of you ground your bodies outside for 60 minutes. To do this, touch bare feet to the natural ground (grass, dirt, mud, sand, and/or water). Moving around is okay. If preferred you can sit or lie down with skin from another part making contact. Bring water to stay well hydrated. After the time has elapsed, take another blood sample. Check for any changes.

The body produces and absorbs particles which are missing an electron. The latter will be taken from somewhere we don't want without a sufficient quantity inside us. The earth's natural surface has a negative charge. Simply touching it absorbs a massive amount of excess electrons up to whatever is safe to store. Two of the storage locations are red blood cells and platelets.

I can't tell if the cells on the left are all in the same layer or different ones. After grounding, yours should have some space around them since negatively charged objects repel each other. I'm more interested in whether or not this helps to straighten out your wife's blood. Does she have any lingering symptoms after receiving the shots? Have you noticed any new symptoms appearing in your body since early 2020?

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How interesting! Although things seem to have gotten back to normal with my blood (see below) I will do the grounding while working outside today, and I hope I can persuade my wife who's not too keen on walking barefoot in the backyard (she's a cleanliness freak, lol!). Having read that blood can do the Roulade stacking due to electrical charge effects, your theory has credence.

Incidentally, the image on the left (https://jerseyprophet.imgbb.com/?list=images&sort=date_asc&page=1} is of my wife's blood. That's the one with some evidence of roulade-ing. It too was taken a couple weeks ago.

As to symptoms, my wife took the jabs in May/June '21. She didn't seem to have any adverse effects until both she and I simultaneously had Covid about 1 1/2 months ago, according to home antigen tests. It lasted about a week. Since then, she had a relapse of shingles she'd had in 2019. She's also currently experiencing a minor dry blistering rash on her fingers and feet which resembles an auto-immune condition similar to eczema. Otherwise, she is doing fine. I have not had any perceptible symptoms, but felt concerned since doing that blood smear a couple weeks ago.

Dr. K, another poster here suggested the blood scan which gave rise to my halo-effect concerns [the center image] blamed that on some kind of "artifact" effect. In other words, the blood cells in the image were not sick, but instead the microscope image was distorted.

So today I did another scan at higher magnification (1000x) and to my great relief, the RBCs looked quite normal (see the image titled blood-8-25). The cells seem to be maintaining a social distance from each other, lol! Maybe that's the negative electrical charge effect? I have added iron supplement to my diet over the past several days, so that might have also had a role in normalizing things, if there was in fact any medical basis to that halo effect.

Serena, you seem to have a great deal of holistic body expertise. I'd be grateful to hear any comments or other suggestions you might have on either of our stories.

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And EVERYTHING has to do with frequency.

We are made up of energy which is why we are all ONE.

Here's some healing frequency tones. They helped heal me from zombies who got me sick & NOTHING holistic would help except this.

I have to upload more. I keep saying that, but there's just not enough hours in the day. sigh


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You never got covid b/c IT DOESN'T EXIST & you nor anyone else has any proof it exists other than what you are told on your FAKE NEWS & by way of your mafia gov't.

And you took the home test & ALL of the tests are fake. They are actually mini death jabs.

https://ourfreesociety.com/Odysee-PCR-Tests-Toxic-Playlist & https://odysee.com/@OurFreeSociety:2/John-Hopkins-created-PCR-tests-to-be-mini-vaccines:2



So long as you continue to tell people that there is covid & that you had it, you are supporting the evils & ALL of their agendas to kill us all off.

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Your opinion is taken. If it was just an exaggerated influenza, the point is I was sick. We can call it whatever we like. I was sick and I got over it.

As to the antigen test, many believe the cotton swabs are impregnated with toxins. I’ll never know if they are what you call “death jabs“ because I used my own cotton swab to get the nasal sample, not the swab provided in the antigen test package. I have never used the provided swabs because I have very early read about the alleged contamination of those swabs.

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Ok, thanks for giving me more information.

Is there something you have to put on the swab before you take it?

ANYTHING going up the nose is going to harm you (royal) because you shouldn't be putting things up your nose. NEVER in the history of me having tests taken was that EVER required of me & if it was, I would refuse.

That's your first sign something is fishy. I understand you aren't a Truther so you didn't know this was all pre-planned, but just from a health perspective it's obvious that it's very dangerous to do that.

I'm sorry you got sick & I'm glad you are better. People get sick all the time prescamdemic & the evils were poisoning us (still are), so we are going to get sicker & sicker unless we STOP THEM.

This is no laughing matter, we are in a WAR! WWIII.

The fake virus was just the first stage in their decade long attack to bring down the entire world. 2030 is a HUGE milestone for them.

Here is playlist for that & also info on germ theory. I can't see what I wrote you before. Actually, I think I gave you those links before.



& https://ourfreesociety.com/what-is-making-us-sick/

Be well

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There is a lot of belief out there that having sex can cause the person to transmit the spike protein.

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If you have any other videos other than this one, please share.



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There are a lot of false beliefs out there, from “masks work” to “Covid jabs are safe and effective.”

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Haven't heard that one yet. You mean not just Monkeypox among the gay community?

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I wish I had more to prove or disprove on this, but I am SURE it's true because of the HIV scam.

I read this book & it put some puzzle pieces together which is how I figured out that the gays were giving the vaccine TO their partners & that's why so many got sick.


Lots of other info in there about prions that some people mention, but not too much.

I just heard about prions the other day which means that I must have a video that was just uploaded. I'll have to try & find it.

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Jersey (I used to live there long, long ago), the halo effect is likely artifact, but it is hard to tell from your slides. Unless these are phase contrast micrographs, I assume they are just unstained smears. I have not seen lots of these because almost all blood smears are stained with Wright-Giemsa stain (or some variant) and we are all used to evaluating appearances from that standpoint. Every kind of presentation has its own artifacts, but, at least personally, I do not have a deep well of unstained blood smears from which to draw inferences.

But it is inexpensive to have a local lab (most states -- don't know about NJ -- will now allow residents to order lab tests on themselves) and have them do a CBC with slide/smear (or whatever they may call it). If you use a local lab where they do the work on site, they would likely be happy to make you a slide for yourself/your wife. If you do that, post those and we can see if there is anything that jumps out at us.

Sorry to not be more helpful. Never like to get beyond my well-worn skis...

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Better get in front of well-worn skis than trying to ski barefoot and blind, as is the case here! The images are indeed unstained smears taken with my iPhone thru the ocular at 100x, if I recall.

Do you know where one can get Wright-Giesma stain? Med supply house? Or would household iodine be better than nothing? I've ordered immersion oil so in a few days I can use the immersion objective and get 1200x or even 2400x

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Jersey, You really need a clinical laboratory supply house, but there are no licensing requirements. Something like this would work, but you can find other options. https://www.abcam.com/wright-giemsa-stain-kit-ab245888.html

Good luck and keep us all posted.

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Good morning! I've ordered Wrights stain in a much smaller portion @ Amazon. Abcam sells it by the half-liter at $235 with shipping...more than I'd need in two lifetimes!

Meanwhile, much to my relief, after taking a pic at 1000x of another blood smear (still unstained), those halo-like dots surrounding the RBCs are gone! I think you were absolutely right - artifacts.

I've just posted that image taken moments ago at https://jerseyprophet.imgbb.com/?list=images&sort=date_asc&page=1. It's the one titled Blood-8-25.

Going forward I'll be monitoring my wife and my blood smears at home, and should anything abnormal appear, I'll remember your recommendation to do a CBC smear at Quest (or wherever).

Dr. K, thank you for taking the time to lend me your expertise. Stay healthy!

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Thanks for your explanation. It all seemed rather spurious to me and especially after the “healing” machine.

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Just to get your attention. I double post this study with similar results again. 1000 blood samples. Please check. I can't judge if correct or Fake.


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Jens, Thanks for reposting. I missed the first one -- might have been when Substack was down yesterday. This article is interesting, but it is missing both sets of controls: 1000 patients without spikeshots and 1000 patients with spikeshots but no symptoms. (The intersection of having covid against these two additional criteria plus the original group creates additional potential axes for study.)

So it is hard to know what to make of it. Darkfield is seldom used for the past 50 years, but every modality potentially has something new to show. The RBCs encircling some particle is something I have not seen, but I cannot tell you what it means and no one knows what the particle is. Graphene? Artifact?

So one adds this data to all the rest that is accumulating. It may be significant, but since only sick self presenters are involved (and they might have had covid in addition to the shots, etc.) it is impossible to draw any real conclusions. The point of decent studies is to randomize entrants and then to compare them on one measurable axis. This report suffers from profound selection bias so it cannot rise to a level above "interesting" and "keep one's eyes open" as I view these things.

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Thanks for double posting. I did not bother to view this first time through. Holy crapp. Only 3% of population analyzed of vaccinated had "normal" blood as analyzed via Darkfield Microscopy. I guess that tells me the likelihood of MINE being normal! (Twice jabbed.)

Too bad Dr K. has not commented, Steve Kirsch AWOL on this.

Hey. THIS is important.

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Thanks for that, Jens!! There are a few studies out there like this. It's a bit terrifying what is happening, but with blood as clumped as this, no wonder people are just dying in their sleep...

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What are you thoughts on platelet rich plasma injections to treat coagulation? Best case, it would lead to regeneration.

EMFs also impact cardiovascular and circulatory functions. So if EMFs can damage those systems, does that not mean it could be used in a way to improve those systems?

Inventory of relevant studies:


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Your piece is more-than-interesting. I have done lots of work with platelets over the years -- diatomaceous earth will fully activate the entire clotting cascade including platelets and is used for getting precise clotting times for patients on the heart-lung machine, among other things.

We often infuse platelets (with very little plasma, although for practical purposes this is PRP) for those who are deficient -- but they do not last long and are a very temporary measure. If you cannot make your own platelets soon, you will be in trouble.

In some cases (TTP, for instance) the infusion of platelets can cause generalized thrombosis and death, even though the platelet count may be low.

10,000 or so (some think 20,000) good platelets will generally maintain hemostasis, even though the "normal" is over 10 times that amount. For those patients where one worries about platelet activation, a handful of medications (aspirin being the most common) will blunt platelet stickiness and can be helpful in hypercoagulable states.

Whether the PDGF is useful for as many conditions as people now try it is still a matter that needs much more work; I understand the clotting impacts but some of the others are outside my expertise. Same for EMF. The studies you clipped (lots of work on your part there) are suggestive. I will see if any of my colleagues have spent more time on those axes.

Thanks for doing all this accumulative work. Hard to keep up with everything.

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I'm just hoping it can help.

Interestingly, there is a patent to test for coagulation for covid patients. 2 of the factors measured are ADAM13TS and VFW.


The AstraZeneca was theorized to cause clots via EDTA and decreasing ADAM13TS.

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Well said. "For the life of the flesh is in the blood" - Leviticus 17:11

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So judging by the bloods, could you surmise that those who have taken these covid injections effectively now have, at a minimum, permanent systemic inflammation (to varying degrees, obviously)...?

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Thanks for your insights. As a haematologist, you may like this write up by Jessica Rose https://jessicar.substack.com/p/is-the-spike-protein-acting-as-a

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You reckon Doc K’s going to read it? I reckon not…

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As a matter of fact, I subscribe to Jessica's Substack and read it when it came out.

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Excellent. Any suggestion for preventive anticoagulants/supplements for vaccinated among us? Understand you cannot give specific advice, any pointers would be appreciated. My kid took the jab to keep his studies/work and I’m concerned about unseen damage

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I am also worried because many in my family took it incl. my daughter & 2 grandkids. I've already made this comment above. It contains some advice on treatment/specific blood tests to do post jab. It doesn't relate directly to thermographic imaging but to analysis of blood abnormalities in a double-jabbed patient over medium-term. For those worrying whether blood abnormalities are temporary or not, these 2 vids from Dr Nathan Thompson from Feb22 show blood tests pre-jab, post jab1, post jab 2 (Pfizer) https://www.bitchute.com/video/QlkgY4exITe0/ and same tests 8 weeks later https://www.bitchute.com/video/hMyqrwW0wXro/ T cell anomalies revealed after 1st & 2nd shots improved (with treatment) but homocysteine levels which may signal clot formation apparently, inter alia, were through the roof still 8 weeks later. I think these are useful videos as they list the specific blood tests you need to do to discover any problems you may have post-jabs and most doctors do not prescribe such thorough tests unless you specifically ask for them.

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thanks for sharing; will check.

So far figured (tnx to FLCCC Dr. Been) that autophagy helps to remove the spike and Resveratrol & Spermidine help the process; Vitamin D and NAC are beneficial to reduce clotting.



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Other people may, and awakening is what matters

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Dr. K... Why are you talking about COVID? As far as I’m aware.. the images are NOT from ‘covid infected blood’.. they’re of ‘COVID mRNA VACCINE’ affected blood.

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Aug 23, 2022
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(a living person)…? Perhaps not for long.

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Aug 23, 2022
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Dr. Klaus perhaps..?

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The interview seems to me very reliable. The guy is not selling a machine. The machine is totally unrelated to the images he's shown. I would like someone to comment on the reliability of thermography. If those thermal images are reliable, there is something interesting there. Steve team could make a review of all the main people claiming they did such analysis.

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Thermography is nothing esoteric. It's just infrared photography applied to tissue. You've doubtless seen lots of infrared photos. The military uses it for night goggles. The camera detects physiological and metabolic processes such as circulatory problems that might escape X-rays and MRIs.

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I have actually taken FLIR images with an expensive camera, but have not seen them on human skin. . .

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I think you have to have this guy make images of similar aged people vaxxed and NOT vaxxed thermo-imaged before any conclusions can be made. This is like showing an IR image of a person in the 1950's before anyone has ever seen one. There is nothing to compare this stuff to. It may all be very real and accurate, just need an A / B comparison. The RBC clumping needs to be studied in rigid way too. Need 100 with two jabs, 100 with 4 jabs and, 100 UNjabbed all around the same age. THEN, do the peripheral blood smear and look for clumping. THEN, ask Dr K what he thinks when there is reasonable data. . .

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Sounds good. You wanna round up the people, or should I?! :-D

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Aug 23, 2022
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at the end, they showed that stand up scanner in a bare room. He was not hawking it. It was shown to explain this guy is not some off-the-wall crazy. The presentation likely did not do him much justice nor his poor abilities using the English language.

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Hema denaturing, multiple myeloma, B-cell dyscrasia. Not a biologist but all the buzzwords look similar to what I'm reading on this thread.

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Thanks much, Dr. K.

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Rouleaux formation can be caused by a weak zeta potential of the blood. Thomas M. Riddick wrote about this in his book; "Control of Colloid Stability Through Zeta Potential: With a Closing Chapter on Its Relationship to Cardiovascular Disease, Volume 1", which I have.

Dr. T.C. McDaniel suffered from severe PVC (premature ventricular contractions) in his late 50s and then 'treated' himself with a modified formulation of Riddick's 'regimen', which he named 'Zeta Aid' and which is a combination of beneficial electrolytes that strengthens the blood's zeta potential, for example potassium citrate. It has to do with the valence ratio of the anions and cations. Dr. McDaniel lived to be 101 years old!

I recently saw a presentation from Dr. Stephanie Seneff, MIT, where she pointed out that the lipid nanoparticles are cationic and weaken the zeta potential of the blood, causing blood clot formations:


Her presentation was at the end of the 115th Session of the Corona-Ausschuss:


I am taking Zeta Aid every day to keep my blood healthy, it keep my mild arrhythmia in check.

While rouleaux formations are commonly observed (I looked at my own blood with a dark-field microscope and saw the same thing some 20 years ago - and I am still alive, now 67), these Covid shots do cause blood clots. But what about these thermal images? That is not normal in young, healthy adults, or?

Or is the reason behind the blood clots (in Covid cases and Covid shots) the nature of the spike protein, making them stick together. I have heard the argument that the spike protein makes the blood platelets stick together, what about that?

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Quite the abnormal in young, healthy adults! These are the walking dead who are but one soccer or basketball game away from suddenly collapsing and likely dying, as so many others with fibrin clots in their aortas or all the way up their femoral arteries have done.

The Hirschhorn mortician videos of the deceased are horrifying testimonials to what faces these formerly healthy adults and teens who were unfortunate enough to have been fooled or coerced into taking the death shots. Their arteries and veins are so thoroughly clogged, the morticians cannot prepare their bodies for burial.

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I have done a lot of work with zeta potential over the years and I believe it is one of the primary determinants of health. I am also of the belief the lipid nanoparticles but particularly the spike proteins are highly disruptive to the zeta potential of the body and that explains a great deal of the pathology of both the virus and vaccine. There are others besides TC McDaniel that went a lot further with the zeta potential model, but they never published their work and I was only able to find it through luck and seredipity.

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What other can be taken in addition to potassium citrate? Thank you.

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The ingredients in Zeta Aid are not disclosed. Riddick’s formula included some other electrolytes. But mainly potassium citrate and some potassium bicarbonate but can be substituted with sodium bicarbonate, that is just for pH balance. I have to look it up…

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Thank you Dr. as I do have palpitations and there are enough links and a fairly thorough discussion here to get me started.

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The tincture actually is for travel. I buy the Zeta Aid pouches. The pouch is dissolved in 32 oz. of water, this becomes your 'Master Solution', which is kept in the refrigerator. From this master solution, take one measured table spoon into 16 oz. of water, three times a day. One pouch lasts for about 1 month. I buy 25 pouches at a time, then each pouch costs only $10.

Here is a graph that I compiled a while ago from Thomas M. Riddick's book:


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Thanks Stephan, so it appears 200 ppm gets you "in the pink."

So, how is this tested for?

Do you test for it?

Do you using the sweet spot to modulate your next Zeta Aid intake?

It appears you use this primarily for your arrythmia concern, now also to mitigate Spike protein long term concerns?

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I helped develop the zeta sedimentation rate (an alternative to Westergren and Wintrobe) decades ago -- I am more than familiar with this. But these pictures just brook of too many confounders, e.g., EDTA to anticoagulate the specimen can do everything in the second picture. It just looks to me like a different technology to show what we already know is fairly common to find in blood. Steve's question was how much attention to pay to this particular set of pictures and my conclusion is still -- not much. Beyond that, all kinds of fascinating things are going on in the blood of these patients. But not the subject of Steve's question.

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While I agree with you regarding the rouleaux formation, the thermal imaging I find impressive, I have never seen this before.

Do you have a link to the zeta sedimentation technique, I want to learn more about it. I can also look it up...

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Here are a couple:



Generally underutilized -- but it did require a new machine...lol.

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Actually, way back in 1991, I got involved a little in the research conducted by 'Solid State Farms'. They tried to develop a blood sedimentation device, where a stepper motor controlled optical sensor followed the sedimentation boundary layer on the top. Apparently, cancer patient had a faster sedimentation rate than healthy people but pregnant women also had a more rapid sedimentation rate and it was difficult to distinguish one from the other. I did some data analysis for them but that was for a short time. The company also tried to develop an electronic, non-invasive blood glucose meter but couldn't make it work.

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Thanks, especially for the second link. Since my appointment with the University of Reno, Nevada was terminated the end of last year, because I am not vaccinated, I lost my access to UNR's library and access to paid subscription of scientific journals...

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If that domain goes down, check for the current ones here:


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Aug 23, 2022
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Other than the desk tchotchkes we used to get 30 years ago, and cookies in the doctors lounge during "pharma shows" which we also haven't had for 30 years, not a thing. I should have gone to NIH where the docs on staff got a couple hundred million of kickbacks from pharma -- who knew that the government jobs would have the big payouts?

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Couldn't a routine CBC with special request for a "blood smear" detect RBC Rouleaux formation? Is this a common anomaly in any inflammatory disorders, including Covid disease and any post-vax status?

Separate question: Have you seen an increase of "iron deficiency" anemia and/or "anemia of chronic disease" in patients who have had the Covid vax w/ or w/o adverse event such as myocarditis/pericarditis? Is covid vax status routinely documented in medical records of patients?

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Yes, rouleaux show in regular smears as well (although most blood is not smeared). As I noted, a not-unusual finding.

As far as your second question, those are all questions that are of deep interest. Because covid and/or spikes has some impact on coagulation, vaccines certainly could be impacting both iron deficiency and/or anemia of chronic disease. But anemias take time to show and other causes (why are you bleeding and where?) need to be worked up. Any chronic inflammation, for instance, can lead to anemia of chronic disease, including myocarditis/pericarditis. So there will be more to come on this for sure.

Spikeshot status is generally captured in most EMRs because there are nonsense rules about segregating "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated" patients. But there are still overt attempts to keep researchers from correlating spikeshot status with anything -- those will drop over time, but still restraining research in many places.

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These other anomalies, however, are quite unusual and as yet unexplained:


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My healthy 73 y/o brother had 3 spikeshots. About 1&1/2 month after last shot he had a normal routine Hgb 14.9 and was doing fine w/o any major medical problems and no cardiovascular risk factors; the following month he had an acute MI with Hgb 12.3 on admission and a stent was placed for 98% occluded LAD. No bleeding issues and subsequent Hemocult neg x3. Doctors didn't really care about his anemia. Then, about 5 months after last shot...in ER for severe chest pain diagnosed as Pericarditis with very high CRP and Hgb 11.9. (Pericarditis not due to MI as in Dressler's syndrome). He then saw Hematologist who went from Dx of ACD to a dx of IDA and gave him IV iron infusion. At no time was the spikeshot status even considered as having anything to do with his heart problems or his new onset anemia.

Is it possible that the anemia can be due to Spikeshot and what test, if any, can be done to prove it? His anemia has improved with improved CRP and decreased symptoms. Now he has a "positive Cologuard test" and may get colonoscopy. I still don't see how he could drop from 14.9 to 12.3 Hgb within one month w/o any obvious bleeding problems.

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Lots to unpack here and not really enough data. This is why the physician/patient individual relationship is so important. Would have to know lots more about your brother to even take a guess. But I can tell you that a couple gram drop in Hgb from occult (non-obvious) bleeding (especially in the bowel) is seen all-too-frequently. So good to have that worked up.

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Thanks. I hope he doesn't have Colon CA but I fear even that may be due to the Spikeshot. I would just like to know if an anemia can appear out of nowhere due to the Covid jab which looks like ACD or IDA when there's no obvious chronic disease and no source for blood loss. HIs hematologist was almost considering a bone marrow bx before he settled on IDA...even though he never had any abnormal RBC indices. If inflammation is acute with high CRP ... is that commonly associated with an anemia?

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Lizabee, Inflammation can eventually impact everything -- that is likely where the anemia of chronic disease gets its roots (although in most cases no one really knows for sure -- it just evidences). Because you have 120 days of red cells circulating in general, if you stopped ALL production you could see a drop from 14.9 to 12.3 in a month. But chronic inflammation seldom shuts down everything...it just sort of tapers off and that takes more than a few weeks. So, while every patient is their own science experiment and anything is possible, I would still be most concerned with occult bleeding in a patient with those kinds of drops.

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As I understand it, live blood cell analysis (microscopy) is very different than standard CBC blood smears.

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Blood smears are routine analysis and does detect Rouleaux and is a permanent slide. Fresh blood analysis probably can detect it too.

Await reply from the Hematologist.

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Lizabee, I have found my GP does not know much, or that is just my take on him. I had to ask him to do D Dimers and Troponin on my blood this year as result of having abnormally high heart rate (just one time) and a few months later feeling "pressure"(not direct pain) around my upper chest. He found high(for my age) D dimers(troponin OK)-- numbers were 75, normal was 71. So, over the top limit, but not by much. (I have seen other info indicating top limit is 49 though, so a bit confused on that.) Then he had me go through various tests EKG, the thumping machine, ultrasonic testing for clots. Nothing found, but I do not believe the tests they performed would have found micro-clots as being discussed here.

Anyway, although no symptoms right now 5 months after testing, concerned.

Wondering if you, or someone else here, can offer some basic testing suggestions for me to direct a hematologist ?? to see if I have any other reasons for concerns. . . thinking spike protein attachment to blood cells, etc leading to micro-clots, inflammation, hear trouble of any sort.

I am "apparently" in good health, do timber work and work around hobby farm with no physical limitations at the age of 71.

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Always collect actual documents of ALL your test results (Labs, ECHO, Vascular US, EKG, etc.) so you can see your results compared to normal range and have them at the ready for any doctor you decide to go to. Also get CRP (C-reactive protein) which is a blood test marker for inflammation. There just aren't any specific lab tests to document spike proteinopathy secondary to vax. Could check blood antibodies to Covid spike protein (SP) and actual SP antigen...but those are to be expected to be present after the vax or if you had Covid disease. You sound like you're doing good anyhow.

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thanks, reviewing my past testing at "MY Chart" on line it appears C reactive protein has never been done as part of any blood workup on me. I will ask that be added along with D Dimer followup next time. Thanks for your advice!

Yeah, I am doing OK, thanks again. Ya' just get a bit rattled hearing all the doom and gloom talk. What is real? Certainly not a test for, as you put it, "Spike proteinopathy"! Good one.

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Thanks. My experts were unimpressed

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This is actually a good tie in to a very recent article of yours about being able to distinguish truth from bullshit. I did start to watch the video but within the first 3 minutes he talks about graphene and nanoparticles. At that point, you know you can move on.

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I wouldn't completely rule out graphene and nanoparticles. There are all kinds of impurities and contaminants in the mRNA bioweapons...



And Dr. James Tour -- arguably the world's leading scientist/chemist on graphene and nanoparticles -- is a good friend of Francis Collins and received a ton of NIH money for research into this area over the past decade. Alas, shame on Dr. Tour as he claims to be a devout Christian but ridiculed 'anti-vaxxers' and preaches the "prosperity gospel." (Obey God and your career and bank account will skyrocket!)

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Steve, If your experts were unimpressed, then can your experts offer effective remedies for "clumpy red blood cells"?

I've seen blood cell screen portrait visuals in person of before and after remedial work of relatives, from clumpy to better blood.

See the data and the remedies noted here in a previous post...

IMAGES – Healthy Blood vs Unhealthy Blood vs Vaccinated Blood

…and Remedies

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UltraViolet Light Blood Therapy ((UBI Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation)(BioPhotonic Therapy BPT)

Diseases Treated With BPT

Here is a short list: Herpes Simplex/Zoster, Mononucleosis, Mumps, Measles Infections, Viral Pneumonia, Polio, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, HIV, Influenza, Non-Healing Wounds & Fractures, Inactivation of Snake Venom, Fungal/Yeast Infection, Tetanus, Chronic Fatigue, Allergies, Neuritis/Neuropathy, Chemical Sensitivity, Botulism, Malaria, Typhoid, Blood Poisoning, Diphtheria, Recurrent Skin Infections (furunculosis, carbunulosis), E-coli, Necrotizing Infections, Lyme Disease, Gangrene, COPD, Asthma, Emphysema and more.

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At the beginning of the Pandemic, Dr. David Brownstein had huge success treating Covid patients. No one died. YouTube videos of patients' testimonies have been deleted after the FDA came at him.

LONG, LONG, LONG THREAD April 2020 of effective Covid treatments...


Ozone and UV and Vitamin C Blood Therapies… These same Oxidative Therapies can be used to treat VACCINATED people to make them healthier.

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Here is a copy of my first post....

Find Integrative Doctors who do Ozone and Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapies. I've done this protocol repeatedly and it is fantastic inexpensive stuff. Before and after blood images can be profound.

Often THE CORBETT REPORT and /or its comment section has some great well sourced stuff. Here is a comment with links...

IMAGES – Healthy Blood vs Unhealthy Blood vs Vaccinated Blood

…and Remedies


I recommend that people watch his documentaries if they have not already. James Corbett was before his time... ...check out "Why Big Oil Conquered the World" circa 2017.

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Thanks Tom, just the sort of thing I was looking for.

Planning to dump my normal doc for an integrated med doc. This is an important FIRST question!

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Aug 24, 2022
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yep, saw that. thanks.

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Great that you double checked before accepting as the gospel. Last thing you need is someone getting the chance to disparage your research.

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Then why did you send this out? Ridiculous Steve!

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Umm so that you know that this is a thing that is out on the internet and now you know it is hyperbole and poorly done science. And you can recognize it and have a reference to give to other people who are taken in by this poorly done science and give them another point of view to consider.

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That's too logical for 'team no virus' who are out in full force led by captain Bjorno, who spent all day trying to troll Steve in his previous 'no virus' thread.

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Aug 23, 2022
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Correction: "You're brilliant."

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Aug 23, 2022
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How about you doing that instead? Steve doesn’t think it’s worth bothering with. Good luck getting the original samples from Brazil.

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Aug 23, 2022
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It's very clear he is asking for corroboration and expert opinion. Perhaps you should go back and read the post again?

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Well, actually he posted it asking for answers from his readers....

For what reason do you need to cuss Steve out? Seriously, what is wrong with you?

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Wow, that was very informative. I even understood some of it, thank you for breaking that down for us. The bit about artifacts of collection was particularly interesting.

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Now your comment is missing when I click on the link, so I can't read it. sigh

Anyway, a Truther (to me) is someone who studies the truth about a myriad of topics, doesn't just believe the death jab is dangerous, but then believes in everything else that's toxic & dangerous & has no idea what's really going on.

To me it sounds like you are a smidgen awake (there are different levels or awakeness).

If you were a die hard truther, you wouldn't even be taking ANY test at all or believe that the fake virus exists b/c you would know that all they do is lie to you to control you & that YOU believing in their lies just gives them permission to kill us all.

They want your DNA & you gave it to them. Congrats.

If you equate sticking your finger up your nose to sticking a qtip up there (for ANY reason), then by all means, push it further up.

Do you even know what the nose is for? What the hairs inside are for?

I'm glad you played in the dirt. That's a good thing, but that has nothing to do with germ theory & the lies spread by it to get people to take poisonous vaccines for the last 200-300 years.

This is my last comment, b/c I can see this is going nowhere & I came to help by educating, not enter into a power struggle with you.

All the best

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Not sure what this is in response to. If it was me, it must have been awhile ago. Happy to help however I can. Let me know. I have thousands of hours of research into alternative therapies and hundreds of thousands of dollars. Just ask me a specific question.

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Steve or any one else :Biologist, Felipe Reitz, in Brazil has his own line of Thermographic imaging equipment :

I can't find a site for this guy . Here is what I am researching .

The type and or setting for the Thermography equipment . ( and I am not failure with it so ... )

Can any most Thermography equipment perform this ? Can only XYZ brands do it ? Can only his do it ? I am performing some research as to how and were it can be done in the US .

Thanks any and all - Duncan Adams nacnud1@earthlink.net

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Steve or any one else :Biologist, Felipe Reitz, in Brazil has his own line of Thermographic imaging equipment :

I can't find a site for this guy . Here is what I am researching .

The type and or setting for the Thermography equipment . ( and I am not failure with it so ... )

Can any most Thermography equipment perform this ? Can only XYZ brands do it ? Can only his do it ? I am performing some research as to how and were it can be done in the US .

Thanks any and all - Duncan Adams nacnud1@earthlink.net

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"whether graphene inhibits or promotes amyloid formation is still a

controversial issue. Therefore, one critical issue to be resolved before

further applications of graphene in biomedicine is the potential shortand long-term toxicity of this new nanomaterial"


Multiple labs report graphene in covid vaccines and covid vaccinated blood. https://vaccinesandmicroscopes.wordpress.com/

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See Italian study - Dark Field Microscopy of blood-


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Can anyone look at this evidence for 2 minutes and not come to the conclusion that there is stuff in some batches that deranges the blood? ( Graphene.) Or are we going to pretend this isn't happening? Professionals: can you in good conscience look through this list of evidence and tell everyone there's nothing to see here? For the benefit of those that are not convinced, please take the time and then speak up. Someone honest enough to be un objective and professional enough to satisfy Steve and others. We need to here from you.

1. https://www.notonthebeeb.co.uk/post/uk-lab-report

2. https://www.bitchute.com/video/UlMrYOYEgJRp/

3. https://vaccinesandmicroscopes.wordpress.com/

4. https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/pfizer-injected-blood-under-the-microscope:6

5. https://sunnylanblog.wordpress.com/2022/02/17/graphene-in-covid-vaccines/

6. https://thereisnopandemic.net/2021/11/13/blood-doctor-zandre-botha-reveals-horrific-findings-after-examining-covid-vials/

7. https://rightsfreedoms.wordpress.com/2021/09/02/american-scientists-confirm-toxic-graphene-oxide-and-more-in-covid-injections/

8. https://www.bitchute.com/video/gy5KboLaO9dS/

9. https://odysee.com/@HumanitysVault:a/Parasites-Found-in-COVID-Vaccines-Lay-Eggs---Hatch-on-Live-TV:a

10. https://archive.ph/O8uUS

11. https://www.exposingtheirlies.com/post/german-researchers-examine-covid-vaccines-and-vaccinated-people-s-blood-and-say-stop-vaccinations

12. https://www.bitchute.com/video/3cC5YkSRXIYY (SELF ASSYMBLING NANOTECH)

13. https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/47/80

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It would seem we are all DOOMED. How the Hell did these THINGS ( People) get all this POWER over us. The WORLD is going down the TOILET and there is northing we can do to Stop it !!!?????

Bill Gates & SHIT FOR BRAINS FAUCI.. We the PEOPLE F@##@!$55#ing HATE YOU<!!!!

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Umm, I've been fighting in this WAR since it began, but I was trying to teach people & wake them up for 2 years prior.

NO ONE wants to even admit there's a war, let alone fight in it & help save HUMANITY & our MOTHER EARTH!!! After 3 years the evidence is clear, people who claim to be awake are LIARS. I now call most people in the awake community awake zombie COWARDS!


As for how they got this power?

Umm, b/c we have been their slaves & ASLEEP for thousands of years.

Names of the evil bloodline families - https://ourfreesociety.com/names-of-the-evil-families/

The books about the evils - https://ourfreesociety.com/the-history-of-the-evils/

Definition of the evil collectives - https://ourfreesociety.com/my-definition-of-evils-and-evil-collectives/

UNTIL people become spiritually conscious & STOP ignoring the TRUTH, nothing will ever change.

I have to upload a video that educating me on the spiritual aspects of WHY evil continues to exist. I was only blaming low IQ zombies b/c they are so stupid, I never thought of the spiritual ramifications.

Most people worship the fake mainstream gawd & don't even want to learn about spirituality. Religion is THE biggest psyop of ALL TIME.




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I've been metering the spider webbing they've installed in a big fat rush during covid lockdowns and you bet it is extremely detrimental to our health. Thousands of studies prove that including documentaries from far less emissions. Now we're inundated, driving highly emitting wifi tin cans. No wonder they made buying new cars so accessible. Like planes they accelerate all of it and forget electric cars. That shouldn't even be a consideration with current levels and future ones planned. All of this is connected........just like Dr. Robert O Young talks about. The gmo's, the wifi, the jibs and the worst healthcare system in the developed world tanking further. Imagine a large hospital covering up the death of a young doctor???? Nuts. Bicarbonate of soda is what Young said they used for r.....a.....d.....iation sickness and our grandparents knew it removed the acidity that causes so many problems.

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Guy on Truth Social has info. about this. He says it is legit.


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Hey Steve, yes sir it's legit. I wrote about this last year on my Telegram Channel. The link below has a quick video I made showing the same thing.

"It's changing the electrical conductivity of the the entire plasma (rough draft answer). Spiked protein production by the mRNA is building up in the blood and is changing the viscosity of the plasma. (think of the the grease solidifying in a pan after cooking a hamburger). 5G electromagnetic radiation and oxidative stress induced on red blood cells starts changing the electrical charges of the cells. Thicker plasma & red blood cells start Rouleaux clumping. String-like things that absorb light differently than the red bloods are graphene polymeric nanoparticle fibers. the little specs are nanoparticles not sure which ones yet.

Here is a good illustration of how the vaccines are affecting the blood. There are four still frame images, first 3 showing the horrible effects on the blood, the 4th is what's in the vaccine at the microscopic level, and at the end is a 10 second video showing how this is affecting the circulation throughout the body. (This was recording PEMF therapy, the vaccine is making this reaction sort of go in reverse)


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New friend of mine told me she’s had four Pfizers. I asked if she had any bad effects from them and she said no, except that her arm hurt afterwards, she felt very tired and her whole office that got jabbed got sick.

Later she told me she has developed high blood pressure. I immediately suspected this could be caused by blood clots or microclots.

I asked her when the high blood pressure started. Was it after the vaccine? Answer was yes.

Do you think blood clots, forcing the heart to pump harder, are a possible explanation for this?

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