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The thing is, though, that all the millions of people who went along with the whole Covid narrative and subsequently rolled up their sleeves will not/do not want to hear what you are saying. I strongly believe that everyone who agreed to be injected did so because they believed that the jabs would either stop them catching/dying of Covid or wouldn't do anything at all. Not one of them really believed they would be killed by them or harmed in any serious way. I include all the people who were "forced" to take them because they clearly believed that, although they didn't want the jabs, it wasn't because they thought they might be dangerous. So, to now have to accept that they rolled their sleeve up for something which is killing them, that they insisted their children rolled their sleeve up, that they only did it because of work or holidays - well, that's asking too much. Far easier to believe that healthy people die suddenly all the time.

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Its damn sad too, I’ve got loved ones, haven’t you? Who fell for it, to believe and understand that they would intentionally harm us and kill us with a so called vaccine, is very unreasonable to think that this happens here in a freedom loving USA , we are to advanced to have this kind of underhanded big scale stuff go on here, they can’t pull that off on us! They wouldn’t! And lets just imagine if they had, why would they? There’s no rationale, your a conspiracy theorist! And you should be ashamed or taken outback! Thank God for vaccines, you are too young when polio and other viruses that they developed vaccines for came on the scene, you shouldn’t put stuff out there like that! These are things I heard earlier on, but I also heard things that made me say, hell no to the vaccine, if that’s what you want to call that poison shot, I feel bad for the people who thought they were doing the right thing, I feel terribly for those who thought that they had no choice, and for those who refused and were punished for taking a stand, and for the one’s who did take the jab and were killed and or injured in whatever way

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I have a dear family member who is on their second cancer in a year. They are a true believer in the jabs, having been jabbed to the max, including the latest concoction. And the MSM is their total source of information. Prior to these cancers, very healthy. If I were to say anything, it wouldn’t be believed because they are totally blind to the serious issues in our medical/pharmaceutical/industrial complex with its corruption of all of the government health watchdog agencies. Anyway, when one is battling cancer, it is not the time for loved ones to dump the truth on the stricken one. I can only pray and encourage this family member as they go through their cancer journey. If they were harming a child with their beliefs, I would feel obligated to say something, even though I know it wouldn’t be received. But they are an adult and make their own choices, as we all do.

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But knowing all that, there are some that just got the latest booster. Can you say cognitive dissonance. 😱

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"they insisted their children rolled their sleeve up, that they only did it because of work or holidays" That's where the water hits the wheel. Add DNA contamination + LNPs and entry into all cells and possibly the genome - possible inheritability and even progressive moms will start questioning - and get motivated.

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Too late if they do get involved, which I doubt. They’ll blame it on the unvaxxed.

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Most people just did it 'for the greater good' (whose greater good one must always ask...and the answer is it's never your own!) and/or for social acceptance:

Because they wanted to go to the pub.

Because they wanted to keep their job (not that most people had ever needed any jabs to keep their job beforehand, but hey, it's easier just to not think about that! And did we mention the word Pandemic [Plandemic]?! It's totally cool in that case... :-\).

Because it was just easier to comply.

But really, they took the jabs because they didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb. 'Go with the flow' was just the mantra of the day, rather than 'Ask questions'...

And no, I don't think one of these people, at least initially, thought they might die from having these jabs. As time went on, people DID probably have those thoughts, because they heard of deaths post-jab, but many people were in such a bad headspace that if they lost their job by not taking it, they thought they seriously might also lose their family home, their marriage etc. So blindly, without rational thought or figuring out alternatives, they barrelled through the doctor's doors and unwantingly, but still willingly, got jabbed.

But to do it to your kids?? They're either the parents who are REALLY afraid of dying, or again, it was that 'social acceptance' thing rearing its ugly head...but of course, they never thought their KIDS would die...right?


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Thank you, my little girl (29) is pregnant right now (18-20weeks) I found out on my birthday. Of COURSE I am overjoyed.

.... and I pray for them every day with what I know (and have studied since Mar 2020) I tried to let EVERYONE know what I knew all along. I followed (and met) Mr Del Bigtree in 2019 at Anarchapulco, his discussion made my eyes get really WIDE when the COVID PUSH happened. Tenpenny, Kaufman, RFK’s Book on and on. My research scared me, and the PUSHERS top it off. Nothing is injected in MY BODY starting with the failed FLU shot for ANY of my 60years!

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You think the bribes could have given them a CLUE!

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No kidding. Never mind that incentivizing medical experiments ("ulterior form of coercion") is a violation of the Nuremberg code:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/cc8672f007f8

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The Nuremberg code is dead.

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I said that in my exemption letter. It was approved and I was put on unpaid leave. Many were fired.

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